The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 7 Official Trailer 'Maggie Whisperer Horde' Breakdown

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Mark Gorski: In the Commonwealth might be boring.. hopefully they change it up from the comics.

Katrina King: Yes, the loading up never works and never on time.

Milan Stojadinovic: Lydia. Only Lydia can herd Walkers. Pope knows nothing about Daryl. If he knows, he would shoot him on spot.

Connor S: i think pope, leah, all the reapers, virgil, and either alden or gabriel will die in episode 8.

S B: 7:59 - IS IT RICK GRIMES?!!!

Survival Central: Fear twd just completely blew us away ya thank 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Derek Southers: Could you imagine showing up to the CRM with a million walkers!!!

Leander Peralta: Maggie the New Alpha and Negan the New Beta

Rob Newsome: Yes! I think Negan is going to introduce Maggie to kinky whisperer shit

Patrick Smith: Maybe I am alone in this, but piss on Rick Grimes.

Eddie Coffey: What if Yumiko is defending Tommy in the court room? , maybe they are displeased to find out he's a surgeon and been in the bakery this entire time!

Lyn Smalec: The reapers are psycho bas asses!!! But Negan is still my fav!😜

fakenews: Here's what I think Maggie was the real enemy the hole time first she tried with the whispers then she showed up out of the blue it's her it's all her

M D: Derp

Boom Stick: I hope the grave wasn't Alden. Him dying seems too obvious to actually do.

Insane Devil: “Learn from their enemies” This spirit is essential when coming across new opponents

Z.Incognito: The commonwealth gives me wayward pines vibes

Nick: I wanna see Fr. Gabriel and pope face off, or at least have a few scenes together.

Rob G: The remaining Whispers are good soldiers to have on your team. They aren't evil, they were trying to survive so having that card to play aganist future enemies is a smart choice.

#DarrylThomazBayBay: Lydia oh Lydia. Have you met Lydia???

Corey King: Maggie in whisperers mask is hot

Vonda Martin: I want Daryl and Leah to run away together!

Vonda Martin: Ep 6 was one of the very best.

Aj Cyrill Dy: It’s quite ironic how we liked the whisper stuff at first and then the hordes thing got boring after a while. But now it’s exciting how Maggie and the group are actually using using their tactics.

Jaden Dewar: really loving this season

Chad Johnson: I think the Reaper arc was required to bring Maggie back, story wise. By that I mean, gives us a bit of a role reversal with our characters. I think to some extent Daryl & Maggie are in Negan’s shoes & Negan is in their shoes. I am really enjoying it.

Man Of Action: I still want to see a Clem and AJ show with the kids at the school...

The Liberty Lion: Pope is playing tames to test Daryl again. Hell say the prisoner said some shit to see how Daryl responds.

Negan's RanKINGs: Daryl should be extremely careful now, he doesn't know what Pope knows

TS Information Channel & Videos: I notice ezekiel moving walkers in those houses- I think i understand now on why, they might of been given a task to help clear walkers and dead bodies in order to help the commonwealth expand more of their community to new places, that way there would be more space for people to stay at.

Louis Papp: So Maggie becomes Alpha, talk about coming full circle.

Brian Achim: Why is Tomi being arrested?

Brian Achim: I know they were humans, who else knew it?

ParisLuvsDolls: It sucks I was up till 2 AM last night waiting for it to appear on AMC plus and it didn’t🤬

corvmag 15: I bet Mercer kills Pope.

Gianisme: episode 6 was intenseeee

Helicard: I see a lot of similarities between Savior Negan and Pope. I bet Pope kills Negan saving Maggie, then Maggie kills Pope

Rpglnq: What if Lydia is bring back the whispers 😂

kiyan west: the reaper storyline is tons better than the commonwealth storyline

NorT 6: I think the reapers are gonna start attacking Alexandria and then the commonwealth will turn up n save them.

Big Delss: I got ma fingers crossed for a lill freaky Deaky 😬😏

Cat: Angela did say we will see pamela's son before her so if not episode 7 then episode 8 maybe...

Patrick Shafer: Think Leah dies in 7. Way Pope was looking back at them then laughing makes me think

Toni wirlander: I hope they realise rick is alive

Samtheman: That shot is so badass, Maggie wearing Alphaesque mask steering the horde with Negan. The Commonwealth stuff for me is just ok

Matty Guy: Cranked up to 11... Season 11

Max Montair: Gabe the next major character death?!

