Destiny 2: First Impressions Of Season Of The Chosen

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Rocky Mudaliar: This guys videos are depressing lol

Paul Z: Good tip on the skyburners!

Tom Mehok: Hot take: your boring af and is the only reason you don’t have more subscribers

Cliff Evans: Battlegrounds fall squarely between the worst (Seraph Towers/Bunkers) and best (Sundial, Menagerie) seasonal activities for me. Not as good as the best, but definitely better than the worst. Easy enough to turn off your brain and just shoot stuff for loot. Still not sure what they were thinking with the Wrathborn hunts, but at least they were shorter than the Seraph activities.

Your Name: I may be wrong, but this season ive noticed seventh seraph weapons are not dropping with a max light above the seasonal cap. Does this mean they're getting sunsetted next season?

Hunter Harris: The timed payload rocket perk paired with wrath of rasputin procs warmind cells making it more cracked ps

Some Butter: Well I’m definitely more hyped for this season than I was for season of the hunt and beyond light combined, so that’s a good thing.

Devon Hart: 7:51 the disrespect.

Fishmo_ mofish: The award for most deaths in 2021 goes to cabal drop pods.

Thunderlips Joe: Other than the hand cannon from gambit almost every drop was an old weapon or something that expired. Made it a few hours before we all just kinda bailed having finished everything. The ONLY highlight was the fragments and Aspects didn't take 4 weeks to finish, but of course they screwed that up by time gating the fragments so they got something half right so one 1/2 positive point. That was it. Only logged in since to grab the mods from the helm, nothing else has gotten any of us back on. For reference we went from almost 20 clanmates day one on at any given time back down to 3 or 4 max, and even then most of those people had just left their game on.

Onixios: Wish we at least had new types of Cabal exclusive to each Battleground. Like the Exo-Cabal they mentioned.

G0G0 DUCK: My first impression: idk, haven't been able to launch the game for 48 hours

Marek Pavlík: I love your videos, but PLEASE, put in some effort and write down names of things you want to talk about. It is horrible to listen to you repeately butcher names or just say "I don't know what it is called, but...".

Justin Kreuzer: I think it would make sense just because there arent respawn restriction zones in the area. I think it would end up being like sundial or menagerie.

TripleAHer0 24: I like how many enemies are thrown at you and your team. For once I feel like I'm actually in a chaotic firefight. Its nice to actually feel overwhelmed by enemies then use your super to rack up kills.

Angelo Orcales: bro i own a shirt just like that

Tachito Pez: I like that the entry level was low. My friends who haven't played in a while were able to join me in a short time

lenyek penyek: The cabal is having some problem differentiating alliance vs allegiance.

geraud bartels: Even if Battlegrounds are repetitive, it’s still better than Wrathborne hunts. Those sucked in the first week

PaintitRed 84: Drop rates on playlist weapons are so bad I got a shadow price before i got the strike weapon to drop

Shawn Adams: My first battleground (starting quest) the other two players took off and left me to do it myself. I got it done but solo it was kinda annoying to kill the last boss, his hit-point pool is huge.

SteveThe1ne: Paul Tassi has gone from being that guy on twitter I follow and read the Forbes articles to one of my favorite content creators at this point.

Carl Smith: 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙👍👍👍👍👍

Kip Krueger: FYI Apparently Dragonfly Spec works with Chain Reaction

Matt Miller: Have you received any gambit or strikes weapons?

ThorsMaiden: I've been enjoying it so far. Battlegrounds is actually a lot of fun. I can see it becoming repetitive over time, but they could counter that if they added higher difficulty levels. Glad the PC crashes have finally died down. Mine crashed 6 times yesterday (over 6-7 hours), but no issues at all today.

teetee: My question is why can’t bungie make new cabal models. They were so lazy that we are still fighting the red legion again!!!!! It’s so uninteresting like why does Her army still have red legion symbols on them. I swear bungie needs to make some new models because this is unacceptable. 3 years of fighting cabal and yet we are still fighting the red legion.

Rob Freilich: Clovis bray challenge is hit or miss with the dialog. I noticed that back last season at various times. Somehow the VoG looks like there will be a dreaming city/Last wish connection. Early when BL hit ppl noticed the "Oracle" sound playing as you start up Last wish but never hear if there was a visual Oracle.

Josh Ketchum: Destiny needs a new enemy type like the rumored 'veiled' darkness faction that I thought were going to be introduced in hunt

alan berry: So they have the whole big ass tower where everything is spread out three floors. So why did they have to make the helm a separate area that is right there but you have to fly off the fucking planet to pretty much go up stairs. Kinda a waste

Mekinbah: Put anti-barrier on a kinetic sniper silly goose, its nuts

alan berry: Sun shot clears them out w some warminds makes it easy mode

Julius Cesar: Horrible season nothing done formpvp lol

mjbudziak: I just got the sky burners oath catalyst today, and battlegrounds is perfect for grinding . Cabal is EVERYWHERE!

