Destiny 2: How Season of the Chosen Works (Season 13) & How to Level to 1310

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Sovietgrandpa 66: You should be able to use the hammer as a new exotic

Noxin: Another 50 levels of a Power grind just so I can even try to attempt Nightfalls. I wasn't even able to go for any Master or GrandMaster Nightfalls last season because the required Power level is beyond the seasonal cap. I get that the Artifact gives bonus Power, but it shouldn't be a fucking requirement to begin with. This artificial grind is ridiculous. I was hoping that maybe they'd do the same thing in Season of Dawn where they only raised the cap by 10 now that the expansion grind has settled in, but no, it's another 50 levels. Fuck this. Not only do you have to keep grinding your Power level every season, but you also have to accommodate when your gear will be sunset. You might as well start a brand new character if you even went on a hiatus at some point.

Rightside OfWrong: Lol LURRRRRR charge wtf

Liam Broderick: Thanks dad

James Coombes: You also get gold from the raid

Michael Quinla: Dude thanks man i was so frickin lost dude thanks

Brianplays 1044: The prismatic recaster remind me of the sink ciu from fallout new vegas

Brianplays 1044: Does anybody know if you can get hawk moon in season 13

Pr1me 5u5p3ct: How is everyone so happy with this season. Its the recaster again, the battlegrounds are a reskin of the forges. Same weapons or not many new one's. Rank the recaster up by doing the same monotonous things over and over, same as the last 2 seasons. Seriously, I'm I the one going crazy.

Mr.J: Every season that drops: “Logs in, Looks around, Nah ima head out”

namrepmek: Thanks Datto—good summary, very helpful. 👍

Mark Linford: So basically more of the same old shit we have been doing forever, no thanks bungie you lazy assed money grabbing shits.

The Recession: I like the bloopers at the end.... I want more

FederalMan 1: bruh i got caught in an infinite death loop while goin to the next load zone in nessus batlle grounds.

McKebab: Thank you Datto, very cool

TheWhiteWolf: It's still all reskins and the reason it seems good is because expectations was so low.

Sully: Thanks datto I love his way of levelling up

Duarte GBrancon: I sure fucking wish I could play this season but my game doesent even open because the update just doesent let some people play for some reason.

Prism Heart: does anyone know why 0 umbrals are dropping from anything for me but legendary engrams are flying out of mobs and everybody else is stacked on umbrals? lol no joke I've gotten exactly 0 this entire season so far.

Matthew Banko: Just a heads up, Cabal gold also drops from raid encounters, around 5-7 per encounter from what I saw :)

Tackleberry 93: I watch a Destiny video every now and then to see if it has been fixed, every video confirms its not, pointless loot and activities, will never forgive bungie for allowing the lunas and NF to be basically given away now (as well as the other pin weapons) completely ruined the game with seasons too

Murkeno The Trash Player: If the exotic weapon is in the vault am I still able to do the quest regularly to get it?

Rainer Bloedsinn: any1 else stuck on their 2nd and 3rd character? i got booted out of battleground with banana error and launched manually into helm. when i open the umbral decoder i get the decrypting darkness step, however it auto-completes the focussing step even though i didn't focus and locks me out of the recaster until i turn the umbral in...WHICH I CAN'T/WON'T RECEIVE ANY UNTIL I COMPLETED THE STEP sry for caps, guess imma play the whole season on my hunter then

Keith Urien: Ha ha the out take was the best part

Anh-Tu Pham: EAT BREAK

Bawalbaba: The fact that Datto holds the pop filter like a fly swatter while recording got me bruh.

yohans233: Do we know if gilded title guide is coming out? Also other stuff around that?

