The Expanse Season 5 Ending Explained | The Takeaway | Prime Video

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pe slice: "unity will win the war" -absaralla at a tea party following worldwide annihilation. i miss SYFY...

Jay Patel: This is literally one of the best shows! Keep it running Amazon, We want all the books converted into series.

jounouchi123: Give the expanse seasons for the other books past 6 please

Gil Thorn: Marcos demonstrated multicultural with the martians and he always said the belt is stronger together. .. so

Sparkyroots: I didnt think they were wiped out as they transited the ring - I thought it was just the show-runners demonstrating what is going on at a micro or quantum level and that it is getting stronger, or angrier as Holden described it, at every ring transit. Is this correct? Or are we meant to wonder? Please un-cancel the show and allow all the books to play out by all these talented performers, creators and writers!

Jeremy Cunningham: Best show out there

Zoran Rajilic: Because of your video I will need to rewatch all seasons from being

487shawn tower: Too bad intersectional feminism raised it's ugly head and destroyed another franchise!

OMGIDestroyedMatter: This breakdown is stunning. Everyone who has seen season 5 should watch this

B M: 18:35 You show people with American flags and not the crowds of people burning the flags, setting cop cars on fire and smashing up and looting businesses. Nice one Bezos

macrograms: it wouldn't be a real SyFy original without being canceled when the story gets to the good part. and canceled twice is a real novelty..

Erin Thor: Why does Prime Video fail every evening around 6-8 ish?

Euronius: Naomi: I called him a brave idiot. Amos: There's worse things to be. I almost feel like that's a cheeky jab at the allegations surrounding Alex's actor lmao

Dan R Goodnight: guess I'm alone in this - but there was waaay too much family drama in this season, it took time away from great sci-fi

Zman o7 In The Verse Star Citizen: Season 5 is total garbage the series ended at season 4. 😡

Chad Davis: Massive fan of the show, but BIG disappointment with this season. However, there’s SO MUCH more to explore, and the set up with this last episode begs for at least two more seasons. Do not cancel this series, it’s the only reason I’m subscribing to Prime

i3lueFire: but why only 10 episodes? and why do you make them a weekly release instead of a full season?

Phrancis5: Come on Jeff Bezos, you're now less busy and concentrating on Blue Origin. You love space! Surely you see the value in extending the awesome Expanse series through all 9 books! Oh Please...

Sam Gunn: We’re all familiar with the adage “blood is thicker that water”, but that’s not the actual quote. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”, is how it goes. It means the opposite to what people think. Naomi lives this credo. What a great character.

Bear Wolf: Best sci fi, please renew.

Charles Jones: What bothers me about Alex dieing is how poorly it was handled. It was painfully obvious that they just used a static shot of him, added some blood and recorded a few scenes of the others mentioning his death. For the most part the characters acted like they didn't really care.

valgeir80: SPOILER!! My favorite part of season 5 was when Alex Kamal got spaced for allegedly being handsy.

X Y Z: When they said Alex will not be returning for S6, literally they KILLED HIM!

Matt H: So the question is.... What are we getting after season 6? We know it's not the end of the story, and it's definitely not the end of the IP, so are we getting movies?

T G: Don't cancel this series. Do cancel these syrupy, over-emotional "analysis" videos. Viewers don't need Jeff Bezos + crew to "interpret" this amazing series.

Manny Drives: Just enjoy the show and share relevant insight. Stop bringing politics into it.

Star Lord: That was the season finale? What a let down... considering the last 3 episodes were basically 1 long episode which was dumb considering it’s most just Naomi crying and nothing special

zack fair: Spoiler Alert!!!!! Alex. You will be missed. God I love this show! And Camina Drummer is insanely good/.

Bob Minter: I loved it!! I know next season is the last and I hate to see it end.

MillieMa: I want to listen to this but the voiceover talent (is it a person or a machine??) is so horrible I can't

nowyfolder: BTW AMAZON DIDN'T CANCEL, IT WAS ALCON THAT CANCELLED IT(company that has rights to Expanse TV since the start)

James Pavier: Looking forward to the next five seasons 😃👍

Beee: I want this series to never end 🤤

devon divine: Plz cancel If season 6 is as trash as this last season was, why bother.

