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Dylan Nixdorf: Ah yes, ignore bloodhound it's not like he hasn't had a nice skin in 3 seasons

Md. Saraf Islam Nuhil: Wraiths gonna get another one. I know it

Cabritinha Br: Please, Wattson skin 🙏

Yarik Versch: I really want bloodhound blbattle pass skin, like s6 skin, because i'm playing since season 8,and haven't any bloodhound legendary skin

Loydred: Actually Valk could get the skin, why I mean this? It happened before with octane when he came at S1 he got the Jade Tigger skin. And Horizon could also get the skin since it already happened with rampart, 3 seasons after their release

Maxime Labrecque: Im waiting to see ninja turte nessie charm

Paul Dinnegan: All I want to see is s recolour for that wattson cyber punk skin that's cost legend tokens or even crafting materials

Just: If they give Valk bp skin I'll be legit sad ik she has big play rate but fr Rev didn't get any just like loba

le pregunte a simon y dijo que mis webos: The next weapon will be RE45 because we give already a R99 (SMG) Longbow (SNIPER), Devotion (LMG)

Soma Szántó: I would be a Leonardo or a Raphaello main for sure😆

Astrourge: Yes, ignore crypto loba and Gibraltar respawn, they obviously don’t need skins 🙂


dream eater: 😔I was hoping loba was gonna get 1 cause I'm tired of the event skins coming out for my main at 2,000 when the battle pass doesn't even make it to 1,500🤡

the bread: Gibby literally has 0 bp skins and like 1000 event skins

Austin Johnson: As a loba main I hate how they don’t give her any skydive emotes if I’m correct she only has one which I wasn’t able to get.

Rashawn Robinson: Convinced Respawn hates adding valuable battle pass content for Crypto.. man has been in the game since season 3 and STILL HASNT RECEIVED A SINGLE LEGENDARY BP SKIN

BlakSeaman: I was excited

Kyle Busch fan18: My favorite weapon is getting a reactive skin let’s go

PŒTIC: S10 Predictions: Hazmat Horizon Some spider web-covered or Medusa vine-themed Valk skin The Volt skin will match either of the skins Maybe Tier 100 will have vines growing on it or spiders crawling on it?

Eudemonix: poor gibby, never gets a battle pass skin

Elektrikk Gamer: horizon and valk just got skins in Genesis. But that volt tho. Ima buy the BP just for the volt skin🥵

Mirage's Decoy: i want another mirage bp skin :P

Lorenzo: I hope Loba gets a legendary battle pass skin :(( although it’s very unlikely

Diq: Bruh a horizon and valkyrie skin 🤢

notnamed: It could be that "Mutate" comes from word "mute" mb we can get another legends that can silence enemies, dunno how prove my point

Afro: I call bullshit on valk geting legendary skins already

embalmer.mp4: I'm down to see a Leonardo legend

Surgical guy: I want a wattson skin from the battlepass

AZE Slayer: I would like a revenant emote skydive in it

Hentai: Dude why is there never a bloodhound skin


NARKKARIT: oh no not the ninja turtles

uh idk !: I need skin for lifeline 😐

3mk29A: if is not gibby x loba i'll riot

Rico Mansos: Teenagemootint ninjtituls

ToXiCxTHANOS: Lmfao stfu haha sub for that ninja turtles call out lol.

Peridot: Gibby and Loba should've gotten a skin smh

Ellie Ward: They need to give bloodhound love give them a GOOD Leg skin or sky dive emote and they need to do the same to wattson

Ar3miX: Thanks Zilke now I need apex tmnt skins😂🐢🤘🔥

MBO Xenoo: Skydive emotes: Wraith Bloodhound Loba Crypto New legend

Hyper Gaming: I was betting u would say TMNT after mutate lol

lucas™: of course i see this just after i crafted a legendary volt skin :/

Vybe Samurai: Please tell me there’s a caustic skin

Annouoop: Mutate = vinese don’t forget they are going to progress thru the map

Michael Sarkis: lettsssssss gooooooooo big fan of ninja turtules

Sai Kiran: i really wanna know the upcoming store recolors but wer is shrug? he havent posted any leaks yet?

