Serial Killer: Gary Heidnik (The Real-Life Buffalo Bill) - Full Documentary

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mvshsly: why the r word 🤕

Buddha: Damn, this guy really enjoyed beating people.

Rainie Dayz Produce Stand: This is a great episode! TYSM! Never heard of this guy...what a whack job!

Victor Torres: I was out of the neighborhood by the time he committed his crimes but my house around the corner from heidnik. UGH !!!😣😣😣😞

Daniel Davidson: Joseph Deangelo would be a good documentary

It’sA FlexThing: The crazy thing is they kept letting this racist psycho path out of jail and letting him back around people. After all these black women he killed or kidnapped they were hiring him with all of those charges on his criminal background. This country is fucked. But someone in my hood got caught for a zip of weed and a gun and is doing number like this guy should’ve had.

j E: Court case not going right? Call dr. Kenneth cool.

Benny Smith: you can say 'retarded' on YouTube?

Lisa For Truth: I like your presentations, but please don't use "retarded."

cranberry411: to the victims and rotten hell Gary.....

Vanessa Reid: are you allergic to the word "autistic" or something or do you continually use the word "retarded" instead because you want to upset or hurt people in spite of it not being a medically recognized term for decades?

tommy brockman: This one is pretty crucial I’ve seen basically everything about every serial killer but this one is rough

Cat Cat: Love this channel and the content is so well presented. The ending music on this video kills me though. Had to sprint to turn it off :(.

S K: Josephina shouldn't have said no. Let's just say it. "She thought he could give her stuff koz she thought he had money" Dumb choices.

MacKenzie Karsonovich: I watched an interview with one of the women who survived. It was years after, but she was still completely traumatized. And the worst part, what happened to her made her an outcast in her community. She barely had any support. This guy creeps me out worse than any other killer.

Lily Wohl: Another great video! Thanks! Here is a note for you, I have noticed in a few of your videos that your pronunciation of the state Maryland is subtly incorrect, which is completely understandable since it seems like you’re Canadian. It absolutely is not of any real consequence whatsoever but I figured you would like to know. Within this word, the name Mary is actually pronounced, mare-uh, so the name is more like Mare-uh-lind. Thanks again for the great content!

Kelly Bolton: unusual that all his victims are black but he is white

goldsborough11808: FYI, the word retarded is WAY out dated n in proper to use. It's now called mentally handicapped. Hasn't been used in years. This dude preyed on the mentally handicapped.

Jamie E: It's called sexual assault now. And you're not supposed to say retarded anymore.

alexkrxxx: Heidnik always terrified me But thank you for taking the time to make this SKD! Always appreciate your work

Matthew Jamison: This guy sounds like a real jerk

ElleCee62978: The ironic thing is he wasn’t crazy. He was insanely intelligent.

ElleCee62978: This guy was arrested when I was a kid in Philly. We had 2 other active serial killers at the time, too. Along with the MOVE bombing and Budd Dwyer’s suicide. People wonder why Gen X Philadelphians are more cynical than anything.

Jack Diamond: 😂😂what the hell was that outro? I still die laughing to this day good video too glad you covered this

CoffeeCupGoodness: I can't really be mad at Josephine. She played the long game and did what she had to do to save herself and the others. Poor girls.

Jenny S: What an evil psychopath!!!!! So many evil ones but he's one of the top most depraved.

Stanley Malcolm: This is madness one minute she was going to work then she was sitting in a men’s car who she’s didn’t know then sat in McDonalds then went back to his house what happened about her job this isn’t making any sense. I do remember this story when it came out 🤔

Mp Cops: This guy sounds like a cia experiment/patsy... Like rev-Jim jones...edit.. This guy was definitely a cia asset trained/brainwashed into doing a subversion experiment

Crimhthan Mor: I could only last until 13.28. Absolutely horrific 13 + minutes. What an absolute scumbag.