ArmyOwens: i hate this season but love it at the same time....maybe its the fact i grind to level 100 in one week and hit max light level in 2 weeks amd then just do crucible and raids to get better loot and also doing nightfalls for materials

Extinks: What is the soft cap (aka what can blue drops get you to)

Tyler Johnson: What's even the point of playing this game anymore It's just a constant grind for similar weapons with the same roles and is honestly just wasteful. At least with monster hunters grind its consistent, something's are better than others in certain situations and doesnt make you use the "group up and shoot it till it dies"strategy this game has been using for years. That gets boring. What happened to team strategy where you actually gotta do specific tasks to progress man. That's the whole point of a game based almost solely around team based activities. Do new things. Not do the same things in different areas. Also yes I realise that monster hunter can be repetitive too, but at least the endgame content isnt "get this weapon on all 3 characters super easily and never use anything else practically eliminating the need for other loot" What's the point of a looter shooter if you're just gonna get the same exact thing with a new texture next season/dlc. Its fuckin pointless and doesnt make this game good enough to keep installed. Where as monster hunter gives you 14 weapon types that you have to build yourself, upgrade through grind where it tracks monster sizes and how many you've hunted, how many times you've used that weapon, gives you hundreds of titles and cards to make it unique for you. You have squads like clans that dont require going to a website that fails half the damn time, and the endgame content is so malleable you can use vanilla base game gear for endgame dlc content and make it work just as well. This game just says "fuck you and your loot we cant manage it so we're taking it away so you have to regrind it." Even without the monster hunter world iceborne dlc the game has enough content inside of it to practically match this games 4 in a half years worth of content. You can use practically any weapon and make it work if you know what you're doing You grind to get those jewels to increase stats instead of getting them on armor right away like a damned handmedown. And when you do get them it is SUPER satisfying. Also I dunno if any of you have played mhwIB but fatalis?dude has the literal best gear in the entire game, and rewards you so greatly for actually overcoming him as endgame content. That game is doing something right. This game has just only managed to do most things wrong and failed to deliver a satisfying endgame. Endgame should not equal pure grind. It should lead to builds mattering that dont fucking expire after 3 months.

ExoGhostSix: I just started following your channel, I like your detailed information, thank you!

crithon: super helpful

Jack Shepard: *So they're taking that disgusting, boring grind even further. I'm sure it's going to go well....*

Zedem: Incrementing them engagement metric. Waddup.

I Spaz Samuel: Can't step in Rumble to try the new sandbox and weapons out. Mask of Bakris and Fellwinter's Lie around every corner. Hating the amount of shotguns being played right now.

Sean O'Brien: I haven't played Destiny 2 in over a year and I'm seriously doubting if I want to get back into it, it just seems so much more complicated than how it use to be 😅

Compaint: Day 2 already bored

Trey Atkins: Datto gets the plural of "focus" correct while pronouncing it wrong and calling us nerds at the same time. Why must you play with my heartstrings Datto :( (For anyone wondering, I believe foci is pronounced with a soft c, not a hard c.)

Andrew Berscheid: idk man i spent five minutes in the new season then watched this video stoned and it just sounded like nerd gibberish. what even is destiny anymore.

Sean Richards: Is there a change to the requirements on the sleeper Catalyst? Last I checked I still needed to run the Whisper mission for the chests to get any progression.

Christopher Andino: Anybody else just stare at the "ignore" in the middle of the video?

Firefly567: Think I'm extending my break through this season. I don't see any reason to come back yet

Jacob Thompson: so glad I don't need to hear datto say LUR anymore

JoshuaNY93BX: Is this really the content we want, more of doing things, the same things a million times, kinda getting sick of this bs

Coffreek: Threaten to lick her ear. I mean, it works for me. 'Course, if she's into it.....

T-MO19: LMAO love Danielle's input

Familyman617 !: Ehh.. I stopped trying achieve max level in a week or 2 a couple of seasons ago. I just play through the story or whatever I'm in the mood for and gradually level up. Makes the game more enjoyable taking my time.

Splashzyy: season 12's L U R R charge

MattMiddo: What a below average fireteam member that featured in this video

N Simmen: Lmfao thank you for that last clip, that was the only laugh I had all day

David Brown: BORING

Kaleb Anderson: It is so confusing until now

Alex Fernandes: Love it when teammates bag pve enemies lol

avery york: So repetitive, grindy, boring. Literally, makes me depressed to do it

Doug Taylor: So it's the same old stuff with different names, got it.

