New Ranked System Coming Apex Legends Season 8 + Loba Tactical Buff

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L. ReR-Overlord: happy for my dear loba, not happy because we have to wait a whole season but at least my claim was heard about the teleport, about fuse getting nerfed like horizon soon! they always do that.. no impressed.

swg xTerri: I pray they nerf lifeline rez spam

Mister Mister: I wouldn't mind having a longer recovering animation time if you she can have one hand free to either throw a grenade or shoot with a pistol while the ring is recovering Into her arm just so that not only is she's not standing there but they can buff her aggressiveness by allowing her to do damage even if it's at the cost of the recovery animation being longer (let's say she tosses it up in the air and it lands on the same hand she uses it to Toss it up) Idk just tossing ideas and shish🤷‍♂️

John Nguyen: It would be cool if fuse was lke a tank character with a smaller hitbox but instead of the reinforced he’s resistant to explosive damage

King Kyle: Dog I get hard stuck plat cause I only get diamond lobby’s after I get out of gold and it’s so annoying

TheGiantfox: “Hi, im water” Love it

AnUb!S OS!R!S: I get the changes but why nerf wraith even more , she went from god - master straight down to trash 🗑️

fiber_qwerty: EA are not gonna do cross progression as they want you to spend more money

The Uazzmeister: *Hopefully they unbann my falsely banned account for this season*

F1REBE4RD: Revenant QOL: make him fortified, or smaller hitbox, since he has the 3rd biggest in the game. Plsss. And maybe higher climbing (walking in ceilings would be awesome, imaging the terror and/or confusion)

Ree _ DV9: Loba tactical and Wraiths literally makes no sense neither do the ppl that balance this game every mobile Tactical instantly activates accept those two well you cant shoot them but you also cant catch pathfinder when zips up a building ....Loba throws a ring that's literally like tossing a balloon across the room'll get there just u wait 10 mins later just make everyone good at what they do stop nerfing characters out existence not even wraith main but I'm disgusted by how long it take her to phase lol.....and you have to wait a whole other season for one buff and 1 year for anybody else feels bad

HeadEnterprise: Why tf you talking so fast for no reason

z: They need to fix the shitty servers before anything

avitus23: They should fix the premade squad thing, it's fecking anoying to get put in lobbys with other wraith mains, most just quit immideatly. I became a mirage main cause it fucks me up that i get matched with two other wraith mains...

Diskret_ Guava: Damn wish u could do that wall jump in fighting not crouch spam when enemy is not shooting u u suck!

Octavio Silva: What if loba got a buff like her bracelet moved faster? thats a good buff

0-Bricks-Left: Maybe I can finally play ranked without silver players

JUSTGQDLY: Hello is it me or does water look like shroud. When he was young..

Jonatan Wallin: To water any news about strike pack users and such? It's in many cases cheating

Keliodas: yo what's up man, bit of constructive criticism... try not to sound like a robot, just talk in a relaxed voice. sounds like your talking in run on sentences. chill homie, otherwise thanks for the info.

End Me: Can you please give credit to the person who made the Nessy edit? You didn't even say their user :/

InquisitorNepic: Let's see who sees this, the next new location on Olympus will be in front of bonsai and behind Hammond's lab. Think market from KC but city like like tall buildings

BEN DUDE: If our teammates doesn't pickup our badge and respawn times out...the we should be allowed to quit the game without penalty.....

GoblinSlayer 9996: would rather have an overturned Loba for one season than havr what we have now for another season

Gaara Tf2 fanboy: I really hope they add Blisk or Maldera. Overwatch has over 30 hero’s and apex only has 15, they should start doing double releases imo.

K Belmini: water u should play on PC

Anthony Stanis: Water been baiting us with the loba recolours as the thumbnail recenty

nomuXL: Its kind of weird that they are only using plats as an example for getting into a game with a lot higher ranks than you, like for me im almost d3 solo queue so its annoying to go up against the best 3 stacks in the game, I hope they bring out solo ranked, either it being the solos mode or a ranked mode where you can only go in by yourself and not have to play against 3 stacks

Joseph Lopez: Wtf tell season 9 really bullshit

Chicken Nugget: I didn't really get about the battlepass, can someone explain what he said?

Adrian_ g4mer_88: Will this next week be double xp?

K P: Hi, I'm Earth Hi, I'm Air Hi, I'm Fire

Michael Angelooo: Respawn : we can't buff loba on s8 or mid s8, can't buff rampart, or fix path..BuT wE cAn NerF wRaitH anD HorIzoN AgAIn

Loba Andrade: Finally getting the buff I need.

Tan Mezja: Respawn lazy people 1 year to make a buff

Crimson_ Blood_58: I only watch your vids on apex anymore your the only one who tells me the points I wanted to hear about and not a lot of randomness

Yes I agree ,: Happy that I stayed a loyal loba player cus now she finna be fun come season 8,9 I have about 5100 kills on her with a 1.95kd it’s about to go down

MrMastrmonstr: 0:22 news only people with OCD will fully apreciate......

Hayden Prokop: I love the fact that they are indeed working on cross progression so I can put my good apex account on pc

Joshua Rodriguez: Stay hydrated? I just came from a Patrick Cc: video and he says basically the same thing 😂 weird ass algorithms suggesting something so subtle

No Jams: Is the Loba skin in the thumbnail going to be in the game next season for the battle pass or a recolor? 😭🤚

Elijah Smith: Do timestamps please

Super Smokey Gaming: Loba's head sticks out because it's kinda hard to squat with a ginormous badunkadonk.

Sir Crocodile !: How many more buffs does the loot goblin queen need?

