Season Three Gameplay Trailer | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone™

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Károly Nagy: shi.. black ops ...

free your soul: You know like Activision has lost its way... Can I have Hugo boss trackie and with my aldi hoodie with my air force1s off white in warzone Please

dev dangi: Please make update of riffiter class that 10% damage per bullet in cod mobile

los R.o: TIRED OF THE HUNT FOR ADLER 3 Days now still not fix.HELP S.O.S nevertheless am done with it. If it’s broke don’t fix it delete it! @0:05 If Activision don’t care then @0:17 to 0:22!

Rafikus97: Mew map zombie?

Shinomaki Chuppy: Man looked like Stitch gonna put the numbers into the whole Verdansk lol.

T- 1000: *Its great that the comments are being moderated by the SJW garbage.*


Bilyal Bilyal: Pls call of duty GHOTS

Héja Csaba: Pls make call of duty advanced warfare 2

Masa757: Add classic zombies music with the singer not the instrument

David Arciniega: Do y'all still have crossbow?

Jay Rome: I still cant get the intel for summit and farms on warzone. Its bugged. And the event will be over in 9 hrs 😔

Cabnbeeschurgr: Inaccurate, the real experience is a roze skin hacker killing you in 0.01 seconds because they have a stopping power ffar

daeskander1: Can you let Treyarch make Blackout 2.0 please? I’d actually pay for that BR.

Echo Zexy: Cod plssss fix your game I spent 60 dollars on mw and I can’t play it because it’s doing a 10 hour add on every second, multiple people are having this problem

Diego Gael Barba Hayos: Porfavor, no sean malos, se los pido de rodillas, cambien las balas que usa la As Val, en vez de que use las de fucil que use las de subfusil :(

inFAMOUS wOLF: 14H 58M until the Hunt for Adler event ends, I can not get my last two rewards because it is glitched and it will not register, could fix it and possibly extend the time? It would be very appreciated.

Asnénni SG: I've never played Warzone ... BUT IT'S BEAUTIFUL! 💖

Waffle Idk?: Please make the ppsh 41 more fair it’s just overpowered and unfair

Arthur Biesek: Long shot smg crazy

Byron Cabrera caceres: Call of duty be updated to much

Victor Janssen: A lot of people have 3D with TV'S so a Stereo Optic 3D setting COD Team.

Carlos Mendoza: Anybody having trouble launching the game?

LIL XP: add the fov on ps4

Kevin's WildLife Channel: Warzone is trash right now, fix the light and colors, why you put that filter???

Calm Eddy Clipse: Call of duty is turned into the gayest s*** ever, what are you f****** fortnight?

eye gamer: Why have no fpp and tpp in multiplier mode

Tigran Mnatsakanian: They should add warzone to switch I KNOW GREEDY YOUR ACTIVISON

Prince Brixel Aguilar: Who still waiting call of duty MW3 remastered am still waiting what happend where's the trialer reveal

StreetKing 2050: can you release MW3 campaign remastered please

McCumbucket 1800: are they still going to continue battle passes for mw not cold war related?

Ghost Shalaby: What's the gonna be this years game I wonder. It's gonna be late this year for sure but I am really curious

مصطفى kn: لاماذا لا توجد لغه عربيه مع العلم انه العرب يشكلون نصف الذين يلعبون warzone

Lipty Khan: I see the vehicle tatar is not broken and blast. I think the sun shine graphics is not better.

Remaster Tranzit: This trailer is cool and all but I can think of something even cooler.

AL4N: Mąkę a cod ghost 2😡

Prez MRM The Great I: yalls cod devs should release every COD game from the 1st original one in from 2003 up until this year and all future games

ITZYリュジン: 厳つい女性キャラやな

D.H Net Support: Beta moj kerdi

SoCrates Pews: FIX YOUR GAME YOU BUNCH OF LAZY PEOPLE!!!! If I had to rely on you in a real war type situation I would have been dead years ago!!!!

em-tee-45: So I buy MW for $64.34 and the file is corrupted and I can’t play multiplayer. How do I get a refund

ElCachotrons GG: Standoff?

sav: This is embarrassing.

god of agony uwu: Algun dia podre tener una pc o xbox o playstation y podre jugar esto :)

Avatar Aang: Why is it so cartoony

S L: Do people actually say "numbers data"? Wouldn't you just say "numbers" or "data" by itself???

