Black Ops Cold War: 31 Big Changes In The Season 1 Reloaded Update! (Update 1.11)

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Inkslasher: Go to or use code inkslasher to get a 2-year plan with a huge discount plus 1 additional month for free. Thanks NordVPN for Sponsoring the channel!

Paul Rivas: The update deleted all my stats and progress

Ram: I don`t know if this is a part of the update but I have the mw season 1 operator missions "unlocked". I can`t unlock them though

Zyyor: yo fuck the guy that shot your body at 5:45

Amer Shahen: No hit markers bug in Warzone is giving me anxiety

Exzavier Williams: Will they bring the ppsh back

giannhs bgeno: when the league play will come;

john sullivan: I honestly said to myself I don’t like the fire base z map at all but then I was like give it time, the more I play it the more I will like it then love it but not really as simple as die machine cause of the basic nacht building was a big part of the map then of coarse the outside and underground 🏭 which know just I like both ways even in this one where u have to not let the generators get to damaged by zombies

Amaan Burket: Starts at 2:01

General Grievous: Anyone else notice that all the season one operators have skin Challenges back?

BIGHEAD: So even league play is for noobs huh? Lmffffao

Cameron Francis: Says they didn't change anything on express. Look at the TVs and bullet trains were the train of the future.



Drew Feinhals: Your intros are annoying

Shelton Díaz: Still didn’t fix the load out drop freeze :/

FE4RR: how does he keep stacking up his crystals but they stop giving me mines

Lance Alonzo: 2:07 video starts

Cørñ Døgź: I’m sad I thought it said “big chungus” in the Season1 Reloaded Update

TheSlimGrinch: Floating glowing zombie eyes in the new map goes to show attention to detail on treyarchs behalf. Half Ass bastards!

Alarmed Singer: They need to stop bringing back Old Maps

Swarup Nachankar: Hadid's dad called him lion .... Highway of Death Opening line by Farah to Alex Wanna think who was called lion in modern warfare (older version)....?

isidore kal: im so excited for the old maps coming back treyarch doing a great job , plus im not even a big zombies fan but the fact that they made firebase Z kinda ''objective'' based is so awesome .

Lasse deB: Wow and nothing for MW. Cod doesn’t care about its fans

Zreeks: Ayo dexter searched up hot dogs but didn’t specify what gender?is dexter bi?

Perseus: This game sucks so much after playing my first match I deleted it and never played and regretted buying it

Manuel Vasquez: Anyone else locked out of their Warzone operator menu? I am.

3arc: The reason express is exactly the same is because the game is set in the dark aether, multiplayer and campaign included

AleksOP: Can you level up by playing DOA? Cuz if you can that’s gonna be the only mode I’d play from this game

J3 J3: Express looks a little too similar to black ops 2 save for cosmetic changes but I like that classic gameplay style

Nigig Taylor: The rai-k 84 should be a mastercraft unlock for completing the Easter egg

Mr Panda: did anyone else get a cut scene of adler being capture or just me?

iLL RICKx_x: Where's the time stamp guy

MBSK SK: Love this channel, Stay frosty

Rhizvo 1: It’s not like the stoner needed a nerf or anything.

Severin Schwarz: I think they nerfed the barrels of the M16.

Kishwar Ara: Inkslasher do u know ghost again dues in cod mobile hearing the words "that's one less lose end" By templar

UnknownGamer: You forgot that you can now play the bo1 war tracks in the menu and in-game instead of just in vehicles.

Zach Johns: That skin gives me Army of Two type vibes. Anyone remember those games?

Dude Burger: Good theory tho

Dude Burger: I know it’s been almost a year but there is no way that Alex is ghost. 1. The accents 2. They come face to face in the season 3 trailer 3. Where was Alex in the originals

Abdulla Ahmedi: Its funny to see a futuristic map in a 1980s setting. I'm interested to see how league play will turn out.

Ghost CODM: Dexter wanted to look up Hot "Dogs" (Like we search Hot G!rl&)

Joshua Baro: Did you really expect Ranked to be done properly if they can't even do their regular matchmaking work properly?

onio n n Hashr: I love you man

Random NPC: Last video he had 15 Aetherium Crystals. Now he has 44...

Aaron 102: What a shit update fuck cold war

Alex Stachura: Yep they refuse to balance CW mp . Nobody can tell me the dmr and type arent Op. Can 2 tap ppl across the map with a 133ms ttk. Thats WAYYY too fast for this game and its even faster than MW which most ppl complained about. and akimbos delete ppl instantly with a 50ms ttk which is a joke

SHOOTER3258: Kids run for money from your parentses and buy cp points for that garbage skins and guns 🤣🤣

Barry B. Benson: I don’t even play cod Cold War but I just love to see how much this game has grown

ryan johnson: Everyone follow “ the rant channel” if u hate Cold War

TSAV ITG: “I’m not gonna go off on a 15 minute rant... yet”

Voltage: New inkslasher catch phrase. It’s update DAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY

Whiteknight 2332: Does anyone else get a moon vibe when teleporting to the firebase?

