My Reaction to The Witcher Season 2 Trailer on Netflix

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xLetalis: In preparation for my next video I rewatched WitcherCon and I noticed that outside of the trailer they show a shot of Yennefer wearing a green-ish dress, so ultimately it could also be her hand that we see in the trailer, here's a picture of it:

Yowlow lowyow: I need sarcastic lambert and ourglass figure ezikel

Onur Özdemir: indian yennefer is real 😳😳😳😳 bruh beuh

Scott Gower: I will always try to stay optimistic, but from the delivery of that first line, I admit I'm worried. "So... I'm your Destiny?" was delivered in a disbelieving manner (by showrunner design). At this point Ciri was really stoked how she and Geralt were destined to be together. She was terrified when they got to Kaer Mohren (so they got that part right) but after a short time skip we see Ciri is committed to her training and has an established familial bond with all the Wolf-Witchers. Ciri REALLY wanted to be a Witcher, but you see her handed the practice sword and she looks at it like "Ugh! You expect me to fight?"

Anthony Gordon: I just want Witcher 4 or A new Expansion. No one wants a remastered version of Witcher 3 just for a pointless cash grab. Witcher 3 on PC holds up just fine.

Jim JamJams: Just happy enough for one second in the trailer, Lambert being a prick just as he is.

itselaaai: Please make a video on your thoughts about the new Netflix animated Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf!

Luka Rogava: Triss is not quit good tho

Shutdown TV: 3:50 i see what u did :D

astrojeet: I dunno man. I'm more interested in the animated series.

Ross Elthewa: Triss hair burned at end of season 1 , since sorceress are known to alter their looks in witcher universe , triss may have changed her look. If yennefer can loose her humpback then coloring hairs shouldn't be too difficult.

Cupapet93: you forgot about vesemir

TheFlashpoint1985: Kaer Morhen was the wolfs school for Witchers right? Maybe those extra guys in the scene were temporary students?!

Coath: Hey awesome video, however i think that 1:04 is Mousesack.. following this theory, Geralt says "World is changing, Cintra isnt safe for you anymore." Which would make sense in retrospective, considering they found a dead mousesack.. Its a bit weird, that Ciri actually returns to Cintra, but.. Its ok i guess.

Hasan Skafi: Can't wait for the Next-Gen Witcher 3 Update to replay again for maybe the 15th playthrough. Amazing how this game draw you to it even after finishing it couple of times. ( @xLetalis they should have invited you to WitcherCON it would have been so amazing) Love your content ❤🌹

Tabitha K: The green dress looks a lot like Pavetta's from season 1. It could be a dream that Geralt sees her. Or maybe a flashback to Pavetta and emhyr.

Lior Beres: Also, I find it very weird that the Vereena story takes such a big place in the trailer. And about Ciri being practically already a woman in Kaer Morhen... No idea how they're gonna go from there for her entire process of growing up and shaping her life experiences as a teenager during future books. Just sad.

Lior Beres: I would totally watch a 20 minute rant video about what they did to Sword of Destiny

Zigor Campos: It’s such a bad adaptation its not even funny. The director is spectacularly stupid

Zigor Campos: The casting is atrocious

Red Dragon Emperor: I had the same reaction when I saw Vereena. Her story was short but good. Also december 17th is my bday, so thx for the present Geralt.

Savatar: I hope it's better than last season with good improvements and look forward to watch your missed details of the show :D

Moh Said: i just finished the game and it's itself a whole movie, now i discover this video about the series they are making and it sounds disppointing when i compare the experience i had with the game

Seraffim: Last season was terrible compared to the books and the games, but it's a decent show if you pretend like it's a completely new thing, since the characters completely miss their base character traits (even Geralt, while played really well by Cavill, is just written in a way that does no justice to the original character). I really hope the game is stepped up in this season... but it's a futile hope, most likely.

WarDeN- GG: how many times you sold ciri ???? just asking you know...

nads tengco: called it.. the red hair with green dress is Shani no doubt.. lol

Shaw Brick Productions: So the tree with the Witcher medallions scene is probably were Ciri is having her dreams. In the Sword of Destiny book Geralt’s medallion vibrates when Ciri has a vision about the road ahead and the danger that lay upon it.

