The Witcher: Season 3 | Volume 2 | Netflix

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pratik mohite: Netflix should hire writers, not activists to run their shows.

RajAvishek Production: i love this web series,

Cristina Asaftei: ❤❤❤

mrms: Just cancel the whole thing you woke shhtheads.

Robert Gosz: I hope there will be no more of this boring pseudo Witcher crap.

Piotr Czechowski: Thank you Henry you are the only good thing in this show. For the writers, can you please find another job and never write again for the sake of humanity.

विश्वमित्र - एक हिजड़ा और मादरचोद: Netflix must release ASAP

Edward Khegay: The script and plot are so bad.

Saikoiji: How can u mess up so bad??

Rohit: We want Henry Cavil as Witcher 👏😭

Alucard: Lmao hahahaha bunch of idiots 😂 I love it keep it up, keep bringing idiots to the line to ruin shows so we can keep making you cancel or postpone them because believe me when I say your ideas are trash next time stick to the script and when you have someone like Henry a fellow gamer and a actual fan who loves the series instead of just saying go away my ideas are better than the whole series and games that people love how about you take the time to slap yourself and bring yourself back to reality 😂😂😂😂😂

moon walker: Hey net flix tell the fcn producer of this sht to change the title of this show! It ain't the witcher anymore its a clown show with even a bunch of gays on it tf did you do to the witcher crazy netflix! That why HBO always ahead on you! You sucks!

Ida: I'm just devastated and heartbroken that Henry won't be back, especially after the ending. Although I do love Radovid and an curious to see where his role goes.

SuperSuperdude88: this show has turned to garbage!!!!!

Damon: The Series is done, they have now veered so far from the creation of any real characters relationships, and destroyed every character arc. The Witcher requires a complete reboot at this point. Any wit and humor in the books has been replaced by the show writers getting everyone to say Fk Fk Fk. Funny once, but not clever writing. And should not be a mainstay for a series. The writers are a collection of One trick ponies, who may have read the novels, but did not understand them. And what they have done to this series should not be forgiven. They have had 3 seasons to see the errors of their ways. Far too long. Goodbye Witcher, Henry's departure was perfectly timed.

Hybrid Stryker: meh


Mihajlo Ivanic: Probably the worse season ever. Show is called the Witcher and the Witcher is a side character. Sad

spadw: why Netflix? you had everything, a great story, finished books, a good lead actor, The Witcher books fans, The Witcher game fans and you put in charge woke activists instead of filmmakers, casting directors who cast bad actors for the sake of diversity, bad writers who haven't even read the books or don't like the books but think they're more talented than the author of the books, who can't create anything new see The Witcher: Blood Origin ratings...very disappointed

Rubén Cabanas: Season 3 is the worst thing I’ve seen in years 🤦🏻‍♂️

Секущий Богомол: 👎👎👎

jeremy smith: Story sucked.....characters casting mostly sucked setting sucked as to not knowing where and how long it takes to get from one place to another...the only REAL things that kept me watching were henry and the rare rare monster fights.....I mean for the witcher I kept waiting for fantasy and excitement and it was downplayed by horrible management, directing and casting.

Chris Hutchins: I'm gonna go re-read the books and pretend this crap was all just a bad dream. Speaking of which, has Liam Hemsworth read them?

IDE ADOK: Best fantasy film in netflix , from indonesia ❤

Tyr: Well, here's something not to look forward to. How to f. up a great IP 101. Glad I unsubbed. You fools with your woke nonsense and crappy writing can't make anything interesting.

Fail Army Entertainment: 993.273 views and 20.300 likes say it all... fire the writer or this show is dead!!! Oh wait, its already dead!

The Fisherman: Henry Cavill left the sinking ship.

PauliBoi: Greatest crock of sh!te ending, we knew u lot screwed the lore up from the get go but talk about a royal fk up with that load of drivel to finish season 3. Won't even waste my time with any further seasons. The only thing to look forward out of Cavill walking away from this pile o sh!te is how good warhammer will be with him in it!

