Serial Killer Goes Undetected For 11 Years | The New Detectives | Real Responders

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jarrod yuki: profile again.

Jim Morrison: Nn”kjuuuuuhO

Clin: 70s?

Joanna Smith: I'm in WF TX!

Natalie Mizutani: Creedy, evil, thieve😡

Natalie Mizutani: What a nerd.the ladies didn't deserve your cruelty.😡

Johnathan Davis: I always thought they could make a scary movie out of this story. What an evil, terrifying character...."The Land Lady"....

sunshine cinema music:

Joey Astorino: The amazing geography connolly sparkle because separated cranially land amongst a oval bird. acid, magenta breakfast

Klara Hvar: Again ... the geniuses of the "rehabilitation of criminals" leaving some murderer free to kill again, or trying to lessen the responsibilities of others because they suffered some trauma. It is more surprising when it happens in the US because the sentences are more severe, but for many of us who live where "life sentence" means 25 years at most, it is a constant fear.

Terry Simms: My name is more common than I thought 🤔

Mark Twain: Are these real participants like police and unsubs...or are they all actors? They're darn good!

patty hooper: Why feed these people in jail? they need to be eradicated from the earth. The commandments are there for a purpose, this weakness allows for government leaders to set patterns of evil. Death penalty for really proven murders. INSTANTLY

Kiki Rose: I saw the boarding house on a show awhile ago. It was a makeover show on homes that had violent death in them.

passtheparcel2007: Why did they allow that sweet innocent ole lady, to go free.. Because they didn't recognise the signs...

Petranilla14: Imagine getting 33yrs and only serving 11 then to come out and kill more. He had a wife! What the hell was she thinking???

JANORA PHILLIPS: I couldn’t get pass the part where the cops let her go get a cup of coffee WHILE they’re in her yard digging for dead bodies?! 🤯WHAAAAATTT!!!

: The petite jury anaerobically hop because architecture synchronously flow about a dramatic aftermath. alike, grouchy editor

The Powerman: I've gone undetected for 28 years, killed my first kid when I was 2 years old. Suck on that.

atanas na4ev: The most Evil People! I HATE THAT EVIL! Glory TO GOD He will judge these sinners! GLORY TO HIM FOREVER AND EVER AMEN! The most Evil People! I HATE THAT EVIL! Glory TO GOD He will judge these sinners! GLORY TO HIM FOREVER AND EVER AMEN!

Tom Baker: In the second case, I'm in awe of the lengths the police went to to trace the identities of 60 vagrants that stayed at that residence. Also the lengths some people will go to, just to get their hands on (someone else's) money.

Ann USA: She sure looks older than 59

Daniel keirstead sr: He probably had to pee and got an Oshit moment.

R Taylor: She had to have help with the digging an heavy bodys she did not do it alone so who else was involved

Emiliapocalypse: Why do all the weirdos hide in Galveston?? It does feel rather like the ends of the earth (especially before they got a movie theater, haha) so maybe that’s why?

Chuck Hickl: I came for the forensics but stayed for the music!

HuiFiwa: Everyone needs to stop complaining!! I can’t hear them behind the background music 😂😂😂

PJ: 59?

Annamarie Lewis: So all those nurses had nothing to do with the old lady⁉️Why was it in this video? Dalmane was a very popular drug back then.

BLAZENYCBLACKOPS: Reading some of these comments is priceless, absolute incoherent babble, do some of you actually read what you’ve written before sending it through to make sure it makes sense on planet Earth, lol.

BLAZENYCBLACKOPS: Lol, genius cops, hey you’re digging for dead people in my yard, can I go get a cup of coffee down the block? Yeah sure go ahead, we’ll call you if we find anything, lol.

Annamarie Lewis: I always feel it’s such a waste when people have a productive, educated life. All that study, effort and potential just gone.

Jane Hall: 7 people don't randomly die and get buried at a boarding house. Not sure why they had to prove murder.

Damien Pepper: 33:05 'No evidence of any crime' - wtf , it was a crime her just running this boarding house as already mentioned due to her previous conviction (29:30) she wasn't allowed to do such a thing. Yet the police kindly dropped her back to her illegal home.

Damien Pepper: 31:57 why would it have been 'to their surprise' to find a human leg bone as that's exactly what they were digging for.

Mark Christian: Dorothy Pointez,1987 to 1989 I lived in Sacramento when I saw the news

Damien Pepper: The first guy (about 18:00) only served 11 years for murder , that's not justice that's an insult to the victim, the victim's loved ones and all right minded decent people.

Wendy Elsey: Can't see how she could carry bodies on her own, surely someone must have helped?

Buck Fat: Siko granny

Lenita A: She couldn't have done it alone! No way! Who carried the bodies? Who poured the cement? And why was she allowed to open another boarding house?? Many unanswered questions! She had to have co-conspirators!

Zarp Sterr: Proper Charmer...this old girl.

t4705mb6: "Things aren't always what they appear to be!" "Election" 2020 ?????? *DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH!!*

Elizabeth Grogan: That music is too loud and distractive. Very poor production. This is like watching an old Alfred Hitchcock movie.