Edmund YH Ee: i didnt like season 1.. and i doubt i will like season 2. the game has left too much of an impression in me. triss ciri even's version is much prettier. maybe netflix is on a budget..but well

C Sch: *... And you? Aren't you supposed to be a Monster Hunter? You've become more of a Treasure Hunter lately*

Нармин Мир: I’m actually really happy they included the witcher 3 swords ⚔️ I’d love to see more unique designs from the game in the series, including weapons and armor.

Nikoslav: That's not Coen

Ginger Baker: I bought a ps4 for Witcher3.. i might as well buy a ps5 for Witcher3

mikeboix: Really? Nobody is gonna mention the fact that they changed Ciri's eyebrows color making her look much older now?

CJ Producer: Is season 2 going to be the same story as Witcher 3 wild hunt can someone please tell me 😭😭😭

Black Wolf: Maybe the show it's kinda rushed and complicated but I'm ready to see uncle Vesemir ^_^

Brandon Johnson: I am going to wait for the polish version.

Bartu Kula: I hope to God it's a good season. I'm not holding my breath after S1 though.

Emile Vinesh: I like that they updated the looks for the characters. Especially Ciri's look is way better with her black eyebrows.

Donald Tusk: Are they going to keep the rats as rapey

Lumatic: You should do a breakdown of the yennifer trailer that has more of fringilla and Francesca and some person in a red hood

Nameless Drake: 4:08 This caught me off guard 🤣

Deepak Joshia: Can u please tell me who is the women in inside of the training (dummy) in the opening scene of witcher 3?

Rohan Mobarrat: ive heard that they gonna release new dlcs for the witcher 3 inspired buy netflix

Shubham Bhatt: Just can't wait to see the trio of geralt, Lambert and eskel

Abhay Sharma: When i first saw the redhead i thought that was oriana but there's no way she meets ciri or come this early into productions

Martin GC: Leshen at Kaer Morhen? Netflix must have discovered console commands

Chango WoWoWoezzy: Im sorry for fans of the show but as a person who plays the wild hunt daily, I think they really messed up not goimg more with the recognisable characters and elements in the game. I think the show honestly sucks and thats a shame

Heart Star: Remember this is the teaser. Not the main trailer

TheSparlimb: My guess on the Triss romance is they can easily do a flashback. Geralt and Ciri get to Kaer Morhen and he flashes back to when Triss was there and the oaken bed. If they want to really have fun, they could do it just as Yennefer finds a red hair in the bed...

Chris Bennett: I can't wait. Some of the casting made me dubious before season one, but man I was proven wrong.

Getae: there wont be a love triangle in the series, it would make no sense, maybe a few flings but that would be it, the plot automatically demands geralt and yen together, even if untill then they both get some from others

David David 19: I will definitely watch the second season of The Witcher, but I don't look forward to it...

David David 19: First season trailer: 30% Yenn, 60% Geralt. 8 episodes of first season : 60 % Yenn, 10 % Geralt. Second season trailer: almost 0% of Yenn, 80% Geralt. Second season of Witcher: Geralt: hopefully more than 10%, Yenn : I almost dont care after first season.

Lazar Slovic: I think all theories about the second season and show in general should be kept humble, so to say. It was said before season 1 and repeated during Witchercon, that the games, books and the TV show are three separate entities, saying that some event happens earlier, later, or not at all in the books has no correlation to the show, and shouldn't be seen as a mistake.

Otropiwik: In fact the woman we see with Cirilla is the prostitute from season 1. I had heard a rumor that there were going to be women in Kaer Mohren a few weeks ago.

M G: I don't have hopes for this season after watching that trailer, looks too crammed to be fit into 8 episodes. Considering they are trying to put some missing storyline from season 1 when they filled it up with useless political nonsense and hired a friend for a writer who "glossed" over the books for that episode.

Captain-Axeman: Removing Triss red hair was one of the worst changes that Netflix made.