The Fisherman: Congratulations Netflix. You created another piece of shat. And this is in the case when you had an amazing source. When will you finally fire the showrunners?

KB R: You lot ruined a franchise just to make sure you got your gay pride, diverse, feminist message across. This is why your shows always fail. The only regret us true Witcher fans have is that HBO never picked up the rights to this. They would have never butchered the source material the way your Girl Lauren did.

Snap 'n' Shoot: I am done with it now….no interest in season 4

Susanta Biswas: Please add and make some goosebumps scene with Yennefer ...she must use her choas magic and explore her magic for saving love ones❤🔥

Susanta Biswas: Everyone can replace we agree however please don't replace Yaanifer***❤

Isabelle: I love the Witcher and while I did not love Henry Cavill before, after watching this show I now love him !! And I think he is perfect for the role of Geralt. If only he could take his role back. I do not think I will be watching season 4. No hate on Hemsworth but, Cavill is the person for the job. We love you Henry !!!!! Thank you for your amazing work on the show !! <3

Sakxas Gaming: too boring season 3🤔


Your mom: Bring Henry back he is our witcher no one can replace him

neros: goodbye henry and thanks for everything!

Farhad Rismanchian: You should’ve change the director and writers that demolished my memories of the book and the games… 😠😡🤬 And keep Henry instead, this season was even worse than previous ones…

Koroni: No witcher without Cavill

Jaafer Atheer: Just finished watching it, and hated every second of it.

Norris Laitinen: Thanks for destroying the only character ANY of care about, just to welcome another girl boss character AGAIN. Change the name to the BITCHER because your already going out of your way to remove all men from the show unless they are gay. You've alienated 90% of your viewers.... Pathetic.

Terry S.: How's it feel to destroy your own show? Use the strike to fire your creative team and writers, learn your goddamned lesson, and stop trying to turn every show into girl bosses screaming "yas, slay queen." People are tired of your absolute inability to write decent stories at the expense of popular male characters that you try to piggy back your pathetic ideology on.

J P: The show has spiraled downwards into an unwatchable mess. A really pity.

stegga stegmond: Absolute wank.

Bart Symons: Slept my way through season 3. This is SOOOO BOOOOORING!! Only meagre points of light were those with Cavill in front.

Anthony Harrison: Why does it seem like the Witcher is becoming a side character in his own show...Yennifer and Princess Cirilla are cool and all, but they seem like the main characters at this point, and it feels wrong.

Irish Santos: The storyline is no longer good nor exciting. In my opinion, I think Henry made the right decision to stop being the witcher- Season 1 was excellent, Season 2 & 3 was dragging, I fell asleep at time or skip some part.The actors and CG animation were fantastic but the story kinda lost its magic.

Noveske O2369: They could have made a tone of money and one of the best TV franchise yet all they had to do is fire the horrible writers thank goodness there on strike it’s funny they would go on strike when no one wants their product

Witcher: WoW, They ruined this show. Who writes this shite?

MANU: Name this show as Yeniffer coz i can see witcher only in your thumbnails

Marie: Had great hopes that got shattered by the terrible writing, pacing and overall betraying and butchering of the source material that this season was!! No wonder Henry left. My favorite part is the audience critics on Rotten Tomatoes that tell it like it is (unlike the so called experts who kiss ass and lie about the quality of this show for some unknown reason). Thank God the books exist, I can forget this adaptation was ever attempted.

DawnMayCry: WitchHER is here. Story where Witcher is side character in his own show. Good job :D

BrimstoneDragonPete: HISSRICH PISSED ON SAPKOWSKIS LEGACY AND SET IT ON 🔥 Henry was smart get out when he did RIP THE SWITCHER

Flak2020: This is what happens when you employ activists casting agents and writers. This show could of been so good what a pity.

