FASHION PHOTO RUVIEW: RuPaul's Drag Race Season 13 - Little Black Dress

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Joana Inácio: Raven's makeup is to die for, so just get your little black dress for the funeral!

uglyposterboy: Kind of shocked that rajah did not take the reference on the second dress

James Gasbarro: “You can binge watch every season of drag race” ......I wish

Luis Pacheco: I hate how the judges went in on Kandy's black dress look. Like it was perfect sometimes I think they dont know what they were talking about. The paint on her face was good too didnt see a problem with it at all. I feel they just were focusing on the flaws to try and humble her down.

Spencer: Can Raja let go of the wired headphones???? LMAO

Daimyan Perry: I genuinely watch this just to see Raven cause I miss her but raja never has anything of value to say anymore which is disappointing and I feel like Raven very rarely gives an opinion. Miss the old Fashion Photo where they would give full thoughts and opinions. We either need them to get back to that are trade out the both of them for two other queens.

Lola Bolton: in the US, none of the US drag race seasons are available on WOW presents plus, which is actually really shitty

Ayanna London: It’s the language lesson for meee. Trompe l’oeil

João Pedro: so Shoots are still a thing? y'all missed some Shoots in the previous episodes then

Mya Isabelle: These two could be twinsies!

CohnTrohL: “I think she looks great” “she looks like a sandwich” Raven 😂😂

Gabriel Diaz: I’m gonna disagree with Rose’s look. Boot

Jeremy Shaw: The way Raven said "This is episode 6. We are still at 11 queens." **Latrice scream**

K B: I don't get the obsession with Olivia. Her dress was absolutely terrible and she won the damn challenge

Sarah J: I guarantee Simone will never come to the Main Stage ashy. Girl is oiled for the Gawds

krazykittymatt: Idk to me Rosé looked like a kitchen sponge. And I wonder if everything she brought has a weird border around it. It seems like everything she's worn has had that.

Kevin Juarez: should we give toots for something that isn’t giving what needs to be gave

Kiwi Grape: White flash transitions between each cut hurt my eyes

Ron Morgan: lol y'all really tooted Kandy. You both must be gettin senile. 😂

Marisa Kreinbihl: As much as I love Gotmik and the other fashion queens like Violet and Gigi, I have to wonder if the judges would gag so much if the same outfits were worn on a plus size girl. And that’s nothing against these queens who pull seriously gorgeous looks, but there are other looks that don’t get appreciated as much bc the queen wearing them isn’t a size 2 👀

M M: Raja‘s Outfit booooot!!!!! 🪰

kuri garu: Has Tina not been read to filth over her themed outfits yet or???

SergioAmigo57: so gottmik gets a shoot for that but utica didn't for the design challenge. hmmmm, interesting

Myles: They're really trying to make Gotmik happen

Adnan K.: Raja's and Raven's make up always matches the background 👁👁

Dean Daley: My top toot woulda been Symone or Denali. Just looks that were great that I didn’t expect.

Sebastian Soto: Gottmik top toot? This show is a joke

amy: Raven is back!!!!

Logan Cuumsooker: I can’t wait for Raven to evolve into Ru Paul

Melina Leon: Please make reviews longer than 15 mins

Carson Anneliese: I feel like this season is so boring. I don't really like anyone except Utica. The queens are talented but I just feel like they either don't have enough of a personality or they have an awful personality. Tamisha was the only other queen I genuinely liked. I really don't get why Tina has not been called out on not changing the fire color palette. It's like Bianca wearing essentially the same silhouette every time. I feel like Rose has some great looks for challenges but doesn't have great runway looks. She keeps wearing things that make her look bigger than she is. Several queens have that problem. I thought Tina looked Gottmik sized in the fringe dress for the challenge. It was super flattering, though also in that same color palette. I really think that Kandy is very negative and should not be on this season. I'm sad because I was a huge fan of hers before she was on Drag Race and now I just really dislike her.

Victor de Benito: I love Raja's pronunciation of trompe l'oeil as trump loy

Johan Besos: Raja: "Tromp Loy" French people: ...

