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LuluLuvely: Streaming RANKED right now! - Lots of uploads for Season 8 coming! 🤍

bigdaddydvo: LULU Ben literally said in an interview with my boi earlier today that you’re one of the people he wants to catch a game with, in regards to a question “which YouTuber or streamer would you like to play with” so go hit him up on Twitter and get that game in with FUSE

Pablo Rivera: Yasssss

Athena Salazar: Apex is dying yay

Aram Kovanesian: Chets

Paloy Palaloy: I just check out Nessphace and she is very pretty, I kinda enjoyed seeing two beautiful and women played together 😂

Bearded Panda[XGN]: which song in the beginning

Nicole and Jacob: Lulu you’re so good at apex!! You have the best content! 💕

etienne dupuis: U diden't try the nwe weapon I'm so sad D:

Jaddiel Baptiste: fuse is dead trash

Garrison Gielda: What headphones/ear buds does she use? I think I might like ear buds over head phones

Nahy Wehbe: Have anyone noticed that she stopped on the gibby hologram for a sec and didn’t say a single word 😂😂 now i get how much she hates gibby

FootLong Rat: Why would she waste hundreds of dollars buying the battle pass

sick WORLD: This season bass is trash

zachcool gaming: Daddy Fuse with Mommy Lulu

Shaun 3xs: Daddy fuse😂😂

vicente rosas: I'm also simp and not without how to change kkk

UE__ Egirl: Only ogs will know that Gibby is gay seriously check his lore

Jordan Brevard: LuLu you that that they are buffing wraith so her hit box is going to be huge

Falconsquad 13: Hi my name is lulu! Watch me turn a flatline into a r99 today with my 1000 rpm trigger finger! As she said before “ just don’t let your girl see” okaaayy byyyyyyyeeeeee!!😁

Drinkyoghurt: The battlepass is such trash. Hardly any epic skins if you don't count banner frames, charms and holo sprays. It's just 99% filler and this time the end result isn't even worth it. Who wants a longbow skin?

AKAxStretch: New Kings Canyon slaps

Malakai778: Need 1 ALGS very experienced player with d3 + lobbies good comms and experience with comp apex scrims Be 18+ we will practice in scrims or ranked for the tornament be active and be able to play 19th feb 5pm gmt Caustic Gibby pref EU PC DM me Disc= Malakai#4096

Rotem Peleg: Kinda disappointed she didn't address the blm budge..

fortnite god: I love your content Ima sub

000 222: Momma Kraber with a new upload let's get it

Adam Acevedo: How many wins do I need to get paired up with lulu for one match lmfao

Thomas Fitzgerald: She’s really really bad for a level 500

david: It's funny how the new fuse character is shit

Noer boi: Hello hello

Adam Ruiz: Carried to pred and wins your ads lulu 😂

55EyesOnMe: I think wraith should get headshot damage on every shot.. RIP

Arrow verse: Lol i watched the stream yesterday

Wally Spencer: did she just ignored that fan dude?

Dubs8911: me

Dev Kapasia: In india lulu means silly😂😂

DownShift X: Should had uploaded fuse play

Abdullah Muhamad Sidqi EL clasico: Always watch and like lulu video❤❤

Thumper: How is it every player I watch seem to have no recoil on there weapons someone please explain

KrazyPotatoe420: Why can’t you have simp in your name?

Twitch BlazingBlitzz: Who else watched this in her stream I did

Z_Bowman: Why bother wasting coins on the battle pass if you play this game full time? 🤔 I mean it's your money I'm just genuinly curious!

Christian Marcum: Why don’t most pros/streamers like to use digi threats and the circle sights?