Prem Singh: Chutiya fudu siris 😅😅😅

HumbleGamer 1788: News just come in... Netflix has decided to put Witcher on hold indefinitely. If this is of course true, this is the best damn decision you guys at netflix have done. GET new writers, recon the show, bring Cavill back and tell a Witcher story exactly how it's meant to be from the authentic LORE and focus it on Geralt, not Ciri. Additional, get rid of the BS diversity politics and give us the characters from the books/games.

Kristina Mirzoyan: Wtf it was?

᛭ᛒJᛜᚱᛇᛠ᛭: Лучше посмотрите старый польский сериал Ведьмак. Он конечно не очень хорошо состарился, но там лучший Геральт- Михал Жебровский. И песни Лютика там душевные, и сам он не похож на накрашенную портовую девку.

Evan Galleon: What is HAPPENING over there???? Who is making your business decisions???? The series steadily went downhill from season 1 to the dumpster fire that is season 3. My God, season 3 was just HORRIBLE. I wasn't even going to watch part 2 of season 3 after that last episode in part 1. I won't post any spoilers, but thirty-something minutes of that campy, weird, Broadway musical-style chanting "Nothing is what it seems" . . . . I was done. All the reviews I've seen have all been negative so it's not just me being overly-critical. Some advice: With how absolutely horrible the writing has gotten, The Witcher is not going to survive without Henry Cavill. Nothing against Hemsworth, but Cavill really nailed that role and carried that series on his broad, muscled shoulders. Save yourselves the money and just cancel the series that you made really bad decisions on. Learn from it. Your viewers will get over it.

᛭ᛒJᛜᚱᛇᛠ᛭: 🔥 Burn, Hissrich, burn. 🔥

craft1k: Netflix absolutely destroyed The Witcher series. Shame on you.

Rihad Khan: He will always and forever more be the only Geralt for me. ❤️❤️ I refuse to watch the next seasons without him. 💣 They were so stupid to change the story 👆 and lose him. They aren't listening to the fans just their own egos. 👆 Thank you Henry. You were awesome. 💯

Mahendra S: When part 3

MONKE: This was so hard to watch, utter garbage

Catherine Ives: Henry Cavill the last masculine man left in Hollywood who won't bow to woke propaganda and misandry. Hollywood only protects the pedophiles in the industry.

Arham Shoaib: I could only wish how amazing this show could have been if HBO made it and Henry stayed!!

Murdock: Bring Henry back, fire the inept writers and producers of this show.

The72birdman: Just finished season three. It was great, regardless of unfortunate details. I will be looking forward to season 4 with optimism and hopefulness.

D: episode 6 was good. episode 7 and 8 were shite. "Lets take the witcher out of his own tv show LOL" idiots

Kosh Naranek: They should recast Geralt with a Black Woman (a lesbian of course).


illuminaughty exposed: Why even call this Witcher? It doesn't even resemble the source material. It's nothing more than shitty fanfiction...

Linkman247: When Cavill walked, fans walked. This show is a bastardization of the books and work of Sapkowski. The showrunner and creatives are utterly clueless. They said time of contempt Ciri becomes the main character which is utter nonsense. Geralt is still the main character. We don't really see Ciri start to become more of a focus until the last two books Tower of Swallows and Lady of the Lake. Season of Storms is more like an optional read that expands on lore. But even then? Geralt never feels like he is sidelined like he is in this abomination of a show. No one gave a shit about Blood Origin which bastardized the lore even futher. And no one will give a rat's ass about the rats spinoff. Enjoy your declining ratings/viewership. You reap what you sow Netflix. "Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between rings of power and the witcher… I’d rather not choose at all.”

Mendes: the witcher without harry cavill is not the same thing. Good luck next season. This was very likely my last season. Harry did an excellent job with the character of Geralt. And when a fan picks up on an actor or actress, my dear, it won't change. Too bad HBO didn't offer a better proposal. You have rotten hands.

