The Apex Legends Season 8 Rampart Buff Gets Me Excited As a Rampart Main!

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The Gaming Merchant: Which one of your plonkers is the most excited for Season 8?

D C: Wall: *builds up* Enemy: *breaths on it* Wall:that’s it imma head out

Stitch en Yotube: I wasn't sure who I was gonna unlock last, Crypto or Rampart. And it's gonna be Crypto! I'm gonna spend my ingame money on Rampart just because I just saw her potential here! Thanks! You're awesome! #teamrampart

Dan Fawks: You can tell wraith was having fun

Wes: I'll be honest. Just me being honest about being honest. 🤣🤣 Pure gold. You've inspired me to pick rampart back up again with these amazing outplays. The spitfire and 3030 repeater with Gold mags sounds like an amazing load out for start of season 8.

Charlie S: You inspire me. Im gonna keep playing her more and more.

winsparker: You’re making me want to be a Rampart main lol

abhijit sidhu: Why was the top right of the screen blurred out

Jaycob Richardson: Rampart gets too much hate and I don’t see why she’s a bad legend. I love playing her!

NavyYank1851: 5:40.. The head glitch.. Didn't work for me.. Took a mastiff shot to the dome..

Groove Guy: I just hope Respawn will gone Rampart a really needed good buff coz I really enjoy using her

Kalima Victor: That was fucking insane. I need to learn Rampart more. Thanks.

Jędrzej: why tf is he carring so much shotgun ammo

FC Gaming: Honestly, gotta laugh how Rampart went from being my least played character to my current main all because of that gum shoe pose.

PTGTIMO: Why is he so good:(

drownyourfish: 0:03 me when i am bored and is fucking with the ant i found

Joel Conolly: You know as I was playing Rampart this season, she seems much more viable as compared to when she was first introduced. I wouldn't mind maining her though. She still kicks.

Xenqor: Mirage: *died* Gaming merchant: oh no, _anyway_

Kitty Kitty: you make it look so easy

soapybaker: it nice to see not alon as a rampart main

Wattson: I don't know how but you've managed to convince me (who despised Rampart until a few days a go when I started watching you) to main her 😂

ItssScourge: How

Evert Isak Julius: She should be able to use her ult while walking

Maximiliano Zuñixtli: What rank are you?

xIronwafflexx: This could alternatively be titled: When you get a bot lobby in apex. Who are these players???

Garett Mason: I would really like more gameplay like this of the future. (Utilizing potential of "weaker legends")

MuniTheKid: didnt know about that head glitch with her shields until now you should do a tips and tricks rampart video.

Zealix: At around 11:02 when TGM was saying like "honestly just me being honest ya know" something like, it felt like jack sparrow speaking and that just put a smile on my face. Awsome vid great ending.

Red Knight: You're by far the best Rampart player I've seen

Cody Davis: Rampart should be the one legend they when she uses a lmg it also increases the dps on it. !!!! She would be used alot more !!! Or a passive for every type of weapon ?

Blayk Knight: I’ve been on the rampart train since she dropped she’s my absolute favorite character and I think even if she didn’t have any abilities at all I’d still play her religiously to hear her jokes. But as her power level I think giving the shields 50 health when deploying and letting her and her alone shoot through the red side of her shield just not amped and make her turrets angle a little better and I think she’d be perfect

Malbear ¿?: I am a rampart main and I say rampart is pretty good rn, you just got to know when and where u place the amped cover

Bharat Kaushal: U know what , he is a god now.

Goddess Cynn: She needs a total rework. She's picked less than anybody else.

Tyreathian: 50 shotgun ammo?!

Skyrim expert72: 2:41 when you said wow hooo i got michel jacksone HEE HEE vibes

Prince Pkony: ima try and be a rampart main now

BML Gaming: Y was the kill feed blured

Irene N: why does he blur the kill feed

Fjord Solis: Why are people only running away?

MrSupasheva: guys why can't we place rampart's walls on slopes?

Ritard Dogo: This video have me titan fall 2 ptsd with the spitfire

Juaquiee: Rampart should be able to carry her ULT but with a slower movement or make her ULT rotate to a 360 angle.

Androidd Prince: TGM when he plays Apex: fights players who don't shoot and instead lob grenades at Rampart walls, don't go for flanks, don't play defensive or third party. Me when I play Apex: Downs 2 squad members, but then gets 1-clipped by an r99 or gets third partied by an entire squad.

Jack Onslow: im kinda gonna love that her walls might act as a stationary pseudo-gun shield. maybe she will see more love then gabby in ranked or at least be more evenly matched with him - would be good to see her and watts getting that little more love. my favourite defensive legends are really the worst right now :(

THADZ: I love how you're having so much fun 🤣

Gabriel Gopilan: why is no one talking about that clutch gold knockdown shield at the end lmaoo

Dracø Is All Elite: Fellow Rampart main (until Fuse comes out lol), extremely excited. Just dropped my first 2k ever using her a few days ago. Looking forward to having a bigger radius on Sheila specifically.

a: Wall HP when being built: 45hp Wingman: Wheezing

Ethan Donnelly: So, Rampart in season 8 has the ability to negate 135 damage, 45 instantly to a barrier, or higher if the damage source exceeds that threshold in one burst, and if you dont destroy that barrier it becomes 200(?) Damage per barrier. Lifelines that knew how to Rez shield dance will have a god damn field day with this.

