True Detective: Night Country Season 4 Teaser

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Zk: Another feminism F*ckery, putting a black woman who act like a dude as secondary main character 🤦🏻‍♂️, doesn’t promise well.

Wicked Scott: Well with all that hardware in her face, I know where I 'm swinging as a criminal...

Ultimateeick: I’m incalculably excited for this. The last time I saw something that even got close to Season 1 was Mare of Easttown, and I’m getting similar vibes to both. Excellent stuff.

Nick Name: 😍😍😍😍

Igbo time Hopper • 64 years ago: Women? In noir? 😂

D M: I will once again watch and hold out hope they will do season 1 justice. I will never understand why they wouldn't just keep building off the season 1 story. It was so good. Maybe the greatest single season in television history. Just change the location and people. But still the same occult killing theme. It was so good. Or was it just so good because of Cole rust and Marty? Were they just that damn good?

Aidan Crow: No.

AlRox: “Aliens”

PandemicGameplay: Why do they have to have 2 female detectives? they couldn't have a male to balance the cast?

Brian Hageland: The writing doesn’t sound good and honestly it looks like a rip off of Wind River. And the acting from Jodie Foster’s counterpart honestly doesn’t look good


nikhil mohite: Can't wait

josé geria: Looks like the perfect sequel of Silence of the Lambs

Se Huer: Fargo meet True Detectives

Se Huer: İ think a have seen a Fargo trailer

amazighi: True detective is only one series

Stephan Müller: I wonder if there’s gonna be a rust cohle Easter egg. Since he went to Alaska for some years in season 1

Melinda DGW: This looks incredibly lacklustre

Alexander Hoover: This doesn't look good. Overacting with overused character archetypes and the spiral being recycled from season one? Still will give it a chance, but, bummer.

Kenny Carrier: Look… I can’t even fathom how excited I am for season 4 and seeing J. foster back in another crime drama. If you haven’t seen T.D. I recommend in this order season 2, 3, then 1. “Worst to best”

Iron Warrior: Really, another black character with a bad cocky attitude? Ffs

SloJ: This looks most similar to season 1 with a lot of creepy atmosphere. Seasons 2 and 3 weren’t for me, but this looks really good

Di Dinx: Think HBO should just have given this show 'Night Country' title and stop using True Detective. There is only one 'True Detective' and that was the never to be equaled first series with Matthew and Woody - one of the best series ever. Anyways regarding the trailer, I'm getting The X Files episode 'Ice' vibes, plus 'I Want to Believe'. I may give this a shot, because if there is one thing I like its looks of ice and snow and shed tons of furry hooded parkas. We shall see. Also that spiral symbol, wasn't that in Game of Thrones season 8 too?

BESERKER MODE: Surely they can bring back rust and Marty in this...they left something undone

Andreas Gustafsson Popa: 30 Days of Night with a little Wind River sprinkled in? Nice!

R W: Saw Jodie Foster and finally got a good feeling about this series again.. Then her partner shows up and I can’t believe how bad her acting is. Had no idea who she was. Wondered if it’s somebody known for something else, being shoehorned in because they want to be an actor now. Yep, she was a boxer. Guess I’ll wait for season 5.

SlyGuy: Season 1 a masterpiece - 2&3 absolute dog sh💩t… lets hope they find their stride again - love Jodie but I have doubts after this trailer - throwing a female role into it is fine but won’t make up for the terrible writing of season 2&3- here’s hoping - I’m giving it 50/50 for now

woodstrekkie: Am I the only one that loved season 2 of this show? Probably.

Matthew: Jodi foster will kill it as long as this isnt for "modern audiences" it will be good.

CRIMSON ACID: 1:19 Symbol satanic carcosa season 1.

Craig Baker: Nothing will ever top season one but this looks solid, I'll be checking it out 🤙

Fisk: les detectives will flop, please stop milking everything to oblivion.

Sir Ronvid: nah this looks nah

Matt Skucas: What is the purpose of cheek piercings? Not tryna be offensive just wondering what they do?

