Season of the Chosen Trailer Explained! Destiny 2 lore | Myelin Games

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Christopher Roberts: Caiatl

Sir Crimson Wolf: I have two theories one is a pretty old one the other may or may not be old it is one that I have recently concluded my first theory is that our guardian is Dr. shim and the reason why I consider this is because of Venus in the original destiny calls are guardian this. My second theory in case if the first one is wrong is there a ghost was Dr. shim and this led me to consider that ghosts may not have been actually created by the traveler but converted and what I mean by this is that all ghosts may have originally human. Similar to how awoken and EXOs are basically converted humans I was wondering if ghosts were basically the same converted humans. I will probably have to consider gathering more information data and lore to confirm this theory.

Ladybug_Jodi: Have you been to the helm? Why would Crow be whistling the song that Shax has been? It is that really bad song. Just AFK behind the recaster. By the stairs to see Crow. I have not been able to get him to do it in front of me.

Sad_owl _: Ciatal.

Corrsttatic IsLonely: I cant believe we get No Time To Explain from Exo Stranger when you visit the beyond

Hammerd Walrus: Screenb... shitty joke of the day done.

Han Ming: Caiatl

MNPWxXxGreenBeretDal: So is sagira dead or not?

Tiago Lemos: Caiatl.

cade_olson: Beard is lookin great man

cgerlt01: What weapons are you using in this?

Ben Crew: I’m calling it now, bungie is likely playing it close to their chest, but I see a re-imagining of the menagerie, except this time, it’ll be us communicating more directly with calus, and the activity will have a darkness/scorn theme. the community has been complaining non-stop since the menagerie stopped being relevant, and it’s business suicide for bungie to not give the community a peace offering at this point. creepy menagerie 2.0 could be just that.

Titus: Kettle

Sentinel7: Excited to get to see her character in game after the years of teases lol. The Calus/Caiatl story is really interesting. Like the Fallen, they're just much more relatable characters, and complicated interpersonal relationships make for better story content. PS--here's to nearly 2 years' YT premium sub! I know your cut is a little more on Patreon and Gamma's art is nice bonus, so trading my monthly back to sub that again. You've put together a good channel, excited to see what you do next.

Kyle Sullivan: i wonder if we're gonna get to explore whatever that was with the screeb, maybe the new exotic quest will take us there?

Danielle Krause: Caiatl

Raymond Mc Donagh: loving that beard Myelin, gives you a............wild prophet look

Hugh Jass: Is Mark McGowan Zavala?

ElectroniX: Menagerie 2.0 Scorn Boogaloo

Radical Greek: We definitely know she sounds like a man.

Drum being Drum: I love that they still use the Calus story with his sister after they vaulted him.

Mike C: Big Daddy Calus coming back? Niiiiice

Sam Jones: Great vid as always :) My prediction for this season is Zavala is going to end up being killed by Caital. In his office is the sword that we found on the coffin in the Corridors of time mission. Excited :D

Shawn Bentley: Nice. Keep it conning. Great stuff as always

John Mullan: Somehow I managed to stay awake for this whole video. Keep up the good work

external memory: So, did Caiatl vow, or *wish* never to be weak before crushing the bone, and does that distinction even matter? I swear to the fucking Traveler if we her say "O _____ mine…"

Jason Hooper: Pigs in Space: The Mongolian Wars Showing my age? Indeed!

simsudi: Kitell (I'm bad at spelling)

Maxxor B: "Back to her bosom" Noice

external memory: With the power vacuum left by their Father being snatched up by the Light (do really we know if the immortal Scorn barons couldn't have res'd their former leader? missed opportunities for all the edgelords to kill him again IMO): my money is either on Calus' "recruitment" of new Shadows from the Scorn, or it's just the Wrathborn and / or Savathun's Taken confusing everything. They'd likely be the Eliksni (or former Eliksni) most receptive to his perspective, House Salvation embraced Darkness out of desperation for *survival* after all, and Calus doesn't even entertain any notions of survival as a possibility. But then, wasn't the Leviathan also plucked out of the system by the Black Fleet, or the Darkness itself, last season? I feel like Calus could be a red herring in all this, too. Riven was *Taken*, remember. And how did Uldren come by a personal army of corrupted ether undead Eliksni? Riven. Taken Scorn when?

matthew triplett: All that is great lore. But why is Calus taking scorn?

