The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Gabo Casual: "We are Witchers" feels kind of epic

Shery: petition to change the shows name from "the witcher" to "Laurens mid D&D campaign" its more accurate and doesnt inult Sapkowskis work

Shining Sun: I don’t understand why anyone would watch this. This is the season that made Henry quit.

John Doe: I still have hope for the last season of the show. However I am a bit skeptical after the unwatchable blood origin hate fiction monstrosity.

Dori Rana: season 3 is in 2 volumes?

qyzxger: Can someone remember when Gerald ever understood fear? I don't get it. LOL

Wolfin chanel: Imagine casting the perfect actor for your ambitious series, The Witcher. Imagine the expectations of having to live up to the gritty famous novels, the dark and depressing world, and masterpiece video-games. Imagine that exact actor, staying true to the role and bringing so much life to the fictional character Geralt of Rivia that fans poured in from everywhere. Imagine that actor is also very knowledgeable in this fictional world that he knows exactly how to play the character, and with much likability. Imagine that actor delivering one the best on screen adaptions of a fictional character. Imagine that actor getting so much praise and recognition for his role. Imagine that actor wanting to stay true to the source material, because he himself is a loving fan and knows it will be more captivating, entertaining, thrilling, and soulful rather than rewriting entire scripts because "I'm an immature and unprofessional showrunner and what I say goes." Imagine having such a 10/10 actor for your long running series but then you decide that your agenda is more important than the entire series as a whole. Imagine firing or making this perfect actor leave because all he wanted was to stick to source material and be as true to the character as he could be. Imagine replacing that actor, and recasting him in a later season, only to de-rail the series and complicate things for no reason at all. Imagine the series being hot trash with no real identity once the new seasons come out. Imagine all of that. Well you dont have to, because Netflix did it. They're idiots, and they did it.

Vandallo Music: Thank you Henry. Netflix can you finally sell someone else rights?

Tim Mooijenkind: Last season of the Witcher

میر دانش: When you thought nobody is going to more stupid stuff than HBO and GOT producers, then Netflix and their clowns show up 🤦‍♂️😂

Illidan isdead: Nice to see the final season of the witcher

Iain MacDonald: Oh, oh, this looks like Netflix has just turned it into a soap opera like its usual 'original' paint by numbers productions. Please don't let it be so

Niko: Why didnt they titled it „final season“??

Sam grat: So you managed to dig even farther away from the books ? Well, without me. Bye bye

Manjunath Koravar: Anna chalhotra 💕😘💕

martin stein: leider die letzte staffel die ich sehen werde. Witcher ohne Cavill werde ich mir nicht antun

Mojo: I honestly don't get this industry. Henry Cavill wants to be a truth-to-source Superman, more so than his director. He gets sacked. Henry Cavill wants to be book accurate with Geralt, he gets sacked by Netflix. Can people just let him do his thing? Jesus

MajKI: I can't wait for this season ❤

Aram Tapacian: I don't think I can watch season 4 without him

Milch Bubi: It is so frustrating that they take one of the most beautiful stories and rip it to shreads, like someone needed change... your job is to adapt, not to change

gOdspyd: I feel like Netflix is not really doing the justice it needs , feels something is lacking.

christopher vitale: so crazy and sad that this is the sieres finale.

Furkan Karaaslan: Henry's last season is also our last season. Do you hear us netflix?

Krork: Netflix destroyed a great series by choosing the woke writers over the perfect actor for the lead role and sticking to the lore. they rather virtue signal then produce good content. and they will pay for it. and they will blame the fans.

mkfan: What a misery. It looks like some kind of parody of The Witcher. Jenny from Pakistan in clothes from H&M even wins over a tired Karen. And homo Jakskier... xD

smite 23: It will not be the same without Cavill.

Sam: Ah, the last season of The Witcher is here...

polsenq: ruined

Finsanity: Only IF the series was not written by retards who wanted to make their own shit. How hard was it to follow the books? Cavill is such an awesome Geralt and the turds ruined it by making up their own, stupid, stories...