MrWatermelonWarrior: I know somebody at Netflix reads these messages and i just want to say you guys ruin everything LIKE ALWAYS!!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU AT LEAST GIVE THIS SERIES A PROPER ENDING

M: Imagine if they just followed the books and even the video games. Think of all the side quests they could of turned into episodes that were pretty much written for them and mixed with the story. They had a gold mine of probably 10+ seasons but they just had to ruin it after the 1st. How disappointing.

Courier68: Henry, you didnt deserve to work with mediocer writters as the showrunner.

ANDY A: Sadly the Witcher ended at season 3. it was good while it lasted

George196207: HOW can they have The Witcher without the only man to be The Witcher Henry Cavill ?

Zigo Rami: Not Netflix, it's not The Witcher. You took the title from the books, using the popularity of books and games, you made a series for morons, using only the title and the names of the characters. And by force you want to convince us that this is a witcher. It has nothing to do with the witcher. Not only that, this series, even as a production not related to books, does not make sense or logic.

RockyD12: What a fking Shitshow.. you guys really messed up.. Thank you Henry Cavill for playing the Witcher

Digital Violence: Why do these shows keep sidelining the main character?

simon dancaster: Hissrich and her deplorables have destroyed The Witcher tv show. And for what? The Witcher books are already “progressive” in nature but subtle, weaving wonderfully fleshed-out characters through supreme dialogue, along epic journeys and captivating confrontations, wrought with visceral consequence and merciless tragedy. All steeped in a mythos gloriously envisioned into a believable world, alien yet recognisable, dark but hopeful, painful and more painful. And laced throughout with a wry wit, cynically optimistic, bittersweet.

Robert Danilo Tecson: Shitty writing and wonder the star left the show.

Inclusive Sound Channel: can't believe this is what i waited 2 years for.

IMBlackkat: This Line Defines Only Henry Cavill "The war is nothing compared to what Geralt will do to protect his daughter". I don't watch season 4. i started to watch it because of Him Not because of Charecter.😭

Anuranjan Ekka: I have just started to watch this series but now I lost interest because Henry is leaving the show..

x: Worst season!!! This show is dead! and you know it

Tar Cheibta: We will miss the best witcher ever Henry cavill 🔥❤

Erwin Ros: I'm no longer a Watcher.

Antony Bennett: Netflix once again grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory. Good grief

Samvrutha: I can't imagine the Witcher without henry🥺

Sara Durisseau: Netflix…. You failed terribly here. You’re failing a lot recently, and I think I’m about ready to get rid of y’all. You’re not worth having for free anymore, let alone having to pay hard earned money.

kiribetio123: Only 3 episode? Like what the f*ck Netflix, you make us wait for 3 f*cking episodes? And one of it is about Ciri walking around a Desert for a whole damn episode? WTF? Even the last episode felt empty nothing memorable about it, flat as f*ck. I hope next season you guys stick with The Witcher and Ciris storyline ONLY cos they're the main characters, the rest are just side characters so focus more on the main characters. The series need more quest between Garelt with Ciri, yenefer, Triss etc, killing monsters or saving the village people or family etc. Apply all the side quest from the game so yous don't run out of ideas, making one full episode about a character doing nothing but walking around the desert 🏜.

Sydney Sheldon: Season3 is consistently stupid & dumb just like season 2. No wonder Henry left the show.

Ankit Negi: Someone please suggest more series like this

Quintin Howell: Bring back Henry!

János Tömegelő: This season has been a huge waste of effort. The Ciri and Yennefer show, guest starring Geralt as the SIMP. Frickin ridiculous. Netflix with it's woke, feminist propaganda is a joke. This is the greatest story of all time and they manage to turn it into a bucket of camel vomit.

VIBES MODE: I didn't find any nail biting moments or scenes in the whole witcher series...Useless series

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