Good Omens Season 2 | Official Trailer | Prime Video

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Amazon Prime Video UK: Check out the top 5 moments from Season 1! 👉

wayfareangel: Oooh, this looks like so much FUN!

N Slater: So…is this season based on a book like season one or are they making this up?

Brand New Day: Wait, they’re different people?

Robert Kendo: Sheen? Hard Pass.

Ratryoshka: Dudes are gonna be grabbing their dads' sarungs to cosplay Gabriel now


No way: Yes yes and more yesssssssssssss

Geode Potential: It doesn't seem like any of the human characters will be involved for this seasons.

Kiki Devine: Hope The Hat makes another cameo

Kiki Devine: Best love story ever


Draken0023: YESSSSSSSSSS!!!

Rob Netzel: And thus the divine bromance returns!

jamie foyers: This looks like it could be just as wacky as the first season!. I take it Queen's music will still be a mainstay or have they moved onto Buddy Holly for this season?. Great to see Tennant and Sheen hamming it up back on our screens...

MHLZ: Finally!!!



Ceilinh: It's an awkward family comedy, and I'm here for it. 😍

GrandduchessAnastasia1901: Gabriel with a genuine smile on his face, instead of his usual sharks grin is mystifying.

Mark Marcial: If this isnt perfection, i dunno what is.

NickieDarling: I was literally thinking about this show two days ago wondering if we would ever get a season two. This is amazing timing! What a miracle

Hannah Estes: Gabriel: Oh boy! Midlife crisis! :D Az/Crow: JFC

raingirl98275: I was holding my breath on season 2...but it looks like my anxiety was for nothing. Wonderful.

Tahkaullus01: Yay, more of the Doctor pretending he's not the Doctor. I'm here for it!

Momo Chan: Honestly loved season one more than the books (the mixed writing styles really through me off) and happy to see more of these two

Introverts Rock: Finally!!

Lymer: I guess August is gonna be a prime trial month 🎉

oihzftht: I'm so exited 🥹🥹😍😍

laststanding: Weeping angels

Green Cello: This season is based on notes Neil and Terry made for an unwritten sequel. It kind of got hard for Terry after the dementia diagnosis. Don't expect Neil to do any promoting for this, unfortunately. All of this was written and done before the current writers strike, and Neil is also a member of the Writers Guild. He supports his fellow writers, but laments not being able to promote this show.

miolim: The great Sian Philips is supposed to be in one episode. Looking forward to that very much!

Zarah Francisco: I'm so excited fot this one. Although Im surprised by with the route this season seem to be taking. I was expecting season 2 to follow up with what happened to child 3 from season 1 (unless they actually resolved that and I somehow missed that part)

Christopher White: i cant wait to see it love this show.

Natty BoBatty: I can already tell I'm gonna love this new angel. They're very gender

Sam Sung: I cant wait. This cast is stupendous!

Izzy Liberty: dear gods that heaven outfit for Crowley sure is something

kidii whizzii: He WE Go again😁

Katerina quinn: I can't wait for this. I love the first season. Tenant is crowley is gold

erixa: How may times have you watched this? Me: yes

EucalyptusFox: *"Yet you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were near one particular person?"* Aziraphale ( _remembering one of his many romantic candlelight dinners spent giving Crowley (the first person he calls when in trouble) the softest look imaginable_ ) : Aziraphale: No. Nope. Certainly not.

Adriennezzz: Saw something about it being spilled cocoa on angel’s shirt , came back to see for myself and yep that does seem to be cocoa

vivi: AHH!!! Im so excited!!!

GoldFusion: Holy cow, why this took so long to release

Cicayda: The way he says “I’m baaack” I swear—

youmeteacoffee: 🪽🐦‍⬛So excited!

All the Sage: Squeeeeeeee!!!!!

TrueYellowDart: Amazon’s best series. Glad it’s coming back.

Ada Soto: So Much Tartan! I love it.