Opel Eisenbeis: Yo this video is already so harsh and scary. If you're gonna say a word like 100 times in one video, PLEASE DONT USE PERJORATIVES. Mentally disabled is WAY more appropriate than retarded. For future reference

Mp Cops: Lost for words really..what a ghoul,where did his family originate?

Panda Fanatic 47: I would like to see a buddy buddy comedy movie based on Heidnik and Leonard Lake called Serial Brothers, starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. They play brothers who live together while constantly committing murders independently and trying to frame each other for the crimes.

catherine macdonald: Man, men can be so scary with their strongy strong arms........

Dorte Sandal: One for the buzz❤️🙏❤️

FPS SERBIA: So let me get this straight, she fought with her boyfriend and immediately left, meet the guy on the street and went with him home minutes later....... How the fuck crazy you have to be to do that......

Mrs Applez: Now he was some top level nut job. Great vid skd. Peace world....Great job in the chat. Catch up with ta soon

Oseino: What a waste to the society

Stavros Gazis: Legend says that this narrator can use a tin can and string as a microphone, and still sound this good.

A toda madre: Why is the word rape edited? Better not have anything to do with YouTube guidelines because if so, f*** YouTube

Rochelle Jewell-Carter: Am I the only one who listens and dances with the outro 🤣

Rochelle Jewell-Carter: I've heard this story before, but learned a lot more regarding that monster's life. My mind is boggled!

Bob Dobalina: Hi, excellent video on a gripping topic, many thanks, your levels of research are through the roof, Just one teeny niggle - hyperbole is pronounced High-per-bow-lee - highperbowlee, definitely not hyperbowl, but other than that this edge of the seat stuff. If you are wondering quite why I'm so finicky it's because I'm a late middle aged Englishman whose gradually losing his eyesight so mispronounced words jar more readily than they used to. Anyhow, thank you once again. All the best, Bob.

Steve Gilroy: That guy gives me chills

Angelofdivinelove: What a swell guy!

Mx Ru1ness: Amazing police work. If you cant tell the difference between a rotting body and an overcooked meal, you're hired!

Michelle M.: Wow this guy was bad s*** crazy

Katy Bug65: I loveee the judges reply to the defense hinting at making Josephina seem as a possible accomplice.. bravo 👏

Katy Bug65: He even just looks crazy AF! 30:32 the eyes r creepyyyyy... 😩

Jason Robinson: There are have no words for that level of depravity.

Mike Taylor: Dude. I don't think people really say retarded anymore.

Maxine Lawrence: 🧐🤓🤟🏽🇬🇧

Parley P. Cat: Oooh, I dig that new intro!

j s: He didn't keep up with his hygiene? I'm surprised. I bet his breath smelled like ass..literally.

Jackie Hatfield: Have to bleep out the word rape, but every other word that is foul in the speaking world is said and sung about!!! 🤬 Wrong, wrong, wrong 🤬🤬🤬!!!!

Marta Womack: What a freakin' monster! Hard to wrap my brain around the fact that these people even exist and are out there, roaming free. It's also hard to wrap my head around YouTube's waaay over-sensitivity to many things these days, like the word rape, which is the official name for a crime, or their ridiculous attitude about naked dolls being customized by artists, plus much more. They've gone far too overboard.

Blue Moon: He was Nuthin like the real Buffalo Bill....He’d a been dead in 5 seconds if he went up against the real Buffalo Bill...

Blue Moon: Oh yeah I almost forgot about this loser from Detroit about 20 years ago....

Chris: How did you even get the photos of the actual crime like 14:12 . I'm seeing all of these crime videos getting photos of their crimes but google apparently thinks im 5 years old and shows me nothing

Mike McQuade: This was a wild one. Never heard about this guy before. Gotta love when people use religion as justification for their crimes

Paulina Gnecco: Putting aside the excellent quality content you always serve us, censor and bleep the words you need to get those well deserved coins 🥺

Katy Bug65: I never heard of that key trick.. breaking it in half.. so weird

Spicii: What's up with the use of the word retarded in this video? Isn't that term completely outdated?