Tobore Wanogho: The confidence to recast a Henry Cahill role needs to be applauded

ALL HERE: I want him to be superman in all further DC Movies. Who else want the same..

0limebox0: So he still in for s3?

MG: Wake up Netflix If you remove Henry this show will be doomed similar to what happened to Altered Carbon

Rhena: The best TV series in the world! It's a pity that Henry is leaving, but I will watch until the end! Please Netflix don't listen to haters, go to the end! Make sure that the next seasons are no worse! Sam Wolf as Rience is GOOD, Anya Chalotra is incomparable, the Indian atmosphere is BEAUTIFUL. Arethusa, monsters, absolutely everything is FINE! Mayanna Behring is beautiful, especially the hairstyle, the ball is very beautiful, Terika Wilson-Reed in the role of Sabrina is GOOD. Freya in the role of Ciri looks GREAT, Joey Batey is WONDERFUL, Mahesh Jadu too, absolutely everything is FINE. Thank you Netflix! Thank you actors! Thank you all!

Julez: fire the writers, bring back henry!!

Schabik1990: Netflix, I as The Witcher fan won't forgive that You f***ed up this tv show that much so Henry Cavill resignated from the role of Geralt... You are done for...

Deithwen: Henry Cavill you're the only reason I'm watching this piece of shit 😢

Kotenka mister Cat: Новая порция ховна. Стыдно, товарищи.

Keith Povec: One, this will be the last season I watch. It was a mistake for you guys to replace Henry. And “volumes “ are also quite irritating.

Mark Christian Estacio: This is the last Witcher, I guess.

K A: I love the part where Henry is about to die and his replacement comes in to save him shouting, "I am the Wencher"

Geolangsat Narzary: Don't watch once Henry is done. Show lost meaning. Might as well call it "Wanna be Witcher" not "The Witcher".... "A Witcher" maybe..

Gar Gantuan: SJW's and the woke mob just want to use this show as a conduit for real life left wing political agenda, screw that. Also, the girl who plays as Yennefer doesn't look like Yennefer from the game or books, it breaks immersion.

Allan: Looks like it'll be a pretty good final season.

Mars Mech: witcher the last season

Neet Shah: Netflix, why?

iBlood360: That rolling monster could be a shaelmar

eundan0491: I’m a huge fan of the Witcher’s video games and I really hated the unnecessary changes they made in the series, but Henry Cavill’s performance as Geralt and his respect and passion for the lore was the only thing that kept me watching it. I doubt another actor can do the character as much justice as Henry did. What a dumb move Netflix.

Elisabeth kumje: I want more of yennifer in this season

CaptainRono: Its nice that we have a heads up that this will be the final season of The Witcher (I'll watch). Will do my best to enjoy every moment of Henry

Default_shape: Why this trailer has more dislikes than likes...😂

Johnny Bigg: Who else is looking forward to there final season?


Snowhole Outdoors: No Henry, no Witcher. You can stuff your show elsewhere. Preferably next on the shelf "Cleopatra" in the archive "we f*cked up". Do better, or face the consequences.

Jonathan: Yesssss!!!!! I was scared we weren't gonna get another season to this. I wish we could get more! And Jupiter's Legacy too!

ApolloGodzAU: cant wait to pirate this

ThomeTeque: Fanfics are better looking. This is like bollywood in its infancy 🤣

TEN_Smudge: This show has been very Mid. I feel like HBO could of done it more Justice

Laurynas Vilys: Last season of the Witcher... Shame the series didn't last longer...

Chris Burt: LAST SEASON BABY! It was good while it lasted.

smt333: Final season

Dino Vazquez: the final season.

Shrey: If I was the CEO of Netflix, I'd have attached myself around Henry's leg and let myself get dragged to death before I'd let him quit as Geralt of Rivia. HOW DOES ANYONE LET HIM GO IS BEYOND ME

Jeremy: Thats too bad there is only 1 season of the Witcher left.

