Season 2 Trailer Reaction, New Weapons, Streaks & Maybe Warzone Map? |Call of Duty News and Updates

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Mr Savvy: A jungle...trash

Tommy Ritzel: People gonna be mad when the movement and mechanics are cold wars

Desmond Davis: I'd rather they fix the pre-existing game and buff guns that need it before they move on with more content.Honestly 💯 Yare yare daze🤦🏾‍♂️

Josh Wright: Dark wave is gonna be like halloween when it was dark and or night vision will be involved which is why stim glitch involved night vision goggles

Iron Wing Gaming: Galil is an all time favorite. Hope it's at least competitive in warzone.

Jingeleg Jingelek: I tell you exactly what it is they will bring the Ural map for warzone and then this map which is Vietnam and it will be the 3rd big map for warzone but starts at a smaller area like rebirth Island but with time will be built out😉

La Wave: Why is no one thinking soap is on that boat to verdansk

Shock Value: It will be a game mode new map not a completely new map

Wilhuff Tarkin: I can't stand the negativity anymore. Why is the Warzone community so whiny? Yes, there are problems, but if you only focus on them, you will never have fun.

Ollie Willeit: I’m putting my money for broken 1 shot no bullet drop pistol

Brandon: Hey JGod! Thanks for the video.  The theme of this is actually very Cold War...this landscape is from the campaign. Its at the end where Bell finds out Adler, Park and Mason actually captured him and were using techniques from the MK ULTRA Project to brainwash and implant false memories in his mind so they could gain intel to take down Percius. Just an FYI

Jose zuleta: Looks like jungle might be added👀👀👀

Yahya Imran: What about FOV slider for consoles ?

Lucas Nowak: Good morning Vietnam! I'm keepin' my fingers crossed for the new map with a jungle.

azad ahmad: Im roking naga as oparator character

Peyton Ratliff: JGOD you sound sick man, take care of yourself. I know you've got to carry Warzone on your back by doing the job of an indie dev company all by yourself, but stay healthy.

NationJJ: Please give console players a versatile fov. PLEASE.

Nick Y: Games dead too many cheaters

匚丨ㄒ尺丨匚: the galil making a comeback but the bugs tho

Tsonis: Jgod can you make a video for aim responce curve

Angelo AGame: Modern warfare warzone trailer was so much better the game was feeling so much better i miss modern warfare warzone 😭 infinty ward > treyarch

Pedro Barron: specter smg. thats all i want from black ops 1

Shaun Herron: Dogecoin to the 🌙

joakimPS: hm looks like sanhok from pubg

Lawnmower Man: New season, new game breaking bugs!

Eggy: I feel like the game will just become worse because of camping with ghillie suits in a jungle map.

Slang Blades: So many crying about bugs... Sounds like an excuse for sucking at the game.

ArcXangel: Can't wait for this x

God of Chaos Khorne: Looks like the map is some sort of colmwar map thing. I doubt we will actually get a new map for warzone which is an absolute shame..we truly need an entirely new map to keep the game interesting. If they add a new map they could allow us to pick a map of our hoicenthe first few weeks then start one map or the other at random

S Hendry: They're all heading towards a jungle at the end clip... the new map better be jungle themed!

Ahmad Youssef: 6 player ?

Tyson Benjamin: It might be a multiplayer map

Cozmoz: Why are we playing with old weapons in 20021?

Fortnite Sucks: Disappointing how they are trying to make CW keep up with MW

Person Official: Could the new map be for fireteam dirtybomb?

Mike: The CR-56 Amax is a Galil -____- it’s not coming back, they’re just copying and pasting just like they did with the XM4/M4A1, the FFAR/FR556(FAMAS), the Finn/Stoner, Pelington/SPR, etc... Can’t wait for the new Battlefield game to come out this holiday season and leave Call of Duty in the dust.

Salty Dog: Why do people prefer MW to CW?

JGskribbz: I saw somewhere that there might be a new 8 x 8 map?

s K a r m: Stim glitch will be back in season 2. TRUST. LMAO

Sklallam Ghost: I believe the mini gun is going to be the new score streak. That pistol is already in coldwar.

