New Horizon Nerf Season 8 Apex Legends + Revenant Buff

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Skřítek Šukálek: i wonder what happens when he runs out of water related gifs

That Ladlow: The way you shoot that hemlock in the background gameplay makes it look like it’s full auto lol

Awge: If anyone needs a nerf should be Gibraltar Reduce his damn fortified down to 10% dude has a shield dome a white body shield on his gun and a ult that can insta kill you .

Kiley Prellwitz: Informational but this gave me anxiety lol

50cal.: Damn.. from the thumbnail, i thought Rev was getting a siick recolor

Dalton Estes: Make rev unable to be scanned. Spook the bloodhounds

CallMeZeeIsSpeaking: I feel like octane should have what Rev has now and make Rev’s go infinitely

Blisk: ..

Bandos-IMO: Rev could be made to be immune to caustic gas as a buff since he doesn’t breath same as pathfinder. Would be an ok buff

G Revolution: I’m a little late to the video so I hope some of you guys will still see my comment a give me your feedback in regards on what I think Revenants buff should be... It’s kinda long so sorry in advance. First of all, a smaller hit box is brilliant and as a rev main we need it desperately lol. Second, everyone is asking for infinite climbing, but what exactly is that? Cuz at some point you run out of bounds and can’t climb anymore cuz you’ll die after the 30 second warning. So I think they should make him climb 3x higher and much faster. Also for the rest of his passive his walking, crouch walking and climbing should all be silenced. Except his running. He’s an assassin for crying out loud lol. His tactical should remain the same or they could add another silence ball with a 15 sec cool down. Also anyone touching that infected teammate should also get infected with the silence tactical too. For his ultimate they should do one of two main things. One is giving death protection an extra 30 seconds so it’ll be a whole minute and only rev comes back with full health. Also the totem should be indestructible and the range of the totems use is still limitless. Second they could just keep the 30 seconds of death protection and make him a fast shadow zombie like they did during the whole loba mission back in season 5. This would be just for rev and he comes back again with full health and the totem is indestructible with limitless range. If you read this far thank you.

Slabson X: When I play as rev Ill use my death protection and every now and then my team will kill a squad and have a sliver of health left from DP and by this time we get third partied and that 3rd part will sometimes even find my totem and I'm left just running away because I couldn't heal in death protection I think if players were able to heal in death protection would help but it would cancel death protection after healing This kind of stuff costs me wins all the time and if this could be implemented it would bring his win rate up

Beeps: How about rampard? It should be buffed

Bob Sak: that kid with the surfboard in the beginning downed me

MyNameIsZain321: So does this mean that potentially, just potentially, we might still get ash next season? I really dont want fuse as we seems like a pain in the ass to be playing against

C L: I know people hate nerfs and although I do agree with how the nerfs are coming in a bit fast, without any bias towards or against the character, does anyone see how strong Horizon is as to why some nerfs are called for?

ken: Omg your video are doing so good I am so happy for you

GX0STS: Did the re skin in the thumbnail come out?

Isaac Garcia: Horzian has been great and fun from bronze to dimond soloing. beaming people from above with some players with not that really good of an aim or movement making kills that much easier and fun. but now playing in dimond III VS masters and preds her win ratio drops very fast Iv noticed for me anyway. using the gravity lift to get out of fights or to get angles or push a team dont work so well at that level when a good player knows how to counter horizon and predict her movements your a sitting duck taken the lift and get knocked very fast without any cover up there. Now with this the other nerf coming I think ill have to rethink my legend of choice. Because at that level she's not as powerful as let's say wraith who can rotate full team without taken any damage but dont get my wrong horizon is still pretty powerful legend but not at that level. I dont think she needs all the nerfs when shes still so new to the apex games. But I do agree with the cool down nerf that was OP. spamming the gravity lift to heal up lol.!

Nick Cannata: Did they ever actually release that gray revenant skin recolor of false idol?

samuel owusu: These devs in red pawn are such clowns, just because people prefer to use a character more doesn’t mean there strong there using all these nerfs bc they know they have a problem killing these people who are good at using those op characters in a game if it’s such a huge issue remove sbmm

Anne Farrow: I’m a wraith main her phase takes so long to use I want a buff!!!!

