Halo Season 6 Preview | Halo: The Master Chief Collection

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Birdman: Classic halo 3 custom games matchmaking playlist is what I want them to add

Will Davis: Can those single player fans of us have some updates please? Crossplay campaign with other platforms? Second column of keybinds and moveable viewmodels you said were in the works? All you seem to care about is multiplayer.

BiZzY Nic: do things come for elites?

mettler52: Ok but where’s Ricochet Armor?

Project Zell: How many Warden Eternals would it take to kill a gravemind/ stop the flood? Where were the Guardians during the Flood/ Fore runner war? If the forerunner decided to go extinct as punishment for firing the halo rings, why did they keep the didact alive in a prison cell? When 343i add to the lore, they seem to take a dump on the established cannon.

Kaleb Wynn: H3 Skins usable in ODST firefight when?

You’re in The matrix: Halo 4 was a great halo

You’re in The matrix: Forward unto dawn

Flynn Schultz: It would be nice to see the rest of the halo 2 classic maps remastered and some more halo 4 armor

Project Zell: Hopefully development time here isn’t slowing down infinite. Also, are you guys planning on doing anything about the Chronos systems out there? $140 on eBay for a device that plugs in between your controller and Xbox- comes pre scripted with auto head shotting, auto duck, auto reload and makes any gun full automatic. Linked below. While this is available match making kinda sucks

Eli Hoy: I would love to get the bandana skull for halo 3, ODST and reach. It is so fun to just go crazy with a weapon!

Eli Hoy: "Think of the children" lol

skadogg22: 9:30

Scout339: *HIS VISOR IS RGB*

Shane Rider: They need custom Emile helmets with the skull tht flash either blue, red,orange, or yellow just an idea hint hint or like a haunted flash skull tht flickers

I green gass ninja I I: Bring back multi team for reach please, you’d bring back a whole community

Lebendiges Gespenst: This season is probably gonna be the most impactful one right behind adding reach season 1

Lebendiges Gespenst: Oh nice, I was just thinking the other day how change teams was somehow missing. Glad to see it return

HYDR0 ROMAN: Halo is trash 343 quick halo

alex m: Where did they talk about the custom games browser?

Menacing Threat: Really don't like those backpacks

independence1: All the stuff u guys are releasing is years late but if you truly want to release something people want how about an upgraded Laso master profile card all the new ones look better than that but it’s probably the most rare.

XenoWilson: Love the music u chosen.

MrShadrack: Swear I thought it said halo 6 and I almost lost my mind Guess I’m dumb

Robert Tennant: That huge sound of disappointment from Tyler when Halo 4 came up😂

Adam Croucher: Anymore news on Making Halo:CE and Halo 2 Four player Co-op? That would be huge!

Dinozzo: Centered - Crosshair - On - Xbox - Please.

dontpokethebear3893: Can we please get the campaign graphics issues fixed? Halo CE cutscenes stuck at 30fps is the worst for me. They were 60fps and fine on Xbox before MCC PC. Someone broken them in the transition and it’s been broken for a year now. And yeah, bump mapping is still broken and so are a dozen or so transparency effects.

Spartan Studios: The new map on the ice shelf (dont remember the name) brings my framerate on xbox 1 from 60 to 30 in all but 1 spot

Austin W: I love halo 3 don’t get me wrong, but this is kinda becoming the halo 3 collection lol I wish they’d add other content like for halo 2a or halo 4 too

Eternal: we need explore the covenent plant

Beef Supreme: The new ODST armor for halo 3 is amazing keep up the great work. Would love to see more of this style of armor. Wish the Halo Online armor wasn’t in halo 3, but oh well I guess.

Optimal Zeta: Will there ever be cross-platform campaign?

The Famed Hater: Custom game browser this week? Let's go!

Bmackcornbread: Fix the map rotation or bring voting back.

Raihan Ullah: So ... when is season 6 coming out?

