Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen – Dead Man’s Tale – Exotic Scout Rifle Trailer

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Naamloos: This trailer is awesome!!!!!

Eduardo Wolf: Yo bungie, I don't feel like signing in on your website but titans are way buffed right now. Can you guys like nerf sunspots for me? P.S Please buff arc soul 20 dmg per hit please!!! Also can my solar throwable knives do more pvp dmg, I need more melee kills

Foxx1019: Locked. Loaded. Legend.

critical488: 0:12 they look like icecream vendors from Turkey

NoBro Moment: Bro what happened to destiny ?

Stephen devil: The real enemy is unstoppable and overload screebs

crithon: I finished it on master, and if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Blazer_X _Drive: Doing this blindly 3AM in the morning is scary and nearly shit my pajama pants

PAPI BROSEPH: GREAT MISSION.... Are we ever gunna talk about how awful the outfits are this season? lol 😂

callmejames: Bungie, please, I just hope you read this, DO MORE OF THESE, we need 1 of these each season, it would help improve the game substantially.

Euroboi: Song name?

Tom804v2: Is it for paid players or free for everyone? Thanks

Santi Ago: I keep getting a crucible bug where the enemies shoot me

Powurvul: Bungie sure knows how to make trailer

I am Art3mis: ok bungo that mission is fucking great !!!!!!!

Fly-Orion: 2 things 1) Who wants to bet that next season will finally have Shin Malphur in it? 2) What’s the song?

안나Hailena: Does this exotic quest require season pass? I don't wanna look it up online, to avoid spoilers lol

Tomasz Zlotowski: I tbh would but I’m not going to pay for only a week of content and then have to wait another month for “new” stuff Sorry but not really

R T: This mission reminds me of the ONI ship that were doing experiments with the flood. Keep up the good work cause this is great!

Naamloos: 0:38 best part of the trailer. The music ads up so great with the clips

LazyPower 大和: More exotic quest like this, please. I'd rather play 2-3 quests like this than 40-50 quests "Talk to NPC, teleport to planet, kill some enemies, scan something, kill some enemies, go back to NPC who gave you quest".

Ehday: 0:45 tf are they shooting at?

dradamov: A gun so good it gets its own trailer. Tex Mechanica: Another satisfied customer.

DinoX: everything you add in the game I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! -_- 700 silver coins only to get this *****!

Conner Smith117: I was surprised when I found out the Guardian killed his own ghost cuz it was turning to the darkness

ziki zak: Pay us money to get weapon that probably you're not gonna use at all.

Christian Schmidt: Destinty as an horror rpg? Fuck yeah that would me amazing! Also make it 18+ to give the game the vibes it deserved

Paul Horton: Ok first let's start with this, that mission was awesome and they need to continue with missions like that. 2nd.. I just did the S.A.B.E.R. 2 mission... and I have to ask are you guys having a laugh? It's LITERALLY copy and paste from destiny 1 not even the dialog had changed.... I'm just wondering who okayed that... probably the same person who okayed sunsetting wasn't it?

Andrew Gian: Tex mechanica A foundry that never disappoints 🤘🤠🤘

Dab510: This gun reminds me of Ashe's gun from Overwatch. Interesting

77OODI: An Arabic would’ve been appreciated by the Arabic community @bungie

Kyle Robinson: Tried running the quest again today and got disconnected 3/4th of the way through... Rip my afternoon.

Ben Sobicj: Little late???

Ancient Buns: I’m interested

Master Skye: I love not getting to play new content due to not throwing money at season passes every month

Erik zx: On9 game

KamitoRings: THIS is how you do a gun bungie. lets keep it going!

Артём Мельник: This gun is amazing! Snx Bungie!

Hunty Gouk: Watching this and then watching the crucible clip near the end, makes you think that this weapon will dominate crucible. What you fail to realize is that those crucible enemies that the guardian killed while using Dead Man's Tail were most likely bots. Real players will be jumping, dodging, sprinting and most likely killing you first before you can kill them. Don't over exaggerate a weapon cos it's new with fancy fake kills to get everyone hyped when real players will be running felwinters and running towards you, every single damn time. Thank fuck that shit is getting sunset.

Burnout 314: Dead Man’s Tale my beloved

Hingle McCringleberry: You guys know for a fact that armor is pure dogshit, stop advertising it.

Aron Smith: As a PVE player I loved this, gotta get more story missions going!

The N: that 1 kid w the zombie strike spitfire nerfgun in 2014:

Leri Kenchadze: Do you need season pass to get this quest?

PaleHorseRiderX: bungie on internet explorer client

Chris A.: Been away for awhile, but I need that 😂

ZayOsiris Gaming: What a fantastic mission this is. It’s among the best Destiny has to offer, much like The Hawkmoon mission, whisper mission, Zero Hour Mission, etc. Bravo 👏🏾

Lord Vermire: Chill with the bass

Caulifla: Copying Apex Legends I see. Thought the only one doing that was Fortnite.

