The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Teaser | Netflix

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Paul Miller: Oh, man! Can't wait to not watch this.

Kvapu Janjalia: This is what you get when you put a filthy bruxa in charge of Witcher.

Desmond Marshall: why cant i see the dislike numbers?

Ami Ra: Dear Henry, thank you for your dedication, heart and respect for our Slavic culture and I'm sorry but I won't be watching this season. I can't financially support the destruction of fantasy stories that I truly adore. The Witcher for me, a woman from Poland, means too much. I wish you all the success and better jobs where your enormous talent will be appreciated. Goodbye my Witcher, I hope you will be able to come back one day playing this character, showing what is best in this story... under the direction of people who want to earn money, create entertainment with respect for the original source and not sow propaganda. See you soon (I hope).

Coolmacatrain: This trailer has over 150, 000 down votes!

TheJaniczek: You could just write your own story instead of butchering the source material ... screw you Netflix

sesshomaru2005: geralt to woke netflix : best hope you are a better rider that you are a liar.Wake up see, cant run from the truth...not even on horseback. now who are you? and why'd you attack henry?

Ada Szpilka: Look! How quickly potion start working. He even not swallowed... Is this a new quality from Lauren & her briliant writers? I suscpect it's the omen how quickly the arrogance of Mrs. Schmidt Hissrich (and her companions of the coat of arms "crooked letters") will cause the fall of Netflix Witcher-similar product?

Gustavus Adolphus: f*** you Netflix, and f*** you producers and writers, you killed a GoT potential rival, next time, respect the source material, Henry, you will be missed

Brian Sutherland: Final season. Never forget how Netflix backed show runners and writers in butchering the source material.

brooklyn smith: Wow already on the final season hope they finish sh strong

ScreamtheSecond: This summer, everything changes. Netflix fired Henry, who respected the original story I am truly saddened that it has come to this. S1 impressed me so much and I thought it had a lot of potential. But after finishing S2 I was like wtf is this. Hopefully S3 is going to be at least somewhat loyal to the source material and not be a whole new story. This is the last season I will watch unless the show runners change their ways or get replaced.

Dox: It's like seeing the future, June 29 and July 27 Netflix is about to get their a$$ kicked

Solaria Esoterica: I love the part where Geralt gets a Clydesdale, names it Roach and cracks open and ice cold Bud light.

Dan's Universe: I was born in Poland. Relearned the language. Read the books and played the games. This is not part of the universe. This is a mockery of something I care about.

Poll Mak: ....I still do not recognised anything in this clip that is relevant or related to the best selling books. (are they still not using the source material? )

cristina: is that it? this is the trailer?

Swampy Bogard: Best way to protest it is simply by not watching it and not giving it attention.

Joe Connolly: utter total woke garbage I love sci fi and fantasy but i won't be watching this crap

Adam: Why Lauren Hissrich !? Why Netflix !? 🙁

RocioNicte: Go Woke, get Broke.

Book Reader: will watch the final.season

Culvea Solvere: Respect the source material stop trying to push your political narratives and you'll have no trouble. Continue and you will continue to lose funding from customers!

luis sosa: This makes me so sad! Henry isnthe perfect Geralr 😭😭😭😭

Peter Karlsson: Final season.

Rude Owner: Love Witcher games, Wither books, first season... (Hate CDR for cyberpunk :P ) but what is this s1hit? :D i have FREE netflix from cell raier, and still dosent used it. after watching that... maby its time, for close FREE acount?

LazyJoeBeard: I really hope this flops, you caused one of the best people who could play the main role to leave due to disrespecting the source material, look at how well it worked for rings of power, they can't honestly think its going to be ok after all this backlash, they were hoping this was going to be something special and it is, its the show that wasted the best potential they had, might even be seen as a what not to do example in the future right along with rings of power. As I said, I hope this flops and the writers get fired, they clearly are not cut out for this level of thought process.

Ali G: Meh. Netflix lost the plot.

Rayhan Akash: Lol, Its gonna be so bad. After this I am gonna stop my netflix subscription, WOKE SHIT.

tigerbaby: Netflix you are so screwed.

Anvec: No Shot

RONAN DAX: Netflix... you done F...ed up!!!

錢錢~: 最後一季 且看且珍惜 換角是最錯誤的決定 看完就退訂閱了 可憐阿

sam koreen: MY KING HENRY

Barry: The show was never any good

Russell Troost: Witcher pulled a BudLight on themselves, next woke idea please.

Me Patra: Yessssss I’m so excited

Shazaib Khan: Ahhh Henry 😢 We are seeing you last time Netflix really doesn't deserve you

9 Of 9: Obviously this will be the last season my family watches…

Mungo Jerry: Such a shame that Netflix cancelled the witcher after this season.

Nyzzlesticks: I love it how the Witcher drinks his potion and it grants him teh ability "Based EYES"!!

Legati Legions: Henry is such a great actor a shame he had to work with these directors, i hope and pray we get a 40k series with him at the wheel, it seems hes one of the few people in hollywood who cares for the fans, what they want and not only care about pressing some woke garbage down their throats...

Sean Nathaniel: When Yoda said "You shall not pass!" I felt chills. One of the movies ever made.

TheGholgota: no Henry.. no me..

Donovon Lee: 142K dislikes to 44k likes - almost 3:1 negative ratio. Solely because showrunner Lauren Hissrich lives in her arrogant bubble, thinking she knows better than the fans, most of whom know 10x more of the lore than she does. She oozes this pompous attitude in almost every social media interaction or interview. Single-handedly rewrote and ruined this franchise.

@raw.paints: Not even Cavill could carry this show for me. I Didn't even make it to the end of season 2. Not because it was barely reminescent of the source material, but because everything not coming from the source material was utterly bad written and made no sense

☢ L0NER ☢: 141K dislikes. Keep them coming! Justice for Henry Cavil.

