Rampart's Pick Rate Is About To Skyrocket In Apex Legends Season 10

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The Gaming Merchant: Thanks for watching! You can check out the Lifeline cookie recipe video on my wife's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYE3s1lPI10

Sam G: Gotta feel sorry for wattson and crypto

Layton Rimmer: Also , rampart glitch

Steven McFarland: Future Steven, is this true

PARTNERSHIP REMASTERD: he speaks like a apex milatary genaral

HAZE_justli5: Are there any small youtubers here that want to join my club on apex?

We Don't Negotiate With Hostages: Maybe she could automatically have hopups active

fruity frozen yogurt: (New challenge for u) after every elimination u need To drop all your weapons armor and attachments for everything they have (including heals)

Sil Verstegen: A cool buff would be that you can’t look trough the wall from the other side

Damien Ryan: Insane

Jesus Hernandez: she is getting her heirloom in season 10

DrawerBoy 123: You’re amazing. Keep it up man.

Chris S: I just hope there not cash cow buffs that get nerfed after two seasons 🙃🥲

dronkiee: LOBBY ABUSER!!!!!!!!

Cat: The good thing about Wattson is 95% of the time i dont have to worry about being able to pick her😂

dampsocks: I swear I have the best luck with getting new characters just before they get buffed cod I bought rev literally like 3days before his buff and now I bought rampart like 3days ago too

Paper_ Mations: Please no I just want wattson heirloom I've been holding these shards for a many season 😢

Ray Starz: Maybe make the walls deploy faster or make them invulnerable until they’re fully built

Alekzander Van Der Merwe: Pls. I want a crypto buff and heirloom. He deserves better

lolmemer noob: This man is a legend and a freakin genius

Meni_V: Ramparts are funy usualy, they are mostly bots, idk why Merchant wants to nerf himself playing Rampart, you can see it works only with very bad players, litteraly see the slowness in this lobby for perfect example of what kind of players your bambozeling with your Rampart fun time..

Mint Mango0: Wow I just realised I play a lot of low play rate characters like Watson, Crypto, Rampart and Caustic. Their abilities are so much more fun than most other legends and I’m surprised they don’t get much play although that’s just my opinion

Weasel3 3: dev said she gonna got spicy buff half of season 9 now then half of season 9 they said half of season 10 maybe another loop

Yathurssan: What if rampart sheild gets like an golden1x when look through it... (showing enemies in red)

Spencer Kraus: Rampart is already SO underrated and overpowered, oh my like having up to 5 of her barriers up at a time? No damage in, BOOSTED damage out?!

Maika Nielsen: tgm is once again asking you to play rampart

Draydon Werra: TGM never ceases to amaze me.

Ninjaẞlade: i hope apex doesnt die

Dantae May: I can’t wait. I’m glad she’s always available now tho. Bittersweet

Иван Храмов: I speculate the buff will be adding a 360 dergree rotation to Sheila

Thirsty Lowkey: this will kill the game .... everyone camping with ampd dmg walls is gonna be annoying asf ...

Nuka Berry: Rampart is one of my least favorite legends, so I don’t care

Asianplague: I love how he’s so calm just saying “almost 6k damage”

Brad Beede: I love rampart!

snowfortinmybackyard: id be more impressed if you played with a controller imo

Rockerxemo: Chill rampart is the only person i use she the main

Hitch: I would remove Rev from the game

ElTexasDemon: This guy gives the most wholesome shout outs to his wife

Zensawa: I hope watson's heirloom is a baguette.

Joe Dumbassbuck: Mouse and keyboard aim assist exploiters or infested in the game like bed bugs now

Joe Dumbassbuck: What do you think about tap strafing stopping all new players from picking up the game

Dire: Can your make the mirage pork chops


MR KARALI: You get bolt and get bolt and you get bolt ❤❤❤❤❤ Dum i love this game ❤❤

Hunter Gillespie: Been wait for this!!

Wattson UWU: pls no

MR KARALI: Thank for it❤and i love rampart she is my main too ❤

Cici: Those turret kills up in trainyards was delicious

Aidan Jarrett: Let Sheila turn 360 for the love of god

Dr Giggles: really hope she can pick up sheila considering all the animations that already exist

Oniichichi: Has he done a full rampart tutorial video before? Because if not that should happen he makes rampart look even more underrated then she already is

Sir.Splash The III: The gaming merchant is carrying that 1.4% rampart pick rate 😂

Crusade Knight: I swear there is like 7 dudes playing rampart actively

Sir.Splash The III: I think octane should get a buff where he’s immune to normal grenades, and mirage’s decoys should be able to open doors and supply bins to make it 100000x more believable and more people get bamboozled

Mocha2x: Rampart mains wya??https://youtu.be/mSUeyKMCGrA

Phillip Huxley: Masterful gameplay!

