OG DEFAULT Skins in Fortnite! (Season 5)

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Drake Cheever: And

Renardo Taylor jr: You muted

Drake Cheever: Like

Drake Cheever: Don't only win all the time because I like it won't be as fun

Zack wooden: I just love how he was actually muted for once lmao

Drake Cheever: My tooth fell out


Yashua Hall: hes muted

Noob Noob: I’m the best fan ever sorry for being late

Blake Boetto: U make me so happy even since I lost my dog 5 min ago last year. Again that u so much.

JT Money: I think the next video you should you should do that pistol exotic only

Matthew Girard: Your first match LOL

Cash Lin: Hi I big fano

Sandra Jean Baptiste: I use your code

TGT CASH: Who remembers flush factory

Awsome Fortniter: Bruh he trolled back lol

DEREK MARTINEZ: It’s because when you did no hod

drippylol: Typical Tiko

CWGaming: Bro I thought he did the muted at the beginning on purpose as a joke lmao???

Julian Sanchez: Can you give me v-bucks

Phill Blakeburn: Hi tipicalgamer

Adamo Marcoccia: U are mute

Andres Warden: I remember the gta intro

wolfgamer296: Yeah me to but his mic is muted

LEG13N LEG13N: You,I will be your favorite musician one day, love me

Cosmo The goat: I keep missing his streams🤦‍♂️

Henry Colbert: TG PLAYS idea: get all the gold you can in one game.

Emily Karger: we /cant hear you

Desean J: When I upgrade a weapon and I find it after I cry

Thomas Constantino: Ueeheheh hi love the vids

The Fortnitehiders: LOL MUTED

Jim vickrage: He is so good!!!

Natasha Rajguru: Best YouTube

Natasha Rajguru: You are so cracked bro

Meliodas Dragon sin of wrath: 0:52 the disappointment on his face lmao🤣🤣🤣

Leslie Garcia: *The first Time he was actually muted lol 😂*

Gabriel De Jesús: 👍👍👍👍👍

Rell: My user is RoniFN1

Nick Longenecker: Unpopular opinion: The og skins looked better.

Trippiewtf: I love how everyone did the muted prank on him so many times then when he was actually muted he didn't believe it because so many muted pranks 😳 *That's why you don't prank * 😂

hunter cake: You were muted

death king gaming: Fortnite knock off

Ocer Banks: Yes

Ocer Banks: Ues

Mo Ali: Can you freind me my name is Incredible_Maro I subscribed and liked

Noah Powers: Typical gamer I've always tried to get English streams but I never could

Isiah Manuel: TG you are the best YouTuber


Dustyn Bourne: You muted

Kai Curtis: I got the go defaults when they first released in season 4

Hayley Dever: Mic muted

Lil Savage: 😂😂🤣 he was muted

Samoanboi808: Ok after looking back at that part of the stream (1:40:27 btw) that dude should've been dead, Andre hits the kid 5 times after breaking his shield, and he still kills Andre?

Jamie McDowell: xD

Lance Carillo: Muted mic always

Angel Beltran: he was muted in the beginning LOL

Jennifer Shealy: Ur muted

Garad Ismael: Lol muted

Ontarrio Goins: DOG

3AM&roblox: Muted

GTA Grinder: My name is x-llllllllllll-x

Badboycrown: where is slime rancher?can you make a slime rancher video you already have the game

Brody Wallace: I just love that he tride 😂😂

RX ZayZayJ17: I LOVE TOD 😂😂😂😂

Jamie McDowell: lol

Jillian And Chad Carico: Yup

Mohammed Akasha: YES

Christopher Zepeda: There not og anymore because there in the iteam shop

beastly 1: He is muted we can’t hear him

Cameron Myles: So we not gonna play rust again? That's heartbreaking💔😔

Mohammed Akasha: muted

Anthony Timoteo: My username is tomahawk-Timoteo

RYAN O'CONNOR: u were muted lol

D1am0nd K1tty: muted

Bob Gill: If turbo building was never added would there be sweats today 🤔

Marvin Thomas: Use code Tycial gamer in item shop pls

Abhinav Sharma Gaming: Andre: why does my game look like mud?? Mobile players before fortnite mobile got banned: wHuT bRo hOw iS yOuRe gAmE aT sUcH gOoD qAuLiTy??

Ali Alwasim: Your mic is muted

cuan archer: U not speking

Olama Gaming: Wow he’s actually muted this time

Actually Aaron: the one time chat is not lying that he is muted

Pedro Perez: Lol he has his mic muted

dakidmagical: At first I thought it was my volume but then I just started laughing because his mic was muted 😂😂😂😂 big fannnnn bro

Lyons’s gamer Ye: You muted for real this time chat tell him

Dylan Sanchez: Can you give me One pls my ñame is aTheOGlegend1019

Hamza Kamal: You are the best YouTuber

Lard Generater: The one time he is muted

Cael Bacorn: what happens when i suport you Tg

jxten90: Stop why are you guys so roud about his voice he was born like that just be thankful for him giving you guys content

Glenis Baptiste: when he was mutes i died

Ray Lennon: im gonna name myself tyipicalnamer

CP Productions: lol he was muted

Darian Singh: TG can u plz go back to posting steam it is day 40 of ask in u plz

Hlayiseka Dumela: Hey TG please play Among us

SA - 07KR 762578 David Leeder MS: When he got muted in the beginning I thought my volume was not working then I skipped tell when he said it finally happpened


Ashley Morgan: Is your mike muted

Abhinav Sharma Gaming: Andre: has everything in the item shop Me: just has a 200 vbuck emote from it

MrThugGaming: The mud is just an update fortnite had, I have the mud when I play too

Joy Bouget: My graffics look like Scales

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