FIRST LOOK Season 7 Apex Legends Battle pass, Skins, and Clubs

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Dazs: Battle pass looks insane for season 7, got some good skins in there!

ツSamurai: Whoever needs a clan with active owners please join my it's called THE PVP GODS. you can earn your rank by playing with us. the other clans will not give you rank captain but after 10 wins you can get rank captain l will accept all new players skilled players any type accept hackers no hackers allowed. JOIN US

Rusty Cookie Pekka: 6 Words: This Tier Progression System is Stupid

Dawson: Cant agree with you not taking a detailed look at everything so i dropped a dislike

MrElegant 26: Im soo pissed about this new Battlepass progression, I played 2-3hrs won 2 match and im still tier 1.....

Apoorv Singh: sir i would like to point out something for u so you can represent the community the bp level now takes 500000xp for one where as previously it was 165000 for 5 bp level not only have the increased the requirement by like 25 times it means that me an average gamer who could only afford a normal battle pass and not the levels..will take ages to reach tier 100 hell i am not even sure i ll be able to see the r99 skin by the end of this season i think this bp level system is unfair for gamers like me please try to address this issue also one bp previously 54000 now 100000

ThePerilousWolf: It takes so LONG to just get up a single level in the battle pass

Josh Lyle: So, ignoring the free stuff that anyone who buys the pass will never use, that Octane set is amazing and as arguably my best, gonna be seeing that a LOT. The Wraith skin is beautiful, not very good with her but def gonna be my skin of choice. I am glad they're keeping up with the holos, I like them and more skydives are always good. That R-99 skin at 110 though...It still stings I got busy and missed the G7 110 this season by 8 lvls. Not happening this time. Clubs have me really interested, even making in-game friends to squad with is hard if you're just grabbing someone who lucked into playing with you. The idea of building a group who you can get used to, learn to play around and with, seems like it'll fix my biggest complaint when I lose. My team (or me, sometimes) stops thinking like a team because they don't know what the other guys doing, even if they're on comms sometimes.

traveling life to the end.: Yet another trash BP, beside the octane skin.

疼痛Braindexd: Can we get a crypto skin? And can we stop giving bloodhound and wraith so many skins

Y_do_I_need_a_username_again?: Why do the devs sleep on Loba? She has no decent Legendary Skins (except for Purple Reign imo), gets minimal screen time in newer trailers, and now nothing cool in the new battle pass? (At least I didn’t see anything, I could be wrong).

Drow: No content 😤😤😤💪💪💪 gonna play warzone till season 8 if that wont deliver ill just keep going with warzone 😂😂😂

Toni D'Ambrosia: I feel a little jipped, you showed all the ski dives all the way through but Rampart's

Zz CrazZy Zzz Z: Its funny how u get excited about wraith and r99 specifically those 2 and if u use those 2 braindead things ur just trash im sorry u aint changing my mind i really dislike wraith its just such a cringey legend and everyone plays her and they think they so cool and just crouch spam its like so annoying to see

A L O U M D A: who is better for you wraithe or pathfinder

__: Wraith skin looks like the Widow from into the badlands

Cay Deezy: Hey guys I just made a video on my channel about the new hover vehicle, The Trident, the coming to apex season 7 please check it out for me it’s only 10 minutes thanks🙏🏾 😊

Mia Renata: cool 😚

Harlz Xo: i- they do revenant but not loba bruh

Charles Cummins - BMS 2026: My Boi Bloodhound never gets skydive emotes anymore.

Aqina: As a 8k kill loba main kinda disappointed

darkneshangeme: Why did you skip animations and banners so frequently?? There are a lot of Legendary skin’s picture. It’s not worth watching.

Johnathan Doriste: u going to fast

Michael Soberano: Fucking hell i wanted to properly see the s7 badge

hazeddon: Damn a prowler skin the season it's going into the care package seems a little trolly. All in all a little bummed by this BP. I'll probably hold off on getting it until I'm absolutely sure I'm going to hit lvl 100.

13samfootball: The thing they need to do is just give apex crates instead of bullshit rare skins, when I already have legendary skins for most guns.

Saul Vela: The path emote😂😂

Ēriks Artemjevs: How? Its coming tomorrow

Ihatechaucer: Where are all the Bloodhound skydive emotes? They keep adding Pathfinder ones, he’s gotta have like 10 by now

SoaR Medusa: i know that guy

Jonsama: Too bad they screwed the XP system, many people wont even get to level 80

Puka Tchou: crypto😿😭😭😭😭😭😭

Jose Pijamas: Great idea, terrible showcase

Oscar Hernandez: I'm going to buy the battle pass qhen I get to play and equip the wraith skin because wraith is my main

Psycho Moon: Damn Im still deciding if I buy the edition with all the legends or not. Im gonna change from ps4 to series x and theres no cross save yet :(

Davide.Hu: Level 100 r99 free skin: i am a joke to you?

ぷらぶらቻンቻン: ありがとうございます!     =thank you

stepasidejesus: Once again nothing for Bangalore

sachu sanu: 0:46 I quit my job because of, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

rentojad: I like Octane skin and lvl49 charm which i saw in another video.... and that's it. I think it's the worst battlepass since season 2. R99? Honestly i saw it in action and i prefer the season 4 BP skin.

