Halo Season 5 Preview | Halo: The Master Chief Collection

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Mr. Noble: It's almost as if Halo 3 Forge in TMCC is still broken...

MadMike772: Starts at 15:05

Special K: Just give it to me, not gonna work for it. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Ken Prime: But do I still have to grind endlessly to unlock armor from a 10 year game? I did it once before, shouldn't have to do 10 years later on the remake.

Author, Sandra Rains 'DeBusk: I miss the old Halo. It looks sucky now.

Shawn Jackson: I like the support. I'd love more maps for H2A, like Terminal. :)

Jets Flighter: Bro give us halo 5 pc.

Lewis Hawes: Fingers crossed that we can finally start throwing one grenade at a time again in H3 rather than two at once

Metal Sonic FTW: What time does the season launch? It's not out yet?

Gwarancja: Halo plz add to forge elites, grunts, marines and other EA if you add it im will be So So happy!

Anjoé Davis: Forgot to watch the live broadcast

Fak theRabbit: every piece of new armor is garbage

Fak theRabbit: how about you fix game chat? haven’t herd anyone talk trash in years and it’s sad i’ve messed with my settings but can’t seem to get it going

Nima: I was personally hoping for elite armor. Dont get me wrong though, I appreciate free content and will not complain about it.

Jaime Swicegood: We got blue We got cool blue WE GOT GOLD

Honest Man: Can we get Aussie severs populated lol it's dead quiet

oldmateaus: I really hope infinite isn't poisoned with micro transactions

Chris Kasatka: How about fixing bugs and letting us play the maps and game modes we want to play?

TigerXtm: I know they lightly touched on it, but a more concrete answer would be nice hopefully soon. A few others have asked and I’m asking as well so the word can spread. Where are the Halo 4 dlc armors? We’re missing Prefect, Ricochet, Mark V., and my favorite ODST. It’s been missing since launch and I find it strange that we’re getting brand new content, even cut content, but not the rest of the old stuff first. Content from 343’s own game mind you. hopefully if it is in the works they make them work in Spartan Ops, as they strangely we’re set to default Recruit in og H4.

Rudi Bácsi: No singleplayer no party

Josh Ua: everything Halo 2 dammit, Halo 2 Halo 2 and Halo 2 we want it all everything every single piece possible of Halo 2 alpha beta E3 demo cut weapons levels maps cutscenes EVERYTHING (also all of this for Halo CE as well but H2 first! muhahaha)


Just in time Boi: Mongeese

Virtual Kingdom: Please remove the Halo 2 default skull. I’d like to play Halo 2 on legendary for fun without restarting at checkpoints whenever a friend dies. If that skull is optional then please make it optional. It’s literally all I want. Game is perfect otherwise.

Davidkben: Please! Add Split Screen on PC! I want to play with my brothers and remember the good old days

Drakz: Can’t wait

TheNeji92: We will get Halo 5 on pc? With the Master chief collection? :O really


Brandon Gaffoor: Bring some more armour diversity to the elites, it's only fair

Shade's Insane Chamber: I read the title as Halo 5 preview for MCC... :(

wolf lord: New cosmetic items are nice. But more in game content would be nice. Forge, custom browser, mods etc.

Julian D. Breakdown: when will the halo titles finally play like on there og station? you promise this scince 2014 and it never came you fucked up every halo with your shity ideas... there is a good reason why halo 1-reach should be played on 30 fps.

Jack Park: Yes are we finally getting black armor customization for reach?!

romero1337: More forge maps added to the playlist mix will be great thanks!

Son Michael: 343 RUINED HALO !

Winded Writer Films: You should have simply just released Halo Online as it's own category. That way it gets players hyped and ready to play a completely new multiplayer, most folks never played before. New Forge, New Maps, New Armor, New Weapons. And no one would complain. In fact, If ya came out and said, you were working with Eldrito on making a Halo Online Port. YOU WOULD BE PRAISED!!!!

Gregory Toscano: One of my most wanted thing is to get the gun skins into the Campaign

ArcadeToast: yall can dance around eldewrito all you want but youll never erase the legacy it created, and how mcc would be nothing without its team and supporters

NAKISHA FREEMAN: Yeah we need pron animation. Also weaker enemies, just for the money.

KNY //: When season 5 starts?

Menacing Threat: Good God that H4 armor in H3 looks terrible, but at least you can disable that lol

Jackosaurus117: Weapon skins and Halo Online armour should not be part of the same toggle

Ian Hargrove: I'd like anniversary graphics for halo CE multiplayer, it may be just me. Love what they're doing here

Third YT Acc: I wish I could change the drivers setting aswell

General Autismo Actual: Wanted Halo Online maps, got Halo Online Armors instead.


Tim Batchelor: So whens that custom games browser coming out i thought it was coming with season 5????


AxiomNachtFox: I'd love custom slider colours for your Spartan to come over from Eldewrito

Nathan Gilbert: Ok thanks but wheres halo infinite?