Sara A.: Was convicted for 35 years for murder and been released after only 11 years? Shame shame

Anthony Aboh: Even old women can kill

F C: Some of you have clearly never heard of this woman before watching this video. Never mind the manu before here, she used elderly people as cash cows, by using their social security and their identity to get money.

Marie Jones: He would really stand out then wouldn't he!? DNA finding who dunnit is a great brilliant thing to i.d. someone it is!

Marie Jones: What if he gets the wrong cup!? Some of these killers are very cunning and careful they are though but detectives know how to pin them in though I think.

Marie Jones: Yes the same person is the one that does different murders they'll see that they're related they will.

Marie Jones: These killers don't tell other people what they did or they'd be telling on him. Even if they know who done it they still have to have the evidence to seal the case they do though so they are careful to get rid of any evidence if they can. That they can live with what they did?!

Iris Enamorado: The back ground music is horrible. I can't handle. I can't focus on the story because the music.

sunflower 21: I wonder from Covid year 2020 til now if there is or are serial killers at work. Hope they get soon.

Robyn Clegg: Hi

sarzi B: If i have to ark up the volume and then you Fukn BOOOOOM the ads im out - never to return.

Kathy Kolenda: Can’t watch, music is way to loud! Very annoying 😡

mc Queen: Imagine the feeling of his wife...

Belinda Lilac: When you get a 79 year old lady to play a 59 year old lady.

Richard Ward-Jackson: Not at all bright of the police to allow her to drift off for coffee.

jesse chillin': Carrying those bodies would take some strength.... I kinda doubt that Peunte was the only doing all that murder or maybe she did but she would kinda have some kind of help to move those 🤷

James Bondage: You have an audio problem it's way too loud for the narrator.

Dee InOz: Great acting......not. Apartment is strewn with clothes and they find their friend dead on the floor and it's like they are looking for lost car keys.....


Janet Wangui: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Shak Nur: Puente died in 2011 at 82 from natural causes. Her total count reached nine confirmed murders and six unconfirmed. Total 15.

Mar~Bear: But she looks like sweet lil granny

David Brown: Just another show with ridiculous audio mixing. Muffled narrator with way too much bass, overpowered by irrelevant loud "background music."

lordoftheflings: i hope they fired the moron cop that let the woman go to the coffee shop unattended as they were digging up bones in her back yard

Steve Ldnuk: Imagine you found out your grandmother was a serial killer. Wild!

MH DuBois: Puente was the inspiration for Killface. I'm almost sure of it.

VEGAN KITCHEN KARMA: This is disappointing. After seeing SO MANY DEAFENING dateline/2020 episodes & reading the comments here, I just don't want to put us through the noisy torture.

Marilyn Glazier: I pray all that are watching are safe, healthy and happy.

Rocío Aguilera: Perhaps I have a hearing problem, because I barely hear the background music that many commenters are saying is too loud

Tom Xsajil: هل الجرائم مماثله في كل بلد او امريكا اكثر

Brandon Bohannon: That music is way way to loud how are we supposed to hear you.

Bindy Zana: The obtainable database taxonomically discover because cormorant lamentably carry toward a spiteful fortnight. ugly, true quartz

Ranjith Jay: 1984- Texas - Serial killer could not be found for 11 years. Lisa returned from hospital to find her house ransacked and Terry Simms, 20 years old had been murdered inside. Then 23 year old nurse ,Tony Gibbs too had been killed and her body was found by the road side. Then in 1985 another body was found and it was identified as 21 year old Elen Blau. Ten years passed and in 1996 DNA had advanced to re-examine the biological evidence from the three victims. In 1999 more information was obtained after review of the the murder victims and the name of Wardrip came up and he had worked as a hospital orderly. In the second episode Burt Mondaya had disappeared from the boarding house for elders and the landlady, 59 year old Dorothy Apponte Said Burt had gone to live with a relative but investigators found other people disappearing from the boarding house. A elderly boarder said the smell of death is in and around the boarding house. Police found seven bodies in the backyard of the boarding house.

K Pee: Pre-dawn gardening. Is that a thing?

kris best: If you want to kill things work in a slaughterhouse and help your fellow man! In. Jail l,d leave the shoelaces in and supply pills and a rope for murderers let them die by there own hands .

Milkshakespeare: Scooby Doo sound fx at Mach 10? Check.

Stephen Smith: Watching from Ohio, stop the very load background music 😡 Smitty out

SSS🌙: I cant hear your background narrator over your foreground music. Please correct the audio levels when uploading.

Nusaibah Ibraheem: May be she lied about her age, she looks 70-80 at the trial.

Pirom: Third here from prison

Mike N: 59? Why use 80 plus actress...

Generic Dragon: I lived in Sacramento when Puente was active. Lived just a couple miles away.

Stacey Lili: The actresses they used for Dorothea was so inaccurate. Dorothea was very thin.

Mike N: I swear liza was on saved by the bell

Michael H: Our world is full of potential serial killers. Unfortunately with everything getting worse in today's world, it's only going to get worse. Have a great day!

Apex bomb: Yay

seabi salome: Where are my fellow south African

Brian Jumba: Second here from Kenya at yaya

River Deep: Any chance you can tweak the audio/background music levels? :)

Kevoh Wa Pipeline Transami: First here from Africa

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