Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - SEASON 3 - Official Trailer Breakdown | E750 Attacks!

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The TokuTickler: I swear it was only yesterday when you were doing videos on "The rumored JP Netflix Project. Time sure flies.

Jurassic Room: E750 finds the raptor in the freezer.."I will avenge you cousin".

Jurassic Room: Klayton sounded more like me in this episode also I might make sense since the Camp is near the room where E750 was being held maybe the area around there is electrified or that's going to be a mission for the kids to do and that's how they find the EZ50 room.

saminilla: "home boy got knocked down to the ground" EveEythiNg I nEed iS on the gRounD

Tervicz: Blue isn't supposed to be evil. I wonder how she will fit in.

Sandra Pereira: dhow did doctor woo survive

Mangosgrove: If you listen closely to the scene in the trailer with the monolophus you can hear what sounds like a raptor or in the last scene of the trailer you can hear what i assume is E-750 make the same noise so i think the weird hallway could be a part of dr. wu's lab

Gabriel Clark: I can't believe I'm saying this but I think some of the kids may actually die in this season.

Kynan Dunn: It would’ve been cool if the kids escaped Isla Nubla on the raft but instead washed ashore on site B

STephanie MORENZI: The numbers were W60, N60, and A05

Tucan of Casanova: whenever someone wants to bash something in the franchise by having downgraded the content the thing is called the jp3 of x thing. ex: Fallen Kingdom, the jp3 of the new trilogy S2 of CC, the jp3 of CC lol

Aldi Nor: 2:27 ➡️ hotgirls.to ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1619183822

Alexandre Ollé: If we hadn't already some excitement for Season 3, showing that attack on Wu certainly did the job ! I was extremely surprised to see it. E750 looks fantastic and vicious. Also new dinosaurs and lots of new environments within Nublar that will be explored, this is just great as it extends the JP lore. Other seasons ? I'm all for it but isn't Season 3 supposed to be the last ? Because all of the events of Camp Cretaceous are supposed to happen before Fallen Kingdom right ?

Doctor Molotov: All I want to see is Darius break E750’s kneecaps

Doragon Kraken: Does nobody is gonna talk about how the dinosaur design is nothing like the E750 toy we seen? like the snout shape is different, the toy dosent have quills on the head while the on screen model have some, or the fact that the toy have armor plating on the very top of his head while the onscreen dosent have it.

reid ob: The Hammond prequel that’s happening looks good , when will you be talking about that ?

Marshy37: the spino will be in this i saw it in a ad on TV i bet the spino will be in this

night fury core and roblox: e750 may be godzilla rex

night fury core and roblox: its the fallen kinggdon place

night fury core and roblox: on may 21 it comes out for me

BroDood TV: Here’s a cool way they can introduce a dilo There at the old park then one of them hears water then they find nedrys car then they look at the then they here the hhrllrllr thing then yeah dills come

Domel Dsouza: *Watches the trailer* *Sees bumpy is not there* ....alright WHERE IS BUMPY? The most second most important question? After E750

Zack Koehle: I'm so hyped and I wonder what E 750 is a mix between

Johnny The Gamer: I think they will be making these until dominion comes out as well but I also think they might get off the island before it comes out just in case they have planned cameos in dominion.

Eamon Wilcox: Wait. Dr. Wu was in Fallen kingdom and Camp cretaceous takes place before so chronologically, he survived that.

Albino Platecarpus: Plot twist the original Dr wu got killed by e750 and the one in Fallen Kingdom is a clone of himself

Gaming with Risky: Dr.Wu had the worlds most plot armor

Daffier Python7: Plot twist: Wu isn't actually killed or severely harmed by e750 the dino just got happy seeing Wu and jumped on him like an exited dog

Murali Dharan: I think small and medium sized predators going to dominate this season like the trailer

Adit vasisht: 4:13i think they are in kenji penthouse

The jurassic world fan pranav Pv: klayton i think the mansion is the place metioned as kenji's father owned

Dane Encallado: hey may 21 is my birth day

Tomek Talk: This looks amazing. I can’t wait.

Ahyan Ahsan: E750 IS A SPINORATAR

Jane Ebbenhorst: At 3:27 I think that they will to Kenji´s dads mansion, because they said it was on the island, but they forgot the code. Maybe they found a way to enter.

Tom Turnbull: Loved the first two series looking forward to the third series.I always wondered about the velociraptor in the freezer.

Soliman Elshaarawi: Me at 7:12 😨😨😨😰😰GREAT OBSERVATION!!

Savage Chameleon: For a second I thought that the monolophosaurus was a Dilophosaurus

Adam Mitulinski: Kinda funny how Klayton and TheGamingBeaver release analyses of the Japanese trailer after/as the English trailer is released :P

Alvin Luke’s: Thanks Klayton, I really wanted to know what happens for season 3. When I saw the trailer I knew you would have a video.

