Good Omens Season 2 – Opening Title Sequence | Prime Video

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Dave Drapak: John Finnemore!

sneakyFingers DeVandle: This was funny AF... A 2nd season? 😆

Sakkigami: Yeah was waiting for that ^^

Ad Can: Aww. Welcome back you two!

Dr. WHO: AYO lesssgooo it's BACK

Estrella CC: Lluvia de corazones 😍

LMS: Heavens above, Hell YES!! Well, that's a keep my subscription running guarantee!

Charlie Giles: maybe raining heart's also hints to angels falling. a certain angel in particular maybe 🥰

Robin Parravel: This is so incredibly stunning

NO Wai: My jaw DROPPED when I saw that John Finnemore (writer of Cabin Pressure) helped write this! We're in good hands! Kudos to John also on the gig!


Carmel R: John Finnemore is cowriting?? Hell yeah!!

Raunak Yadav: When is it going yo drop?

Musika mw: trippy.

William Bonilla: Didn’t think a 2nd season was going to happened 🎉🎉🎉

Pedro Xavier: Release date???

R0B1N_112: Ok so after coming from the new trailer that was released, I noticed that the title for episode 1 is "The Arrival" and now I'm thinking that it could be referring to Gabriel arriving at Aziraphale's book shop after losing his memory

Queeny: Yessss

No Sound: Oh I saw this on another app and was soo confused. Almost thought my memory of Season 1 had gotten THAT bad but nevertheless it reminded me to rewatch hahaha


muffin cocoa: can't wait!🥰💖💕✨

Jax: YES!!!!

Kevin Korenke: I will give this a chance but with all the push for EVERYTHING to have a sequel and an expanded universe these days i cant help but want to keep this at arms length at first.


Jenifer R.: I hope this comes out on Blu-ray, because I'm not getting AP for one show.

Geekus Khan: The only reason I started watching the show is because I Saw David Tennant’s name in there and I loved his time on Doctor Who. And I actually really got into it.

Indie Variety: made my year 😭

TheFullStar: Yaz

Tis Death: What’s the procedure, Guys? What’s the procedure? STAY FUCKING CALM

Elo Colburn: I’m hyped

Red Skittles: 😱...

Severus Skywalker: That’s so cool!!

Kayla Wolf: Oh this makes me wanna rewatch season 1 before the 2nd season starts in July.

jinx: yay!!

Frogs: I am insufferably happy right know.

Ash Woodlings: My dearest homosexualssssssssss@s

Jason Covert: It’s like “Where’s Waldo” from hell 😂

Anonymous Invader: I love how it literally opens up after the pit in season 1’s opening

Di ghost: 0:58 "Give me coffee or give me death"

Trogdor Burninator: One strike against you because there's no source material and the late author is no longer here to protest a mishandling of the canon. Another strike against you because the first season was a perfectly self-contained story. The third strike would be this being something other than the great quality of the first season. Make it good.



Iron Vlogger: For some reason I want to try pickled herring even though that doesn't sound very scrummy..... At least crepes always sound lovely

Jamie H: season WHAT

Чунга Чанга: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA😭😭🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀 Я так соскучился по этим двоим


Skwidy: No matter how hard I try to understand this, it is totally ineffable

Kokujou5: there can't be a next seasion, isn't that crawley guy busy with doctor who?

Özge Polat: Soooo good omg

Monique M: When??????????

Luke Bale: Theirs a new names on those tombstones. I've been scanning the credits looking for clues for the new series 😂

Lark MacGregor: Any project John Finnemore is attached to, I'm there for. Most Americans won't know who he is, but he was the mastermind behind a BBC Radio show called Cabin Pressure, a show that was so funny that if I happened to be driving while listening, I'd have to pull over because I was laughing too hard to see! He and Neil Gaiman together are going to be irresistible.

I Am Warlock: When is it droppong?

Nicole Gilbert: I want omens 2 on dvd.

Penney Burgess: When!? WHEN?!!!

Aleja Narrentanz: *kreisch* yes :D

gh: My dads are back!

Kae Hartman: Prepare to be SICK of me!

Brono F. Welz: Rest in Peace Terry Prachett. It’s a shame both authors couldn’t work on this second season.

Anthony Wahrlich: YESSSS

Totally Squirrel: ajlfjslf YESSS! Can't wait!! God I need this show in my life

supershinigami1: Of course they had to make season 2 but is this even going to be canon? I only ever heard of 1 book and season 1 was an adaptation of this one.

FIRE UNBROKEN: well just like the show to the world

LORIN DAY: I really want to watch this but I'm going to wait until the show comes out to enjoy it all at once! Less than a month!! <3 <3

Sofia Velasco: Can't wait to see the new seasion ❤

The Scottish Nightmare: Jon Hamm is back. That’s cool

Ricardo Morales: I don't want to be that guy, but... why?? The previous season ended perfectly. They end up together and avoided the End of the World. There was nothing else to do. Is it gonna be doomsday again? I didn't read the books, so I cant imagine . I'll still watch the whole thing, don't get me wrong. The Ineffable Husbands demand my attention and I'll give it to them.

BoredCertified: I love GO's opening sequences! They're rather like the "Sergeant Pepper" album cover. You need to watch it a few times to catch everything!

Hannah Goodman: John Finnemore as executive producer! Oh, this is gonna be funny!

Jessica Seven: When?

Sush1_Cat: I forced my friend to watch Good Omens, and now I have someone to get hyped for season 2 with

dodiswatchbobobo: How even…? I haven’t watched it because Amazon, but didn’t the first season end where the book did?

Byronic Heroine: I'm crying

Jareth The Goblin King: Still feels weird having a season 2 not before a book 2

JenDeyan: Glad to have more of this series.

Em: asdfghjk excuse me??????😭😭🥰

Luisa Carvalho: WHAT THE HECK?!! I’m so happy we finally have this 😭

Gun ther: I love so much Good Omens I can’t wait !!!! ♥️

ink chip: Eeeeeeeep!!!!! Please this is epic!!!

Mojo: cannot wait for this❤great op as always ❤

Michelle: So does Crowley open a coffee shop next to Aziraphale's bookshop because, if he does, that is some fanfic level of goodness that I can't wait to see.

Ken frmcape: Anyone else get a Monty Python animation vibe?

debjoy: SO looking forward to this

Nikya Humes: I'm ready!!!!❤❤❤🎉🎉


Alexsa: Nooooo!!!! Ya la daba por muerta

Demo_Dog: I want it NOW

bob ross: I am doubtful this will be good. Good Omens was a book and a very funny one that told a self contained story. There is no book material to fall back on anymore.

13 Trix: Wann???

Wolf Wizard: Yes

LinguaPhiliax: Please don't be bad. Fingers crossed ✊

Maxisaspoonie: I love how when you go back to the season 1 into you can see all the things that happened im sure it will be the same with this season but I for one cannot tell you a single thing 😂

Queen Aqua: This opening is what would happen if Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam had a baby. I love it :D

ShayM: i gasped, after 4 years we are blessed withe second seasonnnnnn


Cyclops Was Right: the thing i liked about Good Omens was that it got through the whole book in one season. you'd have to be pretty greedy or a real idiot to try and keep going after that. Or, both, I guess.

prateek mandadi: aliens??

Preda Y.: still mindblowing that they're making a second one of these. I hope Sir Terry approves, bless him

Jail cat Jones: Finally

subsonicdeathmonkey: I’m excited!!!

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