Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen - Guardian Games Trailer

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J_Splutox 3: Power rangers?

cKayn: Game is dead atm sorry to say that.

Kevin r: Looks boring wont bring me back.

lucas pezenti: Cool. Too bad this isn't srl tho

Juakel hester: Im a warlock main this trailer has me tilted. At least we made sure hunters didn't get second place

Grendel: I like how here the staredown where titan on the left and the other two classes on the right lol

X Huschi X: Kennt man einen Trailer, kennt man alle.....

Logic Rules!: Bring back Faction Rally's! Drop this race war made up to look like the Olympics crap


Angelic Lps: Power rangers

xxxgliz: Imagine still playing destiny


Deadweight: So this is why heir apparent was removed from the kiosk... laziest game devs to date!

GlazedTeddy: Omg we got a power Rangers game let's goooo

coffee is my waifu pt2: Haven't played destiny since last season. Might be bringing back my legacy. Gonna smash the titans to hell

Taldaris: Nice music choice in Blue Stahli.

Just some guy with pink hair: T H I C C!!!!

Pocket Infinity: Hey zavala the only reason titans won was because of bungie lol

Kivabe bulbo valobashi: Nice boro


Old Man Spetz: It wasn't a blowout...Devs cheated and gave titans and warlocks a boost. The hunters won because more players prefer them. It wasn't fair last year and it wont be fair this year. End of story.

SticQeno: This new season of Power Rangers looks pretty good.

A Random Dead Person: Ah gee. New content for destiny? Can’t wait to drop 60 bucks then have it be free less than a month later!

William Ferrandez: so in this trailer it was all titans speaking, and the titan vanguard: Zavala, introduced the video. who speaks if hunters win. right now the only on-screen hunters we really have are Crow and Eris

Bryan ace: go go power rangers

FlamingUkelele Player: Don’t you dare nerf hunters again for the game

Nym OneFourSix: You rigging the game from the start again this year or nah?

Still-Icarus: Gonna whip and nae nae

CarolCorp5x5: Power Rangers Space Force Destiny

PartySage: I still remember you crayon eaters cheating to win last year. Hunters were far beyond and ahead to win.

Ryan Prajoth: Go go power rangers

360GameTV: Instead of playing 1 millions bounties this year we play the same stupid and boring strikes which we play already since years again for 1 millions times for an event? wow really really lazy Bungie....What in the hell you are doing the entire day since months?....

QuarryBee: I know nothing about whatever’s happening here but go go power rangers

Carface Tube: Power rangers?

ToxBox Devel: Lmao now YOU, yes YOU, can be a power ranger too!

Simo simo: Will there be a sparrow race?

shoku.scythe: Titan superiority

themeatman: These are some cool ass power rangers!

BOB777777777700: Reminds me of the power rangers

Goonswarm: SRL when 🤔

Husky_playzYT: Titans master race

hindi fact baaj: Hey guys😙 anybody who know me watch my videos😂😂


Jermaine Angelo Arrogancia: Go Go Power Rangers!

EmantheDeman: Everyone else at the Tower: "Last time we did this, the Titans laced their crayons with bath salts and Zavala called it "fair game"."

Lewi - Life: 🗑

Roger Sprau: I clicked on this because the thumbnail looked like power rangers.

TheNapster153: Why does the thumbnail remind me of super advanced Power Ranger Suits?

Jimothy Thugbane: *power rangers sound track kicks in*

Woody 515: You gonna nerf hunters after 1 day again or you actually gonna allow us to win?

Heavyoak: Titans already won. warlocks enjoy your second place again.

hgch dyt: Forced organ harvesting, the taking of vital organs from unwilling donors, is one of the worst crimes perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and it is ongoing. To evaluate the current situation and find a solution to stop the atrocity, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) held an online forum on February 24, 2021. Over 40 elected officials from various countries along with 117 organizations attended this event. The video recording of the forum, titled “Conference on the CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting,” is available to view on ETAC’s website. Several recent articles on Minghui have reported on presentations by legal experts, ethics scholars, and elected officials. Today we focus on a presentation by Ivan Vilibor Sinčić. Sinčić is a Croatian politician and chairman of the Human Shield Party, as well as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). He said during his speech that the forced organ harvesting is the worst human rights violation by the CCP and that Falun Gong practitioners are the main victims. He called on the international community to condemn and sanction the CCP for this tragedy. Vilibor Sinčić, Member of European Parliament from Croatia, talked about organ harvesting in China on February 24, 2021. Victims Are Primarily Falun Gong Practitioners Even when compared with egregious human rights violations including forced labor, arbitrary detention, concentration camps, and torture, forced organ harvesting is by far the most serious human rights offense, remarked Sinčić. Very often the crime of forced organ harvesting takes place when the victims are alive and conscious. The victims are largely Falun Gong practitioners because their physical health is usually very good. MP Sinčić said the forced organ harvesting is part of the CCP's systematic persecution against ethnic minority groups, political dissidents, and religious groups. An example of the CCP's oppressive policies is the political suppression in Hong Kong. Living in the 21st century today, we have witnessed the large gap between China's human rights violation and the universal rights that everyone should be entitled to. Sinčić said that many people are not aware of the CCP's human rights violations. They do not know about the mistreatment and medical experiments on Uyghurs in concentration camps. As a result, he said, we need to raise awareness of the issues and publicize the information.