Hannah Meech: How could you just casually put that sentence into the world? "Maybe Bumpy is dead?!" 😢

Abhishek Ganguly: Bumpy gets captured in Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.

Abhishek Ganguly: Bumpy can't die. This season looks more scary than the best horror movie.

titanus Godzilla: Me:mom can I have indoraptor Mom:we have indoraptor at home Indoraptor at home:

KamrenBoie: I think the building the monolophasuar is in is the huge hotel

DarkDivideGaming: Klayton: and they threw it in the fridge Me: it’s a fucking cryo-chamber

ChlarkNadia: If Bumpy dies, we riot.

Szalay Péter: The camera slightly tilts up in the final shot of Darius. I wonder if E750 are going to kill him?

Protato2000: I think Yaz was getting chased by The Ceratosaur from season 2.

Rodan 64: 6:55 I thought it was nerf gun or something

Durins Folk: What if the kids do end up on Sorna an they end up getting saved from there in a later season 😳

Durins Folk: Where is my boi Bumpy? 😢❤️

Akkan Gonsalves: The English trailer is out!!!!

sinisa prokopic: man i was thinking the same thing with the freezer

Ranger 357: I feel like the building with the monolophosaurus is possibly Kenji’s dad’s place on the island

Karen Amoroso: When will 3 rd season of the show be released

T Prasanth: I am confused, Jurassic world was on Isla nublar. If it happened in nublar what happened to sorna and vise versa.

Captain Marvelous: Does Dr.Wu has more remorse for creating the Spinosaurs or E750?

Samson Chan: What would be hell is if E750 was like the indominus and freed the other clinical trial dinosaurs if they were on ice these kids are gunna have a hell of a story for their grandkids

ttorroo: maybe monolophosaurus on the hotel , because they should traveling to the hotel to more safetier

Raphy Datoc: 8:33 Top 10 useless fences in Jurassic Park.

jedijoe84: Now that camp Cretaceous has officially introduced two new species on screen I’m really hoping frontier gives us a content update for Jurassic world evolution.

Gaming Toast: Cant really wait too watch season 3! And whats good about this video is the fact I only know half of the little mysterious things but the part where Yasmina looks like she is being chased, that one was very interesting to me. Great video Klayton! I like watching your jp videos!

soad692 &2: No bumpy sighting in the trailer. Hope she’s ok. I be pissed if they come back to the season and say she died off in between seasons. If they’re going to kill her off she deserves a lot better than that. She’s just as much a member of the group as any of the humans.

Alonso Rojas: Possibly a clone of Wu that died in the attack? We know they have the tech to do this. And if there is someone valueable to be cloned, it will be him...

The Blade: https://youtu.be/SO0nvqeunpA

KCY Bros Inc.: How come you don't have 1mil+ subs? Your content is gold and I can't believe people are going to let this go

Marlo Plays: Keep in mind that the sos beacon was received.

FD GOD: after watching this trailer I’m trying not to shit my pants right now

Gojifan KOTM: Can you make a video about will Bumpy or Rexy apear in season 3

Juliana Carlson: has anyone else been thinking that during the visitor center bit, the light is coming rom the OUTside and they are going IN?

Boaz Williams: If they actually go into the kitchen from the fist film imagine what a twist it would be if that raptor was actually forsen solid like e750 and began to thaw out

wyldstoner: I actually found the English trailer for the 3rd Season before I found this video, so it's awesome to hear how you've garnered so much information from the trailers in other languages. The beginning of the trailer really threw Me too, are they just adding the raft because they want to give us 'Castaway' vibes? And where are these kids finding all this detergent to keep their clothes so clean? Aside from Ben, even through all their misadventures, these kids have impeccably robust wardrobes with simply Astonishing Colour longevity! It's been 'weeks' and yet Sammy's top is still bright as it could have been coming off the rack! Kenji's pullover is still deep and rich despite being exposed to a tropical climate and untold amounts of Equatorial sunlight... and Brooklynn's jeans!! They're still intact, unblemished and not intentionally torn enough to look edgy as they were when she bought them at the mall! Forget genetic secrets left behind by Wu... I want to know the secrets the housekeeping and laundry departments of InGen/Masrani Global are keeping hidden away from the world!! I'm going to agree with you on the progressively darkening tone to the series as it guides us deeper into Wu's machinations left behind on Isla Nublar, maybe the producers are trying to set us up for Main Character Demises? I will, however, disagree with you on how serious Wu's 'injuries' might have been... granted, we never see him without his shirt on in Fallen Kingdom, but I think it could have simply knocked him down and then stopped, either because it was startled by something else, or by how easy and frail Wu is. (LOL) With the help of your frame-grabs of the attack, it's interesting to note that E750 appears to have the quills on the back of it's head like the Indominus and the Indo-Raptor. Did these come out as some form of regressive trait in the genetic code, or some flaw during its base creation? Or were the Raptors always intended to have quills, and the ones at Jurassic Park were simply too young for them to have grown yet? With regards to E750's vocalizations, is it possible the creators are trying to go for a 'Frankenstein/Misunderstood Creature' route or are the cries legitimately due to pain from its accelerated growth process? The hallway scenes with the Monolophosaur gave Me 'Lockwood Mansion/Gothic Horror' vibes with their general aesthetic, which makes Me wonder if that's what the atmosphere is supposed to give off? Or are they of the mindset 'Hammond's old....thus he must like old-timey things!! Nothing newer in design than the late 30's!!' Poor John Hammond...I wonder if he ever went through an Andy Warhol phase? I'm glad to see Blue is back and doing what I'm going to believe is her level-best to keep the kids out of trouble, because she's gotta be thinking; 'If Owen comes back and sees these kids all inside out and smeared on the walls....(Dramatic GASP) He won't give Me a Mouse!!!!' *Blue's Maternal Mothering Mode - Engaged*

