? THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES (2008) | Full Movie Trailer in HD | 1080p
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The Squid: ❤❤Написать
Samantha Mae: POV you read this in school
Fantastic Nerd: What did May have wrong with her? She was my favorite
RV: *Totally fictional...*
Kylie H: Currently doing homework for the novel
Kill Your Predatory Landlord: Who else came back here after watching Sophie okenedo in the secret life of bees?
fatima Done: Alicia Keys is a savage in this and I stan 😋
aesthetic_baby: I read the book 👍
P T: Awww lily 😍 such a sweet heart 💓
NurseZhivago: Black Women are so incredibly powerful
Yvonne: Movie better than the trailer
Shaira Narido: already read the book. I wanna watck this rn 😢
Yolanda Delagarza: Beautiful. Beauty. Caring. For. People. Like. Do. Love you. Always. Thank God for your. Beautiful. Beauty
Defense and Geopolitics: bees kneeez
Emmy Thomas: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??!!
Pirata: Amo esse filme demais, mas queria que eles dessem um jeito de mostrar um pouco melhor a perspectiva das protagonistas negras, ao invés de apenas da Lily... a June ficou meio que com fama de maldosa, mas eu super vejo o lado dela. Ela tinha todos os motivos para ter suspeita e raiva, mas longe disso que ela era uma pessoa ruim. Ela era muito boa e tinha um coração grande.
Wan Raziq: Potato
Greg Twosevat: bees
Aidyn: top-notch acting
Lala Oliveira: Primeira a curtir e a primeira a comentar. Esse filme eh massa demais
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