Reacting To New Skins In The Apex Legends Season 8 – Mayhem Battle PassTrailer

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arie gaming ML: Good job bro

Ranger L0L: Fuse was playing The Knife Game with Mirage

Notorious N.I.G.: This may be the first season i skip 🤷‍♂️ idk it just doesnt get catch me

Edward Ortega: What was that first gun?

Diro kiwi: Merchant did you see the latest ALGS? RAMPART was used by a team and they were pretty succsesful :D

Jose Diaz: Finally a dope Bangalore skin 🔥

Maddie Tobes: I really wish they would make a Battle Pass skydive emote for legends like Mirage or Octane rather than having a FIFTH emote for Pathfinder...not everyone plays the "OP" characters!

achyut komandoori: Why does the last skin of fuse look like elvis persely lmao

Kitfisto985: 3:14 The loba skin that she is wearing i think will be the Feb/March Prime Gaming.

Halle Bros: bro, I wish there was more legendary skins in the battle pass. I feel like it would be so much better with 4 or more legendary skins per battle pass.

TerpMath 710: 2:37 the knife of fuze...Maybe its gonna be his heirloom

soviet union: they took mirage's unique pirate skin and gave it to a new legend like why and bes tof all they ahven't given him a good skin since like s5 these guys are trying to bury mirage

TheRedSandal: It totaly caught me offguard when i saw it was febuary 2nd

Andre Weingruber: Bangalore needs skins for her smoke launcher like Gibraltar and fuse have for the arm shield and motherload

Micheal Stammers: I think the guitar he plays will be fuse's heirloom.

Dave SlickDick: patch notes says the legendary barrel was removed from the loot pool and that the longbow was added to the fully-kitted guns list.. according to this trailer, will the fully kitted longbow have an ACOG instead of the 10x digi threat? I would absolutely love that!

Advanced Poison: You pause way too much, watch the whole video THEN go back and look through the skins.

Chris d: The Evil Knievel Fuse skin pretty cool

Parannoying -: Wow! No crypto content again! 😃☝️

Hey Graey: The millisecond that I thought there was a mario Brothers green pipe 😂

Eric Noon: The skins for Bang, Fuse, and lifeline are sick! That “outlaw/ pirate “ theme is 🔥 I agree with doing Bang’s hair in a new way is “properly “ needed. Love how Lifeline is wearing a “pirate-like Covid mask”

Lnfertum: Omggg that loba legendary

Husnain Naeem: That's amazing homie

xxhjgfff hi fethxx: It looks like there is a different scope in the longbow bangolar is holding at the start

Roohi Irfan: 3:20 anyone else notice that this Holo Spray is an old Battle Pass one

Josuke Gappy Higashikata: Amazing.. not a single Rampart skin... again.

Nick Maeso: I already have the lock and load holospray for bangy. I’m confused

the bird in the closet: nice

LisabTheBoss: That loba skin might be for the Greek/Roman war theme thing iron collection recolor event for later this season.

Lewis May: Ive seen you say those yellow dive trails were a new thing for this season but isn't that something thats been in the game since day 1? If no one in the team has a ranked trail each team gets different default colours to see how many teams are dropping in an area

raz beats: Him and mirage are best friends

The Vinyl Truffle: The Roman Warrior skin will be from a collection event coming theme of Roman Warriors or Gladiators or something. Iron Crown 2.

Squisheywaffles: Bro I’ve been WAITING for that lifeline skydive emote finallyyyyyyy

Samuel2oh9: Wraith, lifeline, pathfinder get skydive emotes every season. I’m not complaining since I’m a pathfinder main, but it seems a bit unfair for the other lesser used legends since respawn just wants to appeal to the highest used legend to ensure $$$

anonymous: Any one notice the lock and load is for season 7 . Just me.

El IRose: pathfinder definitely needs more skydive emotes, he only has like 5 right now xD

Dylan Stetson: WOW I'm so hyped for season 8 battle pass I'm going to get it when season 8 drops

paladin gaming: Reeee

shadyburn ike: I think that was Gibby's Skydiving With his motorcycle in the beginning

Auden Needham: the bangalore skin looks like its from population one

It's Garagantua: I have turnaround days today and tomorrow so no school tomorrow. SO EXCITED!!!!

Matthew Downey-simpson: The longbow skin seems to have a sort of suppressor on it, though it might be just part of the skin

Emiliano Alcantara: octane's skin

Mirage: And as usual Ravens are messing with Path here... I- I have no idea why.

Hi my name is bob: Not that this matters but why another pathfinder dive emote?

Taha: Man i just did a game, and I got 1984 damage man

Neppy5000: Well the patch notes are live

Fango: Has anyone noticed Fuses skins changes his ultimate’s skin as well!

