Black Ops Cold War: 24 Big Changes In The Season 4 Reloaded Update! (Update 1.20)

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Terry Williams: Once operators are $5 maybe I'll play it

Albert Moffet: 0ver 70 gb update for them to remove the 2 best game modes? no 12 v 12 and they've removed nuketown 24/7 lol yeah cheers for that. great update, spastics.

Taylor Smith: Is anyone having issues with aim assist after this update? Mine feels non existent now and there is literally no slowdown.

Travis: "They also added black hole grenades pretty self explanitory" Wtf you mean "self explanitory"????

xxx: That’s odd, my gun blueprints only cost 2 prestige keys

Chowd 4000: I’m so fucking hyped they brought the nuke back

Chris B: Need the 12v12 back!!!!!!!!!

TheLoneHussar: If you get the nuke on Raid then you can nuke downtown LA just to kill a couple KGB agents.

Daven Buteau: When is the update and what time

Flames_13: Inkslasher I have a Theory about the new zombies map. So the theory is that after you were captured by kravchanko in the outbreak Easter something happened in east Berlin so kravchanko having reqrium agents captured decided to use them as slaves for omegas business doing what ever kravchanko wants them to do there work and save Valentina

Medicine Is Impressive: still worried about logan walker.........

Christian Lesoa: Who els loves nuke town

Raze sparks: Can u pls do Macmillan’s story line

BuzWeaver: I'm downloading MW and WZ to checkout the new changes. I may download CW, I've not decided yet.

v Plutox: Also you can press pause in zombies online.

idot gaming: Plunder in warzone is glitched

Raul CA: Now I have to download a 184 GB update 😬😨

YAYO: Yyyyyeeessss big daddy weaver and rush

justin kadoura: Does anyone know if 12 v 12 moshpit was removed? It no longer appears on my list of options after the update.

Peter Mullis: iRon sights

Reyli Zuniga: I woke up this morning to play zombies and when I try to pause the game it wouldn’t pause

Lil Sway: What ur insta

Charley Kim: You need a new outro song man. Tired of that track and it just comes out blasting at the end.

David Suppa: New map? No? Still not gonna play. When we get a new map I will play again

acrispynugget: They're prolly gonna nerf the nailgun in wz when the new smg comes out

Aiden Phillips: Yo is it just me or does this man look like a Black Ops Operator.

Ruben Morfin III: Is it me or when u play solo zombies and press pause and it doesn’t stop the game?

Shadow 2-1: The only thing I don't like is that you can't pause zombies anymore

Shannon Loyd: So it's going live with the new zombies map at 12am us?

Lord shaski: If you go to zombies the pic has changed

maison baez: Activision you have half redeemed yourself yourself

maison baez: Activision what have you done to us you’re caring about the pro players the minority more than the majority casual players

Yeetmaster Diabeetus: This "Unused tokens" trigger ngl please use them

DJ: Warzone looking like a fitness center pre Covid with how sweaty it is

roberto thompson: That zombie gun is ugly as f....

Lu-Tang: Can't wait to get into lobbies with all the campers and super sweats trying to get the nuke 😂🤣

Elemeno: Mule kick is gonna be like Tombstone. Not really needed or even used. The tiers could've been 10x better. 1-Carry a third weapon. 2-Carry extra Throwables 3-Stowed Weapons slowly regenerate ammo. 4-Carry two of the same type of wonder weapons. (Outbreak) 5-Carry a 4th weapon.

Manny Teixeira: Hopefully they will have something for me to play

A Person: I think the wonder weapon is supposed to be pronounced Cerberus

Barci Covington: COD community: can you devs please address the hacking/ cheating problem? Treyarch: OH YEAH!! ADD A FUCKING NUKE.

Clean: I wish all the league play rewards were in the game when I used to grind league lol

Claus Robinson: I stg they gotta add more Warsaw operators.NATO has like 6 more operators.


Bender Bending Rodríguez: Prestige Keys are finally usable. Swear I've been sitting on them forever

SpecOpsMops: when he said nuke i thought of raidaway

Heavy Metal Soweto: I legit stopped playing BOCW months ago and reverted back to MW. Perhaps I need to revisit this tired game and see if sticks this time.

Manuel's COD Channel: Well now the nuke will be in almost every COD. Thumbs up if you want a full history of Inkslasher

Luigi Diaz: Please bring back Gun Game & Sticks & Stones!!! Cold War just isn’t the same without them 😴😒

BIZZABrandon31: Worst game ever for updates (storage wise)

Phantomkillerx5: Are they gonna do another free weekend for Zombies with the release of Mauer Der Toten?

Cold Warzone: Day 28 of asking Ink to start streaming again

Kareem: It’s crazy to think that cod is doing all this CDL promotion but we’re taught to think that “we’re only a very small portion of the community” horse shit

Habibi: I still have a question, why the hell is there league play if there’s skill-based-match making?