Michael Anthony Dyer: I just want cross progression

Joseph O'Toole: Yes Horizon is powerful, but nerfing based on win/pick rate is ignorant. Part of the reason her win/pick rate is so high is because highly skilled players pick her often. It was the same with wraith and pathfinder. If a shit ton of really good players all the sudden picked caustic or revenant, they would see their overall stats go up as well. Caustic has always been very powerful, but overall boring to play. That's why a lot of people would pick horizon or wraith over him. I would assume that is the reason why his pick rate was low. And his win rate is low because he is frequently used as a crutch character, lower skilled players can pick him and know they can just spam traps and ult to make sure they don't get pushed as easily. And when they're in a 1v1, they have slightly more health because of the fortified perk. If hell froze over, and a lot of good players started picking caustic a lot, I guarantee the win rate for him would go up. That is why buffing and nerfing based on pick/win rate is flawed. And that is why there was so much outrage over the caustic buff, because anyone who knows anything about Apex, knows that Caustic is very powerful, a skilled Caustic with a good team and good positioning can prevent teams from pushing them for a very, very long time. And what happens when a fight lasts long in Apex? 3rd parties, 4th parties, and so on. All while the Caustic team is huddled up in a good position, the team who came up on them is most likely going to get fucked by other incoming teams who heard this fight that has been happening for a long time. A good caustic team is very, very hard to beat, and giving him any more of an advantage is just ignorant. Respawn devs really need to start looking at the game as it really is. Even in pubs, the average skill is much higher than it used to be. Most of the very casual player base has left Apex behind for warzone or other games. When you release a good character who also happens to be fun to play, the immediate reaction shouldn't be to nerf them into the ground. The initial horizon nerf was fine, I'm sure most people agreed that the cooldown needed to start after the ability went away, it only makes sense. But they do these things overtime until they see these asinine statistics fluctuate the way they want them to.

lucas andrews: did this guy hit puberty while i was gone?

Niles Bryant: They need to fix pathfinder

Clxpz XF: Lol me and my friend saw u in are plat game and we were like whatttttttt

Lucas Monroy: tourmanent

Flamify: That pathfinder hitbox nerf was a big mistake. I don't like using path anymore because of it

C H I Ł Ł: they really said they have been struggling to find a buff for revenant

Adrian Nsereko: Give revenant infinite climb or give his tactical the ability to disable weapons for 3 seconds

Emil Happy: Horizon dosen't need a nerf.. people just need to learn to aim :P


Bomber10k21: daily dose of apex

Joe Showell: any new news on Nintendo switch ??

Alex S: Honestly Water, the people below saying things giving him infinite climb and etc. I honestly think if respawn decreased the size of his Hitbox, it would be much better, the reason I moved away from rev was because of his Hitbox, it's the 3rd largest after Caustic and Gibraltar.

kieran amin: Can some one get me up to date... what has happened in season 7? I’ve had exams so I am literally as clueless as ever. Is wraith still op, is path ok now and is rampart still pretty useless along with octane and mirage? Finally which weapons or characters have been majorly buffed and what else is new?

Clundor: 1:10 Adjusting the hitboxes instead of abilities? For real?

Arcade King: Loba’s tactical still doesn’t work and bang’s tactical is still not user friendly

JJ_Kimmy: Is that a real recolor in the thumbnail???

Av0cad0_k1ds.4u: watch horizon become garbage and a f their legend in the next 2 weeks just sayn

mad_ nixi: When S8 coming out???

Remisis023: They took how many seasons to adjust Pathfinders hit-box but they're already talking about touching, don't do too much Respawn pls we just got her. Maybe reduce Fortified to 10%

Bobzilla: Daniel Klein has lost the crumb of respect I had for him after seeing how he proudly played 3 caustic games and decided to instantly roll out a buff. The day respawn devs stop worshipping their janky statistics will be the day this game will see peace. They love repeatedly nerfing a single legend down to shit back to back instead of helping the unpopular/low win-rate legends (or nerfing actual nuclear aspects of legends and not petty nerfs). Horizon isn't game breaking yet Klein is treating her as such even though we have gibby arm shields that can absorb a kraber bullet from godzilla and caustic gas that lingers hours after the squad has been wiped.