FluffyBoiGaming: I am upset because there probably won’t be a bloodhound skydive emote

Adrian Stolarski: Bruh and i have to wait for insurence provider to call me when they can fix my laptop and god knows how long, gonna love that timing

Carl Francis Garcia: Why am i watching this i dont even have moneyyyy

Le_Floyd_18: how can there be a gold barrel stabilizer on the longbow?

Helios92x: Just read patch notes. Not a single word about the Hemlock...

AFRO SAMURAI: Fuse legendarys are weak was expecting better hopefully he gets a launch day bundle like horizon did 🙏

Freeloader: Patch notes is out Merchant

3CultureTV: As a black person I love that they finally nailed a good hair do for bangalore, video games have a history of having the same 4 black hairstyles afro, cornrow, hi-top and fade. so it may not seem like alot too everyone, but too me this is progress lol.

christopher ochoa: I DONT KNOW WHY BUT THIS VID WAS SO HARD TO WATCH , to much pausing in the beginning

PrestoCreator45: Hey Pathfinder dance, Gibby's yooka laylee and lifelines new drums can make a band

ryan required: if you take a closer look you’ll realize that’s the same rare fuse skin appeared three times

Sounds2relax: Should be a Covid themed skin- masks and battle sanitizers :D

Frank Danks: I noticed the legendary skin for fuse changes his ultimate to a canon

Zak Attree: If you buy an heirloom you would get a different looking ult and gadget

Joshua Tandy: Can’t wait for that loba skin

celestine: Y’all that ain’t Elvis, it’s Evel Knievel 😂

dan baker: Finally the return of the cursed path fall emote. Anyone get this glitch at the beginning of season 6 ?

Moe Betta: Was there a silencer on that longbow 🧐?

Abbas Agent 47: Season 3 will always be the best season in apex legends

StraightUpOldies: How come there's no small clip video anywhere of the skydive trails for master tier and predator? Only a picture?

SupraMk4Nerd 06: I hope there's a skydive emote for Octane

Ladajzo Brinton: So, Fuse's skin...kinda reminds me of a certain Mirage pirate skin. :L

Dan H: I was the 900th like

Kalil Trepagnier: Nah man that fuse skin reminds me of Elvis

man of power: Still pissed about the legendary legend battlepass skins since both lifeline and bangalore already got one and bangalore's was in season 5 which was pretty recent. While gibby who has been out since season 0 has yet to get one. Other characters like crypto, revenant, loba, rampart, horizon have not got one either. I dont expect the new ones to get one right way but the double characters who already have one is dumb there should be at least one character that has yet to get one each season. Or maybe two character who have not gotten one yet. This season should have been crypto and gibby. Who ever at respawn who thinks that it is a good idea to keep give legends a second one while active ignoring others need to rethink that.

Ding Dong: 0:40 okay but what is that optic

Om3ga yt: No Nintendo switch 😔 Trailer

Tray HFK: 1:55 fuse playing knife game finisher ?

Dante Dantas: Pirate theme event??

Octane: What about the anniversary event

Vaibhav Sharma: and octane died again

Avi Keshari_24: At the beggining, Fuse's Motherload also had a legendary skin on.....

Muhammad Abdou: 692nd LIKE :)

Aqua's Apostle [5th of the Twelve]: I just hope that there's a wraith special tracker event in this season :D

Saphire17: yay no crypto sky dive and no crypto hearloom for the 4th time

Cristancho Xbox: Where are the patch notes?

Deadlysoos: i like the skins but i thnk fuses ult is gonna be really trash

DaRealSad: I'm happy for the Wattson skin in a event because one of her banners this season has a different looking pylon on it.

Noisy Tech Tips: patchnotes ?

Jon Famas: Reminder not to buy the pass since respawn changed the system an scammed all of their players

Generic name: See lifeline wears a mask

vocalysmyc: I swear he looks like Lester

Adrian Knight: The blue Fuse skin is based on Evel Knievel... his gun is even a motorbike. :)

Harshvardhan: nothing for my boy octane!!

The Continental Films: Wee need finishers in the season pass and no more uslesss music and beside path and wraith jump emote please we got more characters they got more than 10 emote combine jeshh

Bruh Moment: This probably the worst battle pass expect the Bangalore skin

Ky: notice how whatver the thing Fuse uses for his ult is gets skinned.

N0nsenze: Wait I have that lock and load bangelore spray, how? Was that a mistake?

Anisa Fatimah Nor Azman: Wow you got so many views in 16 minutes. Keep up the good work The Gaming Merchant👍

Rick Rolled: Pog champ how do you do the gaming merchant

Andrea Volpe: Awesome vidio gameing merchant , can't wait to play seson 8 of apex legends !!! :)

Captain: it was preety nice

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