OUTLANDER Season 7 Episode 6 Ending Explained

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BrainPilot: What did you think of Outlander Season 7 Episode 6? Comment your thoughts below!

shinnam: Interesting how they are straying from the books. Just to remind people: Buck McKenzie is Rodger's direct ancestor. In the books the first time Rodger went through the stones he went to WWII. I hope that they keep to the plot in the next book. I hope David Bary will be available for the big plot twists.

Wild & Waning: This is the first episode that had any kinda "teeth" at all and the fact that we won't get the other 8 episodes until 2024 is more than taking the audience for granted...ijs.

John Breymann: They sure took artistic license on what Ticonderoga looked like. Wow. But it would have been better if they used CG to show the fort? Then only have sets within that CG? Guessing William is in the 21st British Regiment? Royal regiment. Blue facings. cuff and collar?

Anie *: It wasn't slow at all. A lot happened.

Anie *: I don't think Rob Cameron is interested in Bree. Also, I don't think he's a sleezebag, but there is something going on with him. I think he made us believe it was just a prank, when he locked Brianna in the dam: But then episode 6 made me believe he really just wanted Brianna to find the portal. I think he's a key person in connecting the past with the future. Perhaps he's a time traveler too, or something else completely different. Also, you didn't say anything about the guy at the end that Roger hit, which was very important. And, we're going to find out more about little Jemmy's special attributes, I think.

Lia Lady: Thank you for clearing up some questions I had after watching this episode. I was almost frantic because I didn’t know where to turn to talk about it. I to believe that •Mr. Cameron is up to no good. • It was nice to have some build up context before the battle is fought in the Americas. • I think Williams going to find himself in a bit of confusion when it comes to fighting against his own father. I truly believe that he knows Jamie Fraser is his father. • Somebody made a comment about Claire or Jamie always being captured somehow. I find it funny because this is true. •Can Ian just get on already and tell that nice lady that he likes her? •It is very sad that Walter passed away. I agree with one of the previous comments. • Isn’t the McKenzie from the past played by actor who played Doggal McKenzie (I’m sure I miss spelled his name) I’m sure I have a lot more questions. I just cannot think of them right now.

Amanda Pratt: Is that guy Gaelis's ex she left?

Tatiane Tofoli Silva: This was the best episode of season 7 so far. So much has happened. I love Outlander. Can't wait for episode 7🤩

Adrian Sean: WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYY is Rollo 🐺 still alive? He should be like 12-15 years old by this point. Most big dogs die around 10. ✨ 🪨 And Buck Mackenzie has to be there for a reason. I figured he could time travel because his bio mom Geillis could. But we already know from Brianna, Roger and Wendigo if you still have work to do in a certain time you will not travel. Buck is there for a purpose.

Danimal: Claire gets captured for the 200th time! I swear almost every episode either Claire or Jamie get captured, the one has to go and save the other.

Imran Khan PTI Fans: The story is getting interesting in the modern world while the 18th century is getting boring.

Leslie Ryan: Rob Cameron is all that you think he is - read the book.

CC X: It doesn't make since for William not to know John is his uncle. How does he think be became an Earl?

Lily Mack: LOVED thi sepisode. Can't say I agree with it being slow. IMO,a lot happened, while moving all parties toward a "precipice". I was SO sad when Walter died;poor guy Such a sweet man. I read somwhere that more soldiers died of infection & complications than on the battlefield.

Shannon G: I see a connection between Rob Cameron and Aunt Jacosta. Because wasn't she married to a Cameron..in season 5 they called her Mistress Cameron......I think he could be looking for the Gold???

mycoshe: If Lord John and Jaime had a baby together it would be William. In a kind of round about way they do have a kid together. It's amazing how much William embodies them both.

jgrafx: I suspect that Rob Cameron has ulterior motives of misusing time travel to achieve some other goal. Maybe he is one of the ones in obsessive search of the legendary lost French gold. I will be intrigued to see how Buck MacKenzie suddenly has appeared in the future. Is he here to finish the Season 5 job of killing Roger, or is he also in search of that French gold for different purposes?

betty maugeri: Good recap!

mrsnatadair: I felt so sad for Walter.

Kate S: Who was Buck Mackenzie? I forgot what he did with Roger

ZanyProductionz: You realize you don't actually explain the ending, right? This is a recap.

RF: I didn’t get the vibes that Rob was interested in Bree, but interested in Rodger. Or just interested in getting into their house for more info on time travel.

Amy: So far best episode of season 7. Rodger scenes were very interesting. Jamie was central in every move and word + the intimate conversation between Jamie & Claire was a beautiful scene... Looking toward next episode... must say do not have the heart to see Jamie get a raw deal - but the story is epic...so it goes hand in hand...😥

peggy bachler: I thought Graham McTavish played Buck McKenzie? That was NOT GM.

nicocba2007: why the sound of broken glasses at the end of each video? so weird and annoying

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