ASSASSIN'S BULLET!! | Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 8 Breakdown

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Turtle Quirk: 🥔 in the chat for potato girl. RIP SASHA

Khalid Alsharif: تركي ال الشيخ الزق حرق علي

Zayn: lol after that scene which Sasha killed the soldiers infront of Gabi, you would expect Gabi will kill Sasha anyway. But not his soon tho

Ramesh Syangtan: RIP Potato Girl

bernaldo madrigal: This shows like got, never know whose going to die next

Solid Schnek: Be mad about the Character... Not the voice actress.. She was amazing. The last of us 2 had the same experience. Laura Bailey, one of the best VA ever gets shit stormed for playing Abby. Some people can't see the difference between Reality and Fictional story

Falcons Warrior: Fuck Gabi all my homies hate Gabi

Kris Silva: As anime only I had no connection to Sasha. She was just there for comedic relief so I could honestly care less that she died

Jacques1 Lombart1: Thanks giving us every Weak a quick Review of the latest Episode of aot because i don't have Wakanim or else so i can just watch the latest Episode and on youtube it's not super clear of wht's going on in the Episode, so i just wanna say thanks.

Giovanni Valencia: Sasha dying hungry breaks my heart

Dope kage: Rip potato girl

Ali Mizan: Y'all Gabi haters who also like Eren realize she's basically a female Eren right?

Anime4life LA dodgers dont leave yet braves: I thought the clock was for Armin

Firkso: Man thanks to u for working hard for this thing @Turtle Quirk

Darwin Rosales: I’m not crying, you are....

IVI0STH8D: Ok the va of gabi is alright but gabi herself can be killed off with a filler arc of her rotting in hell

[B]Parth Singh Jhala: To be fair Connie character wasn't getting any lights it's could have been hum but i think writer knows what he is doing and gonna give us the best ending

CJ Schulz: Soo technically Capt Levi didn’t kill Zeke?

Ty D: I need Gabi to get curb stopped immediately

Celtics Nation: #CancelGabi

Jammal Boyd: He should do one piece breakdowns

Champion Williams: Is it just me, or do these episodes seem shorter than before.

Fam Ping: I can't shrug of the disturbing thought of how much Sasha and gabi look alike At first I thought it was just the art style But they literally look identical Why Why they do this

Leo Seddon: gabi is written so well like she was written to be evil

Ruki 7059: If eren captured The Jaw Sasha could lived

Adarsh G: Thank you Dude! I finally know why Reiner had that crazy moment in season 2 before revealing himself as the Armored Titan. I had been wondering that for years now....

DragonClaw95: Turtle Quirk about Floch: "We need to keep an eye on this character."

Nupur BORAH: Man...... I m not quite satisfied with this 1 week gab of new episodes ..... The episodes of AOT are soooooo goooood I like to watch all the episodes at once

Shikhar Rai: When Eren said "didn't you understand?" to Levi. That was awesome.

Slushy Voyager: They should of threw Gabi off the air ship

Slushy Voyager: 🥔

brooke marin: Everyone after sasha died " it will never be the same to eat again" RIP Sasha, you were my favorite character.

ilNoct: Gabi should have hit a collat #fazegabi

Garrett O'Donnell: Sasha: Gets shot by Gabi Literally everyone: YOU ARE OFFICIALLY ON MY SHITLIST

Kingston: How did gabi use the gear without killing herself

Da Juiceman: Gabi belongs in the dumpster alongside Ava from Borderlands 3 and Abby from The Last of Us Part 2.

VcxmpHokage Sheesh: I hate gabi so much

x x: Can someone please explain 1 thing I still don't understand. Everyone in Paradise is basically an eldian meaning the can turn into a Titian, so exactly WHEN do they turn into a titan?? Do they need a special death or what??

Hello, I draw: If a Titan can partially transform can’t a shifter make a small Titan not much bigger then their human form but it’s still a partial Titan transformation can’t the shifter just create less muscle to make it smaller

Gaucci Gaming: Is this guy Gikkuk ???

Dan Pasquale: I'm sorry but a 12 year old girl doing a call of duty sliding head shot to hit a soldier using ODM gear that is also shooting at her who has years of experience using his gear on Paradise Island... Really? Not to mention its also night time and dark af from all the smoke and destruction. Yeah dumb as fuck RIP Sasha

Shinzo Shin: i already hated gabi

MilkoGaming 13: 🥔

Siro Sadkaata: I don't hate her. I just hate war.

The Observer: Super boring episode

Micaiah Nimmo: Fuck Gabi, all my Eldians hate Gabi.

Beliar: Gabi's OG fuck Sasha what a useless character!

Allindia First: Even if eren is killed why will not the marlyean s turn pradis into a interment zone like liberio and eren had no options but start the rumbling or die and let pradis into a interment zone eren is no villan he was made a villan

JLC: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔Will NOT be forgotten

Kobren Frederick: Wait, hold up, can someone please explain to me what part of Eren’s actions were considered rogue? Zeke even said at the end that everything was going according to plan except the 2 miscalculations on the ship.

