Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 5 Promo | SHOWTIME

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MC98’s Music & Movie Reviews: So, Shauna and Taissa will be the big stories?

Moimoi: Crystal or mai is the girl that dies in the beginning.

Kelsey: We get to see antler queen this episode!! AHHHHHHH

Isobel Bauch: I wouldn’t trust Lottie around a baby.

Princess Buttercup: I love this show!

Gwen Stacy: ADULT VAN <333

brandon 3323: The thing I love about this show. Which a lot of other TV shows and movies get wrong with an all female lead cast. Is that they are normal women. Not these over the top woke crap. They are not beating me over the head about how they don't need no man. Just normal women trying to survive.

Kylee: As someone who once battled psychosis. I like the direction this season is taking. At the end of last season I was convinced they were going to make lottie the villain , but the more I watch the more she just seems she’s battling mental illness. I like the idea of this entire time the girls have been tormented by their choices and decisions/secrets that feel evil when it turns out they are actions driven by survival and trauma. It would really show the extreme toll survivors guilt takes on a person, they fully convince themselves they are the monsters they were forced to become.

Empty Heart ( Taylor's version ): Can I just have a full reunion of present Tai and van the others can wait as they're getting too overcrowded to focus on certain characters at once with lack of screen time honestly I watch it for them and really hope they eventually end up together.. They seem like the only couple in the show with a whole history and a great love to make it 🤞

Teri Giese: I caught something in this episode?Shaunas’baby was referred to as a boy!In the future Shauna doesn’t have a son!😳So she miscarried?Do they eat the baby too?!🫨😱I

IndiGo: Well now Shauna needs to off the cop her daughter blabbed to… 😅

Polly Kangas: Adult Van finally yay!!

Skeeter Blake: Guys, I have a question. Didn't they eat the bear before Jackie died? Then how come they still had some bear meat left(someone stole it though). Does it mean that they ate Jackie even though they had some meat left?

Jimmy: This season feels so odd and I can’t quite put my finger on it.


Bowi: What are Tai and Shauna doing?! 🤔

Dani Hellen: i fear for Shauna’s baby …

Francisca Hidalgo: I have a theory that this new detective J is call Jack or Jake after Jackie and is Shauna and Jeff older sibiling that was born in the wild and that they gave in adoption after they got rescue just a theory. He looks 25 ish.

Reecey is amazing: Oo

Frank Ty: Sorry for the spoilers, but in Episode 6 of Season 2, titled "Qui", they'll eat Coach Ben 😞

Casey Stage: Can't wait

Trajohn Adams: Can’t wait to see episode 05

Errol Pletcher: Hope they let up on the more comedic aspect of Yellowjackets. I guess they wanna balance out the heavier shit in the wilderness but why does every thriller/horror show (and movies) nowadays need to be part comedy?

Isobel Bauch: Shauna is pregnant with Callie, right?

Nicholas garrick: I'm calling it now misty killed Crystal.

Leidiane Mayara Marques: I worried about the baby 👀

HER AUTHENTIC SELF : Iam excited to see van interact with taissa next episode, but I didn't really buy her reaction to taissa walking in I wouldn't expect her to be much more immediately shocked ,but she was so chill, and composed.

Brendon Smith: I can’t wait to see what the big argument is between Shauna and Taissa that causes them to be stuck in the middle of a blizzard

Brendon Smith: Shauna’s gonna want to go full mama bear on that detective that Callie has been talking to

Nicholas O'Brien: Nice seeing Leonard this week. Definitely a character they killed off too soon.

singularity_atm: Oof firts

African Grey: They’re gonna turn that baby into a thanksgiving turkey when it pops outta Shauna 💀

MURDA ONE: Ward🎉…$15$ 16. April 1F 2C©️™️®️💎🔒

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