NichtStern: Honestly tho, I'm still waiting for Revenant's BP skin. BTW I like that you "maybe we finally get reactive skin for a popular weapon" 😂

lazybones 2: I wonder what level 69 is

Sanic is here: i'm gonna be so mad of valk is already getting a legendary bp skin 😐

Triggas: Valk already has more skins than my boy Fuse

Anonymous girl: I'm a bloodhound main, and I would like have a legendary from the bp man :(((

B O B: Damn so is valk gonna be the new wraith?

Shysmy: Cant wait for Leonardo and Raphael to become playable legends.

mister wachizowski: Finally zilke ! volt is getting reactive skin 🔥

zzzmicrowave: I really wanted that false idol recolor but no it’s a wingman skin and a lifeline thanks respawn 😐

Anime Fan: I think it might be revenant and I really hope crypto

Rope Neck: “TMNT”🤣🤣

Holospray: Crypto needs a big buff

Cy Hyatt: I really want the Jester octane skin!!! Do you think they will bring it back? And if so when

Prafful shroff: Should have caustic skin instead of valkarie. Because anyone use valk probably have the birth right skin which he will not going to replace.

Holospray: I want crypto skin!!!

Junior a: Is there any leak for the next recolor block?

YourHomieFrog: I can’t wait for the teenage mutant ninja turtles

דניאל פרנסס: 1:29 u got me 😄😄😄

mc: mirage should get something or crypto, caustic, rev, loba, or gibby Mirage only had one and those legends had none which is stupid

Delio Master69: YESSS THE VOLT IS FINNALLY GETTING IT and hopefully they make horizons skin cool but why valk why not someone ellse?

Roberto Salgado: Once you said "TMNT" I was like "Dude I could be gaming"

Joshua Reyes: Im excited for the ninja turtle legend xd

II BlessHerKekz: Can someone help I bought apex coins and they have yet to come up how do I contact their support

Silky_Smooth 94: I want hemlock legendary

J T: Can they please do something for bloodhound like dang respawn never wanna show bloodhound any love

ChakyMilkBoi: Teenage mutant ninja turtle pizza heirloom?

Jose Paz oliva: They made fuse and the developers act like he does exist

KeenKiyoshi: Before The Legacy Antigen I already was imagining a plant/nature based legend. Now with a possible "Mutate" season theme, I’m hoping we get a Poison Ivyesque legend

onthewaterr: Season 10 legend: Donatello

FallenRequiem-: I hope Mirage gets a skydive emote it's been over a year

David Zaragoza: God Our Lord and Father, the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and our Lord and Savior and Son of God Love you all so much and so do I.

Blxck Stxr: Valk and horizon just got skins from this event

LazyLamb 63: I sooo hope Loba gets stuff

LNZ: im new to this channel and im already liking this sence of humor.

Spencer: I need a reactive volt skin in my life

Koda Frazer: In the store it shows a blood hound with 2 blood hound pack and a wraith skin with 2 wraith packs. Does the packs mean it was the skin from that their heirloom collection event?

Jolder-I J: When is bloodhound going to get one lmfao

Vlaqz_: They show The "Great Winter" Skin for Bloodhound in the Season 9 Trailer... Im WAITING😂

Fantastic Spyro: Why doesn't crypto get anything

MrSniZZlle: You know the procedures 😤

Arthur chance Othneil: Love your vids broski once again(No Homo)

Arthur chance Othneil: Notification gang like it up

Space man Chef: Really, no gibby skin? No revanent skin? Just 2 mediocre movment characters

NoirFinder28_-: I hope was : Revenant Gibby Mirage Loba Or other Or one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles skin

Wishing Dead: I feel like valk is the new wraith

Overgame50: I want a bloodhound battle pass skin 😫

Shladecino: I kinda wanna see an alien legend or something that would be cool

Nėxus {Masked Malware}[NN:Smile]: 1:31 fucking GENIUUUSSSS!!!!!

Qais Ilan Aziz: I legit bursted out laughing when you said teenage mutant ninja turtles LMFAO

Edgy Pickle: Mirage battle pass please

Forcer: Too be fair, the battlepass skins seem completely random. Octane got a skin in season 2, literally the season after he came out. Not to mention, the spitfire is the first and only weapon to have 2 Tier 1 Legendary skins

Andres S: Legendary battle pass valk skin??? I’m here for it💯💯💯

Kahlani Murphy: I think the 2 Legendary Skins in the Season 10 Battle Pass will be for Loba and Gibby

Anita Nepali: R-99 ??

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