Serial Killer: Joseph Kallinger (The Shoemaker) - Full Documentary

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Serial Killers Documentaries: If you enjoy my videos and want to see something similar in the future, please consider pledging $1 or more on Patreon to help keep this channel alive. Thanks to everyone who already did, you guys made this video happen. Here is the link:

Osiris: It's scary how many serial killers are out there in the world that we don't even know exist, with each episode we learn more and more about the existence of these monsters--it's quite terrifying and dare I say? Interesting.

shawn emmanuel: You can say “SA” for sexual assulting and “R” for , you know.

Sam HighVoltage: Maybe instead of rape, try snuggle with a struggle

AJ: I guess having your period can occasionally save your life. I had a hysterectomy at 43 because of cancer, so I guess I'd be sh*t out of luck lol

Parrot Farm SA: Non consented sex

AJ: Love that intro. As for saying " those certain words", hey, at least you tried. It is what it is. I got kicked off of Facebook for like the 5th time for saying the "C" word. Not cancer. I thought there was a freedom of speech thing in the US, but apparently not on these platforms. I call BS.

Skankhunt 42: The ending of your videos are so amazing. The only time I’ll willingly dance with serial killers🤣

VEGAN KITCHEN KARMA: Kallinger, con man extraordinaire. 50:42 Aww, look, he's showing everyone his bible! See, folks, your imaginary friend gives him a pass, why not you? Had he been playing these games now (during our FOOLISH age, of political "correctness"), he'd have definitely gotten, YET ONE MORE, little slap on the wrist.

Alex McHugh: Their is a strange low static in some of your voice audio. I didn’t really notice it till nearer the end of the video. Not sure if your mic is just overly sensitive or why. Just thought I’d mention it.

Gerhard Conradie: POP GOES THE WEASEL

Pierré Grobbelaar: Personally i don't see him as a serial killer.I see him as a cold blooded murderer.Hope he rots in hell for what he has done.

ORION: Anyone who thinks law abiding citizens should not be allowed to own guns is an idiot.

Vanilla Gorilla: Dude you can say sexually assaulted. Literary not watching this channel anymore so lame lol. I’d rather go watch the vids you stole the content from

Ryan Bitschkat: I love the endings on this soo sooo good

Barbara Treadway: People are becoming more demonic then ever.

Chels Cara: Joey was abused his whole life just to be given back to his abuser by the courts just to be abused by a school just to be murdered by his father. Failures. A life where everyone failed him.

jondough76: WTF YouTube? You can talk about murders and stabbings and even say 'dismembered penis', but just saying 'sexual assault' is off limits?? I would love someone to explain the logic behind this policy.

Pat Reid c/o Colditz Castle: we really need to dust off the old iron maiden again [the guillotine] she would slow these losers down a bit.well maybe...

Pat Reid c/o Colditz Castle: this not allowed say rape or sexual assault is bizarre where all adults here not a 2 year old...and i doubt any parent [well decent parent] would let there kids watch channels of this nature.why i find it weird is your using the legal titles for these offences.youve told me why before im just trying to make people see the idiocy in this...great docos well done

donny lane: This is crazy. TRY COITUS ASSULT

Soren Kuula: What, you can't say rape on YT? I knew that some traditional rapists were among their protected groups, but this... And not sex either? I wonder sometimes what goes on in liberal media peoples' heads..

sixbladeknife44: Seems like a shoe in for “stinkiest serial killer” title holder...unless Kendall “stinky” Francois has something to say about it and gives him the boot 👞💩

IlGattoGialloCucina: Wowww all kind of weirdos. Good job! Too bad I can never watch the premiere since I am also from Europe and I work early hours!! Cheers man!

All Aware: My God, they're killing my family....i say this all the time & for no reason whatsoever

AttilatheThrilla: “They were watching him”.... Yeah... Clearly they weren’t...

steve d: Can't say certain factual, relevant words. Can promote "peaceful but fiery protests" as long as it fits the approved narrative.....

Saa Aurelian: The intro was straight up out of a horror film. Good job

Asi Rahbah: Kensington? Where Kendall “stinky” Francois lived?