Gary Magid: David Tennant, Michael Sheen and Jon Hamm all together?! Let the incredible magic happen!

Rhea Jane: yes! been waiting for this!

LunnarGamer: Oh I am so excited

aguyfromnothere: They must be giving Tennant so much money to be in this garbage.

Avocado :3: I feel the need to quote this: "DAVID WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?!

Wondering Wanderer: This comes out after my birthday!


Sophie Frankis: "AHHHH GABRIEL!!!!!

Chrysophylax🐉: I am so so so so happy Gaiman made the decision to continue this story without Pratchett. I think he’s poured his heart into this and I cannot wait to see it 🥹🙏♥️

Robin Nora Murray: I. Am. WHEEZING For SO MANY REASONS This is so delightful. I truly cannot wait. Pardon me while I go into a fugue state in order to survive until July 28th

shaunziimirotic: FINAAAALLLLLLYYY!😭😭😭😭😭 I've been waiting forever and a day for season 2.

princesslexicon: FOR FREE

Mercedes garcia: ay dio mio que hermoso 🤧

Kally H: Song in the background is Everyday by Buddy Holly

BarcingMatter: I am so normal I am so normal I am so normal I am so normal I am so normal

Boxhead: The way I screamed internally when I saw this pop up 😭😭😭💕

Dee Morris: Are we gonna get to see Jon's Hamm? /j

O: Yaaaayyyy!! I CANT WAIT! 👏 😄

Deimos2k5: A story that absolutely, positively did not need a sequel

Hugh Jasso: Yes, more please!! I can't wait. Love those series ❤

Izalemon: Who wants to bet that Gabriel is talking about Beelzebub?

The Jasmine Dragon Merchant: I AM SO EXCITED 🎉

Victoria Jenkins: I don’t know who the new—and very confused—angel is, but I am instantly attached and extremely invested!

Andi Esimos: I have to WAIT til JULY???!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

flo: 1:10 I think I'm about to cry this is so cute:,))


Alexia: i can't wait omg this show is one of my all time favourites

Maria Mageras: Everyone’s favorite celestial husbands are back❤

alex: omg I literally just binge watched the whole first season yesterday! I'm so excited 👀

LillyJJassova(LillyPotterml): Can I get a Yahoooo.

LillyJJassova(LillyPotterml): Ineffable Bureaucracy❤❤❤❤

K R Webster: I cannot wait

Emma Healy: I've watched this 10 times already and still don't know what Crowley said at the end

Knight Errand: I just thought it was an internet rumor. I guess it was real, though.

s: I am screaming crying throwing up biting the floor

KT Was Here: stupidly excited about this.

candela: okay, you win. i’ll watch the first season AGAIN.

katpiercemusic: I am irrationally happy about all of this.


PinkChucky15: I’m so excited!!!

Ladders to the Moon: How many times we all watched this today let's be honest

Leo Loliondo: Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes!! 😁👍💙

Alison Munin: Is Anathema back this season? Season one seemed to set up more prophecies for season two but this doesn't seem like it continues that. Love Az and Crowley though, the show is definitely smart to make them the focus.

average tea lover: 3 years of waiting... And I'm not disappointed, to put it mildly!! (every time someone leaves a comment under that one I will watch it again))

Svenni Vornamereicht: Oh gosh.. Tennant, Sheen and Hamm let loose together... this is going to be so much fun! Can't wait!

Leo Bodge: "Surrender the Angle" what kind? Obtuse? Right? Acute?

ThatRobeGuy: Didn’t the first season came our years ago than got cancelled?

Quilliana: Yeah no thanks. What made season 1 great is that it was an adaptation of the book. I never expected a season 2 and neither did I want one. Know when to quit Amazon...

Charlotte Jägering: That will be the best Birthday Present ever

Дарья Миронова: WOOOOOOWW!!!!!!!!!

Encie: i don't remember the show being THAT british.

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