Angel Marie: Sooo.. Rampart is gonna be another bastion from OW

Totally Riffed: 5:35 They can absolutely see your head from that angle

Paulo Fernández: I AM Main Rampart

Mon: I recently started playing her after going against so many annoying Ramparts who will literally plop their turret down and start bursting away WITHOUT a wall. One time in particular made me go "Well, karma back at em'," when I was playing a Wraith and I had a newb Bloodhound on my team. While I was taking care of this Rampart's other two teammates (and got them down) she had time to put her gun down and shoot me down (I was able to do a bit of damage to her, and it would've made sense to just phase past and behind her but I didn't think about that) and of course Bloodhound couldn't take down just one person haha What got me was how could he allow her to do that? If you aren't helping me fight, what the heck are you doing? So now when I play rampart I use her gun often. I just had enough haha Overall, I like her mostly for her handling of certain guns, in particular the Spitfitre and the Devotion, as she reloads these just a bit faster than other legends I think. Her walls have also come in handy when I was once using the Kraber.

Arif Ramen noodles: This is what happens when you just vibe and not go sweaty

onekingdom1: Casual slays

Rampart: I’m the best legend now 👿👿

Bruno Dippolito: Honestly I’d lover for her to get an heirloom. My idea is sorta a wrench that she tricked out or something. I also wouldn’t mind if her heirloom was just Sheila. Reply with more ideas if you want I also think they could reduce shelia spread just a bit

Kuarinofu: I have never seen target dummies from the firing range as enemies in a real lobby (ranked or normal). Like, seriously, in a normal game, 10:24 fight would have ended with you getting double rushed and destroyed in 2 seconds, especially since they caught you off guard. How can you even get this many kills playing like that? You're not bad at the game (more like mediocre), but extremely slow. This must have been the luckiest day of your life.

Zach P: Also super excited for the Spitfire to be part of the Meta now, seen it used a lot with the 3x, when you have it fully kitted its better than a Flatline at the same range. Especially with gold mags coming.

Zach P: Just heard a great voiceline for Mirage "Wh-here's your accompl-accomb-accombo-accomplice, that took a while.."

Dajo: Rampart worst legend

Sumbal Aslam: Holy moly in my last game I got a 20 and a 3k on rampart I swear to god

doop: I really enjoyed this vid! Much higher energy from your usual tired sounding state, no offense.

Guillermo: That lobby was full of bots. His teammate was level 40 and enemies were awful probably under level 100

jeffy jefferton: when merchant is recording he says something like get out when he gets a kill when hes not recording who the f**k are you messin with b***h

Shoreszy: That ending omg 😭😂

Shoreszy: “Honestly being honest at this point. Honestly” lol

iTuber012: What's with everyone having season 8 spoilers recently?

Quincy Jesus is King: How come your guns have no recoil ?

critter cave: I would really appreciate if you could give us tips I've tried to main her but to no avail

Mahri-claire Beere: The wingman will be the counter to this then............. Like its a counter to everything

Christoph Fuchs: u r a machine, jesus...

SevenJesterHats: Nice video tho lacks some shotgun ammo.. may need a little more 😉

Celticlord: I wish I was that good with using abilities

Daniel Hruaitea: This is the perfect example/video on how to play Rampart. I kid you not. After watching this video, i got a 8 kill 2600 damage game with her. I never gave Rampart a chance. I might just use her more now.

FearingRaptor10: You should play w/ Zeus as the two best rampart mains

Borna Tomić: Gaming Merchant i got a new accaunt and the first legend i got whas rampart and now she is my main :3 btw i love youre vids and u are a god at the gamr.

NETSONG: Fuze with his nades and stuff is gonna counter the walls though.

ADAMOX SVK: 92 shotgun shells.

Stahlflower Animation 'n Art: I never got a full squad wipe except with Rampart.

Tom R: dude wtf

seiya: Where does one find lobbies like these? I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen enemies like these..


Trenton Mccree: They should give rampart 5 walls to put down or for like caustic i think?

Bridger Taylor: Apex version of cranking 90’s lol

G B: You can’t head glitch the cover on the red side you’ll get killed lol

Isorath: i only disliked because you were unfaithful to rampart

Skittles stjean: What they should do is give the shield faster time to build like a 5.0 time increase and 30 hp while it buildes up

Rin Kyouma: why is the kill feed censored?

Tyson Sewap: I was wondering if this happening to anyone else but have the got rid of paths heirloom,?

Fall guy 1297: im a rampart main

IronBeast: Only 2,000+ kills rampart mains comment

Jayden Riley: rampart mini gun on Olympus is so op because there is very little cover

altoid Robbins345: What do you do against grenades?

OneEyeWilly 3: Bro has the iq of a God, nvr seen ramparts actually like this

Nxtin: Beginning of the video: me when I try to escape life

john warren: She’s going to need more than that

RobotWizardGod: "I'll be honest I can hardly even see them" ME: *Hasn't been seeing anything for awhile now*

Kaleido Scope: You are really the fastest, the best informational/gameplay, and fun Apex Youtube uploader! in the Community! you really deserve more subs!

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