The midnight knight: Love this intro xD

NightKing1975: the revanent buff would make sense cause hes as slim as a skeleton

NightKing1975: 0:00 top 10 saddest anime deaths

Marian Guzman: I'm scared of your face

NightKing1975: 0:00 top 10 sickest fails

Sahil Mujahid: Water: horizon nerf incoming Me: cries in finally finding a main after 6 seasons

Idklmao Stilldontknow: Best apex news on youtube

Nathaniel Donald: Give rev infinite climb, and the ability to climb on the roof, and the only thing he can use while climbing is his tactical.

Lenny Uncle: Hear me out buff Stalker passive: they could fully fledge this passive maybe give him a wall hang or ceiling hang like he did when he killed forge. He would be able to use weapons on walls not on ceilings until he drops off of them. This would make him in buildings very dangerous and scary also keeping continuity with his character. If not that maybe have his Ult have 2 versions: the Totem, or what we had seen in the trailer where he had used it for himself If not any of those give him fortified since he is the tallest legend and in his trailer he was eating bullets “Robot”

thick warm: they finally made a good legend and theyre gonna nerf her till shes shit. nice job respawn

DNVX_Sniper: I a, master and I lost like 500rp cuz my game crashes in middle of fight and I lost x2 rp cuz he say that I left the game bruhhhhhhh

Pyle Plays: Stop nerfing every goddamn fun legend and bring the shit legends up to par!!! my fucking god man.

VenomFender: Why shit dev nerf , just try buff other.

Isaiah Garcia: Yo my docs been going through doors and even walls!!fuck revenant they needa fix lifelines DOC.

Rashad Scruggs: Will there be a rampart buff ?

David Everett: There’s a few different ways they could buff him (only one of these though) 1. Like everyone is saying, his passive should be buffed to infinite climbing, it would feel so much more in character. 2. Give him heightened stats when in shadow mode, more speed, quieter footsteps, more melee damage. 3. Add an assassin theme to the stalker passive where melees to the back do twice the damage. 4. Straight up allow revenant to assassinate someone like in COD if he completes a 4-5 second animation without an interference from the victims teammates.

Robert Angeli: I bought both unholy beast and false idol just to get that alternative, I can’t wait till that shit drops

God King: Hey water I have a question I got in a match in apex and my teammate was a season 5 predator but he still had the trail in this season can it get him banned because the trail is season long

Doppio: Theory: maybe in the new season they might add legends throughout the season

Bray Lathum: FIX LOBAS HITBOX THEN. She is the only legend that, when crouched behind cover that she CAN'T see over, her head still shows. Its so stupid

hayden hoffman: Still waiting for that Rev recolor thats in the thumbnail 😔

J: Nice video bro. I wish Horizon was just left alone and Crypto got shown some love. Also, there should definitely be a way to inquire your amount of apex packs opened.

Games TGS: I have a unique idea for a buff for revenant give him another passive ability called (Hitman) Every time Revenant downs/knocks or kills a enemy player he gets a cool down on his tactical ability. Give me a shoutout respawn lol

Mahh React: Palmeiras x Santos mané só penso nisso Ganha Palmeiras pfv esse é meu sonho

Anthony FERRARA: These devs are literally morons. They screw pathfinder over but dont want to properly balance horizon. Im ded.

Not Brice: They should buff rev climb and tactical were the climb is 3x instead or 2x and his tactical explosions should at least make sense

Pirahna.x: But I’m just saying ✨my opinion

Pirahna.x: ¿Y’all see caustics mug right? What if Horizons son is custic and got mad and became custic

ßus: Adjusting characters based on win-rate is so incredibly stupid. I can’t believe the idiots over at Respawn actually are doing this.

Jori Roberts: Ash is the evil doctor that left Horizon in space

gotta glo: Longer climb,quieter steps

Elijah Kuntz: If they funking nerf horizan on movement speed I'm leaving apex they nerf horizon but yet other legands can stay op for seasons stop respawn leave horizon online I'd rather die to an horizan sweat than a wraith sweat

Vincent Daccardo: Apex Devs: "we finally released a solid legend that isnt dog shit on launch" also Apex Devs: "lets nerf the shit out of her and not nerf legends like caustic that require 0 skill to use" I swear they base everything off of win rate, hmmm another reason for her high winrate is her ability to be a team based legend or the fact that she is the newest legend in the game so many more players are using her.