The Leaprachaun: Liked the end there

Brandon Dennis: It feels like there's more new loot this season that the entirety of beyond light.

Cobbahawk: FOCI !!! Thank god I love you, please god someone tell Bungie the plural of focus is foci..

GuacamoleGeneral: I want my forth horseman catalyst....

Reilly Davis: Eat break

ElQuark0: I will never not be annoyed by how you pronounce lure as "LER". Love you Datto.

VACuous: Season of the 3 chosen guns that didnt get nerfed or shadow nerfed. enjoy. -Bungo

AARON STAEBELL: Upvote solely bc of your wife’s interruption outtake at end :)

Hemingway: Trendinggggggg!!!!

Lunis1992: To bad ya gotta buy the season pass if you want to even use focus engrams. also is it me....but are rank ups in crucible and gambit dropping at lower light level now?

J0hn_Q ______: As always good vid

ExoticCupcake: Hey guys just wondering if its worth the money to buy the season pass. Because I just got back into destiny but still don't trust bungee with my money lol

360GameTV: Honestly after 30h this season is one of the biggest endless (useless) grinds ever. I mean 5 charges for ONE engram, really? And the other things too, so many grind and for what? To play the old content again and again? Bungie is so lazy and of course the BG which are great stuff is to 75% in old patrol areas...and of course all is heavy time-gated...again...(hammer enhancement - you can only get 3/21 in the first week..........Come on, this is so low effort....

Joey LaBuda: Where is the story line with the Cabal and us not bowing to the Cabal lady??

Owen Orris: I wonder if Efrideet will take over iron banner since Saladin is on the front lines again

Uber Dueler: Optimal leveling to the 1310 cap isn’t as big a deal as previous seasons since there’s no raid to get ready for.

Eric Ye: i got a weapon with a power cap of 1600

Weird Eurasian Boy: 666th comment 🤷‍♂️ Call Max Romeo, tell him to put on an Iron Shirt and send the Devil to outer space and find another race

Aiodensghost: They nerfed Eyes... it's not worth using in PVE now

El Sargento: They finally got rid of the stupid banner!!! Yes!

SorventTV: I played 1 game of pvp and got bad juju's catalyst not knowing it was there lmfao

Zack Hoff: you have no idea how happy I am that I can look at my inventory while i'm ranking up in crucible/gambit. It brings tears to me eyes

myherobell: Best ending to a video ever

Requlier: I hate the Ticuu quest to get the catalyst The fact it requires pvp TWICE to get the catalyst is bad enough the fact it requires to get kills with the bow makes it even worse, because players can survive the explosion.

Nathan William Media: New season same boring crap. Hard pass

Jeffrey Ventura: The cap is 1310? I have legendary armor that goes go 1610?

NitrousGranola: Eat break

Web: Boring

Jamie Kennedy: Can you receive a random umbrel engram before you turn in your first for the recaster, on my second character it didnt give an engram. Therefore i can not continue in the battlegrounds. So far i havent received an umbrel and now in limbo, hoping to continue in the quest.

Scot B: LOL how to grind, from someone at the last season max light.. ;)

Jhovany Marquez: Hey datto can you do a video on what guns are good for this season .

JAIME GARCIA: Four minutes and I'm still confused.

Adam Legend: Glad I got to watch this get made yesterday on stream!

GREY: Good video, too bad I can't play it. All I can do is watch videos. Damn you, Bungie!

Sebastian: They shouldve made telesto cat drop from exclusively blind well

EsKaYf4: Cannot see this keeping everyones interest long term😐

Mike: “loo-er”

Ethan Gibson: Everyone just forgets about the 4th horseman catalyst

Paul Anthony: $8.99 for Xbox game pass owner is a STEAL for this season pass

Holden Dupre: Love the blooper 😂

RedGambitt_: Ayyyyy Datto’s trending, let’s go

Bulvine420: If you do not want to pay for the pass none of this works!

Steven Mccormick: Thank you

Jesse DeVries: Can u do an updated exotic teir list for each class?

Eric Stacy: This heroic exo challenge this week is just to damn hard for me to solo hopefully I can wait until an easier one pops up

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