Tralfagal: I think her ultimate will be portable, just like any other gun in the game but it will probably be on a timer and with a finite ammount of ammo. She might have the option to pick it up after placing it down if they want to keep the meme alive where a team mate can magically man the gun while rampart is off masturbating but I personaly hope that her ult just gives her the gun imediatly without having to put it down on the ground first.

Zhiesty: Just dropped a 15 kill game with her today

Jules Underground: Men u play good Nice gamesense but thoses lobby u in are crazy bad

AbsoluteNoobGamer: Your gameplay is so satisfying to watch keep it up please. Its the only thing that gets me through my day job

Colby Byrd: I only pay Fuse and Rampart exclusively so this is great news

Sergio Enrique Sanchez Gaxiola: I think the L-STAR whit Rampart i so good.

Apepsiaddict: Honestly, i don't think she needs one. After my 1000 kills with revenant, my new main is rampart, and she is great for the people who know what their doing.

ANDREA JAYNE ACOSTA: Im a wattson main and im kinda sad that she wont get her heirloom next season

James Hanus: Doubt: Press [F]

Elle Lupin: “Wattson will be the one in season 11” Dont. Dont give me hope.

Hemanth Adapala: Giving 360° to sheela makes her ultimately powerful

ApexxVisions: I love this new Rampart skin from the Thrill seekers event so much that I'm playing her a ton more and I'm having lots of fun!!

Endi G: This smells like rampart heirloom

Haruki Takanashi: Man using/maining rampart us the most fun thing i ever did thanks tgm

MrZecureils: They could make it so you can move but its extremely slow so its better to turn the camera but it will be fun to have a team of sheila moving around

Abdallah Issa: I agree that rampart needs a buff but cryptos passive needs a rework everything about him is drone related😤

Reaper: ._. why tho. I can literally destroy anyone as I am. Why tf would you buff her? I main her and I am sure she does not need a buff. If I had to complain I just don't like her passive. I swear if they touch or rather remove my barricades and sheila I quit. + if she is buffed literally everyone will play her. ;-; Why not buff Watson instead. She needs it far more. Also, sorry for whining about it but I liked being in that special skillful rampart circle.

Eight thgiE: That have to be the cutest shoutout channel I've ever seen

Dr. tree: That was an incredible match…

savagesocc: I'm gonna start playing rampart more

Flamingo Fumi: That’s why I’m seeing her everywhere

Anthony b: Mastiff needs a buff 😩

Anupam Thej: has anyone else noticed players with skills seem to have no recoil on guns like havoc and r9 they have got some serious skills tho i have noticed that in this video thats why i said it

Kirkendauhl: If they do this for Fuse then I wanna throw my hat in the ring rn and say they’ll make him take half damage from grenades or make his ordnance 15% stronger. Or at least make him immune to his own knuckle cluster

Hdthebest25: If rampart is getting the next heirloom im quitting the game

Matthew Gastelo: But when are we gonna buff caustic gas :( Rip Mains

The Ghost Of Viper: Yay buff the most annoying legend instead of buffing wattson

Nik Oof: 5:52 May god bless your souls

Thomas The Talking Train: I've been working on my Rampart Stats forever and I always loved using her as a character. She's fun, and also very beneficial to a team. I even nicknamed my Mini Gun "Brrt Brrt". If there's an Heirloom for Rampart, I'm all for it. You're one of my favorite YouTubers (Not to say favorites of course) mainly because you use Rampart. So many people underestimate her character, and I feel like on most tier lists, she doesn't deserve C or D. She's S in my book 👍

Leon- -mwn: A kind of nice buff would be if her barricades would recharge the shield like gibraltars passive

Tyson ASMR: Respawn really do be screwing wattson over huh

LeXander 草: Goddamn you're just the best Rampart player man, jesus christ

Ken W: Watching your other videos on Rampart before now had made me give her another shoot and I'm not gunna lie....1000% fun and some great damage games as well. Please keep making your videos and my wife is also gunna make the LL cookies now so I'll have some Apex snacks the nest time you post a video......cheers!

Nate Gray: I just got rampart I’m level 64

Cyraneau: I still have to unlock Horizon, Wattson and Rampart. I have enough for one but I hesitate between getting Rampart now or waiting for the new legend (at least for some info about him). Any advice?

Micah: Sheesh Absolutely insane

Brayden Watts: As a rampart main I am vary excited for ramparts buff

Gíbran: "L-star, finally, dude" are words I never expected to hear... But then I remembered that I'm watching mercahnt, so it's okay


BlackBearsoft: Wait so I don't understand what is ramparts buff? 😭

Siffy art: Rampart is only good on mouse and keyboard tbh, at least in my opinion :/

brew: if there was any video that truly highlighted just how skilled of a player and rampart you are, it would be this one. really impressive game, especially that final push on that last squad.

MrAlpet: When does season 10 come out

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