Lex Corp: Anyone else play cold war and getting a little tired of having to wait for our content until after the warzone update goes live? What does the new map in zombies have to do with warzone?.. or the new weapons? Absolutely nothing!!! So tired of being put behind the free play player base. Weaver is being held up for the exact reason I'm talking about same reason I'm talking about, can anyone explain why free play players are more important than everyone that actually bought the new game? I would ask why they don't have battle eye or some kind of anti cheat in warzone but the answer to that is obvious, the dev's and Activision make the mods and yes it's very easy to see how updates are only used to fix glitches while not a single cheater has been punished.

Edge's Domaine: Wonder when we getting firing range

Jerrel K: Its funny that everybody wanted a nuke ks in a treyarch cod but you cant get it in a fair way with this thick sbmm lol

skyclasp: Do you not get bored of doing this after more than a year now

seth hardy: I keep getting bluescreened in zombies. Plus I keep getting slapped with error codes. I got bayou wolf, good wolf, brave wolf, brutal wolf. A few others again and again. The game is just fucked. I deleted the game and reinstalled it and it's just broken. ..... I cant play the game. This game is 100 percent unplayable. I did everything. I even initialized my ps4. To start on a clean slate and when I downloaded the game.....boom errors, boom bluescreens, no pre lobbies the moment i hop on I'm automatically given an error or a bluescreen.

Tocoolforschool: How do we get the weaver skin

Carti: my update size says 207 gb 💀

CTP - Error: Does playstation players always play the new updates before xbox when they come out.Just Asking

TheWindy42: HELLO INKSLASHER!! I know the new weapons coming Modern Warfare. I've found out in the Co-Op section of Modern Warfare. While playing survival, I was choosing a gun to buy from the weapon box, and found a new SMG called the CX-9 and a new LMG that I can't remember the name of. I'd think that this leak is by accident since Co-op isn't that popular. But definitely worth looking into. Let me know if you find anything!!!!

Sebastian Garcia: Activision shill

RD productions: I can't wait for the weaver pack I like zombies but I haven't been able to do Any Easter eggs but the skin looks pretty cool

Crypto898: No weaver is launch operator

BSJ IN THE HOUSE: Treyarch: *adds nuke* Infinity Ward: They can’t do that. Shoot them or something.

Depressed Seal: Hopefully Noah or MrT do a livestream

The Listener: 200gb jesus

The Uncommon n00b: Wow more cool characters locked behind microtransactions they're gonna lock Mason behind that too probably Idc because his voice sucks in this game anyways

Josemari Z.: CDL advert drinking game, a shot for everytime “action” was spoken.

Spiral Alpha: No anti-cheat and the sun still bright

Silentcarrot937 j: I really like Cold War. I've seen and i know a lot of people who hate it but honestly, I don't think it's the game that's trash, I think its the people who play such as campers and sweats. I do get bored sometimes due to the lack of content but I only play TDM anyways so I can't blame the game😂😂

Daniel meza: Hi

Chuck Norris: I can’t wait to play the new zombies map

jtjdful: Hahaha Remember Turning On The Paint Ball Setting

Dylan: I saw the blueprint prestige thing a mile away ever since the game came out. Good thing I stuck with my keys.

Oh Dad: The update didn’t even bring anything

Bubina Fn: 84GB omfg

David Garcia: Can anybody even pause a solo game of zombies? Why can’t I pause lmao.

O G: Can tell they have given up lol

Sean Mullen: I banked my prestige keys expecting that they might release weapon blueprints that can only be bought that way

John Price: I have 19 prestige keys just sitting there collecting dust. Bout time they had a decent use.

Aidy Reys: Bocw is dead

madubt: Weaver has a very long bio section and peer assessment….maybe time for InkSlasher to revisit his story!!

Doble B: Cool, now people will camp even more to get the fkn nuke

Ruben Quintero: I can't pause a solo zombies game after this update, anyone else?

Venatus: Kino will be in mauer der toten??

David Chapa: I hope they do something about the cheaters so we won't just be getting nuked all the time😭


Young Alien_420: Mule Kick’s (skill tier II) reminds me of Vulture Aid when you killed some zombies they would drop ammo but in Cold War let’s hope it’s up to 10 or 50 rounds, also has anybody noticed the radios next to the dead fisherman zombies on OutBreak that they play the Buried music? because I noticed that the other day 👀

amorbavian: FINALLY something kind of interesting for the prestige tokens lmfao

Joplop01: When are they going to let you use your keys in warzone

Andrew Sheen: I can you use prestige tokens for blueprints now at fucking last I have a use I only used 2 for the high command calling cards

NoobGamers4Life: I wonder if the new SMG is going to be as broken as the nail gun was 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

BloodyR3ap3r: I have a feeling that some people that reverse boost are gonna get the nuke and think they earned that nuke. When they were literally against kids who were born without fingers

Crown_Vic 37: I skipped the PS5 texture pack in the beginning but can’t find how to find it. This update took textures away and the game looks ugly now

jstop777: Mule kicked looks disappointing

creepy uncle: Weaver is getting added later bc he is part of the zombies storyline, since the 17th will be the Easter egg, their should be a difference between him talking to us and us playing as him

Best Gaming53: Guy doesn’t slack 🔥

King Pablo: 4:55 am

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