Danni Roma: Is Raja for real? This dress makes Rosè look huge and shapeless, and also neckless. She looks like an ameba

Jack Jones: "yes, that was a read" RAVEN 😂😂

Jerico Jimenez: ...CHOICES

rickydan2004: Thought I was having drug flashbacks every time Raja moved and her background fluttered...👁

AZWA ZUZU: lets be honest, S12 queens have set a STANDARD for runway looks. no tea no shade but this season’s runway is meh. but we still have more weeks to go so im optimist!

felix wood: Gottmik's look wasn't that good

matthejsjjsshanjsjs heuejshsjss: its the bob for me

shannon isaacs: They need to do a solid color inspiration look where they get a box of stuff that they are limited to work with... and THATS how we get her out of those fucking colors!!! Also... Elliott looks fucking amazing. I hate how everyone is overlooking her on this runway. She is ... an early 90s, gothy sexdoll glam queen of the night life BAAAAAM! So incredibly gorgeous and feminine

Tarun Sharma: Denali was a shoot

marcello j: OMG so many boot worthy looks and you gave too many toots.

Jade Lee: I will never understand how GottMik got a shoot while Symone got a toot... Like, I love both queens to pieces, but COME ON GUYS

Billy G: I'm Soooooo happy that Uticas outfit got the props in deserved... I didn't understand the judges gripe about it. Like even w/o the reference its a decent look my only pick would've been to have wanted it shorter but the outfit overall as a whole was genius... IDK that's my 2 cent.. ALSO Rose's look was a complete miss for me. Idk why but its kind of the same thing w tina and her "signature colors" shes wearing all this chiffon and these ruffles and this look was just a no..

adoreadore29: Grandma Raja needs to retire

Jose Luis García: Raja’s outfit gives me Final Fantasy XV realness

scotty mitchell: Raja looks AMAZING!!!😍😍😍

Bryan Andrade: This is one of the worst categories ever

KayBee: I think Tamisha said in "Watcha Packin'" that the dress was unfinished.

idk what im doing here: Can we just talk about how Simone always presents mediocre things to the runway and gets away with it because of her charm or something like that? yall read gottmik for filh when she uses her body but when Simone does it it's amazing and charming and she's wonderful. I don't get it

Christopher Mccready: Trend alert: questionable toots.

Petter Zachrisson: Hey Rajah... interestingly pronounced..Trump Loy .. specially saying it twice.. a conversa starter

Daniel O Brien: I seen a comment somewhere where they said are Miks looks good or is she just skinny?

ishei: Troomp l'uh-y, not trawmp l'oy

Batystz RullySuna: Trompé l’Oeilll

Ben H: Raven is giving me Magica de Spell realness

Reace Novello: Its pronounced "Tromp o-lay"

Tavi OCE: gottmik puts a piece of fabric on her piss slit and get a shoot but Utica makes a fucking out of this world Paris Fashion Week couture outfit out of sleeping bags all by herself and only gets a toot? This is bullshit. She fucking cut a piece of fabric in the shape of a dress and glued it to her piss slit then got a bow and glued it to her shit slit. That’s fucking lazy. It’s basic and it’s predictable. Not ok.

dario: Simone is the only one who is for sure in the finale.

Vanderson Henrique: I can't believe they tooted kandy's outfit tbh...

Barbora T: Yeah...the problem of tina’s horrible look is the tiny hat...

BLONDIE.: Trump Loye

Froufrou Deluxe: Not Raven calling Tamisha’s dress a lumpy sack when she just opened up about having an ostomy bag...

SkittyKitty: Bob the Drag Queen is right - Rose looks like a maxipad

Fraser Cook: Raven just look more stunning each episode. How is that possible

pablo emanuel: Yas! That's what I've been saying Utica's look takes from Givenchy 2019 (I think summer) Raja is the only one who got that Everyone else is like why is she dressed as her earrings?

