YELLOWJACKETS Season 2 Episode 6 Trailer Explained

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BrainPilot: What do you think is going to happen next? Comment your thoughts below! 🐝

Tracy D: I wanna know what happens to the baby?? Is she her daughter now the baby? Or does something bad happens

kelammo: That baby won’t live.

Peaches H. Nice: Ummmm where the hell is episode 6?!

1998: I think the girl they are carrying is Kristal. She might be the next one they eat

Adrian Goodman: This show is so good… god damn I’m glad I caught it

_jou: Lets be honest, the hiatus is so the ppl that got the free month are now forced to renew to watch ep6 😅 like me. But i dont mind honestly this show is worth it. My theory from the beginning has always been that Shauna's baby is stillborn or has severe deformities that cause him to die shortly after being born. That , OR , no baby comes out. Just some creepy bloody chunk of something. Either way, i think it'll be the catalyst to the madness and spur the forming of the cult. Can't wait!

Brandi Manning: Christina Ricci confirmed the baby doesn't get eaten.

irenefantasea: I doubt it's relevant but "qui" in Italian means "here", I know that the show usually uses french and latin ("il veut de sangre") so it might mean absolutely nothing but I find it's an intruiguing play on words since shauna will give birth next episode and so the baby will finally be "here" and also all the adults will finally reunite in one place

Poppy Likes: Curious which musical Misty sings in tribute to Crystal. 😢😅 Any predictions? 🔮✨️

Poppy Likes: Shauna has shown she collects pieces connecting her to the past. I believe she covets a part of the baby which she may have had when they returned. Anyone see a hint in a clip? Her actions could have brought the darkness to the present timeline. I do enjoy breaking down the 'sodes, watching the wheels go round and round.✨️

Micha Dawn: There’s been some hinting of “this is not real” that phrase or something similar is used a few times throughout the show. Flash forward to the scene where it shows them all dead on the plane. I hope that when we get to the end of the series that it didn’t really happen. I sincerely hope that when the series ends that it is NOT one of those types of endings. Like it all was Shauna’s Xanax or Valium (can’t remember which) dream on the plane. Like turbulence or something wakes her up. Or maybe it crashes and this is one of their near death experiences. I desperately want all this wacky stuff to be real. I really hope the ending is solid and doesn’t leave any questions unanswered.

Luna Del Tuna: Qui is "key" not "g"

Amanda Anstett: I feel like the baby will be stillborn personally.

Claudia Durand: I think it’s interesting to note it seems all of the non-believers in the 90s timeline are still alive meanwhile a lot of the believers of a supernatural presence in the 90s seem to have passed minus Van (who has a strong connection to a non-believer) and Lottie.I don’t know but maybe it could indicate something …

anthony bruno: I wonder if Lottie back during the plane crash, not knowing what she was dealing with was just thankful to be alive, might think, helping this entity would keep them alive, and probably did —-I have a theory that they all died in this dark entity kept them alive, so that when they did get rescued, they could bring that darkness into the rest of the world ……I believe that’s what Lottie is going to do with Shaunas baby or try to as well ——and I still have no idea what this dark entity is but maybe when it possesses someone they become the antler queen, ( still shot of Natalie look like she was the antler queen, but she had her eyes darkened-looking possessed—-who knows (I believe the dark entity is some kind of wendigo/berserker ( depending on what mythology ) but this entity makes them act, animalistic, and chaotic, I haven’t seen it change yet, but ……who knows, maybe Lotties blood sacrifice out in the wilderness,( blindly trying to find her way till she I found the” in between” place for the first time) brought back what we thought was javi ( although his friend told him not to come back, I’m curious to see who that friend is, or if it’s someone we already know ( sleeping tai) 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just want to binge watch the last four episodes after watching episode five, but I believe it’s interesting that all the yellow jacks are coming to Lotte territory, like bees to a hive, lottie seeing her visions again tai sleepwalking again, and they’re all connected. here is when shit gets real. Lol 😅

Elisama Carneiro Fragoso: They really bring back Ravi for nothing huh? Not a single mention to that storyline

Sitori: I don't even watch the show this season. I watch Brain Pilot's reviews. lol

Jackie Jack: Not enough people are talking about the dripping noise and the mouse.

Kaiwan Callender: Do you also like the references the water one minute and welcome to the dollhouse movie that’s pretty good I’m in the night late 90s again

Amy Marie: I’m guessing they eat crystal

Amy Marie: What was that quick clip when lotty was doing a regression on Natalie. I tried to pause it but it’s so quick

luna cascade: On top of everything thing else, Ti left the Yellowjackets folder in the car 😮😮😮

Daisy Chain808: During the séance the answer to "are we all gonna die here" was a figure 8, meaning eight people? Six girls and Travis… whos the other one?🤔

mayln163: Maybe Shauna’s baby will be stillborn and Lottie will put it on the alter like the bear’s heart.

Lyndsey Jacobson: I don’t think javi is alive. I’m not sure what they are seeing, but I don’t think it’s him. I also think Shauna gives birth to a still born monster. I don’t think they will eat it. I think they are going to bury it, and pray to it. Super excited for the next episode

Reem Ro: The symbol is the Baby

jinx minxks: I think shauna may delete the bsby

lawcane: Misty is such a terrible character. Christian Ricci deserves better. So does Elijah Wood.

Kimberly DelaCruz: I think when tais other person in her wakes up and tells can this isn’t where we are supposed to be… I think she meant they are supposed to take them to the compound so all the survivors will be together

Dawn Pyrah: Whatabout Jay being Shaunas baby ? So Calis older brother ?

Fn4cK: I'm calling it: the reason we never get any info about Shauna's baby in the future timeline is because it was either born dead, or died shortly after birth and they ate it (those freaky dreams Shauna had where Jackie and her eat her fried-chicken baby in the first season foreshadowed this IMO). This most likely also drives the insanity to the next level, leading to the group splitting into smaller groups, and those culty, wiccan-looking fur costumes and sacrifices from the first season.

Sasssky: I don't think there's a spirit. I think there's a toxic mineral, altering their minds, Messing with conpasses and turning the water red. And a whole lot of trauma from before, during and after the time in the wilderness.

Mathew W: Next episode is gonna be a doozy! So cool that we're gonna see all the Yellowjackets together again in the modern day. I wonder how the hell Shauna is gonna get out of the predicament she's in now! But more so, I wonder if everyone will eventually just leave poor Randy alone, he gets accused of too much in this show, poor guy! :'D

80s Model: I love how Nathalie got to Lottie's place and didn't wanna wear any purple and in this preview, she is wearing head to bottom purple lmao so much for "i don't wanna join your cult, lottie"

Trina Q: I'm really looking forward to further developments, especially Shauna's wilderness baby, Older Taissa and Van teaming up, and possibility a look into Crystal's whereabouts.

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