Cosmic: While I am terribly excited for Witcher S2...I do feel like if they go with their 8-episode thing, then they are possibly trying to cover more than what should be done. Like, multiple short stories AND Blood of Elves? Seems a bit too much for one season. Plus, new character arcs, people, and some other original characters...they have a LOT on their table. Nevertheless, I am still quite excited to see how it turns out...

Andere Noor: Me watching your videos like😎 knowing everything about the Witcher games and books 🤓

Game Raptor 171: Yes ciri had troubles with her dreams in kaer morhen So triss called in yeneffer And they went back to that nanneke's church

FilthyGoose: What you mean one of Vereena's victims? It looks to me that it's dead Mousesack, so that means they are walking through Cintra after it was pillaged

Peter Paul Chato: Can hardly wait.

Witcher Seb: Impossible, you didn't comment on how Nivellen (probably accidentally) lit up that candle

Golden Eagle Studio: WTF, Netflix? Why isn't Geralt a black lesbian woman? Moar diversity!!!

Jo: This season gonna be rushed, they are adding lots of stuff in just 8 episodes, from the grain of truth to shards of ice, to kaer morhen, there is even an episode for the female demon similar to guaunter o dim, dear friend episode could be the msg yen sent to geralt while he is on the boat to oxenfurt, the wild hunt appear, and the whole yenefer being captured with the elf, fransesca and fringila, after the battle of sodden, the leshen and last episode top secret could possibly be thanedd

Katschaba: Yes, I was waiting for your thoughts on the trailer after I watched it and you didn't disappoint And I have to say I was surprised too, when I noticed that Yen isn't much in the trailer (when I took into account how much the first season was focused on her). And I also thought that the begining with Geralt and Ciri, where he says that she is "much more than that" felt pretty hollow... And I actually had trouble recognizing Ciri Or I knew it is Ciri as the character but I kinda couldn't recognize the actress and thought they actually recast the role. Because she kinda seems different to me, but I guess she is just older And I liked that it seems Jaskier/Dandelion is wearing more colours similar to his game outfit, he looked nice (or at least I think it was him) And I am interested in all the people that are in Kaer Morhen and what happenes there, but I really hope they won't kill Eskel or Lambert, if they do I will be pretty pissed.

xrysostomos Kioymoyrtzhs: As always selling ciri in the end 👌

Danterik: Btw xLetalis, theres a Witcher anime thats completely fresh, the trailer came out a while ago, anime comes out at the end of August IM ACTUALLY MORE EXCITED FOR THAT THAN THIS SERIES

Ákos Orosz: I expected to see Philippa in action, such a shame. I will reserve my judgement for the choice of actress until I actually see her.From the photos she looked alright(not strikingly similar but bears some resemblance to how I imagined her to look like and I might even see some similarities to the W3 Philippa.) Also I am glad the Wild Hunt is saved for a surprise.

Jane Shepard: I have a feeling that this season will end with Geralt getting impaled by a pitchfork from the back.

Phoenix J: 3:58 The woman i the middle is the same woman geralt slept with in season 2 of the witcher. Its funny and ironic how you call her "priestess" which is the opposite of her profession XD

Gil Galad: Omg this was Triss Triss? Terrible casting choice

Mike A: Eskel doesn't due no rumors were ever spread about plz don't make stuff up for a sake of the video I always watch your videos but this time u had terrible takes and it seems like ur being negative on purpose

the gaming LORD: I think this season is gonna be a more of a shit show more than season 1 and will get all the story in a blender and throw it everywhere.

the gaming LORD: 7:11 think this is what geralt sees in his dreams everyday after he tried romancing both yen and triss XD.

To The Moon: With Triss part you can see brown hair a bit. Green dress is a first hint then hair. So yes Triss and Geralt romance might be a thing in second season.

Sharkbait Oh ah ah: I remember there being leaks about 'sex workers at Kaer Morhen', I hope it's not true but I think the scene with Ciri and the women is of said sex workers at Kaer Morhen.

Brown: Maybe Ciri’s dreaming in the trailer is actually nightmares, perhaps the ones she has of Cahir in the books.

