? THE MAN FROM EARTH (2007) | Full Movie Trailer in HD | 1080p
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WORDS of SUCCESS: IncredibleНаписать
bhaskar goswami: 😭😭🙏🙏
Maxation: We have very different definitions of HD.
rishabh sharma: A book could have been better rather much appreciated although the movie blew my mind too to actually imagine you could just film having a conversation
all counties: This movie was in pipe line for nearly 30 years .the man who wrote it. Only released it to be made. On his death bed . Do you get the film .I bet not. Lots of Hidden meanings John was a good man to the best of his abilities it makes you wonder thou why they would portray John as a gypsy of sorts ..
agung andy: He walked among us, he could be anywhere, but he's not the only one
toshi steven: 99% of the movie takes place in a cabin, yet I was hooked from start to finish. Goes to show that it doesn't take a big Hollywood budget to create one of the greatest masterpieces of all time.
Prayash Kadariya: Non evident, irrational belief so called faith can never be debated strongly against science and this movie is the best example for it.
I EAT ASS: Is this a Christian movie?
Fruitarian Ascension: The first 2007 version of this movie is amazing! I was so exited when I had just found that this one was released in 2017! But, I am very, very sad that they, so horribly, ruined this new one! It was a torture to watch. I hope that they can find better writers to heal this mistake in the future. Parts of it were really fun and good, but they severely overdosed the religious ideas/aspects. Even the guy in the beginning/introduction seems to want to worship this story. The bad parts completely ruined it for me. There are many stories of actual "immortal" beings who have lived on this planet for thousands and tens of thousands, of years. Especially in India. Like Babaji, Bhartriji, etc. etc. etc. And all to many people worship those guys as well. If someone lives for thousands of years, yes, it would be fun to speak with them. But why should any such man or woman be worshiped? In the first "The Man From Earth" movie, the 14,000 old man says that piety is the mistake that men bring to the lessons. He speaks against the "worshiping" factor of the lessons, or of the one who is teaching them. Sadly, it seems, that the guy who made this movie is diving head first into the realm of worshiping this story. -This is my opinion, if it resonates with you, it's ok, if it does not resonate with you, then that is ok too. Peace my human family!
I'm ok: Im from india..and i loved the history references
Rashi One: *Maybe it's true* ... But if it is , it seriously doesn't matter 🤔😌, it's good it happened, oppurtunity to experience so many things and learn and most importantly enjoy love. He got a chance to meet BUDHHA💕, What more could you desire😜 ... I'll, as soon as possible, make a donation 😊 cause I loved the movie. 👍 It's really not how long you live it's to realize *WHO YOU REALLY ARE* . who you *really* are....
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