Serial Killer: Richard Speck - Full Documentary

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S Msabala: He really was a POS, the nurse 2ho didn't give him water when in the hospital gave me a lil comfort

Noble Polygon: One of your best yet!

Saa Aurelian: Your pacing and writing on this is one of your best I think. I was sucked in and absorbed from the outset. Great work

GeneralZod99: Does anyone know who the _actual_ people are in the jeep during the start of the outro? My intuition says that I should know what that clip is from.

Jrob 46&2: The American justice system. Give them hormones and drugs and let them make porn. It's no wonder why this country is collapsing around us.

SnowSamurai🇨🇦: How did he get his hands on hormones, while in prison? Gross

Ryley Derrenbacher: We’ve got a 23 19

Dead Already: No limits to the sickness the human mind can reach. Wow. Many Blessings 🙏

psychedelic H8: Great video bro

sentryogmixmaster: 8 women died of natural causes.

Ryan Torres: They made a real movie about this crazy

Kenyatta Clay: Speck was arrested in 1966. He died in 1991, that is 25 years so you are incorrect that he didn’t spend 20 years in prison.

Michelle Barnes: This hits the spot right now. Thank you, Mr Documentaries!

Brenda Paduch: Cora - what an unbelievably strong, amazing person!

Garbeaux Æ: Cabrini Green was one of the most notorious projects of any city, anywhere.

The Oracle Temple of Love & Light Star Souls 22/22: Very educational not sure why YouTube doesn’t see it that way … perhaps they don’t like the truth !

Kiril Mihaylov: Sick people make sick things

Chris Mack: I just happened to view your post about this vid and how long it took you to colorize a B&W photo. I compared them. Imagine that! The cop and books on the bed vanished ! Can anything else be missing from the colorized photo?? Keep up the great work!

Andrew F: More of a mass murderer than serial killer

Ellybean: Someone kills your classmates and you call the hospital where you are a student nurse? Don't you think the cops would be a little more helpful? Hopefully her judgement improved a little before she graduated

Angel Sky: I am so happy that this is your next episode I've been waiting for somebody to cover Richard Speck

Niktav: Honestly this was one of the best videos this channel's cranked out, the case was wild from start to finish and I wasn't expecting the ending at all

Keesha Khan: He's like Dahlmer and Bundy we're done. Find something else.

Jack Katz: Can you do Fred and Rose West next?

Gabrielle Bernard: Why do people find male rape among men funny, where as if it were a female rape in prison people would protest loudly

Hyper #8: Wow you told this story well. I pictured everything almost like a day dream 😅🤙

lhasaroadrat: I couldn't even watch the last five minutes..what a dirt bag.

LaCokaNostra81: These videos are better than that stupid very scary people show.

Luke Senko: 1 drink every time the narrator says "Speck"

Le F: I believe if anyone earned their way into Hell I would say Richard Speck did.

Filomena Dos Santos: RIP ladies . I’m a nurse , makes this sadder , the lives these ladies would have touched, changed and saved😪 a loss

gabe lumpkin: Born to raise hell

Stephanie Hunter: I love the intro

Rebexxa DirtySouthCats: Another great video skd! It's odd how some serial killers seem to target nurses. Or maybe they just seem to happen to be in the wrong place when true evil rears it's head?

Sarah Dougherty: Your channel always does an amazing job! You always do an amazing job! I love watching your videos. Whoever you have do the reading of your writing has an amazing voice also! It’s perfect for the type of videos you do! Don’t ever stop!

Societé DSP Historiche: Don't care about soccer whatsoever but you're a funny dood with good comedic timing and that 1st China video was absolutely brilliant!

Anon Z: Can't believe I didn't know he had a bunch of other victims besides the nurses.

Jason Razermotion: something different with this episode. not as entertaining as usual.

Stigmatogaster: Is this the same guy from BAKI?

Goliath_Red: He was fined $10 for a robbery Bruhhhj

M P: Crime reporter to cop at crime scene, ‘I’m going in! I won’t touch anything!’ Cop lets him enter…. 😵‍💫

Jeremy R: 😄 “piss perfumed air” nice

D'Metryus Tendaji Freeman: fun fact for anyone who watches baki (the anime based on baki the grappler); spec is based off of richard speck and andrei chikatilo

Helen M: Wow the details in this episode, very attention grabbing, it might be my favorite one ever. Also Cora is so amazing, her survival probably saved other people's lives

John Chalmers: Well written and engrossing . Good job . I remember when the Speck video came out of him in prison with women's tits and smoking crack .

A WH: My aunt was a student nurse there when this happened. Crazy World!! Great job, as always, SKD!!

raevyn medellin: Honestly I think he had help. Someone was in on it bc there’s no way 1 man can take on multiple girls like that.

Richard Kranium: Guy was a nut.

LuxBud: Love your content but this episode was very wordy and almost ridiculously descriptive.

