New Dive Trails Season 8 Apex Legends + Lifeline Buff & Nerf Changes

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Le_Kackboon: u talk like u have some issues

Jonny Kiani: H

john l: everyones talking about the new champ squad trail meanwhile I'm just sitting here hoping they put her bullshit no hands res crap on a 45 second cooldown that stupid ass passive can go to hell for all I care I hate that damn thing gives way to much fucking leeway for litterally doing nothing

MoveLikeTime: Give lifeline a legendary gun every once in a while when it comes to her ult

Goliathstale: Well tbh when I'm in the 2 last rings I usually forget to reload my secondary weapon could help me win those fights

Yato //Moka lover: Gosh being a loba main is finally paying off

Jafar S.: In-game damage tracker?

R.C. R.: Someone go to reddit and tell the dev's to do the same for kill leader, give instinctive to hunt for kill leader and champion members. I'll call it the bounty patch. Increase XP as well, and in rank RP bonus. Bounty starts at 250. Every round gains another 1x. If other players contest for leader, theres a 25+ ex boost for every switch/kill. Plus a reward for maintaining leader or fighting off contestants a loot crate [must be an actual kill or an assist] dropping in near location. There can be a new tracker and new badges. Maybe a new LTM. Team mates gain bonuses for helping said members maintain their kill leader title, other than care package bonuses, they can get more crafting materials, better loot role on normal crates, and RP bonuses on rank. If kill leader dies off without someone to take the title, and it just goes to the runner up, it will reset to the players stat tracker, so if they only had 3 kills on ring 2 then it would just be (250X) + 25Y = 575. Ex will have no cap, so a 20 bomb in a final round can be X = 8, kills can be Y = 20, resulting in 2500 boost bonus. Of course Y can be any number for a multiplier. Having to wait for the last round can help spice up things for the opposition teams. Give last minute looting a chance. Teammates with a Kill leader will only receive half of the 250X round multiplier. What I want to add to this idea is having the team kill add in to the multiplier in the end for all members respected trackers. For every tier of 5 it applies. From 1.5 to 2.0 to 2.5 e.t.c. Like a total of 15 kills, on last round Teammate (TM) [a] having 3 kills TM [b] having 7 kills ~kill leader And TM [c] having 5. Tmb equation: 2175 * 2.5 = 5437 Tma equation: 1075 * 2.5 = 2687 Tmc e: 1125 * 2.5 = 2812 Rank bonuses: KL should have a 1 6 RP boost KL TM should have a 2 RP boost. + (X + Y). This should help keep teams working together and staying together. Searching for kills and playing it safe all at the same time.

Vúxśé: ...

King Aether: Loba should be able to pick up teammates banners from her ult

101 aSavage: An easy fix for lifeline would be to give her a medbag which grants her 1 extra inventory slot exclusive to healing items Only(So either 1 stack of Medkits, 1 stack of Syringes or 1 Phoenix Kit). Being a Support Legend(Combat Medic) Her traditional Revive should be 25% Faster and Grant 25% more health to the revived player. However, before you engage the revive. You should be given two revive prompts. The first one is the traditional revive with the traditional animation, 25% Health and Revival boost. The second one is Only Available if your Tactical Ability is charged. But the second revive prompt engages the D.O.C Drone revive. Which takes as long a normal revive and doesn't provide the DOC Drone Shield. It does, however, allow Lifeline to provide covering fire. As for her Ult. She should be able to call in a specialized care package that allows her team to shop for loot. Each care package comes with a fixed currency. The items in the shop each have their own unique Units. Higher Rarity items cost more units to pull out. Each door of the Share Package provides a certain type of Armament. Offensive(Grenades, Weapons and Ammo), Defensive(Armor and Health), and Support(Ultimate Accelerants, Shields, and *Only Available to Loba[Stolen], Crypto[Hacked] and Lifeline[She's a Medic]* Respawn Stations). Well... that's my two cents on the Combat Medic.

Wafflez :3: Gold dive trails to the champion squad? That will just ruin the game. I don't need people trying to follow me because they see my trail. They should just give dive trails for every ranked tier you get to honestly. It'll make ranked fun and actually grind-able. I usually just hit plat then stop playing ranked cause it's just boring after that.

Prime: I wish they had dive trails for everyone

William Losier: do you keep the dive trail after or just for that one mach?

Urmumsfit Lol: Click bait !