Serj IR: Imagine if the Witcher show was actually quality....what an amazing world that would have been

thatcher 2000: You can, I think, bring the scenes in order by Ciris clothes. After the first Tessaia pic you can see Ciri in her old clothes with her "younger face". That's why I think there will be a time jump of months in ep. 1, after that she looks more mature, before ariving at Nivellen's. There Ciri wears fur and dark clothes. At Nivellen's she seems to get a white dress, wearing that until Kaer Morhen. After that she prefers a greenish leather? outfit.

Rabel: I still hate what they did with Triss. Don't understand me wrong, the actress is probably great, and I have nothing against her, but she isn't Triss. That is so sad :(

MajorMoron: If they try to implement all the short stories that take place before the main story into that, it's prbly gonna be mess

Tom Gill: You're the best dude, much love ❤

Batt0usai377: All these happened and yet no Witcher 1 remake news. My disappointment is immeasurable and my year is ruined.

dagelijks te laten videos: Personally the worst thing about the show is the cast, except for Henry Cavill of course....

Subaha Oraon: Many will be pissed if they kill DEAR Eskel just after his appearance.... We want him for more than one season atleast

sameea amanat: I think we’ll be getting another trailer

Raphael Tampieri: When I watched the first season of The Witcher, I was deeply grateful that Amazon was responsible for making a Lord of the Rings series, not Netflix

R Mark: I still don't know why we need Fringilla. It's good to see more witchers but are they going to develop these characters?

Sylvia Li: kinda can’t accept the racial diversity in the show, I want them to be closer to the characters written by Sapkowski. Very much like abruptly introducing Asian in American movies… I mean those little things just ruined the whole setting and I got distracted a LOT🥲🥲🥲

Racernator De: 1:41 That seemed obvious to me. Ciri having nightmares of Cahir? 5:37 Also, that shot of Ciri is freaking amazing. Soooo, lots of stuff seems to be made better in season two. And while I was never sure weither I should even bother to watch the second season, it seems like they have reacted to several points of feedback and I am willing to give them a second chance. They won't be able to fix what they did wrong in the first season and now they have to deal with a lot of the mess they have created previously. There still seem to be very strange things going on, but at least "A grain of truth" looks very, very promising and there isn't a wholelot to complain about Kaer Morhen either. What really irritates me though is, where the season is going to end. The temple of Melitele is pretty much confirmed, so we will Ciri training there. But we still got the wild hunt, so I guess they are setting everything up for Thanedd in the third season. High chance for a potential life action Leshen? I mean, gimme that! And another note that has been bothering me of late again: It is embarassing, disgusting and pathetic how many witcher fans are there that are brainlessly bashing, hating and insulting people and stuff around the show. There is no doubt that they deserve critism for many things, but you'd think they would have paid attention to their own franchise and understood its basics about real monster, racism and more...

King of Ruby: I am really waiting for season three, because i love the whole rats storyline, and Leo Bonhart is such a cool villian. I hope Netflix doesn’t screw this up

KuraiKya: I love her scram „yennfer“ it sound so hurt, so desperate. I love it. I still can’t watch the episode where yen buried the child 😭😭😭

Tyler Kobold: The trailer is probably just the first three episodes by itself. Most of the footage shown can be put in the first three with a lot of the footage coming from a grain of truth.

Christopher Arendt: I think they changed Triss' hair when people would not stop complaining.

jiri print: Don't know how you guys, BUT I'm just tired of being disappointed every episode that i watched in s1... thinking of passing this s2 by...

I may have a small penis but,: I don’t want to be a pessimist, but I can’t lie, it looks pretty bad. I mean it’s still much too earlier to tell, but it looks like they aren’t learning from their mistakes at all, and decided to further differ the show from the books.

Audrey: But for real tho i wanna see the live action of ciri battling white frost, or maybe the battle of kaer morhen

Mete Kırımlılar: TV series does not exist for me, at least yet, they did lots of really weird and unnesesery stuff in the first season i decided that it was not canon and it is not witcher, lets see if they will make up for the mistakes they made in first season.

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