WATZ UP: It would be nice if other games and elites got some love

SeÑorSpicyBoi: I hope that Halo Infinite cosmetics aren't earned this way. It makes sense for MCC to use a battle pass because we've all earned the cosmetics in the previous releases of Halo but a new Halo game should require the player to do special tasks like in Halo 3. The armor someone's wearing should tell a story of what they have accomplished, not how much time or money they've spent on the game. This stuff does look cool though. Can't wait!

Michele Noli: Am I the only one asking for a coop campaign with split screen? Like in the old times? I wanna play with my friends at my house offline!

goat lege: This guy's just need to port halo online on mcc instead of poting the maps on halo 3

Silent Kills: Oh wow!!! the game coming to PS5 is HUGE!!!!!

A mildly Disappointing Salad: When is console getting fov options?

Aditya Garg: MCC is my favourite game

Fernando: Add new colors to halo 3 armor already jeez

Joey Galateo: It would really be cool if they added cracked variants of the halo reach helmets, like they show at the end of the game

Dan Bee: Is there going to be any open world settings? Havent played since Halo4, but bringing the ships alive would be interesting to explore. Meet crew members, hear their random dialogues about daily life in different worlds, so a bethesda game basically or EA. Tired of the old shoot'em up, need somethingnew

Randy Lee: I just want to be able to put my combat knife on my shoulder like Jun does, literally all I want from Reach.

T-Rex Fingers: We need new elite armor

Joey Galateo: I wish they added something like the hayabusa armor in halo 3, that can only be obtained from getting all the achievements, or completing some other super difficult thing

Lord Woffingshire: Are they going to add anything new to games other than Halo 3? Like, sure, CE got the skins and all that but Halo 3 is the only game getting actual new content

Stormtrumper: Anyone know when this is coming out? I need to know how much time I got to grind season 5 some more

Taylor Nicty: I hope they get to have the 343 pan visor

Jack: You can delay halo infinite for another year as long as the mcc would still get updates and I'd be fine with it

David McKee: More Elite armor in H3, H2/H2A and Reach in the next season or soon 343i... please... There's so many pallets to choose from in the campaigns that you can add. Like from the H2 campaign the High Councilor armor and let's not forget the Honor Guardsman armor or heck even the Heretic Armor, so please for crying out loud I never thought that any of this would even be possible or considered seeing as how much time has passed and now we have a golden opportunity in our midst and it would be like a dream come true! We Elites always get the short end of the stick when it comes to getting cool stuff, so it would make for a nice change of pace tbh lol

Kwakye The Creator: Starts here guys! 9:27

Drakey Fenix: Mod support is what is gonna keep this game thriving for years.

D e v: what about halo 5 ???? Yet it released for pc ...windows 10 normally

Kristofer Baehr: Mark V for Halo 4 please.

darkaoshi27: Halo 4 Ricochet, Prefect, Mk. V and ODST Armour along with McFarlane Toys Weapon Skins.... .......any day now.

koshin koji: *Remember Reach*

Dan Banasik: Please Jesus give us Halo 2 Classic content?? We Halo 2 Classic fans have been patient, but forgotten. Add in a 30 tick (30 FPS) switch for custom games so we can superbounce and ghost again— modders have done it and posted videos on YouTube and it works on MCC on PC. Give us the 2004 E3 demo to play as a stand alone “campaign,” level... Just put a pop up disclaimer on there that the level is unstable and can crash the app. Bring OG Halo 2 Classic to the backwards compatibility program. Add custom armor and weapon and vehicle skins to Halo 2 Classic. Please stop ignoring Halo 2 Classic completely, thanks.

Santiago Pes: You are doing very well 343i, I see all the effort that you put on the MCC, I'll like you add some stuffs for the elites and other Halo games such Reach & 4 (backpacks) and skins if this is possible. Also I hope you can fix some bugs in Hale CE campaign, those that broke the textures o lighting. But again, you are doing very well guys, keep it up.