D00MED: 👣

petra r.: the shot at 7:01 is the train station. the exact same place where princess and king waited when stephanie and eugene went up to the radio and got caught

Matt S: I really hope that Virgil survives his injuries so he can tell Daryl that Rick is alive. And Maggie is wearing a whisperers mask

Mary Mandella: Ok i found this episode scary. Too much screaming. My sister thought i was watching horror movies 🤣

poisonkiss201: yo ep 6 had me on edge. tf!!!!

Luke R: Can you rate episode 6 compared to the others in this season for us. Thx.

GrizzlyScalp950: I'm thinking Alden returns in this episode.

ex Reaper: I think Pope is just messing around and what he actually got from frost was he spilled that there is a community alexandria . and Gabriel's death is coming.

Jacob McEldon: so good idek what to say. My favorite show of all time is bringing the fan service big time!

balser77: For those who question Maggie forgiving of Negan have already forgotten Carl. Negan's ultimate redemption is Maggie's forgiveness. "The way out is working together. It's forgiveness. It's believing that it doesn't have to be a fight anymore. Because it doesn't. I hope my dad offers you peace. I hope you take it. I hope everything can change. It did for me. Start over. You still can. Carl."

VetteD SiN: negan is carrying this show for the homestretch boys!

Doctor Death: What if it's all a lie and Daryl dies. HAHAHA

Ellis Smith Jr: Maggie forgive Negan?... Never!🙄

Mrs Dixon: I hope Tomi operates on Ezekiel 🥺

melanie birley: It would be cool if negan Elijah and Maggie all bring there own hoard to meridian so we have three different hoards attacking

White Rabbit: You’ve done a great job covering season 11. Even tho I’m not as big of fan of this season as you’ve been, it’s cool to enjoy talking about the show for the last run. As for the whisperer mask, Could it be Lydia? Wouldn’t she be the best person for the task of leading the horde?

XxThe Awoken OnexX: Darryl will be ok, as we know he's getting a spin off show after TWD finishes, so even if Pope has found out Darryl is one of Ricks group, Leah will save Darryl by vouching that Darryl was never apart of any group, which will be right on que, as the Zombie horde invade the reapers, and Pope will give Darryl the benefit of the doubt. Connie's return was good, and hopefully Virgil will pull through his injury, and be a valuable asset to Rick's group, but iam still not impresed with the slow pace AMC are rolling out these storylines for the final season, as the 6 episodes so far, would have worked better if they were put into the first 4 episodes, and i can not wait for Rick's return lolz

SC: How do u know the reaper arc will be wrapped up in episode 8?

savage slayer king: Synopsis for season 11 episode 8 Maggie and neagn leading the walking to the reapers and attacking them then it will end there that means the reapers will be in the 2nd half for synopsis

Matt: Episode 6 was insane

MysticMac: Gabriel lost faith after he killed mays

Master Beats: If you observe closely, you can see a grave! Think that's Alden's.....That's why they're feeling down!

MysticMac: Maggie looks good in that mask 😩

T Love: 11x6= 🤫🤐😶😊🤩🤩

LouLouLou: Just finished. Kinda bothered me with the Connie scenes and the Alfred Hitchcock vertigo soundtrack bit damn I'm pumped now! Connie's book with michonnes mentions... its only a matter of time before they put the pieces together and they realized she went for rick.... MOVIEIDOL, I can't wait!!!

Dexter Morgan: Negan better say it's gonna be peepee pants City here real soon again for one last time

Z ZomaticZ Z: I'm loving this season by far the best season

Jatavious Williamson: i hope The whisperers join our group now😍

Philip C: Episode 6 was insane

Z ZomaticZ Z: Maggie is wearing negan mask

Victoria De Miguel: can't wait to see Pope and Negan meet, 11x08-09...maybe

Mrs Dixon: Episode 6 was the scariest bloody episode I've ever seen 😳💀

marco boat: You can see Elijah in the background wearing a whisperer mask on the left behind Maggie.

SON GOKU: Why she must bring the Reapers, we have the Commonwealth and the CRM. I mean we have seven Episodes from the LAST Season of the Walking Dead and they bring a other group, which is not important for the the future..

Z ZomaticZ Z: Daryl and negan are the best character in the show

shawn dryx: Where tf is episode 6

Z ZomaticZ Z: Mercer looks badass I love his suit they picked the right actor to play him

Z ZomaticZ Z: Episode 6 was a good episode

Z ZomaticZ Z: My prediction Pamela Milton is gonna appear in episode 8 or 9

Z ZomaticZ Z: I got a feeling Maggie and negan are gonna be friends

Z ZomaticZ Z: The walking dead is by far the best show ever i love this show 😍

elioo: episode 6 was good !

Levi Thompsom: OOO

Z ZomaticZ Z: I'm hyped up for episode 7 I'm excited 😆😀

ItsJah: Yoooo hi bro

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