The Expanse - Season 5 Blooper Reel

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Martin Kleine: I still love Cas Anvar.

Critical Mass: I LOVE THIS SHOW 😀 ❤ 😍 💗 ♥ 💓 😀 ❤ 😍 💗 ♥

bleepbloop101010101: Aww Oksana got rejected by Josep and Drummer, the door is trying to split the fam already :'(

Leon Petrak: Wes's german suplex is so strong he breaks the floor and falls down

Ádám Temesvári: It was always weird to me to see the "bad guys" as casual actors who make funny bloopers.😂 Great season!

Randal Stone: That suplex though

James D: Not nearly enough bloopers!

fourteenfour: okay, that face Bobbi makes... at the start of the video

Toku H.: More Expanse ...more..more..more :D

Zevi: Amos falling into the pit is the best part

Banzai Ajah: 0:46 belter being so cute... 🥰

Jan Gruber: Me: Bobbie is kinda cute Bobbie: You dare oppose me mortal?

FallIntoLonelyVoid: Movie j guess

M E: Sandrine Holt @ 0:45 is so insanely adorable...


Griffy DZ: So miller is still part of the Expanse?

Coded lulu: I love the theme song

Douglas Kautzman: I am going to need at least 3 more seasons.

Chris Helwig: I'm going to miss Alex! Not the fact that he's a sexual predator but the character

mitrooper: The biggest blooper is getting rid of my favorite character Alex.

Ed S: They need to keep a word fumble in, once in awhile. Everyone does it. But short of a comedy show, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. A real one, not scripted.

Guthor Plays: Adorei assistir, muito engraçado.

Interested In Stuff: Yey, bloopers, then pfft, gone. Give me an hour, not a minute and a half. I'll pay. Please. Also show us the Cas Anvar version of the ending where he isn't edited out of the final scenes. Even though it is now canon that he died, I'd like to see the ending the way it was originally shot. Anyone agree?

Yuukinom: Sorry, but I need MORE!

Stealthy Mongoose: 1:25 they should use the Unreal Engine sets used in the Mandalorian for these shots. There's one scene early in Season 5 where Holden is on a kinda tram transport thing and the CGI looks so bad. Shockingly bad for The Expanse. It looked like he was on a virtual reality ride at a theme park lol.

John C: Anna Hopkins is adorable. More Monica.

Chris Grant: Can you please give a option to turn off the actors real actors name/photos when you pause the video I don’t want to see what they look like while I’m watching movie , show ,cartoon it takes them out off character for me

Dr Galactose: 0:43 Doors, the biggest bane of any scifi actors since........very long time ago.

Phi-long Dang: This made my day!

Till We Have Replicators: AMOS FELL, HAHAHAHAH! Thank you for falling, Wes. Thank you for making us laugh tonight after we gasped in SHOCK during that scene.

SK KaRtHi: Hi

Tony Leadholm: There just HAS to be more than TWO minutes worth of bloopers!!!! Come on now, give us the LONG version. Pretty please.

Theena Kumaragurunathan: Oh so Amos fucked up the suplex a few times. I lolled when he fill into the pit with tiny. Also Thomas Jane directing as Miller is just great.

Kevin William Enriquez: Too short, more! :D

CD Baksu: This was more shitty loud music than actual bloopers. For shame.

LewHen Silvar: We need more bloopers

ACE: when is the next season gonna be launched?

ChilleDINJerseY: Best show fucking ever

TheSacko: Easily top 3 sci-fi show of all time for me. Really wish the entire gang could've made it to the final season together. I'm gonna start reading the books now that there is only 1 season left.

Honglu Zhang: its so weird imagine "miller" is now giving instructions to all those "characters"

Obosi: God dammit. More bloopers! Actually...MORE EPISODES!!!

Sharon Hill: But Alex 🥲😥

Geralt von Trivia: These need to be longer, damnit!

Elizabeth Wallace: I believe amazon has half of the of the economy of the world right now and able with all that money to air your movies in several languages too like Netflix, that would be awesome if you do that, can't imagine why you are not doing that yet

Elizabeth Wallace: Is amazon prime planning to fix that situation on the tv screen images? I visited your amazon prime last night looking to correct that problem and read that lots of people are having the same problem for months, I have nothing in my screen but a black square and unable to search unless I press the star button but still no images, van we get credit for those months?

Mike: Why arent there more of these? Its great to see

Lee F: Please don't cancel this after season 6

tachyon pulse: What a cocktease of a reel! Mooooore please!!!!

Angus Chen: .... miller????