Josephine Bos: I'm surprized you can still use the word 'penis'.

Miss Cyanic: Horrific.

Thomas Hartman: 49:00 I thought it was Ted Cruz that they had in custody.

Edd VCR: I first hear about Joseph Kallinger on Last Podcast On the Left. Crazy stuff, man!

Bayoneta Babe: Thanks. I really enjoyed this one. I had never heard of him but I saw people mentioning the book and I do remember that. I just never really knew what the book was about. I can’t believe he made his twelve year old son participate in the crimes. I hope once he was released he was able to have a decent life.

Donna B: That's ridiculous. Rape is rape sex is sex. Whoever said you cannot explain what was happening and going on is an idiot.

brian battaglia: Ironic his lawyer was named Berkowitz

James Biggar: It's interesting that your words are being policed here when I'm hearing them on nearly every other true crime channel. I don't know if they're running ads or not because I have premium, but it seems there are different standards for different people.

L H: Never thought I’d say this but gees thank goodness for having periods

Christopher Nayar: They don’t note how small his penis actually is, do they? It seems relevant to the story, does anyone know the dimensions?

Glenn Wellington: Seems to me that that Schrieber woman is as nuts as Kallinger is.

Howard Conover: Caught bc he smelled funny.

PS Nachtmuzik: For someone who was considered insane, he sure liked the media attention and made sure the cameras had his utmost attention too.

Magic Powers: This is a case that fascinated me as soon as i heard about it. This is by far the most thorough information I've encountered anywhere. Thanks for the hard work and keep it up! You are my favorite YouTube channel by far and i hope you financally prosper for this man

Kyle Ord: Also anyone do the intro?

Kyle Ord: I love how I know about these killers from lesser serial killer channels. You are by far the best thank you

insertname here: I've got an hour to kill before i have to get ready for work. Great timing 👍

Waverly L: THANK YOU!!!!!

Incaensio: just say rape. let them censor it. we know what it is.

Jamie Miesler: Twisted 😔

americanmilitary100: YT is getting carried away with its stupid censorship.

S K: All sex crime is nasty. Just because you say sexual assault instead of rape does not make any less abhorrent. Please just stop. Think of the victims. Oh its a disclaimer. Sorry bout that. 😉😉

Angelo Perfili: May I suggest activating the closed captioning feature for your community?

J C: Wonderful as always, take that algorithm.

poppy flower: Why can't you say "rape" or "sexual assault"? How childish. Are you saying that YouTube is saying you cannot use this terms? Other crime videos do. What is this all about?!

Shan: I have never heard of this one. Wow he is a psycho! Thank you for the documentary on him 👍😊

Peace Lovin Criminal: Your not allowed to say "rape" in the land of the free 🤣🤣. I've got news for all Americans "You are all free free free to do what we tell you"

Archibald Bagge: Flora Rheta Schreiber was a a fraud and a liar. She is the author of Sybil. The fake story of a woman with apparent 16 distinct

deltarebelgirl: First time I ever heard the name Edwina pronounced correctly. My mom was named Edwina. People always called her Edweiner. First I’ve ever heard of this case interesting. Thanks for what I’ve never heard of

92 skeet: Monster that can be stopped censorship is top of the list fck yt enemy of free speech.

alolan raichu: Our courts fail children so badly. Kallinger is convicted of seriously abusing his children thanks to those children speaking up, but he gets sent back home with them after a few months in jail. What, is he expected to have learned his lesson? "Thanks for getting me put in the slammer, kids, I will definitely respect you and treat you decently now!" There has to be a better way to deal with parents who abuse their children than putting the wolf back in the henhouse.

hot dog water: didnt have illnesses he claimed to have? sounds like kallinger is malingering! heyooo!!! try the veal

Victor Lowry: A friend gave me the book in 1989. That was the start of my "serial killer" reading. The anatomy of a psychotic.