KIBITKO: 1:19. Is that the symbol of Carcosa?

TheSnoozeFox: So Pizzolotta not writing, Fukunaga not directing. What’s even the point? Just call it a new show

Kamil J.: Cutie

сергей мишунин: fortitude?

M Wellnow: What an embarrassment. Lightning in a bottle folks! Season 1 will never be topped.

Lloyd: Writing from the trailer looks a bit corny. Supporting cast is… interesting. I like Jodie Foster, but really in this? This kind of smells of “girl power detective” type show. I’ll keep my hopes up.

Brent Rhodes: Calling it. This is going to suck.

yoyoyo: Love taft country season 2 ! One few shows that was out there weird and needs a second season or prologue

Emmanuel Iannacci: Just sayin. Rust went to Alaska for a period of time.

Jordan Rhodes: Didn't cohle's father live in Alaska? Could there be a connection to him making an appearance?

Victor Mena: count me TF in!

World History and Film Analysis: God damn, HBO is absolutely killing it. They’ve announced 10 huge series in the last two days.

stixy_dp: looks peak w show

Brandon: Looks awful

S.A. Cosby: Time is a flat goddamn circle

S.A. Cosby: THE SPIRAL!!!!!

bix hutch: I liked season 1 and 3. Hopefully it follows in those footsteps. Tried finishing the 2nd season 3 times and I just could never get through it.

As Niffer: This has everything to be on pair with the first season. Alaska. Serial Killer. Jodie Foster. Just release the Kraken I need to watch it!

Hardrive2667: I just want another series that’s half as good as the first season is that too much to ask

Sgt Pluck: Not overconfident in this. Dialogue sounds cliched and poor.

mehmet tepe: THERE IS A SPIRAAAAAAAL!!!!

SoUtH MeMpHiS: Fargo plus...The Thing ❗

Louis LaFontaine: Let’s goooooooooo

Tom Yamaguchi: Def reminds me of the original Fargo

DeathCab4Dorian: Wish u the best but that’s a hard pass from me big L

Lennart Hagen: This looks terrible

Rabbit in the Moon: yes please!!!

Evan Loehr: Does every season need a duo of detectives working on a case who don't get along but then find a way to work together to solve the big mystery?

E H: Oh yes

ap: Where the hell did they find the actress to play her partner? The bold and the beautiful?

IIV IIIX: True feminism 🤮

TheRoadAhead: Yaasssssssss

iggy: Carcosa....

0vermars: Damn. It was women! They've gone woke

Ferret Mann: Uhhhhhhh that spiral symbol…??

Эндрю Гарфилд: Piercing on the cheeks of a police officer in a very, very cold area of the planet. Well, that's a clear sign that the series is starting to become questionable in quality.


nick1892syd: 1:19 the same symbol that appears in Season 1, nice!

TheGoodSamaritan: Lit 🔥finally!

Dahlia Wilson: I’m sorry this doesn’t look very good. Also I lived in Alaska and no one calls it “the long night” lmao

JHenry_84: Not sure if Jodi foster can carry this show....a little worried. Not expecting much even tho all these seasons have been great

AMJH 4LAH: Looks good! Season One is one of THE greatest tv shows I've ever seen. I enjoyed 2 and 3 but they obviously weren't as good as the first.

Adnan Shahriar: Not as excited as I thought I'd be watching this trailer.

OfficialRubytech: Giving me 30 Days of Night vibes, nonetheless I’ll definitely be watching this 📺

Alter Geist: True Detective season 4: How to destroy a franchise with the woke crap. well done.

missVmilne: So can't wait to see this series - looks intriguing and of course.... Jodie is the G.O.A.T. - would watch her open an envelope : - )

MrSkazohnik: setting looks interesting, but I have huge doubts about this season...

Saeed Saeed: Another franchise ruined by feminism, ThanX

C A: Season 1 of True Detective still remains one of the best ever tv series. The following seasons were all poor to average at best!

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