Mxatron Dragonet: At 7:16 I really hope it’s an allosaurus

Excellent Intellect: I guess the kids will land on Isla Sorna and will be suprised to find that Mantah Corp has already taken over Isla Sorna illegally and has been researching InGen's dinosaurs. Season 4 will uncover Mantah Corp maybe !

Dj N2S: Wu is a clone lol

James Bacon: When I saw the monolouphusaurus I thought of the malusaurus with the head Crest thing. I also think that four seasons is the most they should have, five is really pushing it for me...

Daniel Paterson: 3:22 I'm under the impression that the location is one of the Jurassic World hotel hallways or maybe even an as of yet unseen hotel for the original Jurassic Park.

Nich PAEN: I mean with cloaning tech a thing they could have just cloned Dr. Wu as to not alarm the public. If the public knew that he died it couldve spelled bad news for the park.

Danny Rosabal: Tbh i didn't like season 2 at all

Marilu Gallegos: Did anyone else notice Kenji has a little facial hair

Danny Rosabal: How does that Dr. wu part even fit in ?

Nicholas Ross: based on how that hall way looked, it brings up what i imagine the hotel rooms would have looked like if they went through with the book, where they took Ian Malcolm after the T-Rex break out scene and the velociraptors were trying to break into the visitor center from the roof skylights. It would be really cool to see a velociraptor in the kitchen freezer but i imagine by the time Jurassic World came around, i'm sure they would have cleared out the visitor center. B.D. Wong has gone on record saying he wants to go out in the series like he does in the original Jurassic Park book so, maybe in Dominion, we get to see him go out in that same style.

next level vlogger: its about chaos and fear

Jason Joiner: I have a feeling that the Monolophosaurus scene is probably the luxury condos that Kenji was locked out of. He mentions it in Season 1. If E750 isn't chasing Yaz through the jungle, I will say that either Toro or the Ceratosaurus makes another appearance. I wonder where we are in the movie timeline in regards to Season 3 of Camp Cretaceous as the mosasaur was released in Fallen Kingdom. I don't know if the mosasaur would be territorial about the waters surrounding the park or island.

MoonPrismStudios: I actually saw this trailer in English earlier this afternoon. I’m surprised you haven’t had a chance to see it yet Klayton. It’s on the official Jurassic World YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/h_0vTlkLGOc

Jesse Jett: Imagine if blue found the dead raptor in the freezer if she somehow got into the visitor center

Jesse Jett: I honestly hope the Scorpius Rex doesn't look like it's toy counterpart, I think the toy version looks ugly doesn't look like a good toy it doesn't look like something I would want to play with

Jesse Jett: The raft was probably one of kenji's ideas, also has anyone ever thought of weather the indoraptor is bigger than E750

Jesse Jett: Also I've been on the Minecraft Jurassic world map lately and it looks like the scene where the monolophosaurus shows up looks like one of the hotels

Jesse Jett: In this one scene it looks like yeah yaz is holding an egg the round dark gray thing shaped like an oval

James Harbourt: Soo pumped for a return to the old park, would love it if they find some of the guns in the lockers, or the barbasol can.

Samved Iyer: I guess the children were done with being stranded on the island, and thought the raft gave them a chance, however slim. They'd rather try _something._

SymbioteSlayer02: just watched the English trailer, nowhere near as cool as the Japanese dubbed one

Earl Smith: that hallway with the shadow looks like a Resort/Hotel hallway almost

Katie Serra: Agree with everything said about the 1st & 2nd seasons & their tones. Season 3 looks DARK. Personally thinking the hallway they borrowed from The Shining is the JP hotel from the original novel or Kenji's dad's place. Beware the tricyclaplotz!

CountTentacula: I get the feeling that the building where the Monolophosaurus would be is the manager’s residence, not unlike the book The Lost World.

CountTentacula: Imagine if the kids did find the velociraptor that was in the refrigerator. The poor beast would’ve grown a very long beard, a severe case of frostbite, and would respond with the phrase “what took you so long?“

Dino Dan: I think that long hall way is mabe the hotel

Agent Washington96: “Damn Girl you better jump!” 🤣😂

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