Connor Lehnert: So they rushed out the 1.0 update and now cram in half an update’s worth of shit and call it “reloaded”? Fuck treyarch

Imperial Japanese Soldier: I would like to see mr. Bean as a new operator XD

Bounty Machine: Glad u guess can play the new map cause my game is fucking unplayable

Shane Wyatt: Disappointed in this dlc, they could have at least changed up the skin on express. But no, the creative design team were too lazy I guess.

giodis: My update is 60gb on pc... I don’t understand why? What am I redownloading as mentioned in the video at 2:10 ??? If anyone knows let me know. Thanks peoples

Google User: Dexter is so cute

IxBungie: so no one is gonna say anything about PS users getting Double XP 1 day early before everyone else? why tf do yall need that extra day, you guys have already had way to many PS exclusive shit like the alpha, get to play the beta first, an exclusive zombies mode (its dogshit), 2 extra create a class slots, now an extra day of double xp, wtf activision

DigitalGaming: Firebase z looks like the village from The mission Fracture Jaw when you have to grab the file

Nathan Guerrero: Yo thiccslasher

Alex the gamer: Anyone else feel like captain ravenov is victor reznov for this zombie

Richard: 1:10 u cheeky fucker, I see what u did there

Bull Treone: Have a good look as all the 2025 tech is replaced with 1980 tech like the CRT screens etc so the bullet train did actually exist in the 80's in this format... pretty cool.

4LI3N BOY: so this "update" was just a bunch of remixing to old stuff?

MA-R_S O: This better be an amazing map if I’m having to download a 97 gigabyte update

Alejandro Viruete: Thanks man the map looks better than the first map 100%👍👍👍👍😎😎😎

Damian Elbrid: Call of duty advaced cold war LOL

Xavos: Im trying to play fireteam but it never puts me into a game. anyone else?

Sean Bankston: Thanks for the update bro

Luis Chavez: Really disappointing update unless you play zombies or search :( was really hoping for at least a new map or game mode on the bigger maps instead of trash dirty bomb, guess I’ll just hop on zombies for a bit to try the map then back to warzone :( big sad

steve Bui: Can I get a shout out please I never had one in my life

Giovanni: We’ve been having bullet trains since the 60’s and they been looking “futuristic”

Z Prodegy: Omg just go back to BO2 league Why must we keep acting like it wasn’t the best?

Loquacious Libra: I really wish people would stop calling for the stim to be removed instead of just fixing the issue 🤦🏿‍♂️

tip tap: Fuck this update reseted my setttings 3 times

BrianBall like DeRozan: Bo4 ranked isn’t to bad 🤦‍♂️

gman93: I really hope the next map is studio/firing range.

Page0601: The reason they are doing the rack systems like Black Ops 4 is because people Re not playing the games as much as Activision would like. They are hoping it will bring people back. The problem is that you can hack and cheat in this game so much. A non-cheater will not win.

Indianapolis Colts: video starts at 2 minute mark. yeah i wont be subscribing and will be removing from recommended channels.

Rohan Venter: Finally i can start playing cold war again ....the game was so boring 🙄😤

The Son Of Syn: No one else is speaking on Firebase Z not having new trophies... we didnt get anything for the new map. Smh.

Zach Vella: Which dlc of the ak74u has he got, I like the iron sights

Shadowkiller 420: Still want that zombie weapon unlock challenges

Elizabeth Neri Rodriguez: What a recycle content what happen to you treyarch????

Baba_Boooey: What is it with Dexter and interrupting you when your talking about BOCW.

olga Hernandez: You know you made it big when your dog is looking at hot dogs and you get a sponsor to prevent that what is the timing on this

Dodo With a saddle: dam they still haven’t nerfed the dmr

Brandon Woodall: Pay attention to the little details on Raid. Not the big details. Then you'll see a lot of differences between the old and the new

christian cervantes: They work so hard of CALL OF DUTY League of Champion for strong players. There's nothing wrong with BO4 and BO: Cold War (COD Series) for god's sake!!!!

HBK: Did anyone peep they put bo1s menu music in Cold War multiplayer

Hayden Deacon: 10:04 they already had waw dumbass

Jonathan Beans: 10-16gb? Mine was 21! WTF?!

Shark Equis: I can’t get over the way the mimics run

NOAHSARC: the express trains were created in the 1960s irl btw

Andrew James: the video was alright but i hate how at the end of the video your outro music is 1000x louder than you are and doesnt slowly ramp up. you go from talking quietly to loud ass music like why

Jon Reyes: Bullet trains were made to look futuristic

TommyTom21: hahahaha nvm the hot dog joke was funny

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