Mid Season Update Coming on January 14th to Cold War/Warzone | Call of Duty News and Updates

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Παναγιωτης Αναστασοπουλος: What time in europe?

Sabyn Endley: they fixed stim glitch and mac-10 blueprint today

Mark Hinds: Which smg should I work on levelling up? Cold War MP5, Ffar (smg one) or AK74u

Luke: Big thanks to JGod as always for the videos! But man....WTF. Stim glitch. Invisibility. Broken attachments. Unbalanced guns. Cheaters everywhere. And the devs bless us with a new operator. Gee thanks.

Tcstancil: This company is money hungry. They consistently release paid updates with disregard to the state of the game. It's sad. This game will not be heavily played by me in the next couple months

Jason: Stim shot glitch is back....🤬

Shayne McGowan: Anyone know how to correct your geographical region? Game thinks I’m in Arizona but I’m in MO. Ping is constantly at 100-120.

Will Queen: When will ps5 get 120 FPS

Yefim Nudelman: Warzone community: Nerf the cw guns!!! Warzone developers: *Nerfs the experience* Well that is convenient

Ricardo Lafertin: I myself know a good solution for a large part! they should add a game mode for warzone just like in multiplayer you have leage play .. but then for warzone you already have a lot of tacticals and letals and probably many more advantages because you cannot use certain attecments on the guns! i think this post should be seen by raven, activision or infinity war so this could get in! :)

JonDawrant: Any update on whether they are FINALLY gonna have Zombie Camo's on Warzone??? Surely it's not gonna be March 4-5 months after launch! :-/ :-(

Hakuna Matatah: We need big influencers and streamers to boycott warzone and not stream any of its content until they fix the problems we want. Lastly, stop giving them your MONEY

Adrian Maunagić: I like your cut g🤣🤣🤣

Matthew Dev: Tone down skill based match making, nerf the DMR and fix the unlimited stim/flash glitch

Jacques Bichler: complaining about what the report should have said.... you dont get it. It literally doesnt matter, people will always play it anyway, look at the DOC videos... EVERY video is 'rage warzone, uninstall warzone, blablabla' ... its all talk and no action with you guys , so unless the whining stops and you ACTUALLY dont play the game anymore i dont see any reason why you should be making videos just to complain and then go back playing...

Alex Duper: So it's MW2 all over again, no communication from the devs whatsoever and no fixing the real issues... only this time there is no FourZeroTwo

Justin Parnell: I’ve been let down enough by this game’s developers. I’m done with WZ. It was almost fun for a second and then they just put in too many bugs with each update.

M M: First game on yesterday, stimulant glitch. Shut off my pc immediately.

Josh Harris: Nice haircut!!!

BamaShanks: All I wanted to hear was that the stim glitch is being fixed and the dmr is being nerfed. They should just remove the stim from warzone. I have never seen anyone actually using them. This is a completely game breaking glitch that has already happened before.

Nate Hinshaw: Does anyone know if you change the attachments on the Mac 10 blueprint does it negate your damage advantage?

Kaptain Karizma: At this point, the entire cod community need to go on strike/protest/boycott or whatever to send the message to activision - thats if we all care like we say we do

Bless Vibez: How this channel not at 1mill subbs 🤯🤯🤯 love the consistent 🔥 content 💯

Praga YT: Dmr nerf ?

Titanium Steel20: I just want a enjoyable split-screen experience. And the MAC-10 to not become the next “Very Moist Player”.

jeremy bryant: Nothing wrong with sbmm. If your good be proud your in tough lobbies. Only easy day was yesterday.

YA3mOoOr_ 207: My update is available now

ellomdian: Did not know stim glitch was back until we were the last squad save a solo in a D1 lobby last night. Unplayable does not begin to describe it. Won't even be logging into WZ until it's fixed.

Jurgoo106 Gaming: Community: Please nerf the DMR Raven: HeRe iS a NeW BlUePrinT DICE: High Five!

anti depressants: So no fix for the trial ended bug where it still locks the game? okay cool ig I still won't be able to play Cold War this month either.