Gage Warner: I would not want the gold trails. My least favorite activity is getting punched out on landing

yng cocoapuff: Honestly just say fuck lifeline at this point and take her out of the game. Shes not even allowed to do her job without being to op. A healer character in apex will never be able to be strong without being considered broken 💔

Mr. Path: Before worrying about nerfing Gibby they maybe should fix his dome being able to get shot through:)

DebowNation: *Draws sketch and writes an important note* “Taube - Don’t make it a toilet” “Cauliflower pizza is basically a salad?” 😂🤣😂

Space Weather: me and my friend get the sweatiest lobbies i think we’re fine not being the center of attention if we get so lucky as to win a game in them crazy ass lobbies

VessaBeats: loba should be able to grab banners with her ultimate

Harley Horman: I think that platinum should get a dive trail

b u i t r e 1x2: No entiendo nada de lo que dice pero igual lo miro jaja

Cody Justin Fannin: Champion trails will be toxic as you will get targeted and ruin your game

Proyecto Gestalt: Why he talk fast af

Anthony Jenkins: I didn’t hit diamond because it was pointless, but now we get another dive trail? Smh

Julian Derbyshire: Do you think we will ever get the select fire for the hemlok?

Sibusiso Qolani: Need Olympus after dark

Lucifer Stifler: The revive is not frustrating as alot ppl just love crying over BS once shes revives you can EASILY SHOOT THE DRONE that's reviving Just get better and learn how to push aggressively if someone's knock Plus if you have nades it's so easy to stop that revive I swear their really is alot idiots with no actual skill that are playing this game which is sad 🤣😂

qtXevi: i love how this guy gets straight to the point

Mariathas Theva: Can you add me ( NRG_jogu,) I am in ps4

Fredo Santana: Give me your subscribers

topher 319030: U talk like Chills but ur the opposite half

Stephen Priest: my constructive criticism for your channel is try to speak slower. like be yourself, but remember not everyone speaks english natively.

dnte24 !: They need to bring back Diamond dive trials. There's liitle to no reward for putting hours into the competitive ranked. Luckily I hit diamond when there were dive trials for them

ShadowMark3: Personally I think Lifeline's Ultimate should have a couple "cycles" to it. Pressing the Aim button while holding the care package marker should allow Lifeline to cycle between (Random, Attatchments and Armor/Heals) When the package drops instead of being a little bit of everything it could be an entire package of attachments you need or a bunch of health and shields.

X ERROR X: Who remembers the champion double kill in the old trailer good times

NOT JAMES: Did anyone else see that thing where the legends weren't actually firing their guns in the season 7 gameplay trailer lol

Stephan-Matthew Harris-Carthen: Just give lifeline back her fucking fast heal

Hi Mkzy: Nerf triple take

Bradley Cossins: Leave Caustic alone.

I will slam u against A table: Why the fuck is lifeline getting a buff. Her combat revive is cancerous enough

Ilias Oriby: I want them to change the champion stats. From showing ur overall stats to showing ur stats from last game

yoinker: gib wattson buff D:

Rayan Azmat: "were buffing every part of Loba's kit" How come i thought about her abilities AFTER something else?

John Perry: Love your vids, but could you slow down on the commentary? What's the rush? It sounds like you're being rushed or want to get the video over with.

Ross Heffe: This guys said first original map Olympus is different to the new one... so was there an Olympus map previously?

diab3tic bear: Zaboomaboofoo pog

GrAdeAjAmAicAn: Champion Squad is now "Marked for Death" Bois let's do this!!!

Rin Shenso: Hehehe As Rampart imagine having an L-Star and a r-301 or r-99 with a gold mag. Never having to reload. Plus the 45 health while building buff? And the turret rotation buff?!?! Oh baby this is a Rampart mains season

Everyone1lies D: MORE NERFS. WOW

ShaneP: Lmao I'm a loba main and i cant wait

SteelCube: I really hope they don't introduce a trail for champ squad, that would really take the good feeling of doing well in a game out of it knowing you'll get obliterated by a bunch of sweats looking to kill the champ next game

Fluffy !: Will you keep the trail as a reward first winning

Ace Glorinz: The gold mag is like crypto’s drone. The delay will be as long as how long it takes to reload if it is completely drained it will be slightly slower

Apollo Rezonate: Chap squad gonna be getting punched out

Joel Mills: burh thats just a normal yellow trail lmao

chuckmynorris: Good videos bro, keep it up. Just a small suggestion would be for you to have a bit more pauses in your speech. Since you speak very fast without pauses it’s very hard to tell apart when you are changing the subject or to keep track what you are talking about.