Alienlordgamin: I wouldn’t say that when they throw so many enemy’s at the end it’s very hard because it’s comped, but more because there are so many cabal phalanxes

evan c: They should have brought back the cabal brothers and vals Tauric instead of these any two d1 strikes. Would have been more fitting.

Samuel Quintanilla: I so loving this new exotic bow, so much fun to use. This is where bungie excels. Now get rid of sunsetting you sons of b*tches.

wingedpaints: They brought back frumious armour set and holdfast armour pre-sunset and didn’t announce it like the moon and dreaming city armour/weapons and that’s the final nail in the coffin. More reissues than new content so that’s it for me, hope everyone else enjoys the game at the least ✌️

Unknown Unknown: You’re a great story teller, I can listen to you all day.

Daniel Kudela: It's just more Destiny. The whole HELM/ hammer/umbral engram system is so convoluted and unnecessarily complicated

Brooks Manis: I think its funny how devils lair and saber are locked only to the nightfall and they couldn't open more of the cosmodrome for these strikes 🤣🤣

CitrousJaguar: So I could've swore they said they would no longer be putting armor in eververse and instead in aspirational content like the dungeon. Did they only mean for that one season or am I missing something cause there's been armor the last 2 seasons.

Brandon Kusnirik: I have a Shadow Price with FF and one for all, it's alright, but it's still a 450 RPM, soooo

Barewell: I like that battlegrounds feels like a Diablo map like just swarms of mother fuckers everywhere and you just slay out. I’m down with that

Der Red: this is the first dlc i haven't even booted up. people like this pve fine. Nothing i've seen in Chosen interests me. So unless they focus on pvp, fixing stasis in pvp, and new pvp content I don't have an interest in Destiny. I'm am somewhat interested in new Destiny. I'm not interested in old Destiny. I don't expect it which is why this has completely broken my interest in Destiny. Trials doesn't count. that's for elite streamers not me. Those that like this stuff enjoy.

Edward Richard: Drip feeding content doesn't mean its a lot of content.

John Kilpatrick: How do you get warmind cells from skyburners?

deleteUNKNOWN: Love your articles, an really enjoying these videos. I think the most enjoyable thing about this season is using different weapons, like Skyburners and Rocket Launchers. It makes the game refreshing. Those drop pods though.........

Andrew Kappler: Like the weapons but can't do another sereph wraithborn hybrid for months

Joseph Bianconi: I missed once... I do not understand people missing with the ball throws 😂😂😂

Lofty Dog: Dammit ive been using skyburners and i was the only one....... because the solar splash spawned WM cells on my Warlock. Paul gave up the secret.

lord_skavenger: I fucking love that animated intro

Just in case You: So chill

Nick Baker: Move over Architects , this is season of the Drop Pod 😆

Daniel Kurtz: What happens if you try and purchase the season after it ends, since the content sticks around? Does the option to buy go away, or do you just get the activity unlocked without the season pass?

I Fateslinger: If rather have battlegrounds than strikes

Douglas Armstrong: Unless im missing something where are the new strikes besides running it in nightfall

Crimson Priest: This new season sucks! There I said it!

Bet Cuz: Ion care what nobody say this season not looking bad AT ALL they did a good job on this one but D2 still has a couple of simple errors to fix such as loot the crucible and vanguard strikes etc and it would have officially surpassed D1 no complaints from me they did good😭💪🏾

eric23443219091: why are loot pools divided why so little new weapons or no old weapons using new perks latest from europa etc so on why europa weapon and gear not in the pool why can't i get pinnacle gear on my other characters also was it daily reset too why stuff 1270 yet strike is 1100 should been 1100 to why cap 1250 and final cap 1310 or something etc why old classic strike not in strike playlist only seen nightfall also not alone in cosmodrone play for fun and those strike have own playlist of new only etc of same strike from d1 so much stuff got worse instead of improved etc.

The dragon king: I know this might be a stretch, but I kinda felt like it was like the forges

ForsythJC: The Ca-balls are my only gripe about Battlegrounds. You're going about your merry way, obliterating everything in sight, and then CRUNCH! I had one drop on my Well of Radiance with my entire team in it. And then you have a long respawn time. I'm just glad it wasn't a Darkness zone, or we would've all been screwed!

The Welsh Dragon: The new cabal weapons are reskins of the taken king raid weapons btw

Michael: I have little to no interest in doing the battlegrounds again, after doing them the first time. This might be one of the most repetitive activities yet. Other aspects of the season seems interesting though.