World Of Tanks Gamer 7: Finally ranked is being fixed. Getting to master is like 20x harder than getting to diamond. It is so unfair how I can hit D3 easily every season, but as soon as I'm in d3, I'm matched against the best players in the game in pred lobbies and it's impossible to get to master like that. If the ranked change is good, I might give ranked another chance.

Scout_Warrior: Season 9? Got damn.

Noah List: I wish there was better rewards for ranked a badge and a charm and a contrail you don’t even get to keep isn’t that cool tbh..

Adam S: Im a loba secondary and I have no problem where she's at now. IMO she's kinda OP her ult is ridiculous. Feels like cheating. And I don't really use her tactical for fights. That's what guns and grenades are for. I just use it to traverse the map and run away. In both instances it's perfectly fine. Only legend who actually needs a buff is Rampart. Her turret still takes waaaay too long to get going

Matthew Harper: Loba mains rejoice! I see a lot more people picking her and also a lot more skilled people playing which is fun and inspiring

ItsEazy_HQ: that nessy looks cool and yes more loba buffs!!!

JAKE Palencia: that loba tho🍑

Dracø Is All Elite: I really hope the Loba recolors drop soon. I have both Off The Record and Purple Reign and I really like tiger print one.

Emmanuel Morales: No need for a buff if its just keep canceling when you throw to a boulder or rock

Ryan Quinn: Water I got you

Nicholas Morris: I managed to play a ranked match with you yesterday on PlayStation unless someone stole your name lol man I felt so embarrassed how bad I played in front of you that match lol

RestInPiecesProductions: Am I the only one that thinks that Loba is perfectly fine? I mean the care package thing sounds nice but idk.

Titus LeRoy: heylo water quick question do you play claw?

Raymond Bowman: Hear hear, diamond with diamonds, none of this d3 Vs top preds

Mick: Stop adding new legends, its so standard man eventually the screen is getting full with legends

ViiBEz: cross-progression is the longest troll in existence besides "The Game"

onehundredpercentfire: Just remove sbmm and put the pk back in loot pool thanks

Frank R: Why do you speak so fast ? It’s awful. Good content but hard to listen with how fast you say everything. Take a breath

A Wren: Definitely going to hit 1000 kills on Loba next season

disembark: How do they not know about lobas crouching? Do they just like playing dumb all the time?

C. Levey: They should revamp loba rampart

Fariko Wishless: SEASON 9. They're more concerned with skins working to sell off than they prioritize acknowledging her existence.

2112: Always great stuff. From the old blind 2112🤙🤙🔥

kozo D: When they going to take low pro off pathy?

Darius Everett: Do you think it will be available on Switch lite??

Brett Leiker: All I hear is delay delay, or we need more time. Like no offense but what are they doing at respawn that makes them think they need to take months to patch stuff. I dont want this game to fall victim to that like how Destiny1 and 2 did

kerner530: Matchmaking will never be fixed as it based upon how much actual money you spend in the game, not your actual skills

Alan Ricks: We have to ask about a server update during the ama.

Albert Alberto: When is the season 8 battle pass trailer coming out!?

gabriella: I just wanna know when Extreme Measures for octane will come back

pawuful: did he just gut the rare animation at 2:29 ????

Charlie Brown: Eeeer... since we're having 16 legends now instead of 3x5 and 1 alone, I think they might go for a clean 4x4. Just saying.

Dennis Jaime: Loba's tactical is not working again. This like the third time that its the same bug where she can't land nowhere again.

cool cool: Would they be adding the normal peacekeeper

Yarini: They need to take lobas animation away, that would make for some incredible pushes, point blank.

Jason Jenkins: They need to increase the level you can join ranked matches up to like 100 or something. I can't get out of gold anymore even because I'm constantly loosing RP to level 23 smurfs with 20 kill badges dominating my lobbies.

Plantey: I love wattson but she’s not really fun to play so I hope they do something for her at the start of season 8

PRDlGY: I just wanna ask the devs when will the game be fully fixed

Frank axe: Can we cancel and shoot wail doing it if not then not intrested

Fizzizist: I personally think ranked players should be only queued with people among their own rank, like bronze playing with bronze, but after a certain time, the matchmaking requirements loosen up a bit. But the twist being that say, if you were in a game and kill someone above your rank, like a bronze killing gold, you will fetch a nice bonus of RP. And if you were to kill someone that is of a lower rank than you, ex. gold killing bronze, you will see a diminished RP gain.

Gustavo Nomegrande: Nooo, please make the select screen be a 4x4, don't leave him alone and trigger my OCD

DubbyMazlo: I hate seeing the Legend select screen uneven... I hate it... I really do...

Jamie Chilton: they cant even fix the no regs in the game

Sean: Still hoping Loba can pick up banners w her ult

wolfy52 62: Can’t wait for it to come out on switch

Jemar Shaw: That’s fucked Cross progression no time soon what’s the point of putting it on Nintendo switch then

Lord Zaton: 1:25 got enough shield cells there bud?

JA: Add diamond trails back

tree85 b: we need to be able to select character skin in the character select screen

kait isgr8: loba is a thief. aren’t thieves supposed to be quiet and stealthy? meanwhile the whole map knows when she ults AND uses her tactical because they’re so LOUD. just make her be able to run with her tactical and she’ll be gold. i don’t even think the ult buff is necessary :/

Phoenix: Finally fixing loba in season 9

Frey: I still want the ability to loot squad banners with the ult. She'd feel like such a solid support with that implemented.

Muk Mowf: Ok so I told Respawn that loba needs to beable to steal down tags from the black market. She’s a fucking support class and deserves the ability to steal tags from death boxes way more than crypto who is recon. Mind you lifeline is the other support character.

SPACESxo: Just remove the kill and assist cap PLEASEEEE

biggie cheese: Imagine playing revenant and ur head always sticking out but no one cares

Christian Bech: Apex has one of the slowest dev teams in the gaming community.

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