Christian Laboy: Excellent work as always thanks SKD😍💙💙💙

Cartoon History: I’ve never heard of this guy before, thanks for covering lesser known cases. Also, that old court room video footage was kinda cool.

Legend of None: I've always liked the outro. It's like a little reward for watching the entire video

Jessica Jujubean: My brother told me he was in jail with some guy who had been in the same prison Richard Speck had been in during the time when that videotape got discovered. (He wasn't there when Speck was alive). The prison went into super lockdown mode and the place was searched from top to bottom. It was really embarassing for the officials

Jaevon Marseillee: The way Speck was describing the murders and how it made him feel makes me think he was a psychopath rather than a sociopath.

Renee Minicozzi: When I was a kid, Spec reminded me of Oswald. Looked & sounded alike. Both POS.

MANLEY NELSON: Speck is the grossest human ever

Renee Minicozzi: I was a child when this happened. We were living in Madison, WI at the time. So much fear.

Scott Downs: I remember when that happened. I was twelve years old living in Oak Lawn IL

UnderGrowth: Any active serial killers doing homework here?

christie wakefield: I’d seen the Bill Kurtis thing about speck and it’s sickening just as speck was. My heart breaks for the friends n families of the ppl he murdered. RIP

Riley Evans: A great intro that I don't mind not skipping.

MANLEY NELSON: Oh there you go" cops confiscated the gun but didn't report it". You mean the cops stole the gun

MANLEY NELSON: So this loser basically got himself caught

Lana Campbell-Moore: Sick Bastard😑Thanks SKD👍

Amy Ferguson: I loved the court drawings

K McCoy: Good video. Dozens are murdered in Chicago every week. 800 so far this year alone. There are serial murderers active in Chicago and other blue strongholds across the country.

Sarah Farr: I'm still laughing at Richard"Boobies"Speak 😂😂😂😂😂

Michele Shively: He was the first serial killer I read about. True history

Malcolm Marshall: I was 7 years old here in Texas, I saw the awful headlines, asked my folks, "What is all this?"; they said "Oh don't talk about that, it's too horrible." They were right.

Jeff H: Great video. Not sure what part got you in hot water. Seemed fine in my books.

Juro: “Found sane but a sociopath” sounds about right

Glenn Chapman: Jesus Christ! Why?

Glenn Carlson: Love this channel, thanks skd

itscorcor: afterr all the gruesome horrendousness, i love how the groovy outro brings me back to my reality

Bigfoot’s Dick: “Legs spread for all the world to see” Lol. I love his narration!

MANLEY NELSON: Aweful narrator. Gotta go. Sorry

Dining With Death: Just got off a flight. Can’t wait to watch!

MANLEY NELSON: Everything is great: writing, photos etc except the narrators voice. Can't take it.

Davy Patt: *Disturbing evidence bloody spellchecker

BlackRiverBay: I was nine years old when the nursing students were murdered. I lived in the Rochester, New York area but was absolutely terrified that there was a mass murderer on the loose.

6349 256: Watched video from his cell, this dude is disgusting

Winter Crow: From one of the finest and most informative true crime channels out there, thank you again for another incredible episode.

Davy Patt: Isn't that journalist discerning e evidence

PEACE WORLD: Thank you Doc ! Your research is awesome

Tom Askren: I remember when that shit happened I was a kid but I always thought they fried his ass I never knew I knew that I member the headline spec gets the hot seat but I guess he never really got the hot seat

TheJudgmentalCat: My eyes are still burning from that photo...I was warned at beginning of chat. Good vid SKD, see you soon

fascinated1 emtee: Jesus fuck!

Kamikazimami: They dropped him off in Caprini Green. That's literally one of the worst places for an alcoholic violent man to be in. Lived in Chicago for a long time and my adoptive dad did construction. Sometimes I'd go with to job sites. Saw my first lady of the night there. Speck was a weak violent and cowardly man. What a disgusting human being. 😒

Booby2251: I remember this case when it happened. It was disturbing to say the least.

Bryna Haspiel: one of my favorite channels ❤

Mikey Zero: You've run out of serial killers and now you're calling mass murderers "serial killers". This is just lazy.

RuiNaTioN: I can’t get enough of your videos man and love how detailed they and how well your writing is. The narration is amazing as well! Great work 👍

Daniella Barry: Love true crime, and interrogation analysis. Your content is great! This man was a's so scary, to realize how many normal appearing people commit such menacing acts.

Jennifer Brown: Definitely SKD TIME with THE CREW 😉❤️

JJK: Dang it! This is the second week in a row I didn't get the notification for this premier...smh

Terry Powers: This sounds like the transcript to the Man's Dark video on him..

spider BlackWidow: Richard Speck was convited mainly because Corazon amurao rolled under a bed and was alive only living Witness after everything was said and done she left for the Philippines and never came back who can blame her?

Barry Gnatek: Keep up the great work bro!

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