Charmed | Season 3 Episode 2 | Maggie's Vision Scene | The CW

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German Shepherd Daphne Channel: It's starting to wear on me but the original is the best sorry. Maggie is too FRIGGEN cute though

Sebastian Styles: I feel like after the next episode they will finally get rid of the Command Centre, SafeSpace will be done and the girls will finally get their powers back and use them very actively! 🙏🏻 Macy has not even had a chance to use that static power and Mel needs to adapt more to freezing/heating up molecules plus time manipulation!

Livie S: Will Parker be on season 3? I hope so! Please not like Phoebe and Cole

Bernardo Brandão: Omg

Ally playz: I wish this was on netflix

Denishea Bates: Something tells me that someone is going to die on here let’s just hope it’s not one of the Charmed Ones

Sebastian Styles: Please confirm season 4 🙏🏻 want, need, will rewatch a million times. Thanks

Davii Stewart: Promote the show it’s doing better than the ones You promote

-Scorpio 'Subliminals': Oh this seems so sad. I really hope none of them die permanently like Prue 😔

matoviccc: Does somebody know were can i watch it im in europe

Tyler Smith: Dark

Tyler Smith: But who

Tyler Smith: Just like when John Conner said this war ends tonight

Tyler Smith: Scary 😧 😦 😟

Tyler Smith: Shocking 😯😮 😳

Tyler Smith: I suddenly want to know what happen next

Tyler Smith: Girls rock 🪨 👧

Tyler Smith: Girl power 👧

Tyler Smith: Perfect 😍 👌 🤩

Tyler Smith: Enjoy ☺️ 😊 😉

Tyler Smith: So emotional 😭

Tyler Smith: So sad 😭 😞

Tyler Smith: So sorry😣😢 😞

cool guy the 1: Boring first episode But that's to be expected. Boring reboot

Y003: Where's parker????????

tarsille Bouli: I have so many question

Samuel Carrion: Ugh, I can’t this show just isn’t good. These girls have like a million powers. They’re too crammed up

Thailor Daames: What a plot twist

Bethany Morgan: I got a feeling the vision might indicate abigaels father and older brother will be resurrected for revenge

Trans Christian: Love this show, but where's the promo for tonight's episode?

Nicolas Dubousquet: *She is so pitiful the series 2. 0👎*

Sutton D.: This looks so good!!! I know it better not be one of the sisters or Jordan 😳🥺

Alex 1910: This shouldn't be happening. You only promote the episodes the same day that they're released.

Maddycharmedfeverxo: Omg someone is going to die tonight ah I’m so nervous we don’t knw going to die tonight but the suspense is killing me omg Harry 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

jela: This sneak peek is intense!

Adam Harvila: I'm so excited 😍😍😍😍😍

Chrisandre 1: Are we bout to lose a charmed one😱?

Asiyah: That vision was scary!!! okay now I'm worried

Mommal Ali: Why this show is do underated its so good

Bluesavior 24: Y’all all saying yes and bring Parker back nobody but me scared Edit: this show is so much darker than the original

Karan Ghuman: Yesss! More charmed! 🖤🖤🖤🖤

MooMoo Cow: Bring Parker back

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