78vintages: It's all a bit meh, season pass armour is really ugly. I got a re skinned gjallarhorn and a shit light bow. Battlegrounds is boring, no real mechanics or anything to figure out if you're not a bit thick. Would have loved some missions where we get to beat each boss like in Forsaken rather than a repetitive event. Oh well, lets see how the quests go that's all we really have.

sammyflinders: Are those big lag spikes actually in your game or is it in the recording?

sammyflinders: The Battlegrounds activity is pretty fun, but it is far too time consuming imo. I can definitely see myself tiring of this activity over 3 months for focused weapon grinding.

Caleb Olds: To be fair, our destroying of the Cabal in the system seems to have been alongside MASSIVE casualties of our friendly forces

Lord Of The Deer: They re-added the grottos to the cosmodrome but theres nothing there, not even the shrieker that was there in d1

Ivan Karamazov: I'm gonna be honest, your intro made me laugh and that's enough to be better than any fancy one (besides the typography choice and colors are very fitting)

Dade Calder: Don't let anyone hate on you for loving Thundercrash. It may be terrible but it is THE most satisfying super in the game, you can't change my mind about it

PuninaMillion: I thought they might've re-recorded the OG Devil's Lair lines because it sounds like Lance Reddick was in a closet while recording. But if they didn't re-record lines then Bungie didn't even bother to make the Fallen in the strike wear House of Devils' colors!

Kody Allen: Harbinger mission is a constant crash on pc. Can’t even play the mission.

Wh0_o dAt: More repetitiveness 😪

MadSnowman: I'm just glad Lord Saladin finally has more to do than annoying us with the whole Iron Banner ordeal. His conversations with Crow and Osiris are fun and interesting. Bonus points for including Amanda Holliday this season as well. It doesn't take more than a few lines of dialogue to make people appreciate these characters so much more. For New Light players, Saladin went from a Vendor to an actual character this season

Killadrill: Honestly I was really dissapointed with the Battlegrounds.

Blu: I got Shadow Price on my first 1270 nightfall lol I was surprised

Jeremy Morrell: Is that a Cabal T-Bag @7:52 after a shield smash?

Michael Hazell: Don't take a dump on Contact, I actually loved that in Season of Arrivals! I also love Gambit, so maybe that has something to do with it. I miss IO :(

Christopher Weeden: So it's basically prison of elders. Sounds boring af

the Crussian: I dunno. More ball throwing and health gated bosses is getting old for me

Dominic Gomez-Tagle: Great video, I'm definitely hopping in tonight 🙌

Kenneth Emery: Are you kidding me... it is a public event for 3. Get out of here. Stop dressing up a turd. Really... can we get someone who isn't bowing to bungo. Give a real criticism. It's just dumb.

Ferret Mann: I knew our boy did some good work yesterday the moment I saw the beard. Yup, it’s gamer time

Conner Anderson: There’s also the new stasis aspects and fragments. Placing stasis sentry here

Laurae Steele: The weekly bounties replaced with Weekly The Seasonal Chores are pretty annoying.

BR: It is kind of wild to say out loud that you’re surprised that multiple people lent their voices the season. I’m not saying you’re wrong but it’s crazy that this is a thought to have for a AAA game That has been around for seven years now

DPooleThe1: I played for little bit last night didn't do too much and didn't buy the season pass.

SnowManKillz: Not enough content and so much recycled content

Xentricityy88: It’s surprisingly good for me.

HELLJUMPERS: Whoa momma, that intro 🤤

Chris M: I would also like to state the mechanics are dull is code for there are NO MECHANICS.

Ben Gerow: How come Saladbar voice sounds like a knockoff salad dressing?

Caleb Anderson: The meatballs kill me motr than the actual enemies haha

ryu ken: Within 30minutes of logging in after fighting the cabal waves and returning to the tower bungie is quick to throw the season pass in your face to squeeze more money out of you in order for you to be able to do those bounties. Like as if Beyond light was even worth paying another $60 bucks for in the first place.

Ian Burch: These videos have made me a Corgi enthusiast.

Xandman Gaming: Not going to lie, this sort of sounds like we just went back to season of the undying level of content which I felt was disappointing, but it’s so much better than the last 3 seasons that idk how to feel. Sticking this one out until I can get a read on if it’s worth investing the grind time

josemanuel velasquez: 20 minutes of first impressions????? Hell yeah

Bobby Brown: Me and a couple of my guys have been bored with the season already so it's interesting that so many of you feel like it has many positive experience.

Gaming*Star: Trinity Ghoul Meta. Calling it

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