ONeillsi: I thought the amax was the galil

Garchy: Skull island vibes

Xachi XO: Call of Duty: BUGZONE

Dave Voyles: Strong Predator vibes here

Tommy Job: New content sweet! How do they do the stim glitch this time

goldenegg: Hey not that it matters, but I could not watch you before. You spoke in a way that would hurt my ears(you still kind of do, but not nearly as bad). I couldnt stand it. I had to ask a friend to watch your videos for me. I guess I could describe it as almost yelling, but fast, and high pitched without a breath 🤔 like, why are you yelling at me, we can be calm. But I noticed Youve changed a bit of how you do your voice, a little tiny bit calmer. Not so much yell-y. So now it isnt as bad for my ears, and I can actually watch a video. Just wanted to let you know, im glad you changed, even if it was only slightly, it did help me at least.

liverpool9995ify: She has a one handed shotgun in her holster which we haven't seen before

AM4N18: Wasn't the Amax meant to be the Galil? I thought it was a gun from one of the previous cods.

Arysto98: Why u watching trailer before reacting video 🤦🏽‍♂️

Bad JuJu: I dont know how they would do it, but a wooded area on the map would be awesome.

time machiine: hope dlss is going to be available

Justin Spangler: Warzone has started taking its first agonal breaths

Patron Plays: Nobody noticed that its thorne holding the galil? Hes an MW operator

Matt Wright: Has JGOD talked about the dev error 6635 in any vids? I get it every 3-4 games completely lag out almost always late game. Before you tell me switch my cold war stuff i completely removed everything CW. Guns, operator, watch, emblem, everything still lagging out all the time. On Xbox Series S.

Francis OfFilth: About time. This game has grown insanely boring and stale

asap rocky: Fov slider in console?

5thGen: Man i wish they would have play Guns N Roses- welcome to the jungle!

Liefpe: This guy explaining the galil as it wasnt in mw already (although the modernized version)

jimmy rose: weapon laziness/20

Michel Johnson-Figueredo: Lmao they never even brought back the mini gun choppers. Does nobody remember that?

Super Nova Skaters: I’m so ready to get off dull verdask

ツ: Call of duty: Skull Island

Brandon S: And.... is that a new Helicopter for us to ride "IN" (vs) on the outsides? ... Interesting

pcr 3: I noticed the wild card perk on warzone. That's gonna be new!

Brandon S: Does she carry a new Grenade Gun/Launcher ???!!!

Striker: they need to refresh verdansk its hella boring now

Cruel Fate: Would be nice to have a densely wooded section on the map. Would have some interesting final circles with limited visibility, close quarter fights.

RAYDi8OR: I hope the Galil is as good as the one on Black Ops 1

Yung_Dagger Bruh: Cold war integration💩💩💩

someone whodoesstuffandthings: One guy with a Kar98 could take out the whole team at the end there

Sameer Agnihotri: Shangra la vibes from the dense jungle

T0ny M0ntana: Hello mister JGOD sir. Could you do a ''Best Ghost loadout 2021'' with a pistol

testovirone: Predator vibe all over

T0ny M0ntana: hoping for a new map

Igor Bogoev: 6 man Warzone squads exiting the chopper?

- OnFoeNem: Still no dark aether in wz fml

Jack Morgan: Definitely gonna be a jungle map

Intuen_Manny: Probably the most boring trailer ever

Rocco Fattouki: Whoever’s reading this I hope you having a good day

Doozerlyn: Tier sale was not working properly.... Took more cod points than it should.... Loads of people having the problem... This game is a joke

Ernestas Sartauskas: Maybe you heard smh about ps5 version update?

Kraz.e kraz: Hey big like 👋

Bilal Khan: man they didn't show mw characters in the trailer

RPSpartan117: I can't wait to test the new crossbow and make the next Crossbow Guide series. Crossbow 2: Electric Boogaloo

chaddaniel1989: Dump cold war. It ruined warzone

Bohuslav Brabec: If you have gas mask gas grenade should not be working 🤷

valleysofneptune: I just want a change to the verdansk map

Blake Hodson: When will people realize the CR56 Amax is in the same family as the Galil...

neXib: There is not a single Cold War operator that looks good. NOT. A. SINGLE. ONE. The only one close is the red night vision dude.

Russ C: Fov for consoles ?

Miguel Rosalez Rato: my dog's name is Naga... LOL

EricoBandido: Squad of five? Last caption there....

I Slay: Ppl still play dis trash 🗑

VeZaaR: JGOD just wanted to say thanks for not doing 2/3 minutes of intro like all the other cod channels and getting straight to to the content

ERIK THA RIPPER: I just want a new gulag

xElitexGamer1000: Where’s the official trailer that’ll tease how many bugs & glitches we should be expecting?

The Best of Realm Royale: A jungle type map would be so cool

No More Vex: People that talk over any kind of showcase trailer needs to be shot sorry! But it's so annoying!

MaxPlays91: so we will get a cw version of everything that is already availablein in mw/warzone i guess 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Miguel Gonzalez: This dialog kills me lol

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