Yağız Pekkaya: I really appreciate the hard work all of the queens and designers did this season. Maybe it was really hard to prepare or create a garment during a lockdown so bravo in anyway. However I must say that unfortunately the fashion this season is really flat overall to me, it is nice but it is meh... There is nearly nothing new or mostly exciting. Utica and Symone or Gottmik is usually serving some really nice garments or have strong references, but again not that exciting... I used wait at the edge of my seat to 'ooooh what did they wear' but now I just feel like skipping. WHERE IS THE CREATIVITY? They look good and lovely and it's for sure... :( I must imply I don't have any bad intention or drag someone in anyway. Maybe in the next episodes it will change <3 I am waiting patiently, and sending all the love to these girls for all the fun. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, WE STAN TAMISHA <3

lazyboyz: I turned this off as soon as they got to Gotmik. We must not be watching the same show cause he literally pasted a baby doll dress onto his front. They would've read Simone the house down boots. I was actually expecting Raja and Raven to read this look.

Mark Sibayan: Raven's look is inspired to the Designer in the The Incredible...

Sacha Miklusiak: trowmpe l’oewil 😂 as a french speaker this is so funny

Marilyn Biondi: ❤️missed you guys

tasha tasha: There’s a reason why Tamisha’s mid part looks heavy :)

Asa Walker: The straight macaroni briefly trace because radar anteriorly wreck amid a receptive baseball. rough, scared slash

In Ashes: I thought Elliott and especially Denali looked excellent. If I were judging, drag or not, LBD to me suggests a degree of sophistication. And Tina....girl...idk with you anymore. I mean the category is little B L A C K dress and you still wearing fire colors.

Air Quotes: Is lala being deprived of fabric poor thing

juan bae: exactly best friend

G B: What is happening with Raven’s mouth and voice here?

suma trippin: Nominating “Moot” for meh, not a boot, not a toot looks

Amy s: I wonder what tamishas look would have looked like if she didn't forget the embellishments

Giovanni Gongob: Gottmik is phenomenal ❤

croctologist: i’m fucking sick of the mcdonald’s cosplay, like i get it’s her aesthetic but i’m T I R E D

Markwentsleightlymad: Ten Years since Raja won Drag race and nobody's topped what she can do yet. Just calling it right now, Raja is the David Bowie of drag. Versatile and unafraid to change, but still always unmistakable. You might not always know what you're seeing, but you always know who you're seeing :)

Bob G: Tina getting a boot makes sense with my French vanilla fantasy

Jimmy Thomas: I’m sorry but Rosé’s look is so bad and I can’t deal that they tooted that and Lala’s look either... can we raise the standard a bit pls

Hugo Sävström: I'm loving Raja's look today. Common Futuristic Leather Mama!

EeviumZ: Waiting for them to do a fire runway and that will be the one time Tina doesn't wear those colours

Jermy Gillum: Eww raven shame on you about tamisha's dress and utica was a boot

excno: Raven looks like Magica De Spell!

Jannik: last week someone talked to me sideways because I was pissed that Utica didn't get her shoot. But gottmik's dress warrants one? I'm offended.

Lifted Sailboat: Does Raven have Invisalign on or are her new lips giving her a lisp? XD Her nose is amazing btw.

Trevon Harris: Raven saying Rośe looks like a sandwich is SENDING me 🤣🤣😭😭

Tom Cochrane: Raven is over thinking, she’s thinking about a sandwich 🥪

Qeisama: Trompe L'Oeil 😂 When Raja said that I was like, woot? And then I saw the text and laughed.

Jey Gemini: The blatant favortism of GottMik is so apparent, and it's sickening. (not in a good way)

Elizabeth Ortiz: As always,Raja & Raven looks sickening. As for Gottmik, I thought she looked incredibly sexy with her little black dress.

The Papimeal: Aja: “They eat her (Gottmik) up every single time she’s on that damned stage”

Jahi B.: That hot dog 🌭 realness is NOT for me. Tina get a stylist. Or a stylish close friend .

Duane Tube: I hope Anna winour selects these two as her successors

The Fantasy Clinic: Love Raven's look, that dress with that sheer a-symetrical strip is everything!

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