Season Four Gameplay Trailer | Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone

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Mohamed Boukhadia: Algeria mmmm

Kumb-Stain: B O A R I N G

Galvastirre: Warzone not fun anymore

Guapo: 💤💤💤💤

Play'N'Games: how about¿ warzone gets: a new mode: no buy-stations aka no loadouts ect. if you want your teammate back survive the most wanted contract :) new movement: no more sprinting only tactical sprint and walking weapon balancing: smgs never beats assault rifles thx for reading :)

Young Shizzie: ayeee ps5 baby

1503Neptune: So when are y’all gonna fix your servers ? Keep losing connection on fucken Cold War

Quan savage: B O A R I N G

Joe Piden: This trailer put me too sleep

cpip14: B O A R I N G

Doom Slayer: Petition to bring back TranZit

R S: Was a great trailer till you covered half of it with Ads for your other trailer and your logo... WTF? At least wait till the end.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: RIP WARZONE WHEN BATTLEFIELD 2042 COMES OUT LMAOOOO

Arthur LS: Literally bullshit everywhere bullshit in the game baked in intentionally just as bullshit is in everything else can't even watch a trailer without gamespot and next trailer taking over half the screen while the fucking shit still playing the trailer. This level of bullshit isn't accidental but intentional and my theory is it's used to induce retardation in the mind by hurting the brain.

Andrew Gomez: Yo I'm new to all this what does it mean season 4 ? Like it cost money or something for reals lol

Turtle Burrito: It’s like a daycare in these comments

The Revenant: I swear if this is 50 gb my game is going to be 350 gb wtfffff????

CILONTRO Games: COD is getting inspiration from chicken little

Induwara Gulz: Another glitch trailer, brace yourselves..Raven Software ruined COD

Albert Vu: I want that keyboard at 0:10

Roderick Marin: All the villain are sick in each season!!!

JDaRudeKid: Another damn outbreak thing uhh what about a map? Or are we done with those too 🤦🏾

Melvyn D: This is why Bf 2042 is about to wash cod.

Alexis Acevedo: Man why are they still trynna hide the damn zombies it’s been like 6 months since a new one show that shit !

Refugio Macias: Nato or Warsaw pact

Marco Solo 1324: Dam army off Two devils cartel vips with that devil mask 😎

Klutzy __: Do i see hijacked

Josh Bak: What a joke, new multiplayer revival but barley a tease of zombies after 4 months.

Ricky Burgos: Showed 99.9% of outbreak and .1% for a standard round based map

Chasetv: Tranzit in the end?

Blame Truth - The CODfather: B O A R I N G

sup king: Hijacked again

X.A.N.A.: Oh fun now highjacked is ruined thanks SBMM

HEXXY: Who else saw the fal?

Angry Crusader: This game doesn’t even look like the 80s anymore. This is probably the most unoriginal feeling COD out there.

Happy Jeff: Handcannon/Deagle 0:33 👍

Jesus Merced: 🙄 they bring hijacked for the 4th time, are u serious, so many good maps to put and they keep recycling the same one over and over again..

Vnt v: When are we getting a real new zombies map, this is ridiculous

Matthew Santiago: I’m so hype I’m getting my ps5 the 14th

Isaac Martinez: When They gonna Put In Tony Montana bruh. I need ScarFace!!!!!

Dukem12: So... 2 maps for 6v6, one of them being a remaster, and no real announcement of a new Zombies map. :| Wow.

mike569112: They need to stop promising mini guns on helicopters. Just do it already.

UPTIL HAIL: They either have masks, half-masks, or no masks. But never helmets. Like what happened to just helmets?

Space Fisher: Ah yes, the counterfeit copy of Army of two guy

J B: Was that a teaser for tranzit at very end?

Blazer: Literally got goosebumps the second I saw Hijacked. I'm so hyped

Aikeen Positive Vibes: Hijack is back oh shittttt🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Olympus Mons: Cod cw is so ridiculous. The game was marketed as some black ops thing but the game is just silly. It's a rated m game but for kids.

Andrew Sischo: Not me buying the cod points for the battle pass

Anthoney Kelly: These guys are lazy AF…….. We’re just playing a reskinned blops 2 with shitter gameplay………

jomes: Battlefield will kill this game.

big deezle: Seems very underwhelming

let's just laugh: Is this a 600GB or 700GB update? any one know yet?

Aidan Cann: Getting fed tf up with outbreak fr

DAMON SHAW: We don’t give a shit we want battlefield

datboi: This guy looks like Salem from the army of two series.

Boe Jiden: Nail gun ?

Mason: Better have a new map on zombies lol

Cloudpxyl: LETS GO!!!!!

Viyronツ: this looks 🔥

Jay 2k: Tranzit???

Commandowal Person: Too bad battlefields gonna make this look like shit


Monke: odd choice for the g3 over the fn fal

David Macamay: Nobody gonna talk about zombies on a train looking like the transit bus??????

AnonRanGER01: I love it when the big ass-links appear only halfway through the trailer. *slow clap*

ne0tic: Save me Battlefield...

Gab: I wanted them to add Sergei Dekker in this game, well shit this is almost it lol

Paladin Brother: Saw that G3 im finna max that baby instantly

Cheater Elxptic: Chadwick Boseman betrayed the avengers 😳😳😱🥶

Mozilla Firefox: Cool, Anyway. BF2042 Anyone?

LovelyGamer115: BERLIN BABY

Kid Holue: 0:07 what in the Lester

Xyxia’s Mom: Transit?

Jeff: For those whose wondering there was A Berlin map teaser at the end

dan the man: Let's go hijacked!

Bo Nedd: That looks f'n epic, I can't wait for the next season to start

Phillip Rades: I saw a g3 rifle


MetroidPurples: Still waiting for the new zombies map after like 4 months.

Michael Grakauskas: 2042


Rain Z: i wish they stop with the outbrake zombies give me the normal maps

SML 2K18: Nothing else matters but the Berlin teaser at the end


Pigeon Sniping: New warzone poi it looks like

Sebastian Filip: Again outbreak ... i just want to tell u this is last call of duty i buy, u guys doing pretty bad miss this days when i pay for contect

Mystic_MaK 21: OP✨🤘

Sebastian Filip: Still no new map zombies ?? How is this dissaponting. Waiting 120 days for new map still no here heep add new contect to this bad outbreak

TOXIC: I fill bad for call of duty everybody on there new post is talk shit about season 4 and saying battlefield 2024 is ganna be better you can't compare content to a new game Edit even in this video people complaining Complaining aint ganna do nothing just accept it

Scotti Pimpin: i want a zombies map not more BS outbreak

LionMain 4 Life: Man who else just loves being fisted sideways while Cold War releases ANOTHER masked character and no new zombies just outbreak shit. Primis Crew please come back and show how you guys kick some zombie ass

MAX A7X: Excited for Hijacked lets gooooo

Mohsin: Tranzit at the end

Random Hajile: Oh look. Battle Royale. **Yawn.**

DemonFaction: Hijacked is back!!!!

vänåm: Cod trying to hype up their game after BF2042

Black Mage: For the love of God can they fix the audio?

Mr. Rhenium: *insert Shaq sleeping meme*

Omertà: Round based is all that matters for zombies.

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