New Season 9 Loba Buff Apex Legends + Season 10 'Spicy' Rampart Buff

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MiPapiThe1: Bro they should nerf rev ult u cant do anything against it

Mdi Birds: fix the ping issues stop there lazy updates the game is laggying and disconnects

it.should.matterr: It would be cool if you could throw her braclet somewhere and then push a squad and when you want to teleport you just press the tactical button and you can use it like a revenant ult

Supermarseb 24-7: nice info ty

Alvin Robertson: Fix her not crouch

Joancaro666: Rampart buff in 6 months. She will be long forgotten by that time :p

Guðjón Dunbar: No gonna mention his war cry in the end?

I aint playin': It better be *spicy* but not to *spicy*

SuperChickenLips: Spoiler: Rampart gets a town takeover in Season 11, along with a bunch of Indian themed skins for legends.

Sly Fox: Am i the only one who cant change the alc settings anymore on console since latest patch?

Yato //Moka lover: They still need to fix lobas height!

Built Different: 0:08 The Gaming Merchant single-handedly carrying her from bottom

penc1l: Devs are so fucking slow....agar nahi ho pa raha toh bc hire karlo naa!😡

CARBON: Some SPICY changes for Rampart you say...(suspicious look)...he won't- let him through

BejitaConnor: 6 months for a buff... wtf are they even doing

Pacific hit: i had my monster energy when watching this video, yes my man water i am staying hydrated

George Scutea: Who play loba for her abilities, we play her for her...... U know what so they should make some changes there

fabsteryo: Loba would be fuckin insane if you could run and use her bracelet plus no delay after it lands. would make her a really good mobile character

Red Door Studios: Once I was chasing a Loba and she threw her tactical hella far and I had a good shot at her, but I decided to wait because I knew she wouldn’t teleport so when the bracelet came back to her I just mastiffed her in the face

Inchilhota: I doubt Rampart mains will stay Rampart mains for 2 seasons more lol. They’ll probs swap by then, especially if a waifu is added that fits their play style. Ramp is gonna be outright forgotten depending on who we get in the upcoming seasons. It has to be said as a Loba main myself it genuinely makes me giggle to know that simply having my girls Tactical working is considered a buff.

Morwand: They need buff all low tier, becase if not, we will be in same situation like before. Meta will be three legends and no one will picking up other legends, bacause they are just genuinely worst than meta. Season 1-4 meta vibes.

Trust Dx: I can bet money they are just gonna do what ubisoft did to tachanka

Vasker Studio: this is so dumb, 6 months for a champion change.

Rachel D: SIX MONTHS?!!! We didn’t wait long enough already? 😭😂

Blu Brin: There's many times i throw loba's bracelet into a normal flat surface and it just don't wanna teleport.

XMajesticWolfX 1: Loba's bracelet is even worse right now cause trying to teleport to a ledge right above you will not even teleport you but will give you the cooldown as if it worked

Alf V: Rampart gonna get that Tachanka rework.

MH Silva: I saw that “LETS F*CKING GOO” at the end... ggs

Prateek Patel: I don't know why they always take so damn long for these updates or patches

Rodolfo Reyes: Loba tactical fucked my KD. Throw the ring for better position when about to get pushed. (Ring comes back) dead instantly

Benjamin Brightnose: When does the iron crown event happening

Napa Quinn: as a rampart main with around 100k kills i can say the easiest way to buff her imo is to make her walls harder to destroy during the set up of the walls. like maybe 100 heath during set up. however i disagree that she needs a buff at all she is one of the hardest legends to learn but she is very easy to win with once you get used to her.

supaipai: Make Shiela a Auto Turret like a Sentry gun. Then Rampart will be way better!

Christian T: They tryna buff this legends so they can sell Heirlooms in the future lol

The squash 101: why do all the good content creators have to become different like why? Disappointing water I've been with you since you were at 30k. :(

LuvDanny07: stop brainwashing ur fans

Sw33TDicWilly96: Bruh how many times you gotta say spicy

Silverhand Engram: They should stop adding legends every season if they can't fix them properly

Noah Kent: I think apex is broken lol. I sit in matchmaking for forever and never get put in a match

rustyshakelfur: I'm all down for making Loba have more mobility. I mean what's the point of having a telaport ability if it slows you down going in and out of it? She should be able to sprint and use it, and at the very least reduce the recovery animation so you're not a sitting duck if you happen to land in a bad spot.

FROSTXBITEZ: I keep saying they should make her ult pick up reboot cards

Yusuke Urameshi: I had Loba's tactical teleport to a railing and I fell off the map. I don't think they programmed the bracelet to recognize the area around it. Keep in mind that my character was standing still when I did it so it wasn't human error.

Sean Whitaker: So ramparts been the bottom of the win list since season 6 to only fuse to bump her up one since he was new this season so it's gonna take 4 season to give her some help wow that's a joke 😮

I Love Troye Sivan: I would imagine one the rampart buffs will be for her to break Sheila off the turret and let her shoot it, or turn it into some sort of assault rifle as you can see in one of her holo-spray's

coolps321: So Loba's buff is just her tactical working how it's supposed to 4 seasons later

Asta_16: Is the pk coming back?

Jo Jo: is it just me or are the servers unplayable rn

Gage Warner: I play rampart a whole lot and honestly I just think her walls need to be max health while they build and she'd be great.

