Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone – Season Six Gameplay Trailer | PS5, PS4

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itzy ryujin: BOCWのゾンビモードは面白そう

Zonzyyy: Who grew up with the OG Zombies World At War! 👌

Rin: It's sad to see that COD games these days are only actually in a finished state just as the next one's coming out... But of course with SBMM it's not worth playing regardless.

Crystallization: Wai- where’s Jungle or Summit or Firing Range? :(

Renai Circulation: Battlefield 2042 is looking mighty fine.

Duke Favre: Si Zombies!! me encantan los Zombies. Let's go!

James Okeefe: So theirs a dog nawgwuar with 3 heads shooting lighting

Intercept: Wait anything on victis

Sexy Gemini Man: Hm 🤔

THEMaNIsWOrTHit: Tis called PhD flopper

Bilguun Hongor: October 19 is my birthday


Trey-Heru: Zombies just hasn’t been the same since black ops 2

Manickaa: Verdansk needed to blow up like 12 months ago

lewis: To be honest I'm glad cold war is finished

El Notorio: I almost forgot vanguard existed

oscargmixx: October 7th, eh I got far cry 6

pog wog: 1:15 what kind of dog is that

ShadowDemon17: Its okay, will be busy with far cry 6

CoachESSO2: Cold War better than Vanguard

Captain El Berridge: Aight I need a squad for zombies asap (p4)

SaulJr 637: Old gulag is back bois

J A: Fix ps4’s new patch it broke our devices and stop being greedy and forcing us to buy ur ps5

PrO-_ToNy: Took them long enough to add mason lol. Should've been in base game

Ervin Medina: Poor Stadium, always gets blown up.

David Anonymous: Treyarch has no become the 2 nd worst cod maker. Sledgehammer games is the best Studio by far

MagicManGaming: A million shotguns made during the Cold War and they add the lever action one made in 1800’s

SpartanSe7en: Activision need a extra year to make a COD not every year.

Taydiablo3: They blow the map up again????

Jordan Price: PHD Slide…

Dead Pixel: The thumbnail looks like Michael from GTA V

LIFE WITH: Put Logan walker in

FlyawayOfficial: They are not even trying with zombies anymore.

Bloody Psycho: *Boss zombie being a 3 headed abomination with the nova 6 crawler head* “Feeling daring today are we Treyarch”

Jameson The Phoenix Owl: Play as Alex Mason, just like the old time


Michael Rodriguez: What no Double tap?

joseph miller: PHD IS BACK!!!!!!!!!

blackstorm: Just bring back black ops 2 to the ps5 at this point tbh 🤦

Serbian Gaming Channel: We waiting

Bart U: People still play cod??

Sana Kira: They finally added PHD.

COQUI-COQUI: The hunting begins Really very interesting

Gaston: Better give me that Adler skin on the BP, I don´t want none of those Seyna, Song, powers, Hunter or those skins I could care less 😂

Jaden Pokémon: Anti cheat? No? Ok then.

Tavvo: phd is back!!!

Emboo: that is not cod anymore holy...

Darthravien: If Cold War going to end with a bang, then it must end with a Big Bang before Vanguard start.

YO M4N0R: shhheee i m gonna use mason 24/7

AnimeMoments: We will never get bo2 times back

Eddie Cardwell: Guys on console: Go get Insurgency: Sandstorm. It just came out yesterday. Sooooo fun! Awesome game.

Sunshine_bypolar: yes

XDM: Finally some interesting looking maps for Cold War. That zoo map last season was a total letdown.

Luis Carranza: Thank goodness this is the last cold war content

Bomber Boom: Mason as a skin?

Gifas: Dogshit Season Six

Mcdannt Gaming: Bo3 easily worst treyarch cod, world at war easily best cod, Cold War 2nd best 🥱🥱🥱

Matr , X: PS3 😔💸😔🚬🗿💸💸💸💸💸💸💔💔

Just Frame Deep: BF > Trash > CoD

Sam Fisher: 🤩

Wu: Yay... no new map for warzone...

Edgar Kauil: 0:22 yo robot

WH250398: I absolutely HATE the Warzone integration with Modern Warfare. You can't even tell what game you're playing anymore.

Mario Popescu: I am so hyped for the new Halloween event. Last Halloween event was so fire and it was so nostalgic

Męmørîêš: Too late I have to say that I don’t play warzone anymore I’m now into fifa and 2k

BSJ IN THE HOUSE: If I were Activision I would make a zombies only COD because that’s the only mode keeping this game alive.

Son_Saitama: Halo infinite bout to go crazy!

The Tonight Gaming-: Wait what ??

Alex Mason: Yeeeeeeeah boy time to kill some bad guys

Enzo Siddiqui: 1:44

Derek Stewart: I only have modern warfare.

Joe Big: So guys whats that woods from? Aka who is the guest character


Silas Hurd: Cold War going out with a Massive Bang with Mason and cool maps!!!!

KM: October 7? Bf2042 beta will be out then, sorry don't have time for the new season 🤣🤣

Dave Norton: Nice

Harshvardhan Shekhawat: I hate activision Dont know why

Harshvardhan Shekhawat: Another 100 gb update

Harshvardhan Shekhawat: Me:yay My ps4:......... Me:understood

shaneclone15: Where warzone lol

Mr. Potassium: Enlist to the army bois B)

coolysic: Battlefield 2042 is better

Elite Jordan: Get ready for another cookie cutter season 😂😂

Commander Keen: Yawn


Trash: The fact that we’re getting a PHD perk and another round based zombies map instead of another outbreak map makes me more excited for this season

tetster: Imagine playing this garbage game 💀💀

T_mateus_T: Incrível como a activision,uma empresa milionária,ter um jogo tão porco graficamente até hoje

Zeus Gonzalez: Saquen

Kevin Ventura: No ps5 update? Really???

christian: Cada 2 días nueva actualización, que porquería

Xander Park: Lol 😆 Imagine playing COD / Cold War 🥶 🤣 😂

vance vance: Whats after season 6? Because vanguard is trash

Neil Engberg: Black ops Cold War was such a flop

MagicManGaming: We only get 3 zombies maps

Ilyass .s: Well I’m hyped for this

Thomas bouaziz: maps comes from the solo ..

Iron blood: Get ready for the same thing will never change Well couple explosions And a new corner Maybe a new gun or 2 But it's from the old games But yeah get ready for the same thing🤣

Brandon Cuffy: Sold my console a month ago. Will maybe get back into gaming In years to come ✊🏽

Thiago Consolaro: slide, jump, go prone, fire. slide, jump, go prone, fire. slide, jump, go prone, fire. slide, jump, go prone, fire. slide, jump, go prone, fire.

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