Josephine Sosingot-Räisänen: since we are fans why dont you replace Sexual assault with SA...its quite unfair that Rape or sexual assault should be seen as bad language...if you can use the word murder you should be able to use the word rape...similar crimes in my opinion

Kylee Conrad: It's so utterly beyond ridiculous that you cant say words like "sexual assault", "fraud", or "paedophile" in describing actual true crime events without the yt sensors shutting you down and shaming you while they do it and yet racist BLM/cnn channels can literally gaslight with out and out lies. You can easily view clips of older movies/etc with full on frontal nudity even??!!

Lily: Imagine being Recognized for being stinky

S.A.R 2 swift: Love watching skd

Christine Fuller: Dude, just say ROPE

Stephen Smith: Watching from Ohio great job Smitty out 🙃

Para Bellum: Another creature wearing the tattered skin of a human that I would derive no greater pleasure than to remove from this world myself.

Arna Cook: You can't say 'rape' or 'sexual assault', but you can say 'sodomy'? Anyone else confused by Youtubes logic?

Duke Raul: Can I say rape and/or sexual assault in the comments? 👉😁👉🐔 I'm not wearing a mask either.. I won't elaborate. 😁😆😆🤣 Exxxcellent vid..

LHFP: "Jewlary" xD

Hostile At Heart: Bro, there's a bit too much bass on your voice. I get that your mic is top notch quality, but with a pair of top notch headphones it's almost unbearable ^^

The Legocornman: I always look forward to ur videos :) they are super informative and I learn something everytime, keep up the great work!! :D

aliza johnny: WOW, as always, great job. THANK YOU.

traderjoes: Who is making the decisions what words can be said? I have heard other people on YouTube using both words without any issues. Why are we supporting a platform that limits our free speech?

ElleCee62978: My aunt went to school with one of his kids. He burned them with a hot spatula. I hope he is burning in hell.

Enloe Metzloff: A little update here from Philly.... They shut down the Philadelphia Inquirer like 2 days ago. It is kaput, gone forever. Kinda sucks that was in print for a long time here. Pretty good music section.

Daniel: I never knew Judd Apatow was a serial killer.

gayle mc: Bingo, psychopath.

russelljackson1985: All that money wasted on all them court appearances after he was already found guilty. Should of just been taken out back with a bat and finish him off.

Aurora Marie Almeara: Death penalty

Unsolvable Captcha: Thumbs up before watching crew checking in.

Sharrieff1993: SKD works hard on these videos , give this man/team a slot on Netflix

Arnez Andretti: YouTube’s guidelines suck ass

maveryk: Jesus h christ I live on Glenwood...

maveryk: Just under 2 hours late club in the house!

who care: Dude can do all that horrific stuff sexually, but period blood? Bridge too far.

Ryan Swanson: I love this channel, you've a unique voice and cadence mate. Just roll with the YT rules, it's annoying but unavoidable. Keep them coming! =)

Sindy Livesey: People that put a thumbs down should say why they have done so. I cant find fault with anything on this channel.

PlanB John: A who and what salesman?

Lorie Paix: "I'm going to plead not guilty, but if you find me guilty, then I'm insane." If voices told him to burn his property, did they also tell him to take out the insurance beforehand?

J Anderson: Try using violated as a replacement for rape since YouTube has Victorian-esque principles.

PlanB John: I’m more worried about YouTube “NOT ALLOWING”. What’s the deal with them?

Mia Mina: Sadly, I was alive during this. While I don't remember much about it, I do remember his face. That might be from seeing it on the news or from watching other documentaries. This man, like most serial killers, was pure evil. To put his own family through this and to force his son to help him. Using faith and the bible to hide behind as well as mental illness showed how deprived and degusting he was/is. Thank you for putting this together and making sure it was factual and respectful.

Tabby Cat: Thank you SKD I'm watching a second time. Finally got a chance to see a Premier it was a pleasure


Wombat Dundee: Another awesome video!! Thanks SKD! :D

Mrs Applez: So, will rewatch this lots I missed. Thanks for a great chat. Bright blessings all. Thanks SkD

Bettys Shoe: Apparently there is a lot more to this case than I read about in "The Shoemaker." Very interesting doc, thank you.

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