Bert Dram: Best scifi-show of all time! please don't cancel it and film books 7 - 9.

Mark Pritchard: Answers a lot of questions that viewers had after first watching the last episodes of the season. Well done!

alain blais: Best serie even made

Hugo Maritz: Best sci fi so far. We deserve even better (deadwood equivalent) but it will do in the mean time.

MASTER PANZER: season 6,7 and 8 of the expanse

Isaac Griffin: Well it also teaches us don't commit sexual misconduct at work or you'll be killed off in a gimmicky way.

sabermaster2000: The best show out there!

Ateisme: Please make more than 6 seasons!!

luke wootang: Amos stands out the most. His sneaking the sputting girl on to the Raci is brilliant. Thete will be more!!!!!

Gregory Wonderwheel: Season 5 was great as we've come to expect. My biggest surprise after all the build up making Karal such a terrible person was that neither Drummer nor Naomi got to kill Karal and instead little mousey Michio did.

Gregory Wonderwheel: Whoever wrote this script made a mistake when the reader says "Inners, Martians, and Belters" instead of "Earthers, Martians, and Belters." The Martians are as much Inners as the Earthers are.

Tarek Ali: Spoilers galore but excellent Analysis of a masterclass in science fiction television. I didn't pick up many of these themes until this video, goes to show how multi layered and textured the writing is. Indeed the Roci crew philosophy of chosen family and mutual sacrifice are lessons for everyone. The stakes have certainly been raised for season 6.

Joe Siddall: The only reason Alex died was because cas had to go and assault women. WTF bro.

Cel Ruwethin: My takeaway: I really enjoy this types of sci-fi. This show shouldn't end in season 6. Please expand it to other characters - like the Mandalorian story in the outer ring.


Rout Radhamohan: Please continue this series. How many of you want this series to continue

Zimeon: I just hope the Expanse TV-Series will embody all the books in the series. That's why I'm a amazon prime subscriber!

Ermin Dedic: The only reason I have prime is so I can watch this masterpiece of a show.

Russell Barker: Good Job AMAZON PRIME, Keep it coming, more Expanse!

A. David: This is absolutely the sci-fi show humanity needs.

Crister Macedo: Dont cancel this series, i would watch more 5 seasons easily

Julis Raleigh: Why is no one commenting about how lame they have written Alex out of the show?

Yusuf Ginnah: I've been Holden's biggest fan for the first 4 seasons but in Season 5... Camina Drummer stole the show for me. She was unafraid to do what's necessary, even when it meant losing crew and family and even losing the respect of those that stayed with her. But just powering through on the path that she believed to be true and not following the herd, risking her position and her life. Avasarala comes in a very close second, for her approach to dealing with Marco and not hurting innocent Belters in that pursuit. Any which way you look at it, this show has improved from every season to the next and 5 was definitely the best yet. Can't wait for Season 6...!! 😎👍🏼

Richard L: Unpopular opinion here I'm sure but I felt like it was over the top this season with Naomi just constantly screaming and crying.

BluntZephyr: You killed Alex....Bastage!

rgmcphee: Perfect show! So can we now get a confirmed season 7+8+9 now? Because if you are done with it then I am honestly done with Prime, this is the ONLY reason I have it, no BS. This series is amazing, smart and engaging along with embracing science making it the smartest and engaging sci-fi show in quite a long while, in a time of stupid mind numbing sci-fi (current trek for example) this is AMAZING TV and we need more. If not you Prime then Netflix hopfully will keep it alive.

Maitreya Kanitkar: i am with inaros man, he is badass, plus the entry of the laconian empire will make things awesome, can't wait for season 6

Kiran Rajmohan: Superb show better than dark & stranger things. but also the most underrated show recently. It should be rated same as with Game of thrones.

Fabiano: I am the only one that have not enjoyed this last season? So much of Naomi family drama and so little of the rings and ancient aliens. 2 entire chapter only about struggle of Naomi ,ended in a ridiculous rescue from Bobby that could have been done so much better,but they decide to give us more first piano of Naomi tears. And can we talk that Alex is gone in just 5 secs....they do not even goodbye him properly after so many seasons. Brain stroke???? Lol In wich moment the tv show become a Naomi soap opera?