Ezra: holy moly you guys are rolling out stuff left and right, and i’m all for it. i do have one question tho. will any animated visors and/or backpacks come to reach?

Will Field: All of this customisation better be in infinite!!

Angel White: Oh Me Vengo

deadlift316: Tyler really resembled with me as a fan, when he said he grew up playing halo 3 and now opening up and adding more to it. That hit different, thanks for an amazing games 343i!

Attak Zak: I’ve always wanted Halo 3 Firefight with our Spartans somehow. God that’d be hard to implement though.

Andrew Erickson: Anyone else here totally disappointed because they missed the word season? I was thinking halo 6 preview... 😩

Diverting Creations: The top priorities should be campaign crossplay, custom browser, campaign browser, and adding an option to change menu music

Luke Pauls: Can we get campaign audio options? I'd love to play H2 anniversary with the classic sound mix + marty's music

Bradley C: Great stuff. How are we doing on the custom games browser?

Bread: Can we get some Elite armor? The ODST armor is cool and all but what would be even better is Arbiter armor or even honor guard. Something along those lines.

Little Lettuce: If your gonna start adding back accessories can you add Cortana's container that Noble Six had on his back in the Pillar of Autumn for Halo Reach multiplayer or even the HAVOK Nuke the Master Chief had on his back in the final mission of Halo 4 for its multiplayer? I mean you have the models for them at least do the former. Please? Edit: Thanks everybody for the likes and kind replys honestly I thought of this before the Season 6 back accessories were even announced.

Phoenixity: hmmmm do not care because the gen1 techsuit in halo 3 is still ugly

Emilio Hernández: When are we getting stuff for the games that aren't H3?

Premier Rik Latyeskov: Love the new ODST Spartan armor sets, but I'd also like to see more Elite armor sets in Halo 3 if possible. Maybe Honor Guard or something else we haven't seen before?

Kamez104: I hope that the viewmodel offset slider is for all Halo games. Halo 2 needs it the most.

General C: Wonder how long it'll be until Halo 5 drops on MCC? Might not be that good, but we'll have all of Halo on multiple platforms.

NeverSaySandwich1: All this constant new content is awesome. Can't wait for the Turf remake and Sidewinder from Halo Online

Corneratwar: Just salty for all of who have been busy, deployed or couldn’t play will never get the armor and stuff etc. kinda sad for the loyal day one fans

elia vita: Why does the game crash sometimes while entering an online match? And then MCC thinks i left and ban me for some minutes, pls fix, and why audio options are so minimal, i'd like to change music, voices and effects volume individually

CheapVodka: Ok i peepee and poopoo and maybe cum my pants

Craig The Dank: They should legit add emotes to Halo 4/Reach

CheapVodka: Perhaps maybe i poopoo my pants too

CheapVodka: I peepee my pants

Craig The Dank: Add sprint to halo 3, and buff that stupid assault rifle

Craig The Dank: I missed read it. Thought it was halo 6 trailer 🤣

ButteryGoodnessINC: Need glowing visors like Locke.

Adam Pearce: Does competitive work for anyone else, I couldn't find any games

Frankie Blades: The mash up play has been fun



Something isn't right.: This is gonna be awesome!


Serpenoid: WASN’T THE LAST SEASON ONE MONTH AGO? Wow, you guys are absolutely killing it! Keep going :P

gamer00100: Hey maybe you'll pay attention if I comment here. Fix forge, things budge slightly out of place after saving your map. This kills my will to create a map, or even invest in the rest of MCC.

Zuka 'Vadam: Can we get Halo 2 stuff?? And maybe a fix to the matchmaking so it isn’t so sweaty?

Hannah NeKelly: Could the backpacks and colour changing visours be a foreshadow to halo infinite?

Traig jr's master channel: When does this come out

CJRBread: Season 5 was only a month ago! I’m not complaining tho, these new season updates and unlocks really helps keep the game fresh.

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