Mohamednoor Arale: Wow the bp is doodoo wth. Looks hella lazy plus there’s no love for crypto,pathy,or Bangalore. That level 100 r-99 skin is aight but that octane skin tho

thank u, next: wait so wraith gets a rare and a legendary skin this season?

Raxstar Ranveer: Also s7 battlepass is ass only 2-3 skins worth it I'm disappointed this time

Raxstar Ranveer: Don't make videos if you do not know how to showcase properly

しおん: Are you in a hurry?

Its_The_Doofus _: I think the lvl 100 r99 skin is better than the lvl 110 r99

Fortnite Minimovies: Why can’t I play season 7?

Corbin Basso: They really said “bye loba”. No holo, no emote, no frame, no skin. Yet wraith gets to add 2 new skins to her never ending collection. Like, this is Lobas hometown, she is high class, this season screams Loba and Horizon. Make it make sense why she’s getting nothing

FahadPlays: They never add stuff for loba👁👄👁💦

Louis Fidèle Dieme: Thank you bro Now i know that the wraith skin is on the 25 level !!! That's so cool !

TinBin: I hate how revenet get no skins but octane dose

NintendoFire: What is the music that begins playing around the 5 minute mark??!

batman136 cage: for some reason i’m thinking of the last of us

Call me Not Carson: It’s ok

Slim Shady: Bro you went so fast that you skipped few things lol

BagChaserkam: These battle passes are terrible

Bugatti Bezzy: Bring back the PK

Light0Mamba 04: Lifeline never be getting battle pass skins😑

Jordan James: that R99 skin is dope

Diya Prakash: I am sad I never can get the battle pass cause I don't spend money it looks dope tho and I am excited for that free wraith skin that looks good and I am going to get my first ever backgrounds


Jamielol: You said clubs in the title but you didn't even look at clubs?

lyle welch: As far as clubs...itd be nice to play with similarly ranked folks regularly and not feel like hit or miss on teams in random loading in...this grind to platinum yo 😂🙄

Big Moist: So pathfinder has ANOTHER emote, and Rampart is only one season in and has THREE what's the crack Respawn lads?

Leonessa: A lifeline quest???

Łukasz XOXO: The worst BP showing

kitve: Wish we got a new emote for bh crypto or mirage :( maybe even loba but she got a cool one in the event already

OnlyLacial🍉: Bruce where tf is bloodhounds emote it’s been a fucking year

Barbie Chocolat: TOO FAST

SaiaSaia: So when does it officially come out so I can play it because on my apex says 0 days remaining but I still don’t have season 7 update

Rico Mansos: Horizon gets 2 fucking finishers and Bangalore has had 1 from season 1

Steve Buguwa: I'm getting bioshock infinite and dishonored vibes on the battle pass skins.


Ahura Taheri: This sucks, another pathfinder emote, another rev and bloodhound skin we got all of this 2 seasons ago like tf

Mateo: ugh can u just shut up, thank god theres a mute and 2x funtcion.

Yellow Diamond: Rampart got another emote on her second season

Teabagg Editing: Season pass are getting worse every season... disapointed af

HBK_ Destroyer: These niggas wilding

HBK_ Destroyer: Mfs like wraith,lifeline,octane,gibby hell even revenant who came out 2 seasons after bloodhounds first emote this game doing the most


[Tommy Aguirre]: im so sad dude, they actually gave pathy his FOURTH emote when crypto and bloodhound only have 1 battle pass?! Ughhh so disappointed

SO 71: I want to hear the quips

SO 71: Where you find the battlepass

A Good Profile Name: Bit sad there isn’t anything for mirage but it still looks cool!

Spawny_95: Dislike for skipping alot of the good stuff

deyon!: smh nothing for mirage but a kill quip

Joshua Hernandez: That octane skin looks soo cool😎can't wait 🤗

Joey König: Its so disgusting how much u fucking forgot to show in the battle pass😒

Jamboe 77: Wattson skydive emoteeee😁😁😁

IyVeX: we dont have special efe jump of wraith ???

Егор Лемайкин: I think solaris - best skin on horizon

Nahuel: gibby be singing over the rainbow tho 😳

Black Panther: So the battle pas still can level up with playing xp or just with the stars ?

Black Panther: So the battle pas still can level up with playing xp or just with the stars ?

LMarci: The r99 looks insane, this time i definitely prefer the level 100 one

Youtube Wanderer: Why is the free Wraith skin better than the premiun one?

Mc Poop: I'm not hating btw. I'm part of the 0.1% who cares about the holo-sprays, banner frames, charms (if there was any). So don't feel like u messed up

Mc Poop: This guy is skipping almost everything!

Slippy exe: brooo! no wattson skin?? and they fuckin give warith 2 skins? every season? i mean you know its all buisness right? becaus theres lota wraith mains!! fucking trash players who can,t use their brains and just q out of the fight! tbh that leg wraith skin is dope but! stop makink writh skins every season!

theedgyreaper: So instead of giving revenant, loba, Crypto, Gibraltar and Rampart battle pass skin. They give another battle pass skin for octane and wraith, How wonderful 😑

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