Yevhenii Shudrenko: Damn, Myelin, you ought to have more recognition for the way you present Destiny lore - a bit of quick background here and there, some crucial quotes, your own thoughts and all of it mostly within 15-20 min, always a pleasure to listen

H240909: Bungie, please don't make me kill Caital! Please just have us fight to a stand still or have it so we both earn each other's respect on the battlefield! Then again, we got to keep the Cabal an enemy faction somehow. Ugh... I already got a feeling I'm not going to like the ending of this season.

Benjamin Anible: Long time fan of your videos. Wonder if it is possible to get audio only versions of your content to play like a podcast?

Matty Sterling: ❤️

Даниил Амиров: oh dear shiny ball of Light please make Calus come back. miss him :c

luke mace: Yo myelin! You got me hyped for this season, great vid. Did you get a new camera? Looking crispy my man.

jwallace410: Caiatl


Shantae Ogan: Dang

Travis Johnson: Caiatl

Matthew Hollingsworth: Caiael

A.C. Robinson: Caiatl

Fell Lawler: Image, Calus simply just wanted a pet screeb for himself. In a serious note, it’s very interesting why calus would start having an interest in the scorn now of all times, maybe scorn can’t be affected by the cryptographs.

Fennecky: Loyalists where you at?

Wasn’t checking for you: All roads lead back to Calus; it’s been this way since the beginning of destiny 2 with the red legion invasion.

Shyam Pandya: Caiatl

George U.: I see Caiatl takes up the thiccness from her pops lol

FKDotFitzgerald: Considering Menagerie was filled with Vex and Hive, Calus certainly isn’t above using other races for his own purposes. I kind of hope this is a way to reintroduce both the Scorn and Calus. Maybe he returns next season with gold-plated Royal Scorn.

Will Brewster: Caiatl

Carlin Nevin: I miss mars most of all the sunset locations

Slevin Gaius: What are the odds the psion is somehow connected to MSund12 or OXA?

Pyro: Caiatl

W G: Calus really just stealin scorn so we can get more dudes to fight for when menagerie comes back in the year 2152

Cetega: I'm still intrigued by the idea that Bungie might be intentionally misleading us with this trailer, and the "ritual combat" we'll be engaging in this season will be to determine leadership of the alliance, or something similar. With Caiatl's distaste for weakness, Zavala actually bowing seems like the last thing she'd really want from potential allies. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking that this won't be another generic rehash of the same war with the Cabal.

Trinity Rose: Caiatl

Reptilliano: Hopefully Caiatl doesnt become a strike boss or a boss to kill at the end of the season. That would be very underwhelming.

Dec: Kind of dissapointed in the story writing from what I've seen of the trailer. This Cabal chick seems quite dense as if she wasn't aware that we've defeated the Cabal numerous times, slayed Hive Gods etc. And she just thinks she can waltz in and expect us to bow. I was at least hoping for a cabal NPC (don't think I could expect more from Bungie).

Edwin Greaves: Gammatrap perfectly predicted the appearance of tusked Cabal. Impressive

Raúl Mejía :: uL38: Caiatl

BlackMFVelvet: Caital

MrSJ1133: Exciting

Mizran Ozahara: Hey, Myelin, thought you might want to know but there is a potential technical race name been revealed the Cabal. Specifically the "Space-Rhinos" not the psions. There's a line of dialogue that says Cabal speak Uluruant, which might mean their true race name is Uluru or something like that.

inktoxicant: I love how the voice actress for Caiatl delivers the line about the massive tank she has. You can tell that she's the daughter of Calus. "She breathes... She moves... She will spit out your bones."