JRW3: Im not sure if he's a better Witcher or Superman,too bad he's neither anymore

Daniel Watson: Final season of the witcher.

Amocoru: Without respect we reject. Henry is The Witcher. No one else will ever be Geralt.

Ken: Byebye witcher after season 3 🎉

Dalibor Panic: This is the last season

Luke Johnson: Final season of the Witcher

Hedge Huug: Oh look it's the thing that drove Cavill away. Sooo exciting

Srikanth Rajani: Please upload session 2 Telugu version

Puncea: so I don't get this... is Henry still the witcher for this season? I'm not really up to speed with the news. I thought Liam Hemsworth was spouse to replace him.

nick de Clercq: How is it that the Witcher series is not about the Witcher?

Srpska IT učionica: That moment when Ciri blocks sword attack in the same manner Geralt did :D

nishkarsh sharma: the game is the reason why i am watching this show

Zooasnunch_sith: he its a shame i wonder if netflix is going to use deep fake ai to put his face on William Hemsworth lol

Николай Иванов: почему пишут кавилла не будет? если в видеоролике он есть.. или в следущем сезоне его не будет?

Alexander Wallin: Finally! We get to see the trailer for the last season!

Sarthak: NETFLIX is greedy and does not care about the fans/people. They take dumb decisions keeping money as their goal @Netflix

Jeffery Cervantes: I thought they replaced his role for this character???

Bone Thugs: If you read this; Say "SubhanAllah" 33x Say "Alhamdulillah" 33x Say "Allahu akbar" 34x May Allah reward you.

Wolfgang Kern: Henry is Geralt. Hope this season will finally live up to the potential.

Brandon Manley: Netflix, you've let greed get the best of ya. Glad I said my goodbyes to you months ago.

Ruhul Amin Rahad: I'm waiting for this web series so long 🎉

alexia mitchell: Even though he is leaving The Witcher I can't wait to see this!😃😀😄😁💖💞❣

phenring: No Witcher without Cavill

Igor Pasaric: RIP Witcher Shame Netflix decided to make a shit show instead of a good one. Henry did what he could, but you cant cure incompetent.

TheBurakShow Reactions: We ALL gonna boycott this show when Henry is gone. Not because I have smth against the guy who gonna replace him but because I have smth against the way this is happening. Henry getting literally fired because he wants to stick to the source material and Netflix doesnt want that. Absolutely trash idea by netflix. WE ALL HAVE TO STAND UP FOR PROTECT OUR GUY AND BOYCOTT THE DAMN SHOW

Fabio Bittar: I'll be watching for completeness' sake, but once he's out, I'm not sticking around either. Nothing personal against Liam, but this project is doomed and second season was already painful to watch.

Alex J. A.: This series is the proof that Netflix doesn't give a shit about it's audience. Literally everyone in the comments is against Henry leaving, they didn't want to do it the proper way and they are still going to sink their ship just because they won't listen to audience and support Henry. For the lack of them listening and their arrogance, Henry left. And I hope this series goes to the junkyard right after he leaves.

Ash Benamti: Sadly the witcher fans are learning what got fans did

Tianli Bi: Before the show is shot I prefer Mads Mikkelsen to be Geralt, but I admire Henry Cavill's acting and effort. I will quit watching next season that doesn't have him.

GailForce: Stop whining and give it a shot you adult babies.

Lwok Lidfr: the title should be "The Last Henry Cavill's Witcher"..

Huang Laughing: We are witchers!

Rico Teo: they know this boutta be the last succesful season they got with cavill so they gonna milk it

Brick: The best The Witcher can hope for is go out like Spartacus did. When Andy Whitfield passed, the show was never the same and that's not a knock on Liam McIntyre because he did a great job playing Spartacus. But the audience did not respond to him like we did Andy and Netflix will find out that Liam Hemsworth is NOT our Witcher.

Hannah: This will be the last season for me, it's gonna be a dumpster fire without Cavill

Andy Tha Rapper: They should have gotten ride of the writers. Not Henry.

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