Graff Fuller: Even the evil characters are amazing. Such a lovely family in The Expanse. I wish there were more. There's got to be more. Please.

Geoff MacDonald: Glad to see Miller is still on the case, solving the great drink mystery.

Geneo L: This works good next to the Mark Hamill nailing an imitation of Harrison Ford. BTW- When are the producers going to stop being cute, and just tell us when and where the last 3 seasons are going to be on? I think they know better than to tease these fans too long. Someone might have a stroke;). (What, too early?)

Foivos P: i love them all

Nayna: Petition for Season 7 1 like = 1 vote

maxilos1987: its good after the incredibly tense ending to S5 to see some lighthearted bloopers.

Jean-Luc Herr: Eat it... F***er 😂😂

Xyzzyx: disappointing season

Rosalkind: Are there more? Please tell us there are more.

TheMrgoodmanners: Krissy has the hots for Wes. Pretty obvious

BroliYTwins: I WANT MOAR !!!

WindyClear: Please give us the full 9 seasons Amazon!

Gillian L. Rosheuvel: Peaches & Amos!!!!!!!


Roy Clay: That has to be the most pathetic blooper reel I have ever seen. Was it even worth posting? Crazy!

Irthwynd: Amos and Peaches, YES.

Λαυρέντιος Ψαροκάηκας: 1:02 DETECTIVE MILLER IS BACK, YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JonMacFhearghuis: That's a raven Wes, not a parrot. You really are from space!

Jm98Navy -: Too short! After the last season let’s get a movie!!!!


Radient Productions: “Eat it fucker”

Scott Schwartz: MUST HAVE MORE BLOOPERS 😉☺🙂🤣

Iggy1eco: "you want some? Eat it fucker" 😂

E.: Oh god, now im seein Miller's ghost too!

João Soares: Don't cancel this, just don't.

jester5ify: 1.02 Thomas Jane directing?

Steve McMillen: Been waiting for this one!

Anna K: Хоть бы сняли по всем книгам сезоны) так хочется 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻😍

Russ S.: Only 2 minutes? Please show us more bloopers of our favourite characters!

Always Audacity: Good to see Thomas Jane.

Lauren Kaita: WAIT! Hang on. Whas that Detective Miller at the end there? Is he directing now??

Kevin Fischer: More please

Mike Dolce: Two minutes... Could easily watch an hour. Season five was incredible

Leah B: I’m grateful for this post, so thank you. May you please post more? 😊🙏🏾

12XENN4: I sense some chemistry between amos and peaches

12XENN4: 1:03 Miller!!

Evo García: I want moooooore

Thomas Lai: 0:47 I hated Karal, so that means the actor did such a good job. I can't quit watching this improv moment of her on repeat!

Jac: Miller was actually there the whole season!!!!!! :)

iliketrains0pwned: So a Belter, a Martian, and an Earther walk into a bar... The Belter orders a Martian whiskey. "Drinking like my enemy lets me think like my enemy" The Martian orders an Earther tequila. "Drinking like my enemy lets me think like my enemy" The Earther smiles, calmly walks up to the Belter and the Martian, and goes: 0:55

Lasonja Balfour: Love this show! The Expanse is life.

GetOutMeCah97: Tbh this was 4th in the list of seasons for me, only behind the 1st because I cannot remember a single thing about it (3-2-4-5-1). Boring, stretched out plot with filler that literally could have been a 3 episode season, literally strings of episodes of people sitting in ships and never getting out... Holden literally spends half a season in the Roci and Naomi spends three episodes crying and banging a wall in a ship. It’s strange how the ring gates were completely dropped this season so I’m hoping next season is much more exciting. This season literally had the potential story and stakes to be much more intense than it actually was, but they dealt with the main threat in the first 3 episodes... it’s just strange to me.

Widget: Anyone else think Bobbie's derp face is one of the best things ever?

PluckySmurf: Omg Amos fell down the shaft with Tiny!!! That scene freaked me out! I would have died along with them.

Rolo Skywalker: Love it

Chian: _113 times a second the algorithm reaches out it reaches out it reaches out_

Chian: _Shares and subscriptions, kid. That's where they get you._

Skidrow: I need moar of this now

Jordan Walters: Oye amazon, if you want my $100 a year it means renewing the expanse, no expanse means no money. To pochuye ke, na scrip sasa ke?

Kyle Ruggles: That's it!? C'mon! There's WAY more than this! C'mon! I LOVE THIS SHOW! It is now my new Star Trek, since Star Trek went to sh*t since 2009.

Atom Sci Fi Channel: 😂♥️😂

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