Austin Triebe: Another exotic with random rolls. Yay! 😤

Micah Bell: The only reason i get to where i do not go after these is because bungie always puts that mandatory pvp bs on the quests and it is hard as hell to kill people in pvp now because by the time you see them your already being 1 shot. Bungie needs to do away with the mandatory pvp and find a better way because destiny 2 made me hate pvp

ᓍᕵ: I like the trash compactor, really fees like home

nobody Flores: Anything is a butt plug if your brave enough

the spaghetto production: Kiiinda boring gun ngl BTW, I have to pay to get it too I guess uh?

lewdmeat: Bungie, this is once again one of the best missions you have ever created, but you’re almost 2 weeks late with this trailer.

Mark Murex: Is this gun actually good? Seriously it???

BYX Toby: more missions like this🤟🏼

Sora Twilight Reinhart: would have been a lot better and really nice IF YOU COULD HAVE SCANNED THE SCANNABLES WEEK ONE

NameFromLake: 0:33 I love how the guardian uses the flashlight emote, but I think that's exactly why he didn't see the screeb, not real light, he's going to want a silver refund after that 😂

NameFromLake: Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeb!!!!!!!!!!

Ko_in_the_mornin Rules: One of the best Freaking missing y'all made Bungie!! ^^

J Kay: What another badass looking weapon that’s strong as hell. I love how it looks, but can I just ask bungie to stop making the exotic quests require the season. I get the special missions and battle grounds yadayadayada, but some of us don’t got the money and still wanna experience the game.

Alex: Nobody is wearing that goofy ass armor

Catinus Z.: So yeah the catalyst is pretty damn broken

FreeScienceLessons: Great trailer for a great mission and reward - thanks bungo!!

Alexander Terrill: Whats with these guys uploading things AFTER they've already happened? Lol remember that time they uploaded a trailer for beyond light like 4 months after the shits been out? 😂😂😂

Splunks: Everyone talking about the mission, and I’m here wondering WHY IS THIS TRAILER SO GOOD

Floor Toast: Yeehaw chuckle fuck

Charles Masser: The day that Destiny 2 became a horror game

I Darkstar X: Last Word but Scout Rifle

Aperture3DPrinting: Do I need Beyond Light or the current Season Pass?

Corey Wray: this would be sick if you FUCKING FIXED THE ANTI-CHEAT

Jack0dollar: This is stuff that makes destiny destiny. Not revisiting the same place every time.

Perky Letus: Literally the 30-30 from apex

eurus kreacatoa: isnt it a little late to post a trailer on this mission?

The Wolf King 115: I just wish it was available to everyone :/

Already Dead: Zavala: we gotta save a guardian Osiris: Yeah he’s dead, just steal his gun

ferrous ninja: They just now dropped this way

alex: No no no that crucible bit with the consistent two taps I'm actual scared I might have to get the season pass just so I don't get completely shit on with a gun I have to buy to get

cryogenic's: The thing thats been out aince last week

Kashod Cagnolatti: Loved the quest bungo, probably gonna play it again today tbh

Black hole Warriors: Why the armor look like bowling pin

Nicky Powers: A top moment in Destiny. More of this kind of content please.

Jasper: They need to make more missions like this

antonhy Moreno: i need it, I NEEED IT!!!!!

wind 369: They need too make more missions like this

Bcat09: Rip headphone userss

Ben B: Man this mission was good, I hope with the next major expansion we get a few very good missions instead of a lot of just decent ones.

The Arkinator Assassin: Reminds me of Ashe from Overwatch

The MY LEG Guy: Their just now releasing the video a week later, well Bungie, you screwed up, Good job.

piloctor15: Why is this trailer dropping now?

Ben Snow: Bungee you forgot the stasis and the felwinters the crucible clip!

Holo01: They turned this game into a treasure.hunt, not kick ass and get rewarded. I'm done

TheGamingThief: Is it free tho?

Scott Mew: Cool mission and a really fun gun to use.

Extract Kun: This is actually an amazing quest and I am so thankful it has replayability for the weekly powerfuls and dead mans tale god rolls. Good job bungie but now we have to wait a whole month for more content. . .

Elijah chan: I tried to do this by myself and it was to difficult for me I was wondering if anyone could help me

Joshua McTiernan: I thought it said “Pursue a dangerous booty”..... well.

The Gaming Nest: Did the mission last night with my buddy completed it for some reason it gave him the gun but not me that was 4 this morning got salty af and turned my game off gonna try to get it again today

Obscure: Yee-haw rifle is sick Amazing weapon Gonna be on that grind for the caty

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