DHOOM- z7: God i hope there is a crucible mode of 3 v 3, and the teams can be warlocks, hunters or titans

Wolves Blaze: I thought this game died off years ago when I bought it when it first came out and the campaign was the most boring and short lived with massively long repititve raids. You can't charge the fans an extra $20-$40 for Dlcs that should have been put into the game when it first launched.

DrPork: Season of the try hards more like. I can't even turn a corner in Crucible without being one Tapped, ability spammed, or solo supered and PVP is dominated by over powered meta weapons. (If you're a new destiny 2 player do not play crucible early on, you will be crushed by the sweatiest players on earth.)

Zaksta: Another set of underwhelming armour

Legendary Shadow: lets go class vs class which is the better class my hunter men lets win

R0DrigoH: You gotta love how the trailer is so much cooler than the actual event.

Sludge X90: Titan armor with out massive shoulders??

UbbaOdin: Good

slysnake96: Go Go Power Rangers!

Naamloos: BREAK THEM!!!

JDmv15: The thumbnail made me think this was a power rangers crossover for a sec

diego marcelino: Notice how it’s says free for everyone

charlie: I'm actually new to this game I feel like warlocks are always being discriminated lol

Izou: Titan will go superman everywhere 😂😂😂

max: bad event, why bring it back

Jesus loves you, but hates your sin.: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16

1year Journey: Power rangers? I can't be the only one

Triz E.N.Y Highly Opinionated: 😂 id rather play glitchy outriders than this carousel of hot basuda

Vexxie_ Youtube: Battle of the hunter and titans cause no one plays warlock

Mark !: warlocks always win

UNSC 2003: “That titan point exploit didn’t count at all” also Titans last year in guardian games: yes

Extraordinary Rendition: How can the old woman Eva kidnap a fellow gun! Poor old heir apparent! Save us guns from captivity! You hear us Bungie! Listen to gun gang!

Faris Raza: When you wanna play the new power rangers video game but your mom says you have it at home:


NPC: This season was better than the beyond light expansion

Wavy_ Godd: Power Rangers GO 😭! Was my initial thoughts 💭

Friend of Jesus: Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, therefore, if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life. told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and liberates and gives eternal life for free300

Hang on there, Slick: Ugh.. here we go again

Fingr'z B'Grubbin': Thanks for making past DLCs useless! Garbage game!

Wave Up: What is vr trooper shit

Craig Wortham: Saint yelling "Break them" is chilling. Imagine his bloodlust back at twilight gap 😨

blakey boo: No point in this when Titans are OP. What a joke. By the way, who shut down all servers and services?

Alain-Christian: I saw the thumbnail and thought I was looking at a new Power Rangers.

••••: ngl i clicked on this video cause i saw the thumbnail and thought it was some power rangers shit

Hello: Just fucking make a new destiny game

crazy tech: Fellow me guys 🔥🔥♨️

jenmygem: How come the power rangers aren’t working together.

The Public Potato: Welp time to kick the hunters and the nerds ass again

CYB3R2K30: I though this game died long ago.

Briii Gaming: Team hunter all day 😻❤️

Sylvia Barboza: I Thought this was a new power ranger team 😂😂😂😂

Nova Nation: Can we have Saint, Saladin, and Shaxx all co commentating? That would be amazing, one can dream

GENIXIO Games: This makes me go y e s

Chikumbutso Chiona: Its morphine time

Zachial Adams: We always seem to do this during an apocalyptic crisis.

EmergeVS: Since no one else is saying it: Power Rangers.

Jan: Can't wait to play as the red ranger. Dreams do come true.

NerdyBoiQuan: As a proud hunter, I’m ready for my Bronze medal

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