Dr Ghost: Remember when we thought Treyarch (and Raven) was "working immediately" on issues in CW and WZ and better than IW? Yeah me too... Everyone's the same...*sigh*

Juan Sanchez: So that’s pretty lame, right? haha

Matt Brockman: Ugh I was in a random duo game yesterday, me and my teammate were doing really well at the beginning. Called in an advanced UAV and before the first circle even closed in, we spotted 2 losers deep in the gas at the very edge of the map doing the stim glitch. It was very annoying

Alan Life: So pathetic even Messing around in plunder the meta scrubs are only using dmr,mac10, diamonte... the problem is the gamers being beta af spamming op weapons just as much as the developers putting them in the game. Gamers as a whole are beta bums that haven't won anything in their life so they gotta cheat and use the most op guns to just try and feel good about themselves by winning a br... rant over lol

Shade Mafangulo: Thank u for not making this like sped inkslasher that tries to push it to 10 min

Zach Coates: Everyone: Please nerf the DMR and fix the stim glitch. Raven: ''MORE OPERATORS AND MORE BROKEN GUNS''

SHEIN: At this point, we’ve gotta vote with our fingers and just stop playing. It’s actually horrid to play right now.

Paralysis By Analysis: The XM4 blueprint is almost an EXACT copy/paste of an existing M4 blueprint in MW...

krabman: They can’t solve what they broke. They can’t even describe what the attachments are doing. How do these people still have jobs is what I want to know. How many people are unemployed that could be better at fixing these games.?

Gøran Marinius Nygård: What happened to the «Old Faithfull» M16 Blueprint? Seems to be gone.

Loki 76: What an underwhelming release.. "Oh here is a store bundle you can pay $20 dollars for, enjoy".. I am back to play MW right now and having a blast.

Gabe: I really wish Warzone integrated perks from Cold War - or rather updated/buffed certain useless perks. Running eod/overkill/ghost/restock/amped has gotten so old. That ontop of DMR/MAC/Diamatti's... Boring.

Eric Cossette: new blu print ''may have special stats'' lol

VICTOR: Free zombies good but what can free player earn by playing it please make video about it plz

max43161: Just a heads up guys the stim exploit is back. Just lost a game to two guys doing it.

nat: theres a bug going on for playstation on warzone its called the dev error 5573

T Streb: They don't say anything about fixes because the selling point of the mid season update is to attract players not detract them from playing their game. It would be a dumb business move. They will add that nerf and fix info later in a more detailed release.

arnold nyaata: Nice fade

Kevin G Man: The stem glitch has ruined warzone! What’s the point in even playing?

Satil Pereira: Suggestions to what to play in this mess?

Ayrton Ralph: So never ending stim is back, on here tonight. Everyone running around with endless gas, stun and stim

htxwn: The fact that they DIDN'T say anything about weapons or glitches makes me think they aren't doing it.

BumbleBEEman210: JGOD deserves to usurp the Activision CEO

Jason Chidgey: i havent been able to play since they 'nerfed' the DMR. Game is so broken

Jordan Alexander: Nice cut G 👋🏽

Cody Hylton: THEY DONT CARE ABOUT GAME PROBLEMS!! they made 2Bs last year. Come on.

IvanShotThis: I love the stim glitch

javier perea: Ayo J, start a players UNION, get all content creators in on board so they can hear our voice!!!

ashely lucas: 0:26 I get 185 everyday thanks to *f u n d a i l y p a y*

House Wise: Very odd how this almost forces Warzone players to buy Cold War or they won’t be able to keep up. Funny how that worked out.

Drewzilla: Other youtubers ... "hmm that was a good video, they can have a like" JGOD - "he can have a like ... i dont care! this dude puts in the WERK!"

Sulten: Make Grau great again Petitionbutton 👇

Booshmaster119: Has anybody heard anything about the Stitch "Storm Diver" outfit? Fourth character mission (complete 3 most wanted) is glitched and not tracking. Anything from COD or anybody know a work around?

ImBRIAN DCUO: How come we cant get a shipment playlist? Is black ops hindered MW

Stunnershades _: CW sucks. If I wanted to play a janky arcade shooter, I'd fire up my PS2.

zenmonkey070: It was not perfect before Treyarch and Raven took the reins, they’ve just totally broken a game that was fun and competitive. Never known so many glitches at once!!!!

Canry Hevill: Dude, Warzone's so broken. I got Warzone Companion after watching IceManIsaac's video, hoping to avoid cheaters. Instead it's my account that got banned, what a fkn joke. I have a ticket with Overwolf. Really hoping they can resolve it.

KIISU: Hey JGOD there is a new bug going threw warzone(Infinity stims)I'll write how to do it 1)Get a granade and stims or stuns 2)Throw the nade on the wall and when it lands catch it(But dont let go of it) 3)While holding the nade throw your weapons so it will not explode 4)You have unlimited stims even if you get loadout ghost

Diego Ribeiro: Time to Battlefield make a battleroyale without this issues

danyel twist: I like yah cut g

Stu_Gahtz: Camos and what not have not been tracking right since day one and they knew it i had to unlock diamond smgs 3 times

Stu_Gahtz: I have diamond ar and cant put the diamond on it

Black Trick: I just want that MW content

GRAFFITIguru29: The game is completely broken right now

blink z0rz: 3:30 and onward is what we want to hear, thx for the short and sweet video. We know that longer videos pay more, but good content is more important. We NEED your voice for ours to be heard by the game developers to fix major issues like cheating and glitches and not just push (sell) new content.

Latrell Jack: I personally love multiplayer in this game. A lot more fast paced. I haven’t touched warzone since September. Also there’s a lot of things that go into making patches that the vast majority doesnt know about

Gabriel Dyer: Like I dont care if they put broken guns in the game but can we atleast change it up with the broken guns? Like DMR and Mac/diamattis are literally the only loadout I use at this point

Spencer S: he's so mad

joe mama: they should have just kept it modern warfare and wz

Peter Boyd: Thank god for more zombies cause warzone will remain 🔥 🗑 apparently

Federico Bottos: Community: please fix broken things Raven: We have added new invisibility and steam glitch 😍!

Anthony LaGreco: Operator missions are not tracking since the drop

Ricky Botty: Meh. Lost all faith in these companies.

Adam M: think a 'bug issue' point should be made in a cash prize event by a competitor winning with stim glitch.... activsion and co put so many bugs into the game as to promote itself. for example how many videos are made re: warzone built on glitches, bodges and bugs.... even the BBC YouTube live feed during the UK prime-minister covid announcement had hashtag\NerfTheDMR ....... Hype and chaos can be used against its creator if channelled correctly.

DPTAZZZ: new glitch.. minor,.. but, it can ruin your day. throwing a Trophy system into a helicopter...... simply falls thru the floor and deploys on the ground happens to me over 50% of the time.. now i wonder, if the blueprints for MW guns,, are any different than their base counterparts.. i dont think Anyone has tested that...............??

Seth R: In a world where communicating is easier than ever why is it so difficult for the developers to fix their game? Maybe it’s because they made it free to play, they just want people to buy season passes and items from the store. Players should go on strike that way they lose sales and then they will be forced to finally fix their problems.

all is mighty 1: No zombies camos:(

xkx: After 4 intense seasons of warzone, I am off to ETF. gl hf guys

Thunfischkrieger: Well i am Boing back to CS:GO until the Game is fixed.....

Jabz 2: Been playing this game for a while now and it's been one of the best games to have released in the past 10 years or so, but these glitches have just been getting worse and I'm convinced that the people that are balancing these weapons don't actually play the game. I am on the brink of quitting warzone and I'm sure there are plenty others in the same boat

X90: Fantastic game mode being ruined...

freesoul_ vvt: Y el nerfear armas ya si eso para el 2022

HB_COD: Its the perfect time for a new battle royal to come out, I think many people will be happy to leave this game and start playing a new game

attenzionee TV: A few years ago I’ve heard that some company’s are not allowed to confirm a problem within their product (CoD in this example), because the stakeholders don’t wanna hear it. This could be the reason why Activision never talk about the big problems at all.

axeklok: Nice and honest, subbed.

iTzGodlikexS exe: Do you guys remeber what happend to PUBG on pc? From 1.5 million players online at the same time to dead in matter of weeks!? The bigger they are the harder they fall. This can be beginning of the end if they dont watch out.

caz5021: You can always count on activision to make sure they add in those cool new blueprints, new skins but not fixing actual issues with the game. Like optimizing more for PC, fixing the stim glitch (that always finds its way back into the game somehow). Truly incredible stuff we're witnessing here folks.

Mattrygs: Your doing great, JGOD. So happy for your success - really deserved! 👏

caz5021: So what you're saying to me is.... Be prepared to lose 10 more frames, invisible people coming back and the XM4 to shoot through the entire map @1000 bullet velocity. Got it!

Daniel Paulsen: Jgod appreciate all the hard work even through this dark “eternally stem shotting” purgatory we got goin on in WZ. Eventually they will catch on! I hope...

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