Possidoose: I really hope she doesn't get killed off. I want calus to arrive, corrupted by taken energy from the return of king oryx, who's might has been conjured back through use of the might of the darkness. A cabal civil war taking place with oryx puppeteering calus would be awesome

cesar: Looking forward to the new season

Ferrum: Caiatl

Richard Terrell: Thank you Myelin!!! Love your content!!!

Lycanite: I just love how everyone comes to our system and tries to pull out the "Oh you have no option but bow and accept defeat to us" card Ma'am we killed your last associate while almost lightless, plus some hive gods, plagued eliksini, and helped your father multiple times. You could've been a nice friend, now you'll be a bullet sponge. (Also nice video tho love your content <3)

DarkStar Nova: Just finished my season pass in time for next one. Weird being on Xbox now but it’s basically free.

Arkslippy junior: I think it would have been interesting a quest similar to the allegiance quest with the driftor but with caitail and calus as the two sides and have it so that guardians from each side fight the other faction in the battleground activity while the two cabal forces fight back and forth Sort of like another go of gambit in a casual setting

Oliver Smiley: That yes at the end XD

WarriorWorthAThousand: I'm truly excited for this season because the status quo is being broken in multiple ways the first being instead of destroying big bad 8373 we are fighting using the Cabals own culture trial by combat. Reminding me of the gladiator matches that Calus and Ghaul both mention Ghaul even being Calus champion. The second being even though we refused to bow it's not oh you didn't bow I'm going to destroy you. In Heir Apparent she mentions she hates weakness Zavala refusing to bow likely did more than just bowing to her. A headcanon that I had was Caiatl has a personal issue with the hive specifically the wrathborn robbing Cabal off a warriors death instead falling to the wrathborn disease being a stain on their honor which not only insults her but the very principle their culture is founded on.

Artemis Cai: I'm excited to see where all of this is going to go. Great video Matty!

steve43ful: I really like where this new season looks like it’s going, but Bungie: don’t expect me to get excited about fighting more Scorn. You can’t be mysterious about Scorn. Make some new shit please.

David Reynolds: Caiatl wants to come into OUR system and threaten US when we’ve decimated the Blind legion, sand eaters, dust giants, skyburners, and red legion, all while her dad has been writing fan fiction about us. We’ve scattered the fallen houses to the wind. We’ve systematically turned nearly the whole hive pantheon into weapons for our amusement. We’ve jumped into vex fortresses and gate networks because we were bored. Caiatl has a barely functional cabal legion and a fancy land tank... she ain’t got a dreg’s chance in Twilight Gap at defeating us.

leedogification: So, all of the Destiny I've played, all the lore videos I've watched, I don't ever remember hearing about Calus' daughter. She is a brand new character to me. Also, what weapon is being used at the start of the gameplay here? The fire element one. I think I need it.

DataButcher: Great to have a more fleshed out antagonist for season pass dlc.

JakeSpacePirate E: Mad dream that I have: Playable Cabal Titans, Playable Psion Warlocks, and Playable Eliksni Hunters.

Michael Cairns: Ah excellent timing Myelin on uploading the video!! I have time to watch a interesting lore video before going to disability support work course. I hope this season we get learn about the Scorn and their relationship with the Darkness and the Fanatic thoughts on Uldren becoming the Crow. I've got feeling it won't be good

Biko Vilela Neumann: Love you vids keep up the good work

InsidersClub: A story expanding on the Cabal and especially Calus and his daughter Caiatl would be amazing!

Nate King: Thank you mylein. I've been trying to learn some of the video editing skills. Cheers!!!

S. J.: Yess! Lore!!

Alec l l: love your vids mate, keep it up, destiny is kinda stale now but i apreciate every video you make

Bob is Consumed: Between Caital and Zavala's tactical ineptitude, Savathun has a LOT of time to try that Premium Skillshare trial.

Zero Day: Caiatyl looks bad ass ngl.

GrahamtheTitan: 54th

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