Sirron Wilkerson: 🥔 RIP SASHA

Waelsor: F for sasha:(

REK: she killed the very person who hesitated to kill her R.I.P Sasha you will be missed

Javon McGuire: I hope eren just squashes gabi in his titan form

Ganesh Girkar: Even though Sasha was greedy , we all loved her ! Her last word "Meat" was really Heartbreaking . 😭 She'd be good in heaven getting all her dream foods she wanted . R.I.P Sasha dear , you'll be missed by whole Aot Fandom . Why is Gabi so freaking ? In short , she should've been got killed first . Freaking screamer . I hate her . She is shit !!

W Key: 🥔

Rebecca R.P.: I’ll miss Sasha, it was so sad seeing her go :( Still, I don’t really hate Gabi for what happened. It’s war. She’s a victim of propoganda thinking that she’s doing the right thing. Everyone hates Gabi so much, but when I look at her, I see the young version of Eren when the Titans first attacked. Sure, she’s more cocky, but at the end of the day she’s just a kid who’s been conditioned to hate a “common enemy” so she wanted to kill as many of them as she could...sounds way too familiar.

SweatshirtMusic: Gabi is annoying

AvgUnboxing: potato girl🥔🥺

Zero Charisma: are people actually attacking the voice actress???? fucking insane..... rip sasha.

Ryard Dimaunahan: 🥔

Kunal Mittal: Bruh Connie.. Wanted to bang.. Sasha i think... Not a sister... And brother love...

BeyondPlusUltra!: Zeke turns Falco into a titan and eats the jaw titan instead of the armor titan

Mellz4ya: From now on, any misfortune that shall occur within my life will be classified simply as "miscalculations" ☝🏽🧐

Fabricio Quispe Justino: Can’t blame gaby, she thinks that the people of paradis are evil just as eren thinks that all titans are monsters

Sir Jigsaw: Isayama sensei has no mercy. He could have chosen anyone from new recruits but why Sasha?

Soumik Kar: Rip potato girl

Clayton Chukwu: how can you say a little girl deserves a beatdown i swear there's something wrong with this community

Nathaniel William Philip: 5:17 It was actually the 3rd time. During episode 1 as well when she blew off the armored train..

God: I dislike gabi very much

Yaga Baba: Jaeger brothers were so closed why didn't they touched hands ??

Easier Said than done: Wait so was Zeke on their side the whole time?

YOFACE9999: Ok good I thought I was the only one who found gabi annoying. Than again a lot of characters are annoying in this anime.

Egurpleton: I actually feel so sad

Dr. Anime: 🥔🍖💔😭

Tushar Nain: Eren will be killed by Mikasa. Thank me later for the spoiler 😆 🤣

Samuel Mueller: Eren unleashes the collossal wall titans against the world, crushing everyone, and the scouts team up with Marley to take him down

Sayel Farid: Lol Zeik teams up with Eren and destroys the world

YRJ Keenwa: Crazy how they don’t hesitate to mass murder ppl for revenge, and when one of them kills your friend and comrade for years. They contemplate so hard if they should kill gabi

Misty Art: Na falco deserved that ass whooping “Guilty by association”

Romanjiii: Gabi is just completely brainwashed and hellbent on proving herself to people that will still hate her regardless

YRJ Keenwa: 🥔

Beepboopbeep: 🥔

Pearce’s Perspective: Fuck Gabi, all my homies hate Gabi

electro bro: gaby kills a scout heck yah

Noah Hunt: but eren going to marley was a good idea because otherwise paradis was gonna be attacked first, he needed to at least take one titan before they do that

innocent evil: 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

messy vlog: Gabby=Abby 😏

AllTimeGaming: 🥔🥔🥔SASHAAAA

Cne Soukas: I feel like they're going to have a Titan serum, and then make Sasha eat Annie

Truthful gaming The 3rd: Fuck gabby Bru

kenma _babe: Gabi was the one who killed her and the blame shouldn't go to eren, yes he was the one who made the plan but he didn't plan for her to die. Gabi got on the aircraft herself and shoot her so really i don't think it's fair to put it on eren

Rashad Lockhart: rip shasha

CryoMike: i just hated gabi from the start. shes like an annoying baby who thinks shes too good. just seemed annoying when she was first on screen for me.

Shadow Slayer: attack on Titans season 4 episode 8 is uploaded.

Manga Ved: F FOR Gabi

Josh Hazelden: I didn't need to watch this video as I understood the episode, but I watched it all anyway, and you did a good job, nice! Earnt a sub ;)

incognito incognito: I don’t like gabi whatsoever but she’s clearly just a product of the marleyan propaganda and she blames the eldians of paradis because I thinks that’s the only way she can justify the marleyan mistreatment to internment eldians.

قاتل الشبح 0 \1: The word "meat" become sad in the world of attack on titans💔.

Raizorzz plays: At least shes with erwin... She will be belove fovever

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