Daniel M: O comentário em português que vc esperava

Daniel M: 0:47 o que que foi?😂😂😂fala brasileira

Daniel S.V: Free?

Channel Name: Fine and dandy until you get banned for nothing. Coz reaching wave 6 is apparently a bannable offence in Zombies. Who runs this company, you let hackers roam free in warzone but a solo zombies legitimate player loses everything just for playing on pc. No all bans are not legitimate.

Ayuka Jayasinghe: Bravo six out

WorldGamingDefinition: Cod Cw is trash Mw 2019 was one of the best with Bo4

Kanako: sweating in casual

Money Panda: These operators are supposed to look like they're from the 1980's. Not like they're from the 2080's.

FENIX 555: Burros nao nerfa a stun o gulag horrivel vcs nao pensa otimisaçao horrivel seu burroa jogo ta bom mas o gulag stun estraga

Victor Janssen: Dear COD Team Call of Duty is suppose to be AAA and have everything you can think of covered like a Stereo Optic 3D setting.

ghost666: I want САЈ skin!

Victor Janssen: Dear COD Team I've been writing about a Stereo Optic 3D setting in your games. Pretty please put one Warzone, Call of Duty is cross platform and should have every corner covered. Call of Duty Black Ops 1 has a easy Stereo Optic 3D setting and the game is still amazing and worth going back. People still have 3D have 3D TV's and you should have them covered.

Imperial boi: Feminist subzero


l l: You cant see or hear. unplayable

Rod Ordorica: With stand-off I might actually play Cold War

SnakeRoad 1989: JUST NASTY

Mohammadamin Namavar: I want zombies💀

Nojus 512: Why russians shot Russians ?

BeyondDzr - PS4: The Award for the Worlds worst Customer Support goes to.. Activision #Cracktivision #BoycottActivision


Christopher Olvera: Can you add fov slider on console for modern warfare and warzone please

Wibezisog: Have done the intel contract at farm for the 6th time, still not getting it completed. Please fix it while you still can, frustrating when u only have 1.5 day left of doing it and its not working. Me and multiple friends are getting this bug

Marcus Bowie: Stop adding multiplayer stuff zombies is just going to die

Исмадияр: Standoff map in Kyrgyzstan, I'm very happy)

Clayton Batman: Why did you get rid of the primis crew

Rafie Eka Rafiqin - R11x: YOOO DRAGOVICH RETURNS

pojeiopydnineb58: Dead game

R0V3R M00N: Please let all these bo2 maps be a tease for bo2 remastered

Neo Kim: It makes sense why they released this buggy season in a rush and panic when you look next door where Apex’s new trailer hit trending #2

GamingSeizure: Standoff lets GOOOOO!

The One True King: Female Operators in 1980s? Historical anachronism much?

Ben Ebbs: Actual Zombie Maps > Anything Outbreak is given, dont make us starve for zombies again

ichangedmynameagain I dont know: 1:18 lessss goooooooooooo

Toqhy___ Toqhy___: There is problem loading friend list it won't load until you play a match

Gerson Chiguano: sub zero girl?

atraversiamo: Why on Earth you fkd up the graphics 🙄☹️

Sam Moha: No more black ops cold war updates please get back to modern warfare

Call of Duty official: Who got the notification now ?

VenusVee _: Epic

TopRock: what are your problems with russians??

BREWLIX: Well sure isn't surprising but glad to be reminding on what's on season 3 but also wish there was more to zombies but I guess this is cool too

TuxedoBoss93 Mike: Cant blame them 😐 Battlefield 6 is just around the corner, its stressful

thunder2.0: standoff going grandmas

Ngọc Nguyễn Hồng: Thanks

flyxi: Pls put warzone on nintendo

Jesus Gonzalez: Am i the only one that noticed they were free falling without a parachute ??

Александр: black ops cold war is killing warzone

Steve Mitchellson: Oh Stand Off. One of my favorite maps.

karusala Tejovenkat: Here Someone says How to link up our Activision Account (Cod mobile account) to Cod Warfare game

Malik Mukeem: Where amp63

GraphicX YT: Me sitting here with my potato pc "WHY ARE WE HERE JUST SUFFER"

Daniel Medina: 0:37 anyone know what gun is that

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