David Nonya: I loved the part where ciri saus to the witcher: Give me the MEAT and give it to me raw1 it was csuck a George RR Tolkienesque qoute! it had me litterally shaking

Michał: I love the part where showmakers decided to wreck European based culture portrayed in the books and instead turned the entire world into NY. It makes a lot of sense since people watch movies and series to see exactly what they see everyday on the streets and not something new and fresh. I'm also very glad that so many slavs worked on the project, it guaranteed that the unique spirit of the story will be transferred to the screen. I'm also delighted that the modern audiences are being addressed, I can't wait to meet them someday.

Jackson Chien: We all know this will be bad. Don't watch this. Don't even hate watch it. Just cancel your Netflix subscription and watch something else. It's not worth it.

Jondoe 297: Crazy how this is the last season

Andres Caicedo: No Henry, no party! it was soo easy to build a great series following the source material but the ego of the producers and writers screwed us all.

David McCaffrey: This trailer really gets me hyped for WH40k

DJ129: The part where the creators said "It's Witch'in time and acted like witches around Cavil and the fans while witch'in all over the screen was amazing." By the way respecting the lore is apparently code for sexism .

TheMysteryRPGguy: Netflix just be smart and cancel the show after season 3. You F*cked up the show so much no one cares anymore the people who still watch only watch for Henry no one is coming back for season 4, and next time hire some good writers and showrunner who actually respect the books.

HIGH CALIBER: Netflix is the bud light of subscriptions services.

Lorien311: Final Season for me

Mmm I'm Mr. Frundles: Not watching past Cavill's last season. Cuz Netflix.

Vander: The last season 💔

Magos 317: Man this larp contest looks worse than Witcher show from Poland.

GeeODee: But my momma told me Cleopatra was black.

Денц Де Бейль: Нахуй вашу шляпу

Sanjit Kumar: Without Henry, Witcher won't be what it's used to be

Francisco Guerra: Final Season!!! Lets goooooooooo

sami ullah ansari: 🔥🔥🔥 waiting

Arisistible: Time to boycott Netflix as well.

Honorable Harbinger: Classic Woke Garbage, 10 seconds of the reason to watch the show (Henry) and 55 seconds of strong independent women (the reason we all couldn't give a damn about this show)

Tomasz Radomski: Onkyo Henry Cavil

Matt W: Yo screw this show without Henry

Spider-Man: Respect the source material.

P R N: No more sceneryism nothingism schizophrenia ect we need paganism period. Worthless today Ppl do all this everything is a illusion even sight crap then sleep and go bot for real due to dream confusion mix. Theres higher power aspect mysterious not higher nothing but even if so it is why we feel pain and differences that in no way is from earth alone that's a complete blank

The Bugle Daily: I like the part where Henry Cavil said screw this, I'm out!

mart9898: Nobody sane is waiting for this after the borefest they called Season 2

Benjamin Redling: On one hand; it looks pretty good from the trailer (bait and switch as normal); and I’d want to watch it to give the show runners hope that they can survive post-Henry, only to see it come crashing down when season 4 craters. On the other; I’d want to support Henry by not watching season 3 to teach Netflix a lesson. Tough one.

Chapter Master Skeeze: I'm not even going to bother with this season. Respect to the showrunners and to Henry, but I'm just bummed out that some new fans of The Witcher didn't get to experience the story we all fell in love with. honestly, read the books they're amazing! 👌

kyle Ke: I already forget the season 1 n 2 !!!

Starlifter: Netflix sabotage its own show by not caring about the source material or the fans. Netflix, Disney and Paramount believe they are to big to fall. So, they keep putting out shows they think would gain them the biggest earnings and move on. Quality is dead and quantity is money! Sad.

Damon Marshall: Not watching because of the horrible showrunners! This show is dead to me

Archon Gaur: Do a reboot, kick woke writters, bring Henry back, hire more slavic people and less tokens.... then i may give a damn

AZ: Be sure this is the next shite.

Alessio Sem: 40k upvote while 140k downvote. The viewers have spoken but Netflix decided to pursue their own agenda. Can't wait to see Cavill in Warhammer series, bye bye "the wokers".

mahdi emami: We should all boycott the show for what they done to the source material

ZSkull: Henryyyy😢

James Jones: Way to ruin a chance at a great show by pushing out Henry. You suck netflix

Filip Hemerka: You could have made such an awesome show. But you just had to Netflix it, didn't you.

Reaper 915: wild hunt wow

Joshua R. Poulson: Bittersweet to see the final season of the Witcher coming up so soon.

TonyBehindTheCamera: Henry was barely in this trailer?

Twin Tom: Wild hunt...yes

Blackwatch Reapers: Just pack it in, you're done the second Cavill is off screen and it's the fault of woke leftist writers.

Alessandro Frioli: That's is not Geralt or the Witcher

Eric Simon: Season 3 the final season.... Atleast for me.

Adi Kaj: Respect your actors, respect the source material, respect your audience. Thank you Henry, you spoke for us all


Saigonese: Netflix make a movie about Aegon, the dragon Balerion and the conquest of the 7 kingdoms.. with the main role of Henry

Dorota: Sooo, you had an ESTABLISHED fan base, that would love to watch a good show, but you had to butcher it with your politics that no one is interested in and crappy writing. When will you wake up Netflix? Go woke go broke.

Avetor UAC: I need watch 1 season and 2 againe)

Dmen05: Hopefully hbo gets a crack at the witcher after season 4 crashes and burns

Ishika Thakur: I am YouTube travelling blog ⛰️ Well this is nic ❤️

Matt Rockall: Wtf I thought they got rid of him for Liam Hemsworth?

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