NessPhace: Hayyy that’s me in the 1st game (:

david guerrero: Just because Jibby is fat, that’s messed up

Imelda Elizalde: image buying tiers lol what a bot

xDrAGoNiCex: what the song name in the outro plss

Elijah Lowe: My first game of apex season 8 I got 2k badge for fuse

Causthicc: why this recomended.

bmck3nney: battle pass weak af this season

dedumb cookiemonster: You should of looked at the Wraith quip it's the og quip remember When she killed Caustic and said tell death I said hello it's in the battle pass

MatrixShaman: First things first, the "hello hello" ALWAYS makes my day. Second, can the Flatline fire faster in single fire? There's a similar thing in Rainbow Six Siege with Frost's SMG. I'm guessing you just need a really good trigger finger. Can anybody confirm this?

Nesh Tilan: Hello, Hello Have a great day!

Keven sum: Theory, I think everyone’s damage per game is going to increase this season by a ton because of the damage tracker and people wanting to get the damage badges

GeorgiaMadeAJ: Lulu out here Simping

kylitrixGAMES: Why don’t you want disruptor rounds back? I would love that..

Cian Payne: Is it just me or does the flatline sound kinda different? I just don't remember it being such a harsh sound

Might’ve dropped Jury: His abilities are a bit boo hoo u can just sit in middle of the ring of fire

jesper magnusson: Question, is there any like full gameplay in your videos? Keep up the amazing work

MaTrOx: LULU tu m'offre le pass apex legends stp

Dont know: Am i the only one with packet loss

꧁꧂Hel Raiser꧁꧂: Use the new gun as much as you can before they nerf it, the gun is so op.

Hiago Brunow: You almost 500k subs

Keegan Arulandu: Why did she check out that Loba skin the same way I did XD...

Qtown 2025: I dont like the battle pass skin for the longbow bcs i never use them anyway they could have picked another gun tbh

Lisa Sophie: Apex Queen😲👑

WildmanPham: this battle pass is assss lol

M O R VV E N: The fact that Twitch bans a word as innocent as SIMP... Holy smokes where is this world going to. Snowflake ratio doubles each day I swear. (Calling it now, snowflake will be banned next)

Mide Fatanmi: She should tap fire everything.

Madness: eyy the EA logo doesn't ear rape anymore. Happy S8 everyone

Berserkins: Genuine question, is it considered cheating using a macro for single fire?

kroypp kell: с макросами играть, найс

Hasan Aly: why u always eating !

Mobz: Lulu really tried to cover the "simp" on the screen with her hand like we couldn't see it😂

g3n3r4l 01: Why do you buy the Levels for the Battlepass? While playing a lot you unlock everything anyway 😅

œdõ: “I missed these little buddies “ *instantly stabs it in the face*

Knownwellenough: Yes but this one goes to 11

Shay and Lennon: A soon as I updated bought battle pass tested everything out and my first game was ranked lol I'm in gold 2 rn

ali gcsy: The gun skins are really whack...

Emmie Loves Apex: I’m lonely and need friends lmao I’m good-ish I have over 1200 kills and main lifeline, and sometimes horizon, I mainly play whatever I feel, if you wanna be friends hit me up lmao my user is ElaneyRooo and I play on PS4!


soup the goop: did anyone else come here because you actually like her or just beacause the new seasons out i did it because im subbed

Raymond Woods: How do you feel about gibi finally getting a fuckin nerf?


TPGPromethius: You should try r3 with a 3x. Tried it earlier with anvil and got an almost 3k game.

Phenomenal_shot_: Man lulu always stealing loot from teammates

WrecklessScooby_Gaming: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

WrecklessScooby_Gaming: What mic and camera do you use?

dayton797: How does she shoot her flatline so fast on single fire? she got a strike pack? Lmao

dayton797: Is that a battle pass wraith skin with the black nails?

Nos16_13 Wanted: She just said daddy fuse I’m done lol 😂

Jordan Bull: Flatline sounds different? 🤔

Money Made Milo: Why don’t you play in tourneys??

X_Daito: I love You❤️

Deshawn Scott: The battle pass Suck this season

Dennis schmitzstar: I like pathfinder sky dive emote

Mocha: Ngl lulu we gon need a flatline game with hand cam

Flying Hippies Gaming: I'm a simp bb

Danielle Cupido: wait why was there a purple mag when respawn took it out

okPaco: squadW merch shoutout

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