Rachel Ttofi: Champion squads will just be targeted and die. Not excited for it..

iMattCore: They should give dive trails to diamond players again, lots of players just stop played ranked because they are not good enough to master but can hit diamond 4, but since they can´t get any trail getting diamond, they just don´t grind anymore, there is no difference between platinum 4 or diamond 4 anymore.

PsychoSocial: Shotguns need to disappear...

em!: I really wish Lobas ultimate could pick up banners within her area, it would come in very handy and if it can pick up vault keys, why not? Especially with Crypto being able to grab them with his drone.

ClassShoT: I’m confused about the blue bins can someone explain?

Rien Mistry: i love how u are carrieng 51 shotgun amo

Lemonrk5: I want gubby nerf to be when charge gun shield he will be very big(something like rampart wall for small time)


Juan Vega: loba will get her heirloom when she gets her final most powerful buff! i’m manifesting 🙌🏼

BOOMIN KILLER69: If they do something to lifelines rez shes gonna become utter trash I can already tell at least they should buff her drone or give her fast heal back you can't play lifeline without good teammates rn like if you're team leaves you in a firefight you confirm are gonna get knocked cause she doesn't have ability to save herself

The_Shrek: This guys intro is great

skid: Thats just a normal yellow dive trail mate

Turtle Bait: I’m kinda sad that diamond doesn’t have a trail anymore

Joe B: LOL gold dive trails! Easy kills

Samuel Whitman: You ever seek old videos for comfort and you realize they aren’t as good as they used to be so you sit there wondering why you let those precious moments go to waste and you have to dwell on that there will never be videos as good as your favorite videos so you have to accept the fact that life has no meaning and will continue to get worse till it’s the void eats you alive.

Ronaldo Gonzalez: Loba should get a buff for her passive

Maria Hernandez: imagine if loba had a buff where she could break in to the loot vaults and her teammates can steal from her ultimate

Eddy_YT: I started Apex a month ago, But I’m somewhat decent now... But uhh, u already know 50 dmg away from my 1st 2K👀😔 Almost thru my PS4 put my window

Scam Iblees: Hey water there is a glitch in the heirloom store when we go to the heirloom store there is no pathfinder heirloom

Niceguyeddy 78: They should bring back daimond trails😖

Eduardo Higuera: Revert Lifeline we need fast heals back


phetamine: Platinum and diamond players should get dive trails. Diamond originally had it but removed it and just divided apex predator rank into master and top 500 apex predators.

Aldo _: can you slow down a bit when you are talking

طلال بادومان: I love your videos, straight to the point and always useful and interesting, keep going 👍

Captainshado: I'm retarded or something but aren't this yellow trails like the default normal yellow dive trails?

conflicc ricks: I prefer them just buffing lesser legends then trying to nerf strong ones...let loba pick up respawn beacons with her ult, change lifeline care package to a respawn beacon, unlimited wall climb and 100% silence when crouching for rev, mirage decoys take damage or shoot holographic, rampart should be able to place a whole wall or individual walls and let her ult be able to move along the walls...

Carl Francis Garcia: I think the champ squad dive trail is bad because EVERYONE gonna be coming for you

A Guy: I appreciate all the buff ideas on Loba. However, the only way most people will ever put Loba in their top #3 legends is if her Q becomes *combat ready* - Could not care less about her ult, after the unlimited ammo buff the ult is already quite viable, but her Q is far from it.

Exominuz: We need unique dive trails from the boxes we get... And each 100 Level you reach you get more different styles

HI: the PK 🙃

NNG Marcy: I woke up de hydrated, water and I have some water?

LameAfricanGamer: Whats up with the kill chart and the names(on the right whenever someones downed or killed)?

Tealify: I get your videos 9 hours late but hey I’m here 😀

DezFlix: A good lobba buff is being able to pick up team banners using her alt

Codizzle Kun: Slow Lobas ult, make it contain a random spawn a gold or purple item not on the floor.

CHAOTIC_Gamxr: Is there heirloom event


GrazanMQuila: Ok that intro scares me 😂

Kiani Kardi: I rather have loba being able to run while using jump drive, then to cut the animated at the end. Shes too much of a sitting duck using jump drive

Ghady Yakzan: i want a wattson buff and new interactions between her and loba

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