Matthew Curiel: Things I expect for rampart buff ... -allow to flip walls after they are placed -(personal preference) make wall a throwable and have priority when teammates decide to get in the way of where you want to place wall -there should be a way to regen walls after breaking. Maybe the cost will be a tactical slot and will be faster deployment than placing a new wall. -lastly picking up shela should give you 50% ult back if un used and 25% if used undamaged and 10% if dmgd. And 0% if not picked back up. Now it randomly gives 40% if picked up without use. I just think there should be a more consistent way to regen her ult

Clams: DEVS: STOP MAKING “SPICY” BUFFS AND JUST MAKE IT PLAYABLE IN THE MEANTIME. It’s really not that hard. Respawn are my favorite devs, but sometimes it seems like they aren’t willing to just take the obvious solutions and move on. Also let Loba open blue loot bins and grab banners with her market.

Aeit: Just delete Rampart. Looks like shit slumdog and skills are even worse. It's better to invest time into anything else

Webster McGuire: Respawn definitely needs to hire this man/offer him a job. He relays information like he’s in the room with them during daily briefing meetings 😂

Skytra: Another bug: Getting into solos when you queue up for a duos (yes I checked and fill is on)

Smoke: Apex takes far too long for balance changes...

DespacitoDaniel: Loba buff: bigger ass

FusionSplitz: CAR SMG PLEASE

Seth Richard: Hyped for some "spicy" rampart changes cause I main her but hopefully we get some changes in the meantime.

Zimaku Maozan: Here's my idea that's gud for rampart. Her passive: reloads every gun quickly than just LMGs, her shields should activate in 1 or 2 seconds so she can at least be able to help teammates out in open fields and her ultimate is that she can carry her turret like a mini gun like she does in one of her finishers but moves very very slowly holding it

duck lover: I love water but he has got to stop making himself look bad with all the drama... Just admit you're wrong and apologize

KS-67 Beats: Did Respawn forget about Revenant? 😂

arthur morgan: Olá água muito bom video

yungkairo_: Am I the only player that hasn’t had any issues with lobas tactical /:

Chrislikesmemes: Anyone else here water say “LETS GO” when he won?

Marc Jaden Perez: I think loba's bracelet should bounce on surfaces for big brain plays

Colton Cycotte: Imagine getting here so early the sink is still on.

Luis Duran: Rampart is just trash just remove her

Jelly xT: Buffs and nerfs take waaaay to long in this game.

RGBtrashcan: I noticed your webcam placement was towards the middle instead of the corners, smart for apex so the map and stat counters aren't covered up. I might switch my webcam up for future videos

Nota Robot: Man somehow keeps making content everyday, its crazy.

Cyrus The Sage: What, they can’t buff both legends in the same season? We aren’t good enough for that I guess. What’s the point of giving people what they want, and actually fixing the game! lol

Nuke DaHackers: "rampart main"

Wake me up inside: Betting ramparts turret can be carried around with a slowed movement speed

Dawid Skibiński: 1:53 What a dodge

ItsEazy_HQ: Loba !!!!!! Ahhhhhhh

Toza: Just get rid of Sheila, give rampart an overshield for her and her group. Lasts 30-35 seconds on a 1:30 cd. With 50-75 additional health/shield.

Rafael Castillo: 2:17 "Let's gooooo"

hunter gantz: Always take a drink of water before the video, and one after. I'll always stay hydrated 🙏🏼

Vincent Stasher: Loba is my fav legend so she needs a buff

MyNameIsNotJohn: I’m not using Loba (my main) until they fix her tac I miss using her ):

Rated-R SuperStar: So I'm confused when revenant was so low they didn't wanna do jack for him but they will instantly jump on it for rampart woooooow smh. (This coming from a frustrated revenant main)

xandy -guy: Spicy changes that makes me think she will be able to pick Sheila up that would be exciting

Shadows Of The Revenant: Can’t wait for season 9 heirloom leak

PotatoKitten: Enough with 'Loba+Rampart' bs *GIMME 'EM LOBA x RAMPART SH*T* Edit: Wow you opened this, nice work Queens and Kings

Hazzah King: Ayyy bois lobas tactical will finally work 3 seasons after her release. HYPE TIME! I don’t understand how they can release a legend who is this buggy.

Quinton Kent: To the people out there that actually play loba, I gotta know. Why?

Curtis Kelly: Water stains!! 😂😂☠️☠️

Robin Antonisse: Where is crytpos buff? :(

Rae Of Astora: 2 seasons is way too long to wait for a buff :P

Zues: 1:52 did he try to dodge irl 💀

clouxxd: i need info on lifeline

CP: Ok hear me out. Rampart buff, keep Sheila but make it where either she can leave it idle and it targets enemies but shoots slower. That way she can hold down an area by herself. Or She can do like Crypto and be able to drop Sheila and control it from a certain distance while she’s able to take cover. Too much?

Space GhostX: Loba and rampart gets buff Crypto:🥲

Fernando Bernal: A good buff for her passive would be that when she pings something she needs like a mag or a stock from the “weapons menu” she will ping the nearest and best version of that attachment. Or with shields, meds, backpacks etc.. ping the closest ones. (Obviously with an internal cool down of 60s)

Christian Martinez: Ramparts future buff is she'll run around with Sheila for a few secs and limited rounds. Like the death machine perk on cod

Scout_Warrior: S10? Geezus yall fr take forever smh

Lucy Lite: what about peacekeeper :(

TSUKUNE: if they buff the fucking character too much they are going to nerf it which is something they always fucking do

Garrett Richardson: Spicy rampart buffs

Yeoui: They talk about play test like they do that

Trey Thompson: prediction:* the change is gonna be like tachanka from RB6. she’s gonna be able to walk around with her turret and get another ability.

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