Er Symon De Quartiere: When weapons view model adjustament?😢

Phil Isherwood: Starts at 15:04

Ducain23: A fleet of Mongeese.... uhhh you mean "A fleet of Mongooses" ;)

MuscledRMH: Halo MCC is the best remastered collection ever created. Halo CE was my first game ever, but only barely played the other titles afterwards until Halo 4 released. Halo 4 got me truely invested and definitely made go back and appreciate and play the classic titles a lot more as well. It taught me what works for Halo and what doesn't, but Halo 4 still has a special place. Loved getting into Forge and playing Regicide FFA every day during Summer. Really hope they bring back Regicide.

Richter Zorgue: Full controller remapping option, please.

TerminallyUnique95: How about focus on making Halo MCC PC a playable game. It's not. 5 Minutes into any matchmaking it says selecting new host then goes to the loading screen forever. I have no problem with any other game or teredo.

The Question: 1:04:34 Halo 5 на ПК - хз

Shade Sun: Please add skins to Halo 2 and H2 Anniversary. More armour for H2 Anniversary would great as well. Also please fix the Emblems for Halo 2 they still don't appear on the back and shoulders of the Spartan and Elites armour in game. Loving all the new content keep it up guys!

14megasxlr: The gen 2 armors look really uncanny in Halo 3’s aesthetic. The option to exclude those is much appreciated.

Zquare: Halo Reach weapon skins would be a cool addition to MCC

Sir BigWater: Are they going to put in a filter for Reach armours too? Cause if you're gonna do one for Halo 3 you gotta do it for Reach. I don't think there should be filters at all for armour. Weapon skins and vehicles skins yeah.

TheGoldNinja101: I wish there's forge in Halo 2 Classic.

Master Cole: Cool

Guy Dude: Please please please add Splitscreen, Its what got me into halo in the first place.

half life cat: Elite players on suicide watch

Jakub Kamiński: I cannot believe that they still haven't changed Halo 2 centered viewmodels...

Spec Ops Omega: Keyboard and Mous Support for console???

Andres Garza: This bastards got it easy because they had the halo 3 models already done. Let's see if you do a reach one

NobLE 9395: Question Does anyone know if any current season points for mcc that anyone gains will end up being reseted after a new season is released on mcc?


Diego: Should be able to view all this cool armor in the pre game lobby tbh

Angel 8317: 20:25 the armor kind of reminds me of the knockoff pink bumblebee from that one transformer movie

Goiji 2000: When?

smd beeyatch: ded game lul

Cav723: Not sure if anyone can help but I just started playing MCC again for the first time basically since launch. I’m trying to unlock items for my Halo Reach character, but I’m locked out and not sure how the new tier system works. Can someone tell me how to unlock Noble seasons items and where I can find what tier I’m at?

Edwards Online: 33:17 my man on the right is in sweat mode lol. Every response is a grunt or uh hu.

Shaheer 117: That background is sick

Buffalohead 12: Let’s go I made it into the halo stream

Freiteez: 15:06 When it actually starts. Hope that helps

ManBrian Updates: I rather have the Halo online maps instead of the armor.

MrJoobafob: Can anyone who's watched the whole thing confirm whether 343 are enabling people to play at 120fps with the fov slider yet on SX, or adding the fov slider to the xbone? I'm not too fussed about the other content.


Nicos E: God I love the classic h3 ODST helmet

Josh J.: CUSTOM SERVER BROWSER WHEN I miss the old days when I used to search for games through that in CE

Falleax: So are we getting the original Halo 3 undersuits back? I'm not gonna bother watching the whole video, I'm too lazy.

sipher: I'm with Tyler on this one. I was raised on the gamepad and can't switch without being noticeably terrible at the game

jason bondar: I NEED ODST BODY ARMOR FOR H3. please and thank you.

A_Shady God: halo reach just needs fixing for mk/controller on you know what

Qiāng HuángShā: ALL i have EVER wanted from halo 3 is the rest of the Mk. V armor. the helmet is there, give me the arms and chest ;A; ALSO!! the mk. V is in halo 4 on 360, but NOT on the PC version?? I NEED MY MK.V PLEASE!!!!!

sipher: This is fantastic. Great work MCC team. There are still lots of bugs but I have faith those will be fixed.

Shyfx: Give us the custom games browser already jesus....thats more important than anything else forget skins! ...some of us can never find a game !!

Corvus: should have added Shark/Renegade armor ;-;

Lord Patriot445: So no Reach Elite Customization like they teased?

Eric Halliburton: For those on xbox one x is there a FOV slider for halo mcc

Emilio Hernández: When are you Adding the DLC armor that got removed from H4?

Weapon Lock: 28:13 is where they start talking about GRD

Joseph Stalin: Dammit I missed it. I saw the notification but didn't realize it was halo. God dangit.

BioGoji 1989: 15:00 That was a great stream.

Gustavo: No one cares about halo 4 and halo online, just add custom games browser

Cole Scott: What if we didn't unlock the weapon skins for battle rifle and dmr??? Will we ever be able to unlock in future?

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