Justin Savoie: To be honest I think the mastiff need a nerf it's getting over used and it way to powerful

S M: They need to buff revenant to give him infinite climb

grimmjow l: There a bug that's makes the game slow

J Recio: Why do they keep on nerfing balanced legends instead of nerfing broken mechanics (ex. no bleed through damage on gunshield) and buffing weak characters? Instead of spending time thinking about nerfs based on fucking win rate and pick rate , why not spend effort on buffs and fixes? Its just my opinion on why its so weird for these devs to base their balancing and reworks on just win rate. It bothers me how theyll keep nerfing the #1 legend by increasing hitboxes and cooldowns just to make people play relatively weak legends like rampart , loba , and wattson. Just my opinion , I'm not trying to be hostile at the devs or anything since I still love Apex either way.

Charles Adams: i still strongly stand by ash and if don’t agree fight me :)

Madman F1: Give my boy Rev fortified

SilvercobrA: 1) movement buff (reaction speed/ running speed/ wall climb etc) 2) shadow form wont be slow down in caustics gas, but lose health at same current rate. same with Wattsons fence. 3) wall climb speed/ jump to cancel the wall climb gives a wall jump, not normal drop on ground (like a spider) 4) hitbox rework. (If we increased movement, then don't touch the hitbox, maybe a minor rework) 5) wall climb with stick to wall without falling down, can use weapons while staying on wall. 6) shadow form with movement as we saw in 1st Halloween event type. 7) silence footsteps (a assassin with loud foot steps not cool) 8) death silence will be showing enemy movement ( tracking will show where the enemy is going after getting infected only visible to Rev) 9) A totem is linked to his body, when someone else from enemy team will use it he will warn us with a voice line. For now these are some Buff i came up with. Not saying that we need to put everything, we can just take 2 from these and it would

Wave Ascended: This is a stretch but hear me out. So in revenants new pose from the collection event he goes upside down. Now what does this mean? I’m saying that what if revenant was able to climb upside down from ceilings for a limited time?

disembark: I'll tell you why horizon win rate went up after a 100% big nerf. Because of the fucking sound bug. Can't hear that bitch pull up behind you. She doesn't need any nerf yall just have to fix your bloody game with the and issues for 2 years. Apex legends beta for life

sylvan: For Rev an addition to his passive could be that you cant hear his footsteps

Hisham K: Horizon actually needs a buff, her tactical cooldown should be 0 secs and should last 30 secs. She should also be invincible while on her tactical, and have 50% damage reduction at all times. Her ult should actually have 10x the radius, and pull players through walls. When they're in the radius, they now should get crushed from the gravity and instantly killed. (I'm a Horizon main btw I'm jk)

Jared Rayzur: Why the nerf ... pointless . Leave her alone

Partygamer 21: We need more time in the shadows

Jamison Perry: bro where’s the pathfinder buff

Raven's delusion: Idea: infinity revenant balls 🙃

Jai Stone: I feel like the win rate of a character means fuck all. A lot of the best streamers are using her for pubs because they bored of every other character. So Ofcourse she is going to have a high win rate. Acue out here getting like 50 wins a day

Scott Swift: So stupid they are nerfing horizon again, she is fine right now. For revenate give him full health out of his totem or increase it so one normal small medkit gets you back to full. Wanna see crypto get a buff that allows him to use emp with and without his drone. Keep the drone function the same, but you can emp and it comes of of him while the drone is stored.

supaipai: Who complained about Horizon we all know Wraith has to go by getting that hit box nerf. If anything Horizon is weak and needs a buff to her ultimate.

Plantey: Wattson buff 👉🏻👈🏻🥺

Merethic: Revenant climb forever would be the best buff

Typhus 1618: Its already easy to hit horizon on her tactical. The only thing Horizon has is her tactical her ult is useless. I've used an enemy horizon ult as cover before if you can get right behind newt you can get a heal off. I'm a horizon main and I wouldn't care if you completely removed her ult it's that useless.

Mr Snuggy: The crashes have been bad on console, idk how bad it is on pc but it’s still sucks nonetheless

ThatOneCanadianKidEh: Hey Water I fucked your team up in ranked the other day!!! was a good fight tho!

Guwei: Yooo was good water! Great Video!

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