Matthew Kulak: Future War Cult shirt on Ty is a great touch.

niiels: no hate . season 5 was so boring. The whole mother-son relationship should have been limited to one episode and not the main content of a Scince Finction series.

Bem bang: I got Amazon Prime specifically to binge on The Expanse, and froze it immediately after finishing the season 5 finale.

Michael S. Chupka: Alex deserved a better adios, amigo than what we saw.

Danny E: This is not only the best syfy show ever made, but one of the best shows period. I hope they figure out a way to adapt the rest of series after season 6 sooner rather than later.

Officerd00fy: Jeff Don't you dare let season 6 be the last.

Gerardo Velazquez: recast Alex, and remake the last season episodes, they were badly done, the first 4 episodes were awesome

NOT SO SLIM JIM: Season 5 was crap...

Dropcheck: Absolutely the best SF since BSG. Hate to think there's only one more season. Please don't cancel.

Archie Adam: Thank You so much for this amazing series.. Bless all the cast and crew! I hope they will reevaluate it not to cancel it soon.

Wozza Laders: Awesome!!!!!

C Gibbons: I wonder if SyFy is now saying............"Why did we let this show go, we must have been drunk".

Warpz78: Loving how the show is developing and while the show changes some things from the books I think it changes them for the better .Only thing I hope is that in replacing Alex its a martian as in Bobbi that replaces him.the dynamic wouldnt work if it was Bull as hes an earther .But also Holdens face when Peaches came on board ....Priceless hehe.

Jogie Balansag: Amazon need to EXPANSE the season not just season 6. This is truly the best sci-fi I've seen so far.

Elmo: Alt shift x would have been better

Quentin Yeung: I wish they had replaced the actor for Alex and had another way to kill him off, that was just too sudden and quick for what they did for a major charactor. I like the space fight, keep those coming.

NPC_Virus _: It was stupid to kill off Alex. If absolutely necessary, recast him, but you can't just kill him off. I just finished book 8, and Alex is critical throughout the book. I am fine with most of the creative liberties you've taken, but the Expanse without Alex really isn't the same story.

ItsCoreyLynxxYall: That Donnager class ship looked rough. Not as streamlined as the flagship we saw in season 1. I wonder why.

Etienne Azzopardi: Six seasons ... and a movie :^)

Skidrow: I don't give 2 f's, about any other show on prime, this gotta be the best ever any streaming platform can have

Lady Vengeance: An astonishingly good season finale for an astonishingly good show.

Phoque Anonyme: Whaaat Sauveterre is dead ? I didn't get that feeling while watching the finale ! Anyway good season once again !

The OzChoz: I have Amazon Prime solely for this show. Once it ends so does my subscription.

I V: RIP The Expanse

xsnut1: when is season six...i don't know if i'll be around with the pandemic raging...

mary: This was an incredible season! Strong work by ALL the actors (I LOVE Cara, Dom, and Shohreh...all badasses!) The emotional moments mixed with action were done so well. Can't wait for season 6 & I hope it goes on for more after that!

Christian Graham: Loved your analysis and breakdown. Please don't cancel the show. It's one of the best things on Prime (and anywhere else)


Dara Cummins: This was one of the best season's to date. I can't believe Amazon will look to stop it after season 6. I do hope it finds a new hope.

SmithandJones256: Why the hell do people keep calling her "NYE-omi". It's NAY-omi, ffs! Get it right!

John Rubino: Renew the Expanse, after season 6. #SaveTheExpanseAgain

Ram Samudrala: Great show!

Locutus Borg: I loved season 5. Can't wait for season 6. I can only home that Amazon change their mind and picks up the series for season 7 and beyond. There are a LOT of fans counting on it. There is so much more of the story to tell. Don't let the story die. This groundbreaking series is right up there with Star Trek as a franchise and deserves to have its story completed.

clyde eads: Best SYFY show ever! Seriously!

s.u.n. t.a.n: This episode was insane. Probably one of the best episodes of the entire show. But I don’t understand how they’re going to wrap up Marco and introduce Laconia and the mysterious ring builder killers. I doubt they can do that in one season.

Clinton Turner: Loved it.

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