Travis Miller: I reckon statically speaking, one of these viewers is probably a serial killer 👀

cygnia: Heartbreaking when society considers certain women disposable.

Cronic Budd: is it possible to post on rumble

Lynne M: Oh my god! This was absolutely terrifying! Those poor women! I think he’s the most evil man I’ve ever heard of! He had no limits!

godstomper: Geez

Joseph Menegus: What a piece of shit this guy is

Sandi Morris: Thanks for the video.

Naja Joie: This was an excellent documentary. Not the first time I’ve heard of Heidnick, but it was The first time hearing his whole life story; and prior to him committing these heinous crimes.

Andrew Ruffing: Damnit I missed the premiere! Always love the banter on the premieres! Thanks for another quality doc, SKD! Hope this finds everyone well!

Congruent Crib: I love SKD, Monsters, and That Chapter. All post regularly and have their own styles. SKD is a 10 on the information meter; no opinions just facts and a great story. Monsters is 7/10 on the information meter, a lot of facts and very interesting, but most notably breaks the topic by mentioning something unrelated and or personal (all in a good way). That Chapter is like a 2/10 in the informative meter. It’s a lot of jokes and isn’t as informative but uses that to lighten the mood. These three are some of the best creators.

Bernie Burnall: Something very unsettling about your merch... Not only is it distasteful it also looks like shit. I'm not sure how anyone can take you seriously when it's clear your intentions aren't to tell a story but merely to glorify murderers... 🥱

Zie SpiralOut: Seriously, they gave him heavy anti psychotics when he wasn’t diagnosed with psychopathy? That can literally cause you to become psychotic. Good job doctors, you may have helped create a monster.

Direlect Architect: Great content but everyone knows the TRUE Buffalo Bill was Ed Gein. This guy didn't come close to what he did.

Steven Kramer: Pop goes the like button

John Payne: An excellent doc, very well presented. Regarding the 'insanity' defence, I sometimes wonder if this option appeals to something within all of us - 'Surely no sane person could do things like that!' Well, perhaps they can - human nature is open to many possibilities, complex, and occasionally very ugly.

Michael Hedworth: bruv you gotta stop calling people retarded

ninjaswordtothehead: * sips coffee * Yeah, um, I'm gonna go ahead and have to ask you to post a 10 hour loop of that outro. Yeah, that'd be great. * sips coffee *

Wintersound: Was that a...serial killer fancam at the end there? Interesting choice...

Courtney C: while i like the channel, the merch/ending credits are sort of messed up. Like I get levity but its in poor taste and doesn't seem to mesh with the impression I get from the channel. They are heinous serial killers and rapists not the goofy crew from zoolander.

Linda Edwards: U can say murder & all sorts of rancid words but not rape????

Jerrine Damey: This POS! what you do and the way you do it! This dubbing by u Tube sure messes up the flow though. MEOW 🐾 -

Lucas: My guy you need to use another word than r*tarded, it’s such a rude and awful word, plenty of other words you can use

Tiffany Thomas: Very well done.

Ramon Garcia: Funny how they won’t say rape but continue to call the women retarted !

Richard Aubergine: Your research was really well done.

andy teran: Damn what a sick fu@k

k halim: Wht a handsome men but sadly mental

maveryk: This guy...

Creepy Sleeping: Great channel. My new favourite channel for all things... Creepy !

Sponge Fun: Josefina wrote a book. Forget what its called but it went through all the details from her pov

onebigdaddy623: Love your shit bro! Keep up the good work 👌

Michael Engler: A friend of mine was friends with Gary

Ruthy Butler: Anyone else find it eerie and disturbing some of the similarities between Ariel Castro who held the three girls captive in Cleveland and this guy, from Cleveland, holding these girls captive...or maybe its just me being here in Ohio, an hour from Cleveland and having spent lots of time in Cleveland during my lifetime....

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