Apex Legends Season 8 – Mayhem Battle PassTrailer

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Talamali Rabie: ce jeu ne procurre aucaun plaisir

Grimmy: Kinda gay

Titangamerhd: Titanfall 3 is dead dude, I'm gonna cry forever

Dom Jenkins: Im downloading nowwww

Luismiguel Simón: Cuando saldrá ápex Legends para Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Switch!!!!!!!!

Emberson -: Why they gotta ruin the og map, the best map, SMH

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Dante Oswaldo Avellaneda: Nintendo switch

Aestrio K3lp: Ok rip rev rewards😩


A_Deathtrap: New executions no? Why why

R_3___B-: حرييييقه

Its Ravenhawk: I love apex but I cant play the game anymore. With all the content mixed with everything being 90% sweat, I cant play.

Sonny Hidic: Only thing this trailer is missing is predator/hacker filled lobbies 🤣🤣

BL Joey: your games ass and dead

Halcyon: I wanted an skydive emote for Loba, why Pathfinder again? he's got one last season battle pass

Jonny Quin: Games been so boring I haven't beaten a battle pass 2 seasons in a row ... Hopefully this ones fun !

Danny Hu: Okay can you guys re-enable my account then it’s been disabled since the winter event and I still never got an answer as to why. I really enjoy this game and all the content you guys put out for it I’ve been playing it ever since it came out and spent quite a bit of money to support the developers just sucks I had everything stripped away for unknown reasons. Would love to give season 8 a try especially with the new ranked system :(

Star Raider: Sorry just can't get excited for this game anymore, how much you wanna bet there's about to be a bunch of server issues, along with weapon rebalances, ruining the meta of the game, then a bunch of pay more money for this packs. 😒 I'll pass

Steve Olivera: this is kinda bad...

Adr krdnz: I love the game, but I don't like that Pathfinder kill a crow

DaKapilz: I love how lifeline always gets a new skin and emote shoved up her butt every season

Skull thrasher 69: No octane stuff?

16*29Leaker: Aye where tf the battle pass @

rogerm4a1: Charms is the least thing I care about, so useless.

Denki Sgravato: switch?

PantherQGaming: We not going to talk about how fuse looks like Crayator

AcaRenaz707 ramirez: Yeaaa!

stuhar65: Looks awesome but the time of the updates is bullshit need to change that make it earlier

stuntedmonk: That bang holo “lock n load” ain’t new, I goddit

Eren Ceylan: What hour will it be released

Ed: lame

Luis 21gmaeboy: Who else want new finisher to be added to the battle pass

Lexos aka alex: This is FRIKIN AWESOME. EVERYTHING IS TOP NOTCH. But I really wanted an octane skydive emote cuz I'm an octane main and I dont have any for him

Collin Anderson: So... not really anything new...

Bra1n: Fix the servers, they ate always laggy

Martin Kalimukwa: I Got restricted (banned) from Destiny because a power outage made me leave a gambit match in progress. So Eff destiny, it's time for Apex.

toy chica gamer: I'm still hopping for the Nintendo Switch version but i'm sure it will not be for this Season 😭

Suprexg: I don't play bangalore but that skin looks sick finally she has a really cool skin

Samuel Avila: No hablo taka takaaa we!!!

JustParbo: YO MAMA


WeRz: And Switch ?

ulTimateLokal: I see Kunkka +25mmr

Sicknate321: Another trash season yay

jamesrob26: Ring of fire is so stupid 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

2012_Hennesey_Venom_ GT: Im more excited about kings canyon back

MCS Machee: Is it coming to switch

Epic Memes: The wraith emote looks 🔥

madmarco: Wait... where's is the Nintendo switch version? Xd

Ya'beru: Buff wraith pls

Michelle Smith: Is it coming out on switch today

xaan: Come on 3 PM on brazil 😋

tiutaliLIVE: Bloth Hound : *Had Crow* *A seseon years later* Pathfinder : Im done with your bird freind Pathfinder : *Kill the bird* Bloth Hound : To the allfather if you kill..Ill slatra you...

CleverTSM_ZK: Damn

Kelli Sweten: I need boyfriend 🏆🙏

アドレナリン中毒者ですけど何か?: オクタンのスカエモ出してくれょおおお!!!

Raxstar Ranveer: Again a path and wraith emote nice

MiNTs Of Apex: the worst thing about this game isn't the stupid bugs or the Devotion, its waking up at 7 AM the day of a new season and waiting till like noon for it to release.


cristina UwU: Apex legend why don't you upgrade new season 8 please

Galaxy: Lifeline gets a skydive with ALL THREE DRONES?!?

potato man: Is apex coming to Nintendo switch?

Nigward Tenticles: Dam pathfinder must really hate crows. All his skydive emotes are literally him murdering them 🗿

TEST SUBJEKTS/YT: Australian character while Australia still have to wait an extra day lol

Severin Pasqual Mettler: idk but im hyped🙌

DemoniacREX: finally, Bangalore quailty skin

Minh Trần: Birds: **exist** Pathfinder: oh boi, here I go killing again

traveling life to the end.: Pretty shit battle Pass AGAIN!!!!!!!

z4Z: pls stop the cheaters...this game is the best BR now but cheaters in every game

Avipt: How come in apex trailers bullet fly 100% straight but ingame guns handle like a blind monkey on shooting spree :P

1 Japones: Ja diria deadpool, vai rola uma puta briga de computação grafica kkkkk

Jon Mitchell: 0:57 The exaggarated swagger of an apex predator

Groogrux43: Take my money!

Eric Uy: wow Kurt Russell!!!

justin williams: Damn my boy crypto got no play at all

Blue Esper: 0:39 "...as Bangalore asserts her dominance..." I sure do hope I am not the only one who imagined Bangalore T-Pose. xD

Georgiy Tarapata: I just look the video apex ester eggs

Georgiy Tarapata: For your dog

Georgiy Tarapata: You have a dog respawn I’m shy I found ester egg

SuitMonkey: Bird: exists* Pathfinder: Shift + Delete

Robson Macedo: Finale one cool Bangalore skin.

Outlands Gaming: Did you say " *e x e r t d o m i n a n c e ?* "

O92 Techno: That flatline skin is a fat POGGERS

ilgenius GMR: Mejor arreglen el bug de ps4 que te cierra todas las partidas a la mitad si excepción

Lulzwhat: Shit hitreg = no money. Simple.

B Spen: Bring the peacekeeper back to being ground loot

Steve Lee: So it looks like Bloodhound is getting the shaft...AGAIN!

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