Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone - Season Two Trailer | PS5, PS4

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Ganesh 1810: PS4 call of duty Black ops launch game please

Chedda Bob: This isn’t what true fans ask for from cod... we need better stability not a fkn warzone dlc for the hackers tf! If anything we deserve more zombie maps we didn’t get on launch..

KingScotto: Need to fix the skill based matchmaking it's so unfair and unbalanced

Kevin TheGamer162015: My ps5 is alredy full pls let us put a SSD in it now

Jhoquima xxx: Grandes juegos grandes consolas lo mejor de consolas

Raviolo Comboli: I’m gonna make a setup with the AK-47 and a Machete and call it Abraham Lincoln so I can say He took an AK-47 out from under his hat and blew a beck away with a rata-tat-tat.

Trevor Stubbs: Anyone know if zombies camos are coming to warzone?

Серікболсын Нұрхожаев: Это харам игра колоп оп дути

Ams Amore: Are they getting rid of Verdansk??

Christopher Franklin: Did the guy with the axe in his neck shake his head no to getting shot in the face?

RS232: you play this garbage? 😆

Austin Games: Adler: we got a job to do

Dr Cory: Cool game trailer

Unreleased Festival Music: What if i was meant for you?


Sam Fisher: Awesome

Deniz: Whats that Ship ?

pinkman YouTube official: Nice👌👌

BrenThe1st: Time to delete black ops 3 because my storage is going to be a goodwill

lui6link: Why are there guns from Black ops in my modern warfare game Pay to win

KeyserBean ツ: I’m so glad I copped an external hard drive over Christmas 😌

Slaughterous Sahloknir: Ah yes CINAMATIC Gameplay. Muh favorite

Chris: So how is this game lately? Worth the full price yet?

Geise Viana: guys already imagined if the playstation created again a ps2 only that evolved to work the same old games only that the video game was new that could connect to the wireless wifi network that had many things like not working pirated games this would be very great and sensational a new ps2 this would sell a lot

MattyMatthew: 1:54 This is SPARTA

Caper Crusader: Crash Bandicoot crossover in Warzone 😏✌️✌️

احميدو كرافيتي: 😍♥️

Martin Medina: We need upgrade of graphics to ps5 !!!!

3P3KVisuals: Better have the storage optimized if you want your audience to download it. 162GB and counting, selfish lazy and disrespectful to my ssd at this point lol.

Scooby Douche: Can you please restock the PS5 IN stores and tackle ebay? Scalping is illegal and you'd be morally right in doing so!

nathaniel rasey: So, is Cold War still bricking consoles or have they fixed that?

Wilr1000: 1 like for white zombie

DHIKЯIS: CPU : "Huh? The updates are here." Storage : "Then so it begins."

MrHamerbush: I'm probably not gonna get the battlepass anymore. I havent been playing enough to finish them and the guns are useless until I get Cold War, which won't be til its on sale.

Robot_Vr: vaya no puedo esperar para jugar, oh espera no tengo ps plus me gustaria que liberaran el online y nos dieran el "juego completo" por el que pagamos mas de 50 dolares ya que el contenido gratuito del juego no es accesible sin ps plus.

RUBENHEM: Please give us a full PS5 warzone version :)

Justin O'Toole: Maxis👌

Jory Meneer: Meh

-Miguel-: Same mfs that say “I can’t afford an external hard drive” be the same mfs that drop 150 on skins and bundles😐

1HMusic: “Available on all platforms February 25th” with more micro-transactions.

XaVi230: Where is the warzone 120 fps and fov

Mahoney 87: Lol GaMePlAy TrAiLeR

XaVi230: What's the point if I can't play 120 fps in the ps5 warzone

Vuk Stefanovic: What will happen to warzone, i don't understand the teaser at the end?

Davide Lotto: Ok all cool, but i need to know one thing, Will the Warzone map change?

Shane Mcdevitt: This looks so gd

Father Gabriel Stokes: This is gonna be lit 🔥

yato 4 4 4: 😍❤❤❤❤❤❤🪂🪂🪂🪂🔥🔥🔥🔥✈

Daniel Johansson: Do a preater crossover

Bay Area Native: New maps?

2B Red: Der Eisendrache Dragons and a Panzer??? Hello??

Quinc: actually so hyped for this

Tomero: Split screen fixed or still black bars?

Daviid Chacón: free??

peter prem: warum kommt es so spät .? warum nicht hier am wochenende??????

macorn _: Is that Rob Zombie I hear?

fawpy: warzone is dogshit

Sasu: HIJACKED IS BACK! (edit: again)

Kal Young: The new zombie game mode looks like the extinction mode from COD ghosts

Sean Jolito: So is a new Warzone map confirmed?

Martin Galarza: Any new maps?

DOOMStarks: Been playing season 1 for like 2 years

Sage: I hope the new cute chick can be a playable operator

Modern Steve: Not Bad At All !

Mataio Ne'emia: My digital PS5 just slapped my phone out of my hands.

Ian Mcgonigle: Thought that ship was the rusulka for a min

Roger ROBLOX: WARZONE WOW Nuke zombies !!! Season 2

James_: Will the new map in warzone play like CW instead of MW?

PsychoSavage88: More skillbased match making More skillbased matchmaking....Matchmaking...yea....yea....yyea🎵🎶

Mobile Gamerz: So wheres the ps5 update for warzone. Need 120 fps and fov slider...

Gordon Freeman: I’m not even playing it, but the trailer is fire

TRiPPY: Cold war is such a ripoff! They just had to rush one out before the new consoles came out! Im ready for a true next gen cod!!


Yariensy Rodriguez: saludos Fans de playstation de Republica dominicana

Rikimaru LDR: 0:48 I've seen enough CoD to know that building is A-OK after that rocket

Yariensy Rodriguez: ps no limites

Henrique Rocha: niceee

Que Swazy: Could chose a better song more human than a human ain't doing it for me

Que Swazy: Outbreak!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sole Swag817: Will this be upgraded for ps5 or still on ps4 code?

Steamy: Ok

Adam Levine: I wish they could now add some pschedelics too for us so we can feel the reality of inside the game 😂😂

KingScotto: Glad I've got a 10tb hard drive lol

Tacos de Cabeza: Quick question is outbreak going to be Cold War exclusive or can i also play it on warzone?

Isaac Hernandez: Love that more human than human being played in a trailer, makes things more hype

CrysisDemon237: 1:31 - iam pretty surr thata the classic galil from black ops 1, might be wrong but i hope iam not 😁

Alexis Flores: We getting a Russian Panzer?!

Onur_Neymar: Remove sbmm

LFTAlone: So in the trailers characters move at 60 hz tick rate, meanwhile in-game it's 24?

Dwayne Johnson: So...we got a new map or still same Verdansk?...this question for Warzone players...

Sebastián Degoyeneche: Dmr

BGz GamersVoid: Delete every game you you have installed for this...then get an External HD for the update

wiener boy: Aids

Tomorrow’s Lost: So if you just started playing in season 2, is there no way to get any of the weapons from season 1?

Bryce Hill: I see the galil

Jojonny17: I don't like to be that guy, but I HATE how Activision just pulled the plug on Modern Warfare when it was going so strong and felt like it was just getting started. Cold War is fine, but I much prefer the gameplay in MW

ToxicBeKillinK: Whats the point of buying a PlayStation and plus just to get banned frm sun lil kids that can’t take pressure on the game I banned for a month Bc I got hacked so I reported my account got it back now I got to wait that whole month when it’s not fault🤦🏾‍♂️

Сергей Матвеев: Ждем battlefield 6

bLaZe cLaN: 🤩🤩

Сергей Матвеев: